Tribhuvan University Amrit Campus: Siddhartha Yatayat Course Code: 452 at Eastlink Technology PVT - LTD

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Tribhuvan University

Amrit Campus

Internship Report
Siddhartha Yatayat
Course Code: 452
Eastlink Technology Pvt.Ltd

Under the supervision of

Mr. Dhirendra Kumar Yadav

Submitted by
Abilasha Rana (2249/069)

Submitted to
Department of Computer Science and Information
Amrit Campus
Institute of Science and Technology
Tribhuvan University
Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
February, 2017
Tribhuvan University
Amrit Campus

Internship Report
Siddhartha Yatayat
Course Code: 452
Eastlink Technology Pvt.Ltd

An Internship report submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degrees of Bachelor Science in Computer
Science and Information Technology.

Submitted by
Abilasha Rana (2249/069)

Submitted to
Department of Computer Science and Information
Amrit Campus
Institute of Science and Technology
Tribhvan University
Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
February, 2017
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology

Amrit Campus
Department of Computer Science and Information

Recommendation Letter of Supervisor

I hereby recommend that the project prepared under my supervision by Ms.

Abilasha Rana entitled. Siddhartha Yatayat be accepted as fulfilling in
partial requirement for the degree of Bachelors of Science in Computer Science
and Information Technology. In my best knowledge, this is an original work in
Computer Science and Information Technology.

Mr. Dhirendra Kumar Yadav
Faculty Member
Amrit Campus
Certificate of Approval
This is to certify that this project prepared by Ms. Abilasha Rana entitled
Siddhartha Yatayat in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology has
been well studied. In our opinion, it is satisfactory in the scope and quality as a
project for the required degree.

Mr. Dhirendra Kumar Yadav
Faculty Member
Amrit Campus

External Examiner
Tribhuvan University

Mr. B.K Adhikari
Head of Department
Computer Science & Information Technology
Amrit Campus

I fell grateful to and wish my profound indebtedness to, Department of

Bsc.CSIT Amrit Campus, Thamel Kathmandu, Deep knowledge and keen
interest of our mentor Mr. Puran Thapa in the field “Siddhartha Yatayat-
Bus ticket reservation”. His endless patience, scholarly guidance, continual
encouragement, constant and energetic supervision, constructive criticism,
valuable advice, and correcting them at all stage have made it possible to
complete this project. All of his suggestions, guidance, constant support and
co-operative behavior are sincerely acknowledged. It is my radiant sentiment to
place on record my best regards, deepest sense of gratitude to Mr. Dhirendra
Kumar Yadav, our supervision for his careful and precious guidance which
were extremely valuable for my study both theoretically and practically. I
perceive this as a big milestone in my career development.

I would also like to express my deepest senses of gratitude and sincere thanks
to our highly respected and esteemed guide Mr. B.K Adhikari (Head of
Department) for whole hearted support and giving this opportunity to undertake
this project.

I am also very grateful to all of our teachers and friends for their valuable
suggestions, help and support during completion of this project.

Abilasha Rana
(T.U. Exam Roll No. 2249/069)


There are buses made available for passengers travelling distances, but not many
passengers have complete information about these buses. Complete information
namely the number of buses that go to required destination, bus numbers, bus
timings, the routes through which the bus would pass, tie taken for bus to reach its
destination. The purposed system deals with the problems stated above. The
platform chosen for this kind of system is android, reason being Android
Operating System has come up on a very large scale and is owned by almost every
second person. Also, android is a user friendly platform, thereby enabling ease of
access for all the users.

Android are the latest and a rapid growing technology available for all the users or
customers in today‟s market. An enormous increase in the end user acceptance has
been experienced in the past few years. This project has been developed the Bus
Booking System. This paper purposes an Android mobile phone application that
allows the user to book ticket, information about buses and counters, bus number
as well as bus routes. Reason for android platform – Android requires an open
source development which is probably the most feasible and a present user
friendly approach.

The main purpose of our system is that if any user want to go anywhere in our
country they want to use our system in online. There is no need to go to bus
counter to book bus ticket; they can select bus on basis of their choice. The choice
of user remains on their hand; can use whenever and wherever they need to travel
to other places.

