Pualas-Validated-Community-Profile Final For Printing June26 - PDF

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Chapter I


This community profile is an output of CD 197 A (Community Immersion), one

of the four apprenticeship subjects under the practicum program of the Bachelor of
Science in Community Development, College of Public Affairs, Mindanao State
University, Marawi City. For the Second Semester, AY 2017-2018, the Department
partnered with the Municipal Government of Tubod, Lanao del Norte and eleven of its
barangays (Pigcarangan, Bulod, Kalilangan, Taden, Bualan, Palao, Candis, Licapao,
Sto. Niño, Pinpin and Pualas). The other three (3) apprenticeship courses are CD 197
B (Community Organizing and Mobilization), CD 197 C (Community Training), and
197 D (Community Project Development and Management). The student interns
grouped in pairs (a Cebuano and non-Cebuano speaking) are required to stay in their
assigned barangays for four (4) months (specifically last February to May 2018) or a
whole semester in order to live out and actually experience their course in a real
community setting.

For Barangay Pualas, two female students, Princess Kanna Gutierrez, a

Cebuano-speaking and Johainah Ebrahim, a Maranao and non-Cebuano speaking
were assigned in the barangay.


The Department has made it its mission not only to provide a relevant, sound
and rich community development training for its students but also to leave behind a
validated baseline socio-economic profile and an updated spot map with its partner
barangays. This document is a necessary basis in the formulation of activity/project
interventions that will be appreciated and valued by the community because they truly
and effectively respond to existing gaps, needs and problems obtaining in the
Pualas Validated Community Profile 2018

Chapter II

Research Methodology

Data for the profile were collected through several sources: secondary data
taken from the available barangay development plan and other information from the
Barangay Secretary and the Municipal Planning and Development Office. Primary
data were gathered from observations during immersion, key informant interviews and
house-to-house survey. A complete enumeration of all households as represented by
either household heads or their spouses, was the norm, however, it was not attained
due to several reasons, among them: unavailability of the household head or their
spouse during the data collection period or refusal to be interviewed.

The instrument used for the survey was formulated by the faculty supervisor
based on the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) Instrument The
questionnaire consists of 8 parts, namely:
1. Historical Background of the Barangay
2. Physical and Geographic Characteristics
3. Socio-Demographic Household Profile
4. Living Conditions
5. Economic Data
6. Agriculture Data
7. Aquaculture Data
8. Community Participation
9. General Questions
10. Perception of Disasters and LGU Disaster Preparedness

Analysis was done through the use of descriptive statistics presented in

frequency and percentage distribution tables and pie charts. An updated spot map of
the barangay was also done. The profile and the spot map were presented for
comments and accepted during a community validation meeting held at the Pualas
Multi-Purpose Hall on March 24, 2018

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Pualas Validated Community Profile 2018

Chapter III



This part of the profile presents data collected through secondary sources and
key informant interviews that trace the early beginnings of the community.

1. How the Barangay Got Its Name

In 1924, Barangay Pualas was originally occupied by Muslims. They

survived through farming. They practiced “kaingin”. Thus, the barangay was
named Pualas which means “cut native/pioneering trees for kaingin”. As the
land area is rocky or stony, these Muslim settlers sold the lands they occupied
and fled back to the southern part of Lanao, presently known as the Province
of Lanao del Sur.

In 1995, as Tubod was gaining its identity to become a municipality,

Barangay Pualas, having a population of 620 with 120 households was
included as a regular barangay. (Source: Barangay Profile 2010)

2. Historical Timeline

This section presents the major events and milestones of the barangay,
both with positive and negative impacts to the community gathered through
secondary sources and key informant interviews and validated by the
community last March 24, 2018.

Historical Timeline

Timeline Major Events

1955 ▪ First administration under appointed Teniente del Barrio Hon.
Claro Abong
▪ Construction of the Immaculate Conception Chapel
1956-1958 ▪ Second administration under appointed Teniente del Barrio
Hon. Sofronio Lontayo
▪ Establishment of Primary School (Grade 1 and Grade 2) with
one teacher Mrs. Lontayao

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Pualas Validated Community Profile 2018

▪ Establishment of Puroks (purok1-4)

