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Research Journal of Biotechnology Vol.

8 (7) July (2013)

Res. J. Biotech

Chemical and Laccase catalysed oxidation of gallic acid:

Determination of kinetic parameters
Zinnai A., Venturi F.,* Sanmartin C., Quartacci M.F. and Andrich G.
Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (DAFE), University of Pisa, Via del Borghetto 80, 56124 Pisa, ITALY

Abstract present in low concentration (3 U/mL) and results in the

During grape crushing, the release in the liquid phase loss of nutritional value of wine7. Moreover laccase activity
of oxidizing enzymes can reduce the concentration of persists even during the winemaking process as this
phenols which are natural antioxidants important for enzyme is stable at pH values.11,18
human health. On the contrary, in the following
Differently from what happens in the phases immediately
phases, related to the aging of wine, it is the slower following grape crushing, during the aging of wine, the
chemical oxidation that causes the unwished reduction of the phenol concentration is mainly due to the
degradation of the phenolic compounds. In spite of the development of chemical oxidative processes. O-diphenols,
wide literature on the field, kinetic evaluations which in particular caffeic acid and its esters, catechin and
allow to quantify the extent of the phenomenon with epicatechin as well as gallic acid, are considered among the
temperature (30 and 45°C) are not yet available. To most susceptible compounds to the oxidation caused by the
evaluate the phenol degradation kinetics, a model non enzymatic browning process8,12.
solution containing gallic acid which was subjected to
both chemical and enzymatic oxidation was used. As the phenol concentration depends on the difference
between the amount of compounds transferred from grape
solid parts into wine and that removed by degradation
After determination of the kinetic equation able to processes (oxidation of the end product or adsorption on
describe the time reduction of the gallic acid the walls of yeast cells)3, the different winemaking
concentration in the solution, the kinetic parameters protocols should include the use of operating conditions
related to the degradation curves and the oxidative (temperatures, gas concentrations, enzymatic coadjutants)
process involved were calculated. In both the able to optimize the extraction yields and preserve at the
chemical and enzymatic oxidation experiments, an same time the integrity of the extracted compounds.
increase in the temperature of 15°C induced a
reduction of the gallic acid oxidation rate, evidencing However, maceration also promotes the dissolution in the
an influence of temperature on the oxygen amount must of many compounds derived from the skin which may
have negative effects on the quality of wine. Among these,
dissolved in the liquid phase. In the presence of
the oxidizing enzymes (responsible of the oxidation and
laccase, the oxidative kinetics was three orders of browning of must) and ions such as potassium, calcium and
magnitude higher than that recorded without the magnesium (responsible of the pH increase due to organic
enzyme. acid salification) are particularly important. The browning
of the phenolic compounds extracted during maceration
Keywords: Gallic acid, kinetic models, laccase, oxidation, involves a chromatic evolution of wine towards
phenols. golden/amber tonalities with a consequent alteration of the
sensory properties and an acceleration of the product
Introduction evolution leading to a reduction of the wine storability15,16.
The browning of wine, primarily due to the oxidation
(enzymatic and not) of the phenolic compounds12,18,20, Furthermore, in spite of the fact that the content in white
represents one of the most feared processes which may wines is significantly lower than in grapes, increased
arise during winemaking7 especially with regard to white research in recent years concerning the phenol composition
and rosé wines10. of white wines and their effect on human health has been
developed. It was observed that the in vitro oxidation of a
During grape crushing, the release in solution of laccase human low density lipoprotein is delayed in the presence of
from grapes affected by Botrytis cinerea1 may cause a a phenol extract obtained from a white wine made in a
significant reduction of the content of the phenolic traditional way. This delay is even longer compared to the
compounds9. As a matter of fact, this enzyme catalyzes one induced by a red wine extract if the white grapes were
with low specificity, the conversion of o- and p-diphenols subjected to cuticle maceration before fermentation6.
into the corresponding quinones, thus oxidizing a large
number of phenolics12. Furthermore, the oxidation of Researchers19 at Reading University found that champagne
phenolic compounds adversely affects the sensory has the same health benefits as previously found in red
properties of wine (loss of colour, flavour, aroma) even if wine because of polyphenol antioxidants which are

Research Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 8 (7) July (2013)
Res. J. Biotech

believed to reduce the effects of cell-damaging free radicals temperature.

in the body. In particular, these antioxidants slow down the
removal of nitric oxide from the blood, lowering blood
pressure and therefore reducing the risk of heart problems
and strokes.