Thus, with this project the Siddhartha Yatayat is promoted and the work
efficiency of the ticket reservation online.

Table of contents
Title Page
Table of Contents……………………………………………………………...iii-v
List of Figures…………………………………………………………………
List of Tables…………………………………………………………………....vii
List of Abbreviations…………………………………………………...……...viii

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .........................................................................1

1.1 Introduction to Internship ....................................................................................1

1.2 Background ...............................................................................................................1

1.3 Objectives ...................................................................................................................2

1.3.1 Internship Purpose .....................................................................................2
1.3.2 Internship Objectives.................................................................................3
1.3.3 Task-based Objectives...............................................................................4

1.4 Brief Introduction to Industry ............................................................................4

1.5 Brief Introduction to Organization....................................................................6

1.5.1 About Organization ...................................................................................6
1.5.2 Organization Rationale ..............................................................................6
1.5.3 Organization Hierarchy .............................................................................7

CHAPTER 2: ANALYSIS OF ACTIVITIES DONE ........................................ 8

2.2 Internship Placement Details ...............................................................................8

2.2.1 Organization Selection ..............................................................................8
2.2.2 Placement ..................................................................................................8
2.2.3 Duration .....................................................................................................8
2.2.4 Roles and Responsibilities ........................................................................9

2.3 Literature Review ....................................................................................................9

2.4 Specific Problem Analysis ...................................................................................10
2.4.1 Understanding the Existing System ........................................................10
2.4.2 Requirements Analysis ............................................................................11
2.4.3 Functional Requirements.........................................................................11
2.4.4 Non-functional Requirements .................................................................11
2.4.5 Modeling the System Requirements .......................................................12
2.4.6 Development of Project Goals ................................................................12

2.5 Management Strategy ..........................................................................................12

2.5.1 Time Management Strategy ....................................................................12
2.5.2 Cost Management Strategy .....................................................................13

2.6 Project Schedule ....................................................................................................14

CHAPTER 3: SYSTEM DESIGN...................................................................... 15

3.1 Project Management Plan ..................................................................................15

3.1.1 System Analysis ......................................................................................15 Feasibility.........................................................................................15 Technical Feasibility ...................................................................16 Economic Feasibility ...................................................................16 Operational Feasibility ................................................................17 Schedule Feasibility ....................................................................17
3.1.2 System Design .........................................................................................18 Context Diagram ..............................................................................18 Data Flow Diagram ..........................................................................18 ER Diagram .....................................................................................19 Use Case Diagram............................................................................20

3.2 Technical Requirements ......................................................................................21

3.2.1 Hardware Requirements ..........................................................................21
3.2.2 Software Requirements ...........................................................................22

CHAPTER 4: IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES...................................... 23

4.1 Testing Strategies ..................................................................................................23

4.1.1 Unit Testing .............................................................................................23
4.1.2 Integration Testing ..................................................................................24
4.1.3 System Testing ........................................................................................24
4.1.4 Performance Testing ...............................................................................25

4.1.5 Usability Testing .....................................................................................25
4.1.6 Acceptance Testing .................................................................................25
4.1.7 Android Compatibility Test ....................................................................25

4.2 Hardware Implementation .................................................................................25

4.3 Software Implementation ...................................................................................25

CHAPTER 5: RESULT ANALYSIS ................................................................. 27

5.1 Result .........................................................................................................................27

5.2 Limitation of the System .....................................................................................28

5.3 Recommendation to the Organization ............................................................28

5.4 Recommendation to the Internship Program ...............................................29

CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION ........................................................................... 30

6.1 Conclusion ...............................................................................................................30

6.2 Future Enhancement ............................................................................................31

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 32

List of Figures
Title Page

Figure 1: Organization Hierarchy ............................................................................ 7

