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Disciplina : Lexicologie si lexicografie contrastiva.

A. Locul disciplinei in planul de invatamant:

Anul de Anul I Total ore Forme de Nr. credite Cod

studiu Sem. VII Sem. VIII verificare disciplina
C S C S C S Sem. Sem. VIII Sem. Sem. VIII
Nr. ore 2 1 2 1 56 28 V E 5 6 UGLMTIOI.

B. Obiectivele disciplinei
• Cunoasterea si aprofundarea teoriilor clasice si moderne din domeniul
lexicologiei si lexicografiei.
• Analiza sensului lexical prin tehnicile oferite de metalexicografie.
• Valorificarea optima si creativa a potentialului semantic, lexical si
lingvistic propriu-zis oferit de
dictionarele generale si de cele specializate.
• Reevaluarea surselor lexicografice si impactul acestora asupra practicii
• Studiul tipologiei echivalentilor oferiti de dictionarele bilingve si gradul
de utilizare a acestora in traducere.
• Realizarea de catre studenti a unor lucrari cu caracter practic ( glosare ,
studii contrastive )plecand de la traducerea unei tipologii variate de texte.
C.Metode de predare - invatare: prelegerea, conversatia euristica,
explicatia, dezbaterea, studiul de caz,
problematizarea, metode de lucru in grup si individual, studiul bibliografiei.
D. Forme si metode de evaluare: evaluare continua (30%) prin
metode orale, probe practice, teme de
casa si chestionare, evaluare sumativa prin probe scrise.
E. Continutul cursului:
I. Interdisciplinary inquiries into the fundamental concepts of lexicology
and lexicography. 6ore
1.Lexicology defined. Lexicology as a level of language analysis. Words
and lexemes. Lexical meaning.
2.Lexicography defined. Theoretical lexicography or metalexicography.
Practical lexicography or 'the art
and craft of dictionaries'.
3.Noted lexicologists and lexicographers: Damaso Alonso, Roland Barthes,
Samuel Johnson, Pierre Larousse, Noah Webster.Translation and the
II. Vocabularies and Word Usage
1. Investigating Vocabulary. The Structure of Modern English
2. Tools of Analysis. Electronic resources and devices.
III. Lexical Meaning
1. Defining lexical meaning. The system and applications: the
components of lexical meaning.
2. Lexical units /vs/ multiword lexical units and their meaning
representation in lexicographic practice.
IV. Dictionaries as repositories of words A diachronic appercu to the
development of English lexicography.

