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Coleen Lara Sedilles May 17, 2020

BSA – 1

A. Picture Evaluation
The picture reflects to anyone who has a dream of becoming somebody someday.

The point that the picture is trying to express is that being too sure about what our future
life holds is too risky. Remember that being too confident about anything won’t do us good. It
only makes us more prone to danger. We thought we’re in control but we’re not.

A man is seen sawing the very branch he was sitting on. The emotion in his face says that
there’s nothing to be worried about even if his whole body is already quivering.

Objectively, the decisions we make right now and the ones we made in the past will
impact what our lives could be in the future. Planning a life in the future is not wrong but there’s
still this huge gap between our current selves and our future selves that could greatly affect our
end point. Life is very unpredictable and we won’t see things coming very often.

B. Article Evaluation
The intended audience of the fable is curved towards those who mostly want their
opinions to be heard than listening to what others have to say.

The intention of the author of the fable is that people are very aggressive creatures (just
like a lion and a cougar.) We argue over the smallest things but would easily retract at the first
hint of death. Since it is in our human nature to avoid pain and death, there’s really no other
option left.

A lion and a cougar were confronting each other whether which of them should drink
from the watering hole first. They only stopped and went their own separate ways when vultures
started flying overhead.

There are battles that are not worth fighting for especially that this is the golden age of
internet and social media. We share our opinions for everyone to know and sometimes the
outcomes aren’t so great. Let’s make it a point to choose our battles wisely and ignore what we
have to ignore for our peace of mind. At this venture in our lives, we don’t need any more hatred
and negativity.

C. Video Evaluation
The intended audience of the video should be applicable to everybody since innate
kindness is a much-needed gift nowadays.
There are two points the video is trying to convey. First, a kind and good heart will
always be rewarded. No matter how small an act of kindness is, it always leaves a huge effect on
people. And people will remember us forever not for what we’ve done but what we made them
feel. Second, there are things we take for granted but oblivious of the fact that others might need
it more than we do. Ignorance to this is not a sin. However, if we still choose to turn a blind eye
after finding out the truth, then that is just downright selfish.

A man and his dog are out fishing. There was no catch. A bird was aiming at the can of
worms that the man would use as bait for fishing. The dog was trying to shoo the bird away
which annoyed the man. Later on, the dog saw that the bird had a nest nearby and she was trying
to find food for her young. The dog had a change of heart and offered all the worms in the can.
This act of kindness prompted the bird to catch fish in return.

According to Bob Kerry, “Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and
most underrated agent of human change.” The moral of the story reminds us that kindness is free.
Everybody is capable of doing it out of the goodness of our own hearts without anticipating
something in return. The world will always find a way to reciprocate the act we’ve done in more
and better ways than one. Imagine the complete satisfaction we would feel when we do
something nice to others when they needed it the most. And that short, fleeting moment is what
makes us human.

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