Figure 2: Gantt Chart ............................................................................................. 14
Figure 3: Context Diagram .................................................................................... 18
Figure 4: ER Diagram ............................................................................................ 20
Figure 5: Use Case Diagram .................................................................................. 21
Figure 6: Cover Page ............................................................................................. 33
Figure 7: Uploaded on Play Store (old version) .................................................... 33
Figure 8: Home Screen .......................................................................................... 34
Figure 9: Message Body ........................................................................................ 34
Figure 10: Calling Table ........................................................................................ 35
Figure 11: Package Booking .................................................................................. 35

List of Tables
Title Page

Table 1: Duration ..................................................................................................... 8

Table 2: Time Management ................................................................................... 13
Table 3: Software Requirements ............................................................................ 22

List of Abbreviations
Symbol Full Form
Bsc.CSIT Bachelor in Computer Science in Information Technology
IT Information Technology
TU Tribhuvan University
GSM Global System for Mobile
NTC Nepal Telecommunication
ISP Internet Service Provider
IDE Integrated Development Environment
SDK Software Development Kit
API Application Programming Interface
DFD Data Flow Diagram
ER Entity Relationship Diagram
UMI Unified Modeling Language
GB Gigabyte
RAM Random Access Memory
GHz Gigahertz
CPU Central Processing Unit
JDK Java Development kit
GUI Graphical User Interface
ADB Android Debug Bridge
I/O Input/output
ADT Android Development Tools
GPS Global Positioning System
XML Extensible Markup Language
PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction to Internship

The internship program is designed to provide student engaged in a field experience
with an opportunity to share their insights, to explore the links between student‟s
academic preparation and their field work, and to assist participants in developing and
carrying out the major research project which will serve to culminate their internship
experience. As a career builder, internship is a chance to gain exposure to career
fields of interest without making a permanent commitment. It is strongly advised that
students and graduates take this opportunity to ensure they have the competitive
advantage over their peers and that‟s where an internship can make all difference. An
internship is a crucial opportunity for students to develop variety of soft skills,
creative problem solving and influencing skills. (Graduate Advantage)

1.2 Background
The Internship is done as a partial fulfillment of Bachelor‟s in Computer Science and
Information Technology (Bsc.CSIT) degree awarded by Tribhuvan University (TU).
Being placed in an internship and receiving credit for the experience is privilege. The
Internship experience allow an individual to have a close working relationship with a
seasoned professional and to increase confidence by experiencing the industry first-
hand with involvement in planning, implementing, and evaluating of assigned tasks.
The knowledge gained in the college serve as a base and the internship organization
familiarize students with the additional knowledge required by the professional
standards. The internship in specialized field provides us in-depth knowledge and
understanding about the field, market exposure, and helps to identify the potential
career opportunities. In order to fulfill the requirement of Bsc.CSIT program, students
must complete an Internship of six credit hours (minimum of ten weeks or 180 hours
long) as a part of the course requirement. It helps to equip the students with practical
knowledge and proficiency. It is a medium to practice the theoretical knowledge into

real life work environment. This program helps to broaden the horizon of knowledge
and gain experience. Internship offers us to learn by doing and supervision by a
professional. It helps to add skills and knowledge base. It also helps to enhance our
communication and teamwork skill. It serves as a bridge between educational and
professional world.
Being the student of Bsc.CSIT I was interested in the application development in
Android. Therefore, to enhance knowledge in this field I joined Eastlink Technology
as an intern. During internship period I was involved learning the android
programming using number of libraries and tools. The internship has given us the real
world exposure to the professional life and shown us the wider exploration of the
career opportunities in management, information technology and information
management. This program has enhanced the skill and enthusiasm of the students as
they get knowledge of the information technology and to learn different aspects of
working mechanism that prevail in the organization.

1.3 Objectives
1.3.1 Internship Purpose
 To enrich classroom learning through exposure to related on-the-job
 To assist in the determination of career goals.
 To provide experience in the field for those just entering in the field.
 To broaden that experience and the students‟ perspective.
The successful internship experience in not only a “plus” on your academic transcript
and job resume, but the experience also may be your means of obtaining employment
with the agency later. A number of people play an active role in the internship. The
key people involved in the internship experience are:
 The Student Intern – a motivated person who is seeking a practical knowledge
learning experience with a company.

