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1 Limitations of the Study

The major limitations of the study are as follows:

 First, the sample data used in the present study is relative small likewise time period for the
comparison was four years before and after the merger, this might bring in the question of
statistical validity of the results.

 Apart from the profitability, other performance ratios like risk, cash flow has been
ignored to know the performance of financial institutions that has undergone for
merger and acquisition strategy.

 This study is based on secondary data only but the findings of the study would have been
more accurate and reliable if primary data including the perceptions of top level managers,
stockholders, employees and customers regarding the impact of merger on financial performance
were considered.

 This study is based on descriptive and comparative research design. Other research
design has been ignored in this study.

 The findings of this study could not be generalized to manufacturing and trading
enterprises because the study is only based on the financial sector

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