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Chalk out 10 years development of strategy for oneself to

reach objectives set for 10 years.

By: 16010975
Growing up in a society where every girl’s future goal should include wedding gowns and
jewelries, we always had relatives coming up talking about wealthy families that would be a
perfect match for me. Opposing to each and every one who came up with that my father always
told me I don’t need a wealthy groom if I am self-depended. This has always motivated me to be
determine and self-depended for which I had to be better each day. Being an independent woman
was the first aim in life and to show the same relatives I do not need wealthy groom to have a
happy life.

I’ve been asked several times about my future goals and not to deny the fact that every time I
answered with a different goal. That is because each day, I aim to be better than what I was
before. One thing that I have always learned from my grandma is that, no matter what I aim to
become in future, I must be able to be better that my own self. Which is why whenever I think
about my future 10 years from now my prime objective is to always learn from my past
experience and be better at being me. Not that I never think about my future plans, but wherever
life takes me, or I stand I would undoubtedly be better than what I am today.

In ten years from now my life is either going to be completely different from now or exactly the
same. However, I want to be exactly same as well as completely different at the same time.
There are some traits that I think I would never want to change and some that I want completely
different. I would never want to change my traits that are outgoing, confident, expressive and
lively on the other hand I would want to improve in my traits like inconsistent, fragile and
especially moody. External things might change – where I will be and what I will be doing but
these exterior things will help me explore more about my inner self. Through my years from
postgraduates, job experiences, new environment, new people and new set of goals every year I
will be able to work on my self-growth.

I have always aspired to become a person who wants to work with the aim to solve the problems
in society as well as to bring an effective solution to social, cultural and environmental issues. In
simple words I had always aimed to become a social entrepreneur. In the society that I live has
millions of social issues, but I have always witnessed the old and elderly people in streets of
Kathmandu struggle for their daily breads since I was a small kid. As a social entrepreneur, ten
years from now I want to create an enterprise and from its profit I would want to open a happy
place for the elderly and old people where they don’t have to think about why their children left
them. I have visited several old age homes around the valley and most of them are like jails
where the old people are depressed and only think about how they are destined to be left out. I
want to create a home where there is love, care, togetherness and most importantly respect. I
want my work to touch lives of others and help them in their personal life. In order to do so I
have had many plans and in ten years I want it to be running already.

Firstly, I would complete my postgraduates in Entrepreneurship which will help me to establish a

base for my future goal. I aim to complete the course in approximately three years and after two
years of my postgraduate I will start my enterprise. I would choose a business that keeps the
environment clean and that focuses reduce reuse and recycle. In today’s world there are huge
number of youth population and among them many want to give back to the society. My
business also aims the same thing which is why if I target them as my major customers they will
surely contribute. My business would aim to target young people.

Secondly, people aim to travel the world, but I wish to travel Nepal before travelling the world. I
would like to explore the different places of Nepal and experience adventurous trails of Nepal
that will help me to face difficult trails I will face in my life as well. Travelling not only
introduces us to new destinations but helps us in self actualization by taking us away from our
daily life. I feel exploring the places in Nepal first will help me understand my own country first.
It will help me to study the market demands around the country which will help me to establish a
sustainable business.

Further, I want to travel the world after exploring the adventurous trails of Nepal. I want to travel
the world and still be able to feel like home only in Nepal beside my family. I want to create
memories in every place that I visit. Ten years from now there might also be technologies that
would store memories that we can cherish from other than pictures and videos. No matter where
I go to study or to explore, travel but I would always come back to the place where there is
opportunity, memories and also which feels like home. This is the place I would like to open my
business at.

Moreover, Whatever I will be doing in ten years from now my family Will always will be there
with me. As I mentioned before, my family has motivated me to be an independent woman when
I grow up regardless of any work that I do. My family has been there through my thick and thin,
they have always had my back and so have I. In ten years, I might not be living with them but
they we will never be out of touch. In ten years, we may not be physically near each other, but
we’ll still always be around. The best part about family is that they don’t have to consist strictly
of just my blood relatives.

Further, apart from all the things that I have mentioned above there are a lot of things that I have
planned, and I may pan further. However, my ultimate goal is to be an independent woman and
to create a welcoming home for elderly people. There might be many things that may add up in
the future. Everything I want my life to be in ten years ties together to become independent, to
travel and explore, to be there with my family and to build a happy home for elderly people who
are homeless. There are things I want to change and there are things that I could never imagine
being different. I hope my life in ten years is even better than I picture it in my head. I hope my
life consists of everything I could ever hope for. But, most importantly, I hope I’m still the same
person I am now, just better. Even though our future is unpredictable, as long as I will have
strength to make everything possible, I will do everything that I have planned and if not
everything that life has planned, I will face them with courage.

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