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7-1 97Ä1ÔTOFELÌÁ (Page159)

1. (A) His mother was on her lunch break.

(B) His mother can't talk about her new job.
(C) His mother doesn't like going to lunch.
(D) His mother's new job keeps her busy.

2. (A) She thinks the man should drive to town.

(B) She likes to pass cars.
(C) The man should mind his own business.
(D) The traffic won't be detoured after tomorrow.

3. (A) See his professor about the paper.

(B) Try to get better grades.
(C) Be on time for his appointment.
(D) Pick a different topic for his paper.

4. (A) She doesn't like fresh vegetable.

(B) She doesn't have time to go to the market.
(C) She has already been shopping.
(D) She only has enough for herself.

5. (A) She prefers to exercise in the morning.

(B) It's important to warm up before exercising.
(C) The man should start running daily.
(D) The man should continue his exercise program.

6. (A) The party doesn't interest him.

(B) He may already have plans.
(C) He'd like to bring a guest to the party.
(D) He'd rather come another time.

7. (A) She is embarrassed.

(B) She had forgotten all about the test.
(C) She just got one question correct.
(D) She is very pleased.

8. (A) He prefers to go to the concert tonight.

(B) He doesn't like to go to movies at night.
(C) The others should do what they like.
(D) They should go to more movies and concerts this year.

9. (A) The books slipped off the table.

(B) He forgot to get the books.
(C) He reminded Ron about the books.
(D) Ron should pick up the books.

10. (A) She left them at home.

(B) She needs them right now.
(C) They might be hard to read.
(D) They are incomplete.

11. (A) Wait until the sale is now.

(B) Watch for the ad on television.
(C) Return his suit to Conrad's.
(D) Buy a new suit.

12. (A) The woman should return his tape player by Friday.
(B) The woman should buy him a new player.
(C) By Friday he should be able to borrow a tape player.
(D) He can't wait until Friday for exams.

13. (A) Start looking forward to her history class.

(B) Mail her letters immediately.
(C) Stop thinking about her exams.
(D) Study instead of writing letters.

14. (A) She's looking forward to her history class.

(B) She's surprised how long her reading assignment is.
(C) She thinks the book is too expensive.
(D) She's late for her history class.

15. (A) She is away for a few days.

(B) She recently hurt herself.
(C) She tore her skirt on a hook.
(D) She seldom stops studying.

16. (A) Sit further back.

(B) Sit closer together.
(C) Find their reserved seats.
(D) Find seats closer to the screen.

17. (A) His paycheck is late.

(B) The book bag is too expensive.
(C) He can't lend the woman any money.
(D) The woman doesn't need a new book bag.

18. (A) Buy an Italian cookbook.

(B) Go to an Italian restaurant.
(C) Take a night flight to Italy instead.
(D) Cook some Italian dishes on Saturday.

19. (A) Move to a cheaper apartment.

(B) Find a person to share their apartment.
(C) Hire a new worker.
(D) Write an accurate description of a friend.

20. (A) The man should buy a watch in a jewelry store.

(B) The jewelry store doesn't have a good selection of watches.
(C) The man has been looking at poorly made watches.
(D) The watches in the jewelry store are even more expensive.

21. (A) He isn't ready to work on the next lab experiment.

(B) He's surprised the woman chose him.
(C) He doesn't understand why the experiment didn't work.
(D) Finding a lab partner is difficult.

22. (A) Both games are played worldwide.

(B) Chess is more difficult.
(C) Both games can be learned by children.
(D) He can't compare the two games.

23. (A) All of the applicants received fellowships.

(B) The dean is waiting to see her.
(C) Her fellowship is being delayed until her grades are available.
(D) Her fellowship was announced first.

24. (A) He can't see very well.

(B) He's not feeling well.
(C) His eye doesn't hurt very much.
(D) His eye isn't healing very quickly.

25. (A) Join an engineering firm.