1958-1960 ▪ Third administration under appointed Teniente del Barrio Hon.
Pedro Buca, Sr.
▪ Donated the lot where the now Pedro Buca Elementary School is
is situated
▪ Processed Road Right of Way
1960-1962 ▪ Fourth administration under appointed Teniente del Barrio
Hon. Emilio Vicoy, Sr.
▪ Complete Primary School (grade 1 –grade 4)
1962-1964 ▪ Fifth administration under elected Barangay Lieutenant Hon.
Sotero Vicoy, Sr.
1964-1966 ▪ Sixth administration under elected Barangay Lieutenant Hon.
Lucas Dapitan
▪ Built Market Building
▪ Built Barangay Health Center
1966-1968 ▪ Seventh administration under elected Barangay Captain Hon.
Nicolas Paghasian
▪ Complete Elementary School
▪ Farm to market road (rough road)
1968-1999 ▪ Eighth administration under elected Barangay Captain Hon.
Isidro Luzano
▪ Start of highway concreting
▪ Pualas National High school was transferred and its name
changed to Teofila Quibranza National High School
▪ The Pualas Elementary School was changed to Pedro Buca
Elementary School
▪ Start of the construction of the multi-purpose hall
▪ Construction of the Day Care Center
▪ Water system Level 2 (Purok 1&3)
▪ Added 1 purok, Purok 5, Sitio Tipaan
1999-2013 ▪ Ninth administration under elected barangay Captain
Salvador Pepito
▪ Finished construction of the multi-purpose hall
▪ Improvement of the level 2 water system to level 3 water
system (purok 1&3)
▪ Old Barangay Office
▪ Solar dryer
2013 to ▪ Construction of new Barangay Office
present ▪ Reconstruction of Barangay Health Center
▪ Concreting of barangay roads 387 meters in Purok 2 and 70
meters in Purok 4
▪ Drainage system

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Pualas Validated Community Profile 2018

▪ Land mark of the barangay

▪ Level 3 water system in Sitio Pagang
▪ Temporary building of Day Care Center in Sitio Tipaan
▪ 500 square meters purchased lot in Sitio Tipaan for the
proposed Day Care Center
▪ Implemented Livelihood Project; Corn-Cassava Production
Sources of Data: Barangay Simplified Development Plan
KII: Mr. Nelson Luntayao, Kag. Marianito Vicoy, Nicanor Abroguenia

3. Political Timeline
YEAR Barangay Administration
1955 Appointed Teniente del Barrio Hon. Claro Abong
1956-1958 Teniente del Barrio Hon. Sofronio Luntayao
1958-1960 Teniente del Barrio Hon. Pedro Buca Sr.
1960-1962 Teniente del Barrio Hon. Emilio Vicoy Sr.
1962-1964 Elected Barangay Lieutenant Hon. Sotero Vicoy Sr.
1964-1966 Elected Barangay Lieutenant Hon. Lucas Dapitan
1966-1968 Elected Barangay Captain Hon. Nicholas Paghasian
1968-1999 Elected Barangay Captain Hon. Isidro Luzano
1999-2002 Succession of the last admin Hon. Salvador B. Pepito
2002-2005 Elected Barangay Captain Hon. Salvador B. Pepito
2005-2007 Re-elected Barangay Captain Hon. Salvador B. Pepito
2007-2013 Re-elected Barangay Captain Hon. Salvador B. Pepito
2013-2018 Elected Barangay Captain Hon. Ruel E. Lozano
Source of Data: Barangay Profile 2010

4. Barangay Demographics

There were 5 puroks in the barangay with a total number of 439

households in the 2010 Barangay Profile and 420 from the survey conducted
by MSU practicumers, or a decrease of 20 households in a span of 8 years. All
households were included in the survey regardless of where they were
registered as voters, however, some refused to be interviewed or were not
around during the survey in spite of efforts by the student interns. Only 416

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Pualas Validated Community Profile 2018

were interviewed out of 420 households. The total population from the
households surveyed was 1,929 of which, Purok 3 has the most number of
households and population. See Table 1 below.

Table 1. Total No. of HH, Household Surveyed, Total Population by Purok

Purok Total Total HHs Total HH Total
HHs(2010) (2018) Surveyed Population
1 112 120 118 538
2 59 59 59 269
3 105 128 126 574
4 114 66 66 322
5 49 47 47 226
TOTAL 439 420 416 1,929

5. Nuclear Families

Table 2 below shows the number of nuclear families within a household.

A great majority or 377 out of 216 was composed only of a single family while
39 or 9.37% has 2 nuclear families or considered to be extended family. The
data below implies that majority of the families within the household were family
of procreation. However, extended families are still practiced in the barangay
which demonstrates Filipino value of close family ties.

Table 2. Number of Nuclear Families Per Household

No. of Nuclear Families Frequency Percentage
1 377 90.63%
More Than 1 39 9.37%
TOTAL 416 100%
Biggest: 4

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This section presents data and information coming from secondary sources as
well as observation data such as the spot map.

1. Spot Map

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2. Location and Boundaries

Barangay Pualas is one of the 24 barangays of the Municipality of

Tubod, Lanao del Norte. it is bounded in the north by Barangay Kalilangan;
east by Barangay Malingao; west by Barangay Patudan and in the south by
Barangay Pinpin. It is situated 7km away from the Poblacion. The boundary of
Barangay Pinpin and Pualas is the Inindian Bridge while the boundary between
Barangay Pualas and Patudan is the landmark arc in Purok 1. (Source:
Barangay Profile, 2012)

3. Land Area and Land Use

Barangay Pualas has a total land area of 690.56 hectares of which about
678.31 hectares are devoted to agriculture, and only about 12.25 hectares are
considered built-up area. (According to BDP 2013)

4. Services and Facilities Available

4.1. Barangay Structures

Barangay Hall. The Barangay Hall is a newly constructed concrete building

situated in Purok 3. It also houses the Office of the Barangay Council. Among
the facilities in the office are the following; 1 television set; 1 set of desktop
computer and printer; a typewriter; 1 amplifier and 2 sound boxes; water
dispenser and 3 electric fans. For the furniture and fixtures, the barangay has
4 wooden tables and 30 chairs; 3 cabinets.