Moreover grape skin extracts (GSE) were tested and both

had in vitro yeast and mammalian α-glucosidase inhibitory
activity. The GSE was 32-times more potent at inhibiting
yeast α-glucosidase than acarbose, a commercial oral
hypoglycemic agent. From HPLC and LC-MS analysis,
three phenolics from the GSE (resveratrol, ellagic acid and
catechin) were identified as active inhibitory compounds.
The acute administration of GPE (400 mg/kg bw) to mice
reduced postprandial blood glucose level by 35% following
an oral glucose tolerance test compared to the control. The
daily supplementation (250 mg/kg bw) of GSE for 12-
Fig. 1: Batch biofermentator (V = 5 L) used for the
weeks to mice affected fasting blood glucose levels,
chemical and enzymatic oxidation trials
oxidative stress and inflammatory biomarkers associated
with obesity and type 2 diabetes5.
Results and Discussion
The chemical oxidation of phenols as a function of time
In addition, it was observed that tyrosol and
was described according to a first order kinetics (eq. 1)
hydroxytyrosol, non-flavonoid phenols present in white
using the following differential equation:
wines but not in the must before fermentation, cause a
higher expression of genes codifying for anti-aging
v = -d[S]t=t /dt = k · [O2] · [S]t=t (1)
proteins4, 17. Tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol have an effect
analogous to resveratrol and could have antioxidant
For each temperature the dissolved oxygen amount was
abilities similar of the latter in white wines. As all non-
kept constant:
flavonoid phenols are particularly subject to oxidation
processes, they are greatly affected by laccase activity and
their concentration deeply decreases in presence of that k · [O2]  constant = kox
and then:
Notwithstanding the information available in the literature,
the values of the kinetic parameters related to both the v = -d[S]t=t /dt = kox · [S]t=t
oxidation of each phenol compound and the total phenols
are still not known. The availability of kinetics constant where v is the degradation rate due to gallic acid oxidation
would allow tocontrast the evolution of the oxidative (g L-1 s-1), [S]t=t is the phenol concentration (g L-1) at a
reactions in white wines and in particular in those generic t time (s) and kox is the oxidation kinetic constant of
characterised by high phenol content and then easily the oxidable substrates (s-1). By integrating the equation it
subjected to oxidative processes. follows that:

On the other hand, because of laccase from Trametes ln [S]t=t = -kox · t + ln [S]t=0 (2)
versicolor can be potentially utilised for phenolic removal
in must for white wine stabilization10 , the kinetic In the absence of the enzyme, the relation describing the
characterization of the enzymatic activity in a reaction course of phenol oxidation as a function of time (Figure 2)
medium simulating a wine can be useful to define the best can be represented by the following exponential equation:
working conditions to be adopted in induced degradation of
phenols by controlled addition of the laccase to wine. [S]t=t = [S]t=0 · e- kox  t (3)

In this study an evaluation of the kinetic constants related The calculated values of the functional parameters (kox and
to the course of both enzymatic and chemical oxidations of [S]t=0), together with the squares of the correlation
phenols was carried out. Gallic acid was used as reference coefficients which attest the statistical reliability, are shown
compound for the non-flavonoids to verify the suitability of in table 1. The validity of the theoretical approach is
this kinetic approach. The experimental runs were carried demonstrated by the good degree of overlapping between
out using a model solution at two different temperatures the experimental and calculated data. In the trials at 45°C, a
(30 and 45°C), maintaining constant the percentage of the significant decrease of the rate of gallic acid chemical
oxygen dissolved in the reaction medium at a fixed oxidation was observed (Figure 2) probably due to the

