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August 1-5, 2016

Week 8 Meeting 1
I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the period, the students should be able to:
D – identify the scriptural image of the Church as People of God and its mission.
M – give ways by which they can help the Church in living up to this images as the new People of
W – thank God for the gift of unity and solidarity amidst great diversities among humanity and ask
for His help in living up to this image of the Church through a prayer.

Core Value: Sense of Mission: actively involves herself in building communities where respect for
life, justice, and peace are upheld, exemplifies Christian Leadership when given opportunities to
lead, volunteers herself where help is needed in carrying out school tasks and activities; Unity:
fosters life-giving relationships through her cooperation and co-responsibility when working as a

II. SUBJECT MATTER: The Biblical Images of the Church - Church as the People of God
Materials: LED, laptop
References: Catechism for the Filipino Catholics, Syllabus, CFC, Afire with Gratitude; People’s
Journey with God, pp. 96-98; The Church and the Sacraments pp. 33-36, The Church on the Move

Multi-dimensionality: AP– Foundation of Great Civilizations/; History of the Philippine Culture and
Tradition; Science – Evolution of Man


a. Motivation: Game
- Present pictures of modern-day break-ups within or outside the Catholic Church.
- What do you feel looking at these pictures?
- Why is it that we still experience this great division among the human race?
- What do you think is lacking in us?
- How can you help in solving these issues?
- How does the Catholic Church challenge the people from all walks of life to not cause
further division among its members?

b. Development of the Lesson

- What is the Catholic Church? How does Scripture picture the Church?
- How is the Church the new “People of God”?
- How can you help in realizing this scriptural image of the Church in our present-day society?
- What does this image suggest to you about the nature of the Church?

c. Synthesis
- The Church in Christian usage: the entire community of God’s people around the world, the
local community, which is a diocese or archdiocese, the community assembled for liturgy,
especially for the Mass.
- The Catholic Church uses the biblical image of the Church as People of God to indicates its
missionary dimension that involves the entire human race.
- The image is rooted in the Old Testament covenants, where God accompanies and loves
the Israelites: the New Covenant, sealed in the Lord’s blood, invites all people everywhere
to unite.
- God saves us not merely as individual, but by calling us into a single people brought into
unity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and united in faith..
- The people of God participate in Christ’s three-fold office: priest, prophet, king
- The term “people of God” also emphasizes the great diversity of members of the one
- The Church as the People of God has different characteristics:
 Head is Christ the Lord
 Unifying soul is the indwelling Spirit
 Members are those who believe in Christ and are reborn through water and the
Spirit in Baptism
 Structure is Christ-instituted hierarchy of apostles and their successors, the
Bishops, with the Roman Pontiff as head;
 Law is Christ’s new commandment of Love
 Mission is loving service of neighbor and
 Final destiny is sharing in the perfect community of Love, Father, Risen Incarnate
Son, and Spirit.
- God calls the Church into existence, forming a community of faith, hope, and love centered
in Christ.

d. Application
- In 1 whole pad, give at least 3 examples of current events or local situations in which a
particular group has claimed the right to be separate in its way of life. To what degree do
you think the Church, this school, or the community in which you live measures up to this
image? Explain.

Week 8 Meeting 2

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the period, the students should be able to:
D – identify the scriptural image of the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ and its mission.
M – enumerate ways by which they can help the Church in living up to this images as the Mystical
Body of Christ.
W –. Thank God for the gift of authentic diversity and ask God for the harmonious relationship of all
members of the Church through as seen in their active participation to the Eucharist.