Multi-Purpose Hall. The barangay multi-purpose hall is a fully constructed hall

located in Purok 3 with two basketball rings and with complete installation of
lights. It has one stage and concrete benches on the right side of the hall.

Barangay Halls. There are two (2) barangay halls which are both situated in
Purok 3. The old one was given to the Senior Citizen’s Association, while the
new one which was given by Gov. Imelda Q. Dimaporo, is the one they are
using currently.
Covered Court. It is located in front of the new Barangay Hall.

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Waiting sheds. There are 7 waiting sheds in the barangay.

Health Center. It is located at Purok 3. It was reconstructed last 2017.

4.2. Water Source

The water connection in Purok 3 and 1 are from Barangay Pinpin. While
the water source in the purok 2 and 5 is in the spring which they call
“Sandayong”. In Purok 4, some of them fetch water in Limoag while sources of
water in Purok 3 are from Poblacion, rainwater or deep well. But currently, the
barangay has an on-going water project located at Purok 4.

4.3. Electricity
The source of electricity of the Barangay is the LANECO (Lanao Norte
Electric Cooperative). Majority of the community people has access to

4.4. Communication Facilities

Most of the people use mobile phone as means of communication.

4.5. Means of Transportation

Tricycle, motorcycles, and privately-owned cars are the common means
of transportation in the barangay.

4.6. Churches
There are 2 catholic churches in the barangay. One is located at Purok
3 while the other one is in Purok5. There is an IFI church in Purok 3.

4.7. Educational Institutions

There is a day care, elementary school and a high school which are all
located in Purok 3. There is a temporary daycare in Purok 5.

4.8. Business Establishments

The barangay has the following business/commercial establishments:
1. One eatery located at purok 3

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2. Sari-sari stores. There are 13 sari-sari stores which can be found in

all puroks.
3. One repacking factory.


1. Household Heads and Total Population by Sex Affiliation

The table below shows that majority of the household heads were male
comprising 341 while there were 75 female household heads. It shows that the
Filipino value of men providing for his family still prevail in the barangay even
in these modern times. On the other hand, most of the female headed
households are either widows or single parents. The table further shows that
there is an almost equal number of male and females in the entire barangay.

Table 1. Sex Affiliation of Household Heads and Total Population

Sex Affiliation Household Head Total Population
Male 341 966
Female 75 963
TOTAL 416 1,929

2. Educational Attainment of Population (Ages 3 and older)

Table 2 below reveals that 422 or 25.97% of the population aged 3 years
and above have attended elementary level while only 269 or 16.55% of them
reached High School with 244 high school graduates. A much smaller number
(163 out of 1,625) were able to finish a college degree while 131 were able to
reach college level. Eighty finished a vocational course while 20 reported that
they do not have formal schooling. The data also shows that majority of the
population ages 3 and above have low educational attainments implying low
income earning capability.

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Table 2. Educational Attainment of Population (3 years above)

Educational Level Frequency Percentage
Day Care/Nursery/Kinder 83 5.11
Elementary Level 422 25.97
Elementary Graduate 127 7.82
High School Level 269 16.55
High School Graduate 244 15.02
Vocational 80 4.92
College Level 131 8.06
College Graduate 163 10.03
Not yet in school 86 5.29
No formal Schooling 20 1.23
TOTAL 1,625 100%

3. Characteristics of Household Members

Table 3 below shows the distribution of HH members’ characteristics-

whether solo parent (those who do not have spouses and are single-handedly
providing for their families), OFW, differently abled or pregnant at the time of
the interview. There were 23 OFW, 13 solo parent and 9 differently abled.
There were 6 who were pregnant at the time of the interview.

Table 3. Characteristic of Members

Characteristic Frequency Percentage
OFW 23 45.1
Solo Parent 13 25.49
Differently abled 9 17.65
Pregnant 6 11.76
TOTAL 51 100%

4. Age of Population

Table 4 below shows the age distribution of population. There were

30.22% or 583 out of 1,929 who fell within the age range of 14 years old and
below who were still dependents. However, the potential labor force or those
with ages 15-64 comprised more than half of the total population. Only 149 or

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7.72% of the total population have ages 65 and above and are also considered
dependents. To sum up, majority of the population is in their productive years.