 Internship Supervisor – a knowledge and experienced practitioner who will
work closely with the student intern to resolve questions and problems,
maintain records and reports, provide guidance to the student intern and see
that internship guidelines are adhered to, communicate with internship
agencies as necessary, monitor and evaluate the student‟s overall

1.3.2 Internship Objectives

The internship program is designed to help students maximize their understanding
process through the integration of theoretical classroom learning with practical
learning experiences. More specifically, the internship experiences skills is designed
to help each student:
 Integrate and apply the theory and research skills derived from his/her
 Gain first-hand knowledge and a greater understanding of working
mechanism of the system.
 Develop techniques and skills to solve the particular problem in different
easiest way.
 Learn about one‟s abilities and aptitudes.
 Be prepared to enter into the full-time employment in their area of
specialization upon graduation.
 Provide in-depth knowledge of the formal functional activities of a
participating organization.
 Gain knowledge about general work functions in real-world.
 Build vital career-related skills such as organizational, written and
interpersonal communication skills.
 Explore and create work experiences with respect to the field of interest.
 Provide students the opportunity to test their interest in a particular career
before permanent commitments are made.

1.3.3 Task-based Objectives
The specific objectives related to the placement of the authors in EastLink are :
 To learn the details of the Android Application Development.
 To study different type of problems faced in software development life cycle.
 To learn the testing methodologies implemented in the system.

1.4 Brief Introduction to Industry

IT stands for Information Technology, and is pronounced as “I.T”. It refers to
anything related to computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software,
the internet, or the people that work with these technologies. Many companies now
have IT department for managing the computers, networks, and others technical
areas of their businesses. IT jobs include computer programming, network
administration, computer engineering, web development, technical support, and
many other related occupations. Since we live in the “Information Age”, information
has become a part of our everyday lives. That means the term “IT”, already highly
overused, and is here to stay.
The information technology (IT) industry has become one of the most robust
industries in the world. IT encompassed all possible aspects of information systems
based on computers and telecommunications used often in the context of a business
or other enterprise. IT, more than any other industry or economic facet, has an
increased productivity, particularly in the development world, and therefore is a key
driver of global economic growth.
Computer Science is the study of principles and practices that underpin an
understanding and modeling of computations, and of their applications in the
development of computer systems. At its heart lied the notion of computational
thinking: a mode of thought that goes well beyond software and hardware, and that
provides a framework within which to reason about system and problems. This mode
of thinking is supported and complemented by a substantial body of theoretical and

practical knowledge, and by a set of powerful techniques for analyzing, modeling
and solving problems.
The software company expanded in the early 1960‟s, almost immediately after
computers were first sold in mass-produced qualities. Universities, Government, and
Business customers created a demand for software. Many of these programs were
written in-house by full-time staff programmers. Some were distributed freely
between users of a particular machine for no charge. Others were done on a
commercial basis, and other firms such as Computer Science Corporation (found in
1959) started to grow. The computer hardware/software makers started building
operating systems, systems software and programming environments with their
The software market in Nepal is experiencing steady growth. Experts and
professional involved in this business are taking this growth as a positive aspect of
developing awareness related to information technology in the country. Nepal
Telecom at present 630,000 telephone lines and 100,000 GSM cellular mobile 6
phone lines. Besides NTC, there are some private services providers in Radio Paging,
Video Conferencing, Fax mail services etc. Government of Nepal recently showed
that the computer penetration in Nepal is around 3 per cent among which 20 percent
uses internet. With the rise of Mobile applications, the internet users in mobile have
reached up to 67 per cent.