Core Value: Sense of Mission: actively involves herself in building communities where respect for
life, justice, and peace are upheld, exemplifies Christian Leadership when given opportunities to
lead, volunteers herself where help is needed in carrying out school tasks and activities; Unity:
fosters life-giving relationships through her cooperation and co-responsibility when working as a


Materials: LED, laptop
References: Catechism for the Filipino Catholics, Syllabus, CFC, Afire with Gratitude; People’s
Journey with God, pp. 96-98; The Church and the Sacraments pp. 33-36, The Church on the Move

Multi-dimensionality: AP– Foundation of Great Civilizations/; History of the Philippine Culture and
Tradition; Science – Evolution of Man/Different Body Parts and their specific roles


a. Motivation
- Short video clip about connection.
- How do you understand the video? What makes us connected with one another?
- How do you relate this video to this image?
- Why is it important to connect with people? Explain.

b. Development of the Lesson

- How does Scripture picture the Church?
- How is the Church the Mystical Body of Christ?
- How can you help in realizing this scriptural image of the Church in our present-day
- What does this image suggest to you about the nature of the Church?
- What conditions are necessary in order that a person be a member of the Mystical Body
in the full sense?
- How does a baptized person separate himself from full incorporation in the Mystical Body?
- What do we mean of the Catholic Church as a mystery?

c. Synthesis
- The Church is the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ. Her head is Jesus, her soul is the Holy
Spirit; her members are the Catholic faithful, her life is Grace. “Just as human body has one
head, so does the Church have one head who is Christ. The Pope is His Vicar, the visible
head of the Church.
- The Church is a real, living body whose members are formed into Baptism into the likeness
of Christ, fed in the Eucharist with the very life of Christ their head, and animated and unified
by his Spirit as its soul.
- In order that a person be a member of the Mystical Body in the full sense, it is necessary
that he/she be baptized, that he profess the Catholic faith, and that he neither separate
himself from the Mystical Body nor be excluded by lawful authority.
- A baptized person separates himself from full incorporation in the Mystical Body by apostasy
when he openly rejects the entire Christian faith.
- “Christ body” ca mean: a) his physical body while he was on earth; b) his Eucharistic body,
by which his glorified body/Person is sacramentally present to us and; c) Mystical body of
the Church formed by all his disciples, united to him as Head and sharing his very life
through his Spirit in the visible society governed by the successors of the apostles.
- Vatican II meant that the Church is a divine, transcendent and salvific reality, and is visibly
present among men.

d. Application
- What does this image or symbol suggest to you about the nature of the Church?
- If Saint Paul’s image of the Church as a body were fully applied, how would the Church, this
school, or the community in which you live be the same or different?

Week 8 Meeting 3

This period will be used for the review of all the lessons discussed in the first quarter. Also, this period will be
given to the students to complete the submission of all the requirements for this quarter.

Week 8 Meeting 4
I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the period, the pupils should be able to:
D - identify how Jesus invite his followers to follow the path to true happiness, peace, and joy.
M - enumerate ways by which they can make their lives meaningful as they follow Jesus’ example
of finding true happiness in him.
W -. ask for the help of the Holy Spirit to enlighten their minds and strengthen their wills as they try
to follow Jesus’ example

II. SUBJECT MATTER – 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time (“The Lord knocks at the Door”)
Materials: Laptop, LED.
Reference:, Bible


a. Introduction
b. Opening Prayer
c. Opening Song
d. Gospel Reading (Luke 12:32-48)
e. Deepening of the Gospel
Guide Questions:
1. What does the Gospel tell us about?
2. What did Jesus say about true happiness, peace, and joy? Is it possible to achieve all these
things? How?
3. What does the Kingdom of God require?
4. What does this phrase mean for you, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be
5. As a grade 8 student, what are the things that you are willing to lose for the sake of the
poor? How much benefits do you have right now are you willing to lose?

f. Sharing of experience
g. The Lord’s prayer
h. Closing prayer
i. Closing song

 Questions may vary because the students will be the ones to prepare for the Para-liturgy.

Note: Meeting 4 will not be accomplished due to the First Friday Mass. However, students will be reminded to
participate actively during the Eucharist Celebration.

Week 9 Meetings 1-4

First Quarterly Examination

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