Table 4. Age Distribution of Population

Age Category (in years) Frequency Percentage
4 and below 189 9.80
5-14 394 583 20.42
15-24 340 17.63
25-34 298 15.45
35-44 228 11.82
45-54 185 9.59
55-64 146 7.57
65 above 149 7.72
TOTAL 1,929 100%
Oldest: 92 years old Average Age: 29 years old

5. Civil Status of Population (15 years old and above)

Table 5 below presents the civil status of population aged 15 and above,
15 because nowadays early marriage is rampant. There were 467 singles while
183 individuals were in a live-in arrangement. Obviously, live-in partners as well
as their children may be deprived of benefits from government programs which
usually require legal documents. However, during the community validation
majority of the people who attended the event questioned this number because
it is so big despite the fact that every month of October there is a Kasalang

Table 5. Civil Status of Population (Aged 15 and above)

Civil Status Frequency Percentage
Married 588 43.68
Single 467 34.7
Live-in 183 13.6
Widow/Widower 87 6.46
Separated 21 1.56
TOTAL 1,346 100%

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6. Ethnic Affiliation of Population

Majority of the residents in Barangay Pualas are Siquijidnon followed

closely by Cebuanos. There are 10 who didn’t know their ethnic affiliation.
Other ethnic groups in the barangay are presented in Table 6. Indeed,
Barangay Pualas is culturally diverse.

Table 6. Ethnic Origin of Population

Ethnicity Frequency Percentage
Siquijidnon 955 49.51
Cebuano 890 46.14
Boholano 21 1.09
Ilocano 15 0.78
Ilonggo 11 0.57
Unknown 10 0.52
Others 27 1.39
TOTAL 1,929 100%

7. Religious Affiliation of Population

Majority of Barangay Pualas residents were Roman Catholics while

there were 69 Iglesia Filipina Independiente. Other religious groups present in
the community were Pentecostal, Bible Baptist, SDA, Iglesia ni Cristo and
UCCP. There were 5 Muslim.

Table 7. Religion of Population

Religion Frequency Percentage
Roman Catholic 1,722 89.27
IFI 69 3.58
Pentecostal 54 2.8
Bible Baptist 37 1.91
SDA 19 0.98
INC 14 0.73
UCCP 9 0.47
Islam 5 0.26
TOTAL 1,929 100%

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8. Respondents’ Length of Residency in the Barangay

Table 8 shows the distribution of respondents’ length of residency in the

barangay. Majority (184 out of 416) have stayed in the barangay between 30.1
to 50 years or almost all their lives followed closely by 58 respondents who
have lived in the barangay between 10.1-30 years. Only a small number have
stayed for more than 50 years.

Table 8. Length of Respondents’ Residency in the Barangay

Length of Stay (in years) Frequency Percentage
18 years and below 54 12.99
19 – 28 55 13.22
29 – 38 58 13.94
39 years and above 184 44.25
TOTAL 416 100%
Shortest: 7 months Longest: 83 years Average Residency: 46 years

9. School Status of Youth (15-24)

The youth is defined here as those belonging to ages 15-24. Table 9

below shows the school status of youth, whether they are in school or out of
school. There was a great number of youth aged 15-24 who were studying at
the time of the survey comprising a total of 167 out of 340. As to the out of
school youth, there were 173 who were no longer studying at the time of the
interview. Among the reasons given for dropping out from school were as
follows: financial incapability of the parents to send their children to school, lack
of interest and influence from peers.

Table 9. School Status of Youth (Aged 15-24)

School Status Frequency Percentage

In-School 167 49.12
Out-of-School 173 50.88
TOTAL 340 100%

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1. Type of Dwelling

Table below shows that majority of the respondents’ type of dwelling

was a single unit consisting of 415 or 99.76% of the total household surveyed.
One (1) or 0.24% of them has a duplex type of dwelling and there are few
houses with built-in store in it.

Table 10 Type of Dwelling

Type Frequency Percentage
Single 415 99.76
Duplex 1 0.24
TOTAL 416 100%

2. Type of Roofing materials.

Table below shows the type of roofing materials respondents used in

their dwelling. More than half of the total respondents surveyed consisting of
313 or 75.24% used strong materials. A strong material usually refers to G.I
sheets. There were 74 or 17.79% of them who used light roofing materials
usually “nipa shingles”. On the other hand, 20 or 4.81% of them used both
(strong and light materials) but strong materials were dominant. Only 9 or
2.16% also used a combination of strong and light materials with light materials

Table 11. Type of Roofing Materials

Type Frequency Percentage
Strong materials 313 75.24
Light materials 74 17.79
Mixed mostly strong 20 4.81
Mixed mostly light 9 2.16
TOTAL 416 100%

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3. Type of Walling Materials

More than half of respondents used wood as walling materials consisting

of 216 or 51.92% of the total households surveyed; 139 respondents,
equivalent to 33.41% used concrete materials while 41 or 9.86% of them used
a combination of wood, concrete and bamboo. Only 20 or 4.81% used bamboo
or nipa as their main walling material.

Table 12. Type of Walling Materials

Type Frequency Percentage
Light materials 216 51.92
Strong materials 139 33.41
Mixed mostly strong 41 9.86
Mixed mostly light 20 4.81
TOTAL 416 100%

4. Status of House and Lot Occupancy

The table below shows the status of house and lot occupancy of the
respondents. Data shows that a great majority (378 out of 416) of the total
households interviewed said that they owned the house they are living in.
Twenty-five (25) respondents were living with their parents and/or relatives or
friends which is considered as extended family. The rest of the status of
occupancy are presented in Table 13. There were 3 who said they were
allowed to use the house for free while 5 said they were tenants living in the
house of their landlords.