1.5 Brief Introduction to Organization
1.5.1 About Organization
EastLink Technology Pvt.Ltd located at Tripurshowr, Kathmandu was established in
and has been one of the best solutions for web development, collaborative E-
commerce Solutions, Business application development and software development
along with the Internet Service provider.
The development center is equipped with resources to cater to the needs of the team,
the projects and the clients. The resources range from, but are not limited to, latest
hardware and network facilities to highly skilled workforce. This in turn allows
EastLink to come up with world class software development. (EastLink Technology
Pvt.Ltd, 2010)

1.5.2 Organization Rationale

The idea that an organization, such as a business, is a tool for achieving a definable
goal or set of goals is the organization rationale. The organization rationale was to
attain the objectives listed as below:
 Develop computer software, website, android, and ISP
 Market the software in and outside the country
 Appoint national agents for marketing software mainly focusing on
government and private offices
 Build national franchise for the development of software
 Participate on the research and development of Information Technology.

1.5.3 Organization Hierarchy


Board of

System/Network Software
ing Developer
Figure 1: Organization Hierarchy

2.2 Internship Placement Details
2.2.1 Organization Selection
According to Tribhuvan University, the final semester of Bsc.CSIT must involve an
Internship program. The students requires at least 3 months of internship for attaining
a successful career in the related fields. As per the course requirements, the students
were to do internship under various sectors involving IT like web application
development, computer networking, software development etc. For the commitment
of fulfilling the internship program different software development sectors were
chosen of which the authors decided to go with Android Application development at
EastLink Technology Pvt.Ltd. as it offers many opportunities and infrastructure
required for a fresher to understand the technical aspects of a real world work.

2.2.2 Placement
During the internship period, we were provided with work space the organization, not
only that we were treated as trainee staff with the access to the very information of
the organization, its organizational resources, informational and equipment‟s. We
worked at EastLink as interns under the supervision of Mr. Puran Thapa.

2.2.3 Duration
Start Date 20th September 2016
End Date 23rd December 2016
Supervisor Mr. Puran Thapa
Platform Android
Office Hours 10am-5pm
Table 1: Duration

2.2.4 Roles and Responsibilities
The internship involved various activities and task as per the requirements of both
the organization and the project. Various activities performed as per these
requirements are defined below:

Study of the existing system: The first and foremost step was to study the existing
system that was currently available. The study of the system helped us to understand
mobile applications, demands of mobile specifically of Android.
Research: After the study of the existing system, extensively research was carried
out. For this, various technologies used in the system were thoroughly studied and
Interaction: Regular interaction and consultation along the training session carried
out with project supervisor has also proved to be very crucial to better understanding
and development of the system.
Being more specified, tasks performed and skills developed during the internship are
given as follows:
 Familiar with the IDE (Android Studio), tools, SDK, API levels, Emulator,
 Familiar with other android features such as services, threads, fragments.
 Made a simple call and message sending application

2.3 Literature Review

A number of Android applications for bus ticket booking system has been purposed.
Some of the related works that has been conducted are mentioned below:
Online travel ticket booking has upgraded towards bus ticket booking after flight and
train. Travelling in Bus is required by everyone. We can now use easy ways to book
online tickets in your mobile using apps and sites. There are numerous online bus
tickets booking apps working.

Red Bus is the most popular app made hence tops the chart in the list of bus ticket
booking apps. This app lets you look through multiple cities and book bus tickets. All
you need to do is just simply enter cities and search bus travelling on that route along
with the time and amount of reservation.

MakeMyTrip is very popular app among the users for booking travel tickets. We can
book the bus ticket for travelling wherever you across the country. It also offers
holiday packages for bus ticket booking. We can customize your booking for the
return trip or single trip, preference of seat, type of bus, the number of passengers and
much more.

ClearTrip is another travel planner app which lets you book online bus tickets and
also helps you reserve hotels, flight seats, and more. In short, you can plan your
whole trip with great ease. You can customize your trips and personalize them
according to your desire.
Payment Bus Booking is one of the best bus ticket booking apps operation. It gives
good platform to sort your search and booking the bus ticket. You can personalize
your search for booking bus ticket online in terms of favorite seat and the number of

2.4 Specific Problem Analysis

Problem analysis, a method of studying a system by examining its component parts
and their interactions. Problem analysis is a set of analytic tasks meant to increase the
designers' understanding of an unbalanced situation, for the sake of designing a
change to the situation that will have better balance.

