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1passengers waiting to board- пасажири, які чекають на посадку

2first-class passenger – пасажир першого класу
3to inform passengers of the situation-
4the number of passengers — кількість пасажирів
5passengers have two carry-on bags — 2 ручні клажі
6passengers walk down an aisle — йдуть по проходу
7two-bag, one-bag, and zero-bag passenger
8the passenger stores any carry-on bags into the overhead bin above his or her seat-
пасажир зберігає будь-яку ручну клажу у набірному контейнеру над своїм
9 passenger must be in possession of boarding pass - мати при собі посадковий
10 checked-in online — зареєстрований онлайн
(Before this deadline passenger must be in possession of boarding pass, even if
he/she has already checked-in online)
11Passengers with reduced mobility- Пасажири з обмеженими можливостями
(Passengers with reduced mobility using mobility equipment are kindly requested to
consider extended time at the airport required to proceed the security control by both
passengers and equipment. )
12notice the damage after leaving the airport - помітили пошкодження після
виходу з аеропорту
(If you noticed the damage after leaving the airport be sure to report it in writing
within the legally prescribed period of seven (7) days after your flight )
13Passengers travelling with infants - Пасажири, які подорожують з немовлятами
(Passengers travelling with infants under seven days old are required to complete a
Medical Information form )
14 Passengers travelling with an oxygen cylinder -Пасажири, які подорожують з
кисневим балоном
(Passengers travelling with an oxygen cylinder are required to pay a fee)
15carry an animal  in cabin or in the baggage hold - перевозити тварину в салоні
або в багажному відділенні
(If you carry an animal in cabin or in the baggage hold, remember it should have up-
to-date vaccination records (against rabies),up-to-date veterinary health certificates,
special passport)
16 pregnant passenger — вагітний пасажир
(ome airlines will not permit pregnant passengers to sit in emergency exit rows. )
17Wear seat belt — носити ремінь безпеки
(Wear your seat belt continuously to minimize risk of injury from unpredictable
18 biometric identification of passanger
Airlines are working with airports and government agencies to introduce biometric
passenger identification: Look into a camera, walk through the gate, and onto the
19 passenger facilities
(passenger facilities such as restaurants and lounges, and emergency services.)
20 passenger services