With regards to the home lot, more than one half of the respondents
reported that they use the lot for free being tenants. For those who were not
tenants, they build their houses on a land that is not theirs but with consent of
the owners as long as they will not build concrete houses. Perhaps this is also
the reason why many of the houses in the barangay use light walling materials.
This kind of situation does not provide security to the residents in the barangay.

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Table 13. Status of House and Lot Occupancy

Status of Occupancy House Lot
Owner 378 126
Living with Parents/Relatives 25 7
Used for free 5 270
Caretaker 5 10
Renting 3 3
TOTAL 416 416

5. Type of Fuel Used for Cooking

The main fuel used for cooking in the barangay was wood. Only 34
households used LPG while a much smaller number (14) used electricity for
cooking. Data implies that the traditional way of cooking using wood as fuel is
still common. This maybe because the barangay is primarily agricultural and
there is an abundance of wood for fuel.

Table 14. Type of Fuel Used for Cooking

Type of Fuel Frequency Percentage
Wood 403 89.36
LPG 34 7.54
Electricity 14 3.10
TOTAL 451* 100%
*multiple responses

6. Type of Toilet by Purok

The dominant type of toilet in the barangay was water- sealed which is
sanitary, most owned it while a few shared it with others. There were 25
households who used the Antipolo type, either personally or on a sharing basis.
In spite of the “Zero open defecation drive” in the municipality, there were still
30 out of 416 households in the barangay who did not have any toilet at all. The
most number of them can be found in Purok 4.

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Table 15. Type of Toilet by Purok

Purok Water-Sealed Antipolo Shared None TOTAL
1 112 2 4 0 118
2 42 9 0 8 59
3 109 4 11 2 126
4 46 6 0 14 66
5 34 4 3 6 47
TOTAL 343 25 18 30 416

7. Source of Drinking water by Purok

The main source of drinking water in the barangay was from a spring,
commonly known in the barangay as “sandayong”, particularly Purok 2 and 5
which have no access to Level 2 and 3. However, they complained that it is far
from the residential area. There were 73 households in the barangay who used
bottled water for drinking while 43 households get their drinking water from a
deep well. Eighty-three (83) household have access to a pipe level 3 who are
mostly residing in Purok 2 and 3.

Table 16. Source of Drinking Water by Purok

Purok Spring Level Bottled Level Deep Hand Artesian Rain TOTAL
3 Water 2 well Pump Well
1 0 32 33 23 27 0 3 0 118
2 55 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 59
3 10 46 40 17 14 2 0 0 129
4 22 5 8 4 0 22 2 3 66
5 42 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 47
TOTAL 129 83 82 45 43 29 5 3 419

8. Manner of Solid Waste Disposal

In order to get information about the manner of solid waste management

of the barangay, the respondents were asked what they usually do with their
solid wastes and garbage.

Table below shows the summary of their responses. Most of the

respondents said that they usually burn their garbage, but the garbage that they

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burned are usually leaves and little twigs. There was also a significant number
(117 out of 416) of respondents who just throw their garbage and trash
anywhere, which is not good for the environment and for the health of the
people. Out of 416 households only three (3) sold their garbage or the
recyclables but during the community validation, majority of the participants
practice selling bottles and tin cans, however, they did not report it as a waste
management practice because those that can be sold were not considered

Table 17. Manner of Solid Waste Disposal By Purok

Purok Burning Thrown Composting Open Segregation Sell
anywhere Pit
1 97 41 6 6 7 3
2 53 4 1 1 0 0
3 77 53 9 4 2 0
4 50 11 2 3 0 0
5 43 8 2 0 0 0
TOTAL 320 117 20 14 9 3


1. Labor Force Participation

Labor force Participation indicated by members of the potential labor

force (aged 15 to 64) with and without work are shown in Table 18 below. There
is a total of 1,267 members of the labor force in the barangay. Out of this
number, 667 have no work and only 600 are productive. Most of those who are
not working yet is maybe because they are still in school. With a total of 732
dependents (ages 0-14 and 65 and above), there is a dependency ratio of 1
dependent per worker.
Table 18. Labor Force Participation
Category Frequency Percentage
With Work 600 47.36
Without Work 667 52.64
Total Potential Labor Force 1,267 100%

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2. Nature of Work

Among the type of work of earning household members, 121 out of the
600 with work were skilled (drivers, carpenters and electricians) one hundred
seventeen or 19.5% were farm laborer (manguhit/saka sa lubi and mag-guna).
This is followed by unskilled labor (housemaids, baby sitter and labandera) with
103. There were 81 or 17.17% government employees. There were 73 or
13.5% who were farmers. Private employment (saleslady, office clerk,
bookkeeper, call center agents, company driver, engineers and accountant)
come next with 41. There were only 38 who were self-employed. Twenty-six
(26) were overseas worker. (Please see Table 19 below for details). The data
imply that majority of the household earning members are relatively low-income

Table 19. Nature of Work

Nature of Work Frequency Percentage
Skilled Labor 121 20.17
Farm Labor 117 19.5
Unskilled Labor 103 17.17
Government Employee 81 13.5
Farmer 73 12.17
Private Employee 41 6.83
Self employed 38 6.33
Overseas worker 26 4.33
TOTAL 600 100%

3. Place of Work of Earning Household Members

With regard to place of work, Table 20 shows that majority were working
within the Municipality (427 out of 600), 24.5% were working outside of the
Municipality, notably in the neighboring places such as Kolambugan, Ozamis,
Iligan, and Cagayan de Oro and as far as Zamboanga and Manila. Twenty-six
or 4.33% work overseas.

