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Grace Times

Vol. XXII/12 Grace Bible Church, C 930, Sector B Mahanagar, Lucknow, India August 2020

Dear GBC Family,

Pulpit Calendar Unlock 3.0 is in force yet gathering of reli-
August 2020 gious congregations is still not allowed. Now
after 4 months of lockdown and restrictions,
Morning Services at 10 am on Zoom. every Christian should be able to understand that
significance of the Church as a ‘body of Christ’ and
02 Pastor Ashish H Khan not as a ‘building’ of Christ. True, that there is no
09 Pastor J T Raja substitute for physically meeting together yet in
16 Pastor Ashish H Khan these unprecedented times, we are forced for online
23 Church Anniversary Service, meetings. For some it is a dream come true! No
Pastor J T Raja getting up early on Sunday morning, no getting
30 Bro. Bijoy (IEM) ready, no worries about cooking lunch, etc. Some
people have even stopped their tithes and offerings
to the Lord. In Heb. 10:25 the writer says - Let us
not give up the habit of meeting together as some
are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one an-
Thursdays at 6.30 p.m. other--and all the more as you see the Day ap-
13 online on Zoom proaching. There is no doubt in believing that ac-
27 online on Zoom cording to the signs mentioned in the Bible, the end
is approaching. If that is so, then there is a need for
remaining in fellowship all the more! The Thursday
Prayer and Bible study attendance continues to be
poor. Believe me friends; it can never become more
Thursdays at 6.30 p.m. convenient than this! If you have any suggestions
06 online on Zoom regarding the ‘conducting’ of the meetings, please
20 online on Zoom feel free to write to either of the pastors. We can
also revive the ancient practice of ‘letter writing’ to
encourage each other. WhatsApp is our letter pad.
Instead of sending ‘bulk’ forwarded messages to
people, typing and sending personalized messages
Women’s prayer will be far more appreciated, I believe. So let us find
online on Zoom ways to stay connected and be genuinely concerned
Saturday,22nd at 5.00 p.m. for one another.

These restricted times are a good opportunity to

reset the priorities of life. The writer of Ecclesiastes
said – meaningless, meaningless, everything is
meaningless! Let us find the new equation of the
remaining life we have on earth and let Jesus be the
“True faith means holding nothing constant while other factors become variables. The
back. It means putting every hope in Church building is ‘closed’ but may our hearts re-
God's fidelity to His Promises.” main ‘open’ to His blessings through Christian fel-
lowship, albeit online.
Francis Chan
In His love – Pastor Ashish
Income July 31 2020

Jan - July 2019 July 2020 Jan - July 2020 Budget 2020 Projection
General Offerings 2,01,015 16,700 1,25,237 3,85,000 2,14,000
Donations 3,300 32,200 75,000 erratic

Pledged Giving 3,60,400 39,800 3,10,100 7,00,000 5,75,000

2nd Mile Pledges 82,000 12,200 93,700 2,00,000 1,61,000

Christmas Donation 10,000 75,000 erratic

Church Scooter sale 10,100
Designated collections
Sunday School 14,439 1,500 6,530 erratic

Grace Church in Village 5,000 1,500 4,000 25,000 erratic

Medical Aid Fund

GRAND TOTAL 6,86,154 71,700 5,71,767 14,60,000 9,50,720

Manohar Lugun is still under treatment for his

prostrate gland infection.

Manohar Antin is unwell.

Mrs. Shireen Revis is still not keeping well.

Triza Masih’s mother in law passed away.

Mrs. Shanti Prakash is better but still under

treatment for slip disc.

Pratibha Sharma’s brother is tested positive Birthdays in August

for Covid-19. 03 Usha Antin, Isaac Guite
04 Joy Emmanuel
Muanding Guite’s maternal uncle passed 07 Shobha Prakash
10 Prabha Prakash
away. 19 Jerusha Antin
24 Shalini Meerza
Prabha Prakash twisted her back and has
severe pain.
For Pastoral Care contact
Sana Singh reached Lucknow safely from Du-
bai and waiting to go to UK for higher studies. Rev. J T Raja 995 639 9835
Rev. Ashish H. Khan 964 843 1177

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