Research Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 8 (7) July (2013)
Res. J. Biotech

lower solubility of oxygen in the reaction medium. ln [S]t=t/[S]t=0 = kox/kE · (e- kE  t – 1)

- kE  t – 1)
[S]t=t = [S]t=0 · e kox/kE · (e (9)

lim [S]t=t = [S]t=0 · e -kox/kE = [S]t=0 / e kox/kE = cost.

t →∞

lim [S]t=t = [S]t=0

t →0

where [S]t=t is the phenol concentration (g L-1) at a generic t

time (s), [S]t=0 is the phenol concentration (g L-1) at t=0 (s),
kox is the kinetic constant related to the oxidation of the
Fig. 2: Time evolution of the concentration of gallic acid oxidable substrates (s-1) and kE is the kinetic constant
(chemical oxidation) in the model solution. related to enzyme inactivation (s-1).

The enzymatic oxidation of gallic acid was evaluated in the

same conditions used for the chemical oxidation with the
addition of a commercial laccase product in a concentration
similar to that of a must obtained from grapes affected by
Botrytis cinerea. The time course of the enzymatic
oxidation of phenols at both temperatures shows a
progressive inactivation of the enzyme (Figure 3) which
accounts for the dramatic reduction of the oxidation rate
and above all, for the tendency to reach almost asymptotic
values of minimum. Assuming that the enzymatic
inactivation follows a first order kinetics, it follows that the
enzyme concentration at a generic t time ([E]t=t ) will be
represented by: Fig. 3: Time evolution of the concentration of gallic acid
(enzymatic oxidation) in the model solution.
[E]t=t = [E]t=0 · e- kE  t (4)
In table 2, the squares of the correlation coefficients as well
as the calculated values of the functional parameters (kox,
and then:
kE and [S]t=0) are obtained using the Burenl statistical
program. Also in this case the validity of the theoretical
v = -d[S]t=t/dt = k2 · [O2] · [E]t=t · [S]t=t = k2 · [O2] · [E]t=0 · e-
kE  t approach is demonstrated by the good degree of
· [S]t=t (5)
overlapping between the experimental and calculated data.
In the presence of laccase the oxidation kinetics exceeds of
where k2 is the kinetic constant related to the enzymatic
about three orders of magnitude, the one detected without
catalysis, [S]t=t the phenol concentration (g L-1) at a generic the enzyme. Also in the enzymatic degradative
t time (s) and kE is the kinetic constant of inactivation of experiments, the enhancement of the temperature by 15°C
the enzyme (s-1). If the concentration of oxygen dissolved induced a reduction of the gallic acid oxidation rate (Table
in the reaction medium does not vary with time, the 2), stressing the importance on the amount of oxygen
following relation can be written: dissolved in the reaction medium.
kox = k2 · [O2] · [E]t=0 (6) Further experimental runs carried out at temperatures
and then: different from those already used are needed to identify the
v = -d[S]t=t/dt = kox · e- kE  t · [S]t=t (7) optimal thermal conditions which can maximize the
catalytic activity of laccase in model solution. An
The integration of the above relation gives the equation interesting development for reaching a better understanding
which describes the time course of gallic acid of the oxidative degradation of phenols will be the
concentration: identification of the kinetic constants related to the
oxidation of other phenolic compounds either singly or in
[S]t=t combination, in order to evaluate their sensitivity to oxygen
 d[S]t=t/[S]t=t = - kox ·  e- kE  t · dt (8) and verify the existence or not of synergistic/antagonistic
[S]t=0 behaviour.
Research Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 8 (7) July (2013)
Res. J. Biotech

Table 2
Values assumed by the kinetic constants kox and kE and [S]t=0 parameter (mean ± confidence interval) and
corresponding square values of the correlation coefficient following the enzymatic
oxidation of gallic acid in model solution
Temperature kox (s-1)·104 kE (s-1)·104 [S]t=0 (g·L-1) r2
30 3.07  0.17 2.47  0.17 3.86  0.05 0.98
45 1.15  0.08 0.71  0.11 3.64  0.04 0.98

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