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Table 20. Place of Work

Place of Work Frequency Percentage
Within Municipality 427 71.17
Outside Municipality 147 24.5
Other countries 26 4.33
TOTAL 600 100%

4. Estimated Household Monthly Income

Household monthly income is computed by adding all the contribution of

earning household members to the family coffers. Table below shows that
majority of the households has an estimated household income per month of
5,000php and below which is relatively small amount. Only 28 respondents
reported to have an estimated monthly income above 20,000php. The lowest
monthly income reported was 500php, the highest was 65,000php while
average income was 5,193php. It appears that majority of the households have
low monthly incomes which fall below poverty line. It is also consistent to the
kind of jobs they have.

Table 21. Estimated Total Monthly HH Income

Estimated Income (in pesos) Frequency Percentage
Less than 1000 39 9.38
1000-5000 239 57.45
5001-10000 73 17.55
10001-20000 37 8.89
More than 20000 28 6.73
TOTAL 416 100%
Lowest: 500php Highest: 65,000 Average: 5,193php

5. Household Size

Table below shows that a great majority of the households interviewed

(209 out of 416) have a household size between 4-6 members which is of

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normal size under Philippines standards. The biggest size consists of 18

Table 22. Household Size
Household Size Frequency Percentage
3 and below 137 32.93
4-6 209 50.24
6 and above 70 16.83
TOTAL 416 100%
Smallest: 1 Biggest: 18 Average Size: 5


1. Status of Land Ownership

There were only 73 respondents who said that farming is their primary
source of income. However, there were also 74 who said that they also farm
on the side in addition to their primary occupation. Both of these farmers are
considered in this table.
In terms of tenure status, more than one half of the farmers were share
tenants, only 58 were owner cultivators. Five were cultivating the land for free
and with permission from the owner.

Table 23. Tenure Status of Farmers

Status Frequency Percentage
Share tenant 80 54.42
Owner/cultivator 58 39.46
Free 9 6.12
TOTAL 147 100%

2. Size of Farm

In terms of farm size, a big number (73 out of 147) were cultivating
between 1-2 hectares. Smallest farm size was half a hectare; the largest farm
size was 10 hectares while the average was 1.45 hectares.

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Table 24. Farm Size

Farm Size (in hectares) Frequency Percentage
Less than a hectare 31 21.09
1-2 73 49.66
3-4 32 21.77
5 and above 11 7.48
TOTAL 147 100%
Smallest: 1/8 has Largest: 10 has Average: 1.45 has

3. Annual Yield, Estimated Farm Income by Crop

The main agricultural product of the barangay was coconut which was
usually marketed as copra. There were other crops planted such as banana,
corn, palay and lemon but these were usually raised for consumption. Only
coconut and banana were usually marketed.

The market or selling price of copra for the past year (2017) was 36
pesos per kilo and they usually sell it in Poblacion, Tubod. For banana, a buyer/
comprador usually comes to the area to buy them at wholesale price around

Table 25. Major Crops Planted, Yield/Harvest, Estimated Income for 2017

Crops Planted Yield/Harvest Selling Estimated Income

(in kg) Price (in pesos)
Corn 3,500 12/kg 42,000
Banana 86,640 5/kg 433,200
Coconut 250,450 36/kg 9,016,200
Palay 20,700 18/kg 372,600
Lemon 3,000 15/kg 45,000
TOTAL 364,290 9,909,000

4. Livestock Raised and Number of Heads

As commonly practiced in rural Philippines, residents usually raise

livestock as additional sources of income which usually comes in handy when
there are emergencies in the family. The most common livestock raised in the

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Barangay was chicken numbering about 2,375 heads. This was followed by
pigs, cows and goats.

Table 26. Livestock and Poultry Raised

Name of Livestock Number of Heads Percentage
Chicken 2,375 76.89%
Pig 237 7.67%
Cow 200 6.47%
Goat 117 3.79%
Ducks 96 3.11%
Carabao 34 1.1%
Horse 24 0.78%
Goose 6 0.19%
Total 3,089 100%


1. Political Participation

Political participation is indicated by total voting population (15 years

above) who are registered and are able to vote.

Table below reveals that there was a total of 1,346 voting population for
all the 5 puroks in the barangay with purok 3 garnering the highest number of
415 and purok 5 the lowest with only 152. Out of 1,346, only 1,086 were
registered voters and 260 were not yet registered.