21 passenger terminals
(The airport has two parallel runways and three passenger terminals.)
22 a Passenger Ticket
23 Passenger traffic
24 passenger footfall
(Airports are gearing up to cater for increasing passenger footfall )
25 passenger volume
(The passenger volume increased by a decent 5.3% compared to the first seven month
period in 2012.)
26 passenger safety
27 a passenger changes flights
28 personal possessions of a passenger
(Baggage and other personal possessions of a passenger are transported on board an
aircraft. )
29 passengers that failed to check-in
(passengers that failed to check-in timely are not accepted to travel on the
corresponding flight. )
30 Transit passenger
31 Transfer passenger
32 Passenger coupon
33 transportation of passengers
34 an adult passenger
35 domestic carriage of passengers
36 A passenger must keep the ticket
(A passenger must keep the ticket and other travel documents before the end of
carriage )
37 passenger lose a ticket
38 has a confirmed reservation
(the airline:cancels the flight on which the passenger has a confirmed reservation )
39 a passenger is prevented from travelling
(a passenger is prevented from travelling within the period of validity of the ticket
due to a disease or other reasons  )
40 passenger can have the term of tickets extended
( In the case of death of a spouse or another family member of a passenger who did
not commence his/her travel such passenger can have the term of tickets extended )
41  a passenger holds a ticket issued according to a normal fare
(  If a passenger holds a ticket issued according to a normal fare, stopovers within
ticket validity shall be permitted at any agreed place along the transportation route. )
42 a passenger holds a ticket issued according to a special o discount fare
( If a passenger holds a ticket issued according to a special o discount fare and makes
a stopover en-route, he/she may be charged an extra fee for such stopover. )
43 Reservation of passenger
(Reservation of passenger transportation on board the aircraft and transportation
capacity for extra baggage for a certain flight and date shall be an obligatory
condition for passenger and baggage carriage.)
44 the passenger has not paid for the ticket
(If the passenger has not paid for the ticket within the period determined by the
airline or its sales agent, the airline shall be entitled to cancel the reservation without
notice to the passenger.)
45 a passenger does not show up for the flight
( If a passenger does not show up for the flight where he/she has confirmed
reservations, the air carrier shall be entitled to cancel the reservation )
46 a passenger fails to inform the air carrier about changes in his/her travel in
(if a passenger fails to inform the air carrier about changes in his/her travel in
advance, the air carrier shall be entitled to cancel the reservation )
47 a passenger provides the airline with his/her data
(The passenger provides the airline (sales agent) with his/her data: last name, first
name; date of birth; sex; passport details.)
48 a passenger gives a consent to access to data
( A passenger authorizes and gives a voluntary and unconditional consent to the
processing, storage, disclosure of and access to these data by third parties)
49 A passenger is obliged to provide the airline with full and true data
( A person is obliged to provide the airline or its sales agent with full and true data
required for ADULT, INF and CHD reservations )
50 contact details of a passenger
(It is prohibited to enter to the reservation system contact details of an agent or a third
person instead of the contact details of a passenger. )
51 a passenger travels by scheduled flights
( Reconfirmation of return flights shall be required when a passenger travels by
scheduled flights that have connections with other flights )
52 Non-fulfilment by the passenger of the airline’s requirements
(Non-fulfilment by the passenger of the airline’s requirements regarding
reconfirmation of reservation shall entitle the airline to cancel reservation .)
53 passenger’s last name
54 passenger’s first name
55 passenger’s date of birth
56 passenger’s sex
57 passenger’s passport details
58 passenger’s visa data
59 passenger embarkation on board the aircraft
60 passenger disembarkation from the aircraft
61 Passenger is offered to use a waiting room
(If there is a business class waiting room, passengers are offered to use it )
62 premium economy class (comfort class) passenger
63 passenger handling facilities
64 passengers are provided with beddin
(passengers are provided with bedding during the flight in accordance with the
current legislation)
65 be available to passengers
66 be provided to passengers
(Food and hot drinks may not be provided to passengers, if such conditions are
defined by the rules  )
67 a passenger can be rendered servicing on board
(Passengers can be rendered servicing on board the aircraft in the following classes:
business, premium or comfort (enhanced economy) and economy class. )
68 passengers are required to fasten seatbelts
(Before take-off, landing and in special cases, passengers are required to fasten
seatbelts )
69 passengers is fastened
(cabin crewmembers shall control if each passengers is fastened well. )
70 a passenger walks along the cabin
(crewmembers don’t let passengers walk along the cabin when the aircraft ascends
and descends )
71 to familiarize passengers with safety instructions
72 a passenger area
(crewmembers tinspect of all passenger areas of the aircraft for the purpose of
detecting foreign objects; )
73 to accommodat passengers on board
74 the aggravation of a passenger
(The air carrier shall bear no responsibility for the aggravation of a passenger or other
consequences that can occur with a passenger.)
75 passenger is allowed to air transportation
(Passengers whose physical condition causes concern shall be allowed to air
transportation in the case of presentation of the relevant certificate from a health care
76 passenger with special needs
77 Blind passenger
78 deaf passenger
79 passenger is accompanied by a dog
(passengers, who are accompanied by a dog shall be placed in areas where there is
plenty of space for dogs, in compliance with safety rules )
80 a Passenger with disabilities
(The airline shall take steps to help people with disabilities in order to enable them to
check in and register baggage )
81 an evacuation of passenger
(Passengers with disabilities shall be placed on board the aircraft so as to not interfere
with emergency evacuation of passengers from the aircraft. )
82 passenger age
83 funds of the passenger
84 potentially dangerous passengers
(The airline may refuse to transport potentially dangerous passengers (escorted
persons, deportees, persons in custody). )
85 a passenger is checked-in
(If the passenger who was checked-in for the flight online or automatically travels
with baggage, he/she shall check-in the baggage at the airline’s check-in counter at
the airport. )
86 pasenger’s flight number
87 pasenger’s date and time of departure
88 pasenger’s latest boarding time
89 pasenger’s number of a seat on board
90  passenger’s behaviour
91  passenger’s psychical  condition
92  passenger’s physical condition
93 The passenger does not follow the airline’s instructions
(The passenger did not follow the airline’s instructions associated with assurance of
flight safety, comfort and quality of transportation of other passengers )
94 a passenger attempts
(The passenger attempts to enter a country without a valid entrance document;)
95 passenger’s destination
(lost baggage shall be delivered to the passenger’s destination by the next possible
flight in shortest term.)
96 passenger’s baggage
(After acceptance of the passenger’s baggage for transportation, the airline shall
undertake responsibility for it )
97 passenger’s route
(If the passenger’s route comprises of more than one segment and transportation
along this route is performed by different carriers, then checked baggage allowance
and rules of excess baggage charges along such route shall be determined in
accordance with IATA resolutions.)
98 may be confirmed by the passenger.
(Details about the presence and damage type of the baggage shall be indicated on a
baggage receipt (tag) by the airline or its handling agent and may be confirmed also
by the passenger. )
99 passenger refuses to satisfy requirements
(If the passenger refuses to satisfy requirements, the airline may deny transportation
of the passenger (his/her baggage).
100 passenger’s heaith
101 a passenger takes full responsibility for
( In the case of domestic animal transportation, the passenger shall take full
responsibility for his/her animals )
102 Passenger’s right

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