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 Read “About the Hymnal” document first before answering this assignment. You can refer to this
document when you answer this assignment.
 Study hymn number 2 from Lift Up Your Hearts and answer the questions below the question. For those
without the hymnal, refer to the Appendix.
Submission: Submit this in Word format (not PDF) in the folder under your name in “Assignments to Submit”

1. What Scripture passage is this hymn based on? Psalm 104

What is another hymn in this hymnal that is based on the same Scripture passage? Hymn no 11 & 228

2. Who is the text writer? Robert Grant

What do “1833, alt” that follow his name mean? Year of writing the text
Did he write another hymn that is included in this hymnal? No

3. What is another song that has the same topic with this hymn?
Creation : Hymn no 1-27, 271, 396, 551, 553, 555, 556, 575, 581, 719, 922
Ancient of Days : Hymn no 579
Faithfulness: Hymn no 23, 347, 348, 371, 405, 407, 427, 571, 578, 672, 699, 776

4. What is the hymn tune name? LYONS

What is the source of the hymn tune? LYONS, named for the French city Lyons, appeared with a reference to
“Haydn” in volume 2 of William Gardiner’s Sacred Melodies. However, the tune was never found in the works of
Franz Joseph Haydn or those of his younger brother Johann Michael Haydn. Recent research revealed that the tune
was composed by Joseph Martin Kraus, a German composer who settled in Sweden and who traveled widely
throughout Europe.

5. What does mean? The meter of the hymn

6. Is there another tune you can use for this text?

Hanover, Laudate Dominum, Long Island Sound

7. Is there another text that is matched to this tune?

Hymn no 29, 566, 582

8. Are the words of the hymn copyrighted? No

Is the music copyrighted? Yes

9. Read the preface and answer these questions:

When was the hymnal published? 2013
Who is the senior editor? Joyce Borger
Do you know someone who served as an editorial committee member of the hymnal? Joel Navarro
What website do you need to access in order to find additional resources including background notes and
audio files?

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