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Byte Symbole Name Function

A1 (RSOH) frame alignment byte identify the beginning of the frame

A2 (RSOH) frame alignment byte identify the beginning of the frame
give the path between the transmiter (begin of
Regenrator section) and reciever (end of
Regenrator section) a name (code) this code helps
J0 (RSOH) regenrator section trace to trace the continuty of the connection between
the TX and RX

error monitoring shall be Bit Interleaved Parity 8

(BIP-8) code using even parity. The BIP-8 is
regenrator section error computed over all bits of the previous STM-N
B1 (RSOH) frame. If the error code 1/1000 RS-BBE alarm will

E1 (RSOH) regenrator section order wire this byte used to transmit speech signal between

F1 (RSOH) user channel this byte used to transmit speech and data signals
between regenrators for maintenance purpose)

D1-D2-D3 used to carry Operation Administration and

(RSOH) Data Communication Channel Maintenance (OAM) informations between
(DCC) regenrators
Lost Extra
OOF (Out Of Frame) if OOF continued for 3 ms or 24 frame LOF (Loss Of Frame) will appear
OOF (Out Of Frame) if OOF continued for 3 ms or 24 frame LOF (Loss Of Frame) will appear

RS-TIM (Regenrator
Section - Trace Identifier

RS-BBE (Regenrator
Section- Back Ground
Block Error)

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