Assignment Rasay

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Create a visual representation on what collaboration, networking and partnership are:

Discuss the image you created.

Barangay ol community


For me, I believe that the barangay officials, community and school should have good
communication to have a good relationship with one another.
Once partnerships and networks are established, resources need to be devoted to maintaining
them, including people to facilitate the collaborations and to help maintain communication
among partners. It might also need to include funding to cover the costs of the technology used
to facilitate sharing of information and materials (costs of computers, virtual meetings,
maintaining a website and file space, etc.). These resources may come from external partners as
well as from school districts. Collaborations, networks, and partnerships should be monitored to
determine how well they are functioning and make changes when necessary.
We need to work as a community to nurture our schools for our community needs.

2. As one of the school administrators, you are appointed to be the lead person for the conduct of
the national random drug testing among students, teachers and non-teaching personnel of your
school. how are you going to cascade the information and conduct the testing to your

As an appointed to be the lead person. First, I will disseminate the information through
conduct a meeting with my co teachers and personnel. I will inform them that there will
be a conduct of the national random drug testing among teachers and non-teaching
Then I will inform them about the Article V of Republic Act No. 9165, otherwise known as
the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002,

3. Identify a collaboration or partnership project you have encountered in school. State the
strengths and areas for improvements of the said project. How can the project be improved?


School Feeding

The school Feeding Program is sponsored by EMCOR. Its more than 5 years
already in partnering the school with the EMCOR.

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