Table 27. Political Participation by Purok

Purok Total Voting Population Registered Not registered
1 358 277 81
2 189 152 37
3 415 351 64
4 232 178 54
5 152 128 24
Total 1,346 1,086 260

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2. Place of Registration of the Voting Population

In terms of place of registration, table below shows place of registration.

There were 174 people who were not registered in the barangay. Some of the
places that they registered to were in the Municipality of Magsaysay and others
in the Municipality of Baroy.

Table 28. Place of Registration

Place of Registration Frequency Percentage
Within Barangay 912 83.98
Outside Barangay 174 16.02
TOTAL 1.086 100%

3. Membership in Community-Based Organizations (CBOs)

With regards to participation through membership in CBOs, a great

number among the respondents were involved in community-based
organization. They number 237 among 416. There were 179 who were non-
members. This only covers the respondents and excludes the spouse or other
adult members of the family.

Table 29. Membership in CBO

Membership in CBO Frequency Percentage
Member 237 56.97
Non-member 179 43.03
TOTAL 416 100

4. Membership by Type of CBO

There were 6 community-based organizations identified by the

respondents to be operating in Barangay Pualas. Among these 6 organizations,
the Women’s Organization has the most number of members with 122. This is
presumably because 4Ps beneficiaries are required to be members. It is closely
followed by the Senior Citizen with 100. It seems that only the youth sector is
not organized

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Table 30. Membership by Type of CBO

Type of CBO Frequency Percentage
Women’s org 122 46.74
Senior Citizen Association 100 38.32
Corn-Cassava Growers’ Asso. 15 5.75
Pualas Farmers’ Association 10 3.83
Rural Improvement Club 10 3.83
Rice Farmers Association 4 1.53
TOTAL 261* 100%
* multiple membership


1. Problems/Issues/Concerns by Purok

The top three (3) identified problems by Purok during the survey were:
1. Insufficient Water Supply
2. Lack of good farm to market road
3. Lack of livelihood

Majority of the people in the barangay were having a hard time with their
water supply because they were far from the source of water. It was a burden
particularly for those in Puroks 2 and 5 whose main source of water is spring.
As of this writing, however, this problem is already being addressed by the
barangay officials.

The second identified problem was the bad situation of their roads. The
residents find it very hard to travel and transport their products because of the
very rocky and uneven roads. There were means of transportation available
but the bad condition of the roads make travel dangerous especially during
rainy season and naturally the fare is quite costly. Currently there are several
projects that are on-going to address this need.

The third identified problem was the lack of livelihood. A significant

number of families in the barangay live below the poverty line. They are having

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a hard time sustaining their daily needs and due to low educational attainment
they cannot find jobs that will suit to them. Refer to the table below.

Table 31. Community Needs and Problem

Purok Tubig Panginabuhi Karsada
1 40 15 2
2 49 13 31
3 89 31 0
4 53 6 41
5 40 35 0
TOTAL 271 117 74

2. Experience of Crimes in the Barangay (Past 12 months) by Type

As far as crimes experienced in the barangay in the past 12 months,

table below shows that 29 respondents claimed that they have been victims of
kawat especially fighting cocks. Two experienced being shot with gun and one
experienced mauling/kulata. Suspected perpetrators of these crimes were drug

Table 32. Crimes Experienced in the Barangay in 2017

Type of Crimes Within Barangay
Kawat 29
Gipusil 2
Nakulatahan 1


1. Access to Electricity by Purok

Majority of the total households interviewed had electricity while 37

households did not have. Most of those without electricity were located in Purok
2. A few were also found in Puroks 1,3,4 and 5. Refer to table below

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Table 33. Access to Electricity By Purok

Purok Access to Electricity
With access Without access
1 109 9
2 48 11
3 118 8
4 60 6
5 41 6
TOTAL 376 40

2. Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4 Ps) Membership

Among the 416 households surveyed in barangay Pualas, 128 claimed

that they were beneficiaries of 4Ps; the remaining 288 were not. Perhaps those
who were not beneficiaries were not qualified. Among the qualifications for the
program spelled out in 4Ps guidebook are the following;
1. May maliit na buwanang kita na hindi sapat sa kinakailangan para
2. May batang edad 0-18 o may buntis sa tahanan sa panahon ng
paglista sa programa
3. Sumang-ayon na tuparin ang mga tungkulin o kundisyon sa
Table 34. Membership in 4Ps
Category Frequency Percentage
Non-Member 288 69.23
Member 128 30.77
TOTAL 416 100%

3. Phil Health Membership

Two hundred twelve (212) out of 243 residents have Philhealth while the
remaining 31 do not have. The number of respondents without PhilHealth is
significant considering that the National Government subsidizes those who

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cannot afford through different programs, among them Senior Citizens and
With regards to type of Philhealth membership, table below shows that
243 have a government sponsored type categorized as: Indigent, Senior
Citizen and sponsored by Gov. Khalid Dimaporo. Only 50 were paying
contributions either as employees or individually paying.