1. The beginnings: Latin and French glossaries.
2.Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language (1755).
3. Modern Dictionary Practice. Electronic dictionaries.
V. A Survey of Dictionary Types.
1.Discussing selected criteria in classifying dictionaries.
2.Encyclopaedic dictionaries. Linguistic dictionaries. Diachronic
dictionaries /vs/ Synchronic dictionaries. General
dictionaries. Monolingual dictionaries. Bilingual dictionaries. Multilingual
VI. Key Elements of a Dictionary
1.The entry. Entry counting. Single /vs/ multiple entries. The number of
'definitions' or 'meanings'. References. Alphabetization.
2.Lexical and linguistic information.
Pronunciation. Spelling. Morphology. Syntax. Semantics. Meaning
relations as contained in the lexicographical definition. Context / Register.
Etymology. Front and back matter.
3.Criteria used in dictionary-making
Purpose. Expected public. Cultural background and tradition. Personal
abilities and preferences of its authors. The dictionary as a reflection of social
and cultural values.
VII. Translation and the Dictionary.
Bilingual dictionaries defined. Types of bilingual dictionaries. The status
of the equivalent. The translational equivalent. The descriptive
equivalent. Non-equivalency.
F. Continutul seminariilor:
1. Lexical meaning. Practical applications.
2 ore
2. Dictionary presentation. Practical applications based on students' choice.
3. Dictionary treatment of synonymy. Synonymy in translation .
4 ore
4. Dictionary treatment of homonymy and polysemy. Translating polysemous
words. 2 ore
5.Dictionary treatment of hyponymy and metonymy. Students' illustrations.
2 ore
6.Dictionary treatment of antonymy. Students' illustrations.
2 ore
7.Dictionary treatment of frequency and usage. Students' illustrations.
2 ore
8. Bilingual dictionaries user's scale based on the evaluation of students'
answering questionnaires.
Desiderata for bilingual dictionaries.
4 ore
9.Translational equivalents. Practical applications.
4 ore
10. 'The art and craft' of making glossaries . Students' choice.
2 ore
G. Bibliografia de elaborare a cursului:
1. Aston, G. and Burnard, L. (1998) The BNC Handbook: Exploring the
British National Corpus with
SARA, Edinburgh University Press.
2. Atkins, B.T.S., M. Rundall, 2008 , The Oxford Guide to Practical
Lexicography, Oxford University Press
3. Atkins. B.T.S. and Zampolli, A. (eds) (1994) Computational
Approaches to the Lexicon, Oxford
University Press.
4. Benson, M., Benson, E. and Ilson ,R. (1986b) Lexicographic
Description of English, John Benjamins.
5. Crystal, D. (1995) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English
Language, Cambridge University Press.
6. Dima, G.,2009,The Translation Potential of Verba Sentiendi in English
and Romanian with Special Reference to Verbs of Hearing, in Perspectives in
Translation Studies, editor Floriana Popescu, Cambridge Scholars Publishing,
Chapter 3, p. 101-110, ISBN- (13) – 978-1-4438-1256-6, ISBN –(10)- 1- 4438-
1256-0 indexata BDI,TSA/BTS,
7. Dima,G.,2009, What is a Bilingual Specialized Dictionary Good for? in
Analele Universitatii „ Dunarea de Jos” din Galati, fascicula XXIV, Anul
II, nr. 1(2), Actele conferintei internationale Lexic comun/ Lexic specializat,
Editia a IIa, 17-18 septembrie, 2009, Editura Europlus, 2009, ISSN 1844-
9476, pp.48-51
8. ICAME Journal (2000-2006) International Computer Archive of
Modern and Medieval English, The HIT-centre - Norwegian Computing
Centre for the Humanities, Bergen.
9. International Journal of Lexicography, 2009, Volume 22, No 1-4,
Oxford Journals, OUP
Jackson. H. (1998) 'How Many Words in YOUR dictionary?', English
Today, No. 55: 27-8.
10. Landau, S.I. ( 2003) Dictionaries, The Art and Craft of Lexicography,
Cambridge University Press.
11. Ooi, V.B.Y. (1998) Computer Corpus Lexicography, Edinburgh
University Press,
12. Wilks, Y., Slator, B.M. and Guthrie, L.M. (1996) Electric Words:
Dictionaries, Computers and
Meanings, MIT Press.
13. Zgusta, L., Manual of Lexicography, (1971), Academia, Publishing
House of the Czechoslovak
Academy of Science
H. Bibliografia minimala
obligatorie pentru studenti:
1. Atkins, B.T.S., M. Rundall, 2008 , The Oxford Guide to Practical
Lexicography, Oxford University Press
2. Crystal, D. (1995) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language,
Cambridge University Press.
3. Dima G., ,2008, Lexicography, Translation and Dictionary Use în
volumul conferinţei internaţionale Translation Studies: Retropective
and Prospective Views. The 2nd edition, Galaţi, Romania, 1-2 November 2007,
Galaţi: Europlus, 2008, pp. 68-75
4. Dima G , 2008,On Retrieving Taxonomic Hierarchies in English
Monolingual Dictionaries,
in volumul Conferintei Internationale Anuale Studii de Traducere:
Retrospectiva si perspective, Editia a III a. TRAS.RE.P.3, 9-11 Octombrie,
2008, Galati-Romania, Galati University Press, 2008
5. Dima G, 2007, Loanwords and Cultural Globalization (Some Case Studies
in Romanian Threatical Text-Types), in volumul Colocviului International
Discursul intelectual la raspantiile Istoriei ,26-28 mai, 2007, Galati, Romania,
Editura Europlus, 2007, ISBN, 998-973-7845-68-9, pag. 65-70

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