(B) Start his own company.
(C) Join the woman in graduate school.
(D) Go to business school.

26. (A) He should move the desk back.

(B) He should go to the doctor.
(C) He should have had someone help him.
(D) He should have known the desk was heavy.

27. (A) Buy a new television for the woman.

(B) Check to see if the woman's television has been repaired.
(C) Fix the woman's television.
(D) Order parts for the woman's television.

28. (A) He wants to learn to play the clarinet.

(B) He wants to play in the band.
(C) His hand is performing next week.
(D) He wasn't playing very loudly.

29. (A) She also plans to get a pet.

(B) Dan is allergic to cats.
(C) Animals will soon be allowed in Dan's building.
(D) Dan will get a lift to his apartment from a relative.

30. (A) He wants to know how the concert was.

(B) He disagrees with the woman.
(C) He likes to play the piano.
(D) He also enjoyed the music.

31. (A) Planning a sightseeing tour.

(B) Writing to his uncle.
(C) Arranging his class schedule.
(D) Looking through a language textbook.

32. (A) Get the university's approval in advance.

(B) Follow Susan's advice about traveling abroad.
(C) Take more French courses to improve his skills.
(D) Make inquiries about the requirements for teaching chemistry.

33. (A) He's fulfilled his graduation requirements.

(B) He wants to change his field of study.
(C) He needs to get better grades.
(D) He needs to earn a graduate degree.

34. (A) The benefits of new reflectors.

(B) Identifying different varieties of quartz.
(C) A particular kind of heating device.
(D) Using solar energy for heat.

35. (A) Quartz heater.

(B) Sympathetic vibration.
(C) Infrared heat.
(D) Convection.

36. (A) He asks her for an example.

(B) He asks her to give a definition.
(C) He asks her how a quartz heater works.
(D) He asks her to explain his design.

37. (A) It heats only the objects in a room.

(B) It is lighter in weigh.
(C) It is more expensive.
(D) It is more common.

38. (A) It measures the temperature of a room.

(B) It collects sunlight.
(C) It moves air around the room.
(D) It directs radiation at objects.

39. (A) To interest students in a career in counseling.

(B) To recent counselors to work in the placement of office.
(C) To inform students of a university program.
(D) To convince local merchants to hire college students.

40. (A) A job listing.

(B) A resume.
(C) A permission slip.
(D) Their salary requirements.

41. (A) Refine their interviewing techniques.

(B) Arrange their work schedules.
(C) Select appropriate courses.
(D) Write cover letters.

42. (A) They pay the same wage.

(B) They involve working outdoors.
(C) They can be substituted for college courses.
(D) They're part-time.

43. (A) A painter and a sculptor.

(B) Paintings inspired by photographs.
(C) Early photographic techniques.
(D) The work of two photographers.

44. (A) He photographed her house.

(B) He photographed her paintings.
(C) He gave her advice on photography.
(D) He gave her advice on painting techniques.

45. (A) Painting.

(B) Architecture.
(C) Photographing sculpture.
(D) Photographing people.

46. (A) It is the only record left of the painting.

(B) It is not an accurate representation of the painting.
(C) It has become more valuable than the painting.
(D) It was destroyed with the painting in a fire.

47. (A) Irrigating desert areas.

(B) Uses for cold seawater.
(C) Techniques for preserving the environment.
(D) The importance of conserving energy.

48. (A) Produce larger vegetables.

(B) Transport produce more quickly.
(C) Grow crops in nontraditional climates.
(D) Keep vegetables fresher for a longer period.

49. (A) To transport water to higher elevations.

(B) To provide air-conditioning.
(C) To bring nutrients to the soil.
(D) To adjust the soil temperature.

50. (A) It's another possible use for seawater.

(B) It's necessary for growing vegetables in hot climates.
(C) It's used to cool water used for irrigation.
(D) It's the primary use for electricity in the United States.

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