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Assignment 3

Shubham Katoch

PRN 1921141112

Covid 19 treatments that you have confronted

Number of documents 5

no specific treatment. it is done based on symptoms appeared

No specific treatment as such. People with mild symptoms are cured with help of antibiotics and
drinking lots of hot water. At the end of day prevention is better than cure.

Nothing much just to follow some precautionary steps like wearing a mask and maintaining
physical distance from people when outdoors.

Not confronted any treatments directly, but aware that patients are kept under observations
while monitoring and administering medicines to aid the healing process.

the treatment is done based on symptoms appeared and no specific treatment.

Total No. of Terms: 47

Words Doc 1 Doc 2 Doc 3 Doc 4 Doc 5 Total
No 1 1 1 3
Specific 1 1 1 3
Treatment 1 1 1 1 4
It 1 1
Done 1 1 2
Based 1 1 2
Symptoms 1 1 1 3
Appeared 1 1 2
People 1 1
mild 1 1
cured 2 2
antibiotics 1 1
drinking 1 1
lots 1 1
water 1 1
End 1 1
day 1 1
prevention 1 1
better 1 1
than 1 1
Nothing 1 1
much 1 1
just 1 1
follow 1 1
precautionary 1 1
steps 1 1
wearing 1 1
mask 1 1
maintaining 1 1
physical 1 1
distance 1 1
outdoors 1 1
Not 1 1
confronted 1 1 2
directly 1 1
aware 1 1
patients 1 1
kept 1 1
under 1 1
observations 1 1
monitoring 1 1
administrating 1 1
medicines 1 1
aid 1 1
healing 1 1

CORPUS: Treatment, No, Specific, Symptoms, It, Based, Done

Document Matrix

Words Frequency

Treatment 4

No 3

Specific 3

Symptoms 3
It 2

Based 2

Done 2

Write up

From the above matrix we can comment on Covid 19 treatments that you have confronted

That treatment is done based on the symptoms shown by the patient and then the treatment is

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