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I, _________________ (State your name and designation) of ____________________

(State your province), recognizing the important responsibility I am undertaking in
serving the public and the community, hereby pledge to carry out in a trustworthy and
diligent manner the duties and responsibilities and my obligations embedded in any
public servant.

I pledge:
1. To uphold the highest standard set forth by the office;
2. To come prepared to discuss and impart my learnings from any
seminar/trainings conducted by DOLE or any other organization to my
constituents and members;
3. To work with and respect the opinions of my peers and to leave my personal
prejudices out of all trainings and seminars of DOLE and other organizations;
4. To represent my province in a positive and supportive manner;
5. To participate future endeavours relevant or similar to the seminar/training
held by DOLE;
6. To share my learnings to my supervisors, colleagues and subordinates for the
betterment of the entire organization where I belong and
7. To prepare and submit livelihood projects proposals and if approved
implement and monitor such projects to help, the region and the nation build
a sustainable community livelihood projects .

So help me God!

Signature Over Printed Name

Officiating Official

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