Table 35. PhilHealth Membership

Category Frequency Percentage
Member 212 87.24
Non-Member 31 12.76
TOTAL 243 100%

Table 36. Type of PhilHealth membership

Type Frequency Percentage
Indigent 109 35.05
Senior Citizen 85 27.33
Sponsored 49 15.76
Employed 34 10.93
Individually Paying 16 5.14
Lifetime 14 4.50
Overseas Worker 4 1.29
TOTAL 311 100%


1. Actions Done during Typhoon Vinta

The table below shows the things that the Barangay Local Government
Unit, Municipal Local Government Unit and the National government have done
during the recent Typhoon Vinta experienced by the Municipality of Tubod and
other nearby municipalities. Majority of the people said that all these three
governing bodies were able to respond favorably when the typhoon happened.
However, they said the barangay must have its vehicle in order to readily
respond in times of disaster and calamities.

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Table 37. Perception of LGU Performance During Disasters

Level of Perceived Preparedness Perceived Proposed
Government Weaknesses Improvement
Barangay • Nag warning sa mga tao • Sakyanan sa • Mag palit ug
• Naay first aid barangay sakyanan ang
• Naay mga kagamitan barangay
Municipal • Complete sa gamit • Maayo ug • Mag palit ug
• Naay sakyanan mapun-an pa lain pa nga
• Nagahatag advisory sa ang sakyanan sakyanan
mga barangay
National • Naga pahibalo sa mga • wala Wala
katawhan pina agi sa

2. Preparations Made by Households in times of Calamities

In terms of preparations, majority of the households claimed they

prepared emergency kits ready for evacuation. Others (123) respondents just
just stayed alert and kept themselves safe inside their houses. See table below.

Table 38. Preparations Made by Households for Calamities

Preparations Frequency Percentage
Mag andam gamit for emergency 289 69.47
Mag alerto ug mag safety sa balay 123 29.57
Wala lang 4 0.96
TOTAL 416 100%

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Chapter III



There were 416 respondents surveyed in this study. Most of the respondents
were women, jobless and just stay home watching over their children. Most of their
husbands were tricycle drivers, farmers, and farm laborer, jobs which were seasonal
and low paying. In addition, most of the population have secondary education. There
were also substantial number of residents who have reached college and/or have
completed college degrees. Majority of the population trace their ethnicity to the
Visayas, notably Siquijor, Cebu and Bohol.

Most of the respondents owned the house they are living in but not the lot
although they were allowed by the owner to build their houses for free as long as these
are made of light materials. Majority of the respondents have water-sealed toilets; their
main source of drinking water is spring notably in Puroks 2 and 5. The Level 3 water
system is not accessible to these 2 puroks. For electricity, however, almost all of the
households have connections. Burning was the main manner of garbage disposal
which is harmful to the environment. There were still 30 households without toilets
usually found in Purok 4. Most of the toilets in the barangay were sanitary.

Economically, there is a low labor force participation. Many do not have work,
in addition, the nature of their work does not earn much. In terms of income, most of
the household fall below the poverty line. The major agricultural crops raised were
coconut and banana. Coconut was primarily sold as copra which price is not stable.
Bananas were also bought by compradors who also dictate the price.

The water connection, road, and lack of livelihood are the most common needs
or problems cited by the respondents. Roads in Puroks 2 and 4 otherwise known as
Sitio Pagang were lubak-lubak. However, at the time of writing the roads and water
problems were already being addressed. The only problem not yet addressed is low

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More than half of the respondents were members of 4P’s and were PhilHealth

When it comes to disaster preparedness of the Local Government Unit, there

were perceived weaknesses in terms of responding such as what happened during
Typhoon Vinta. These were the lack of vehicles and lack of training of ERU personnel.
Households also prepare emergency kits in case of calamities.


Barangay Pualas is an agricultural barangay whose main products are coconut,

banana and corn. However, majority of the farmers were share tenants who could not
make decisions on the farms they are cultivating. In addition, In addition, there was no
value-added to these agricultural crops hence they could not demand a high price and
are subject to the prices set by compradors.

Although the barangay provides basic services, facilities and infrastructures to

the community, there is still a need to mobilize the residents to take active part in
community activities and get involved in community-based organizations. It would be
a good thing if the community will become active partners to an equally active
barangay leadership. There appears to be a need also for livelihood skills trainings
and enterprises to alleviate the low economic condition of the community.


In the light of the above discussions, the following are recommended to help
the community improve the quality of life of its residents:

1) To reduce poverty incidence among households, livelihood programs for the

community through their organizations, and skills enhancement activities. Income-
generating projects that would make use of locally available resources, such as
coconut and banana would be beneficial.

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2) To address the problem of solid waste, the barangay should provide for
garbage collection. There is also a need for environmental awareness activities to
enhance the understanding of the community in taking care of their environment.
3) For more effective disaster response, a new vehicle should be acquired to
supplement present facilities of the barangay.
4) To mobilize the community to become effective and empowered partners of
the barangay, there is a need to strengthen existing community-based organizations
and to organize the youth sector especially with the revival of the Sangguniang
Kabataan. This will not only help the youth avoid the usual problems confronting out-
of-school, but will also make them productive members of the community.

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Sagbayan, Bohol Masiu, Lanao del Norte

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