2.4.1 Understanding the Existing System

“Siddhartha Yatayat” android application is purposed to address the traditional line-
up and paper-based system issues. In Nepal, the most popularly known travelling

method is by bus everywhere. In traditional way, people used book ticket by going to
the counter and need to queue-up in line to get the ticket. This type of system is time
consuming and cumbersome. So, to make the user more easy method to book ticket to
move anywhere, this project is purposed. It provides the customer interactive booking
system through many method like call, messaging and over internet.

Thus this app provides easy method to book bus ticket, cancel ticket. The app also
works offline when internet is not available but the booking is only done using call
and messaging.

2.4.2 Requirements Analysis

Analysis of the requirements means understanding and defining the services provided
by the system and identifying the constraints in the system‟s operation and
development. It is also known as requirement engineering.

2.4.3 Functional Requirements

Functional requirements are the type of requirements which define the function of the
system. These requirements give the exact descriptions of what the system does. The
functional requirements of this Siddhartha Yatayat Ticket booking system as follows:
 Users are able to book bus ticket from anywhere, anytime they want; online or
through the call and sms.
 Able to reserve the bus for tour or any other trip.

2.4.4 Non-functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements describe how, how well or to what standard a function
should be provided. For example, levels of required services such as response times;
security and access requirements; technical constraints; required interfacing with
users‟ and other system; and project constraints such as implementation on the
organization‟s hardware/software platform. Non-functional requirements may also

describe the aspects of the system that don‟t relate to its execution, but rather to its
evolution over time (e.g. maintainability, extensibility, documentation etc.).

2.4.5 Modeling the System Requirements

After completing the requirements analysis of the phase of the system development
life cycle, we have to draw the architectural framework of the system. Modeling of
system requirements includes flow charts, component architecture, data flow diagram,
and other necessary system design and architectures. These all diagrams help to
represent the functioning, process, behavior and flow of data to or from one
component to other. As per the requirement analysis we developed the logical
structure of the system.

2.4.6 Development of Project Goals

The existing system, the problems of the existing system that need to be considered
were identified and the goals for the project were developed to encounter those
problems. These parameters helps to develop the application toward the user
 Develop an Application of Digital Bus Book System which helps to book
 Allows admin to edit bus info
 Time management and Cost management of the users
 User interactive and increase work efficiency

2.5 Management Strategy

2.5.1 Time Management Strategy
Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control
over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase
effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. Time management may be aided by a range
of skills, tools and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific

projects and goals complying with due date. Good time management enables smart
work i.e. more is done in less time, even when time is tight and pressure is high.
The time management strategy for the project was planned as below:
Study And Analysis of System 2 weeks
Design And Review 2 weeks
Coding and Development 1 month and 3 weeks
Testing and Implementation 1 week
Table 2: Time Management
2.5.2 Cost Management Strategy
Cost management is the techniques that simultaneously improve the strategic position
of a firm and reduce cost. The main objectives of cost management are to reduce the
cost expended by an organization while strengthening the strategic position of the
firm. Three ways to institute cost management techniques as follows:
 Establish system to help streamline the transaction between corporate support
departments and the operating units
 Devise transfer pricing system to co-ordinate the buyer-seller interactions
between decentralized organizational operating units.
 Use pseudo profit centers to create profit maximizing behavior in what were
formerly cost centers.
 Reallocate resources by addressing the cost that threatens to rise beyond the
initial projections. It keeps the project on budget while addressing potential
Since no additional hardware are required in our project and the tools that we use are
all open sources products, the operational costs are eliminated in the project.
These cost management systems will not only manage costs, but also enhance profit
consciousness. This will help the organizations‟ ability to serve its customers because
divisions will become increasingly more focused on operating more efficiently.

2.6 Project Schedule
The boundary that start and end dates, activities, deliverables and milestones that
must be met for the purpose to be completed within certain timeframe. The project
needs to be updated on regular basis in order to gain better understanding of the
project‟s current status.

For internship program, the minimum period is three months. Being an internee, more
emphasis was given in gaining knowledge on the Android Application development,
various tools, libraries and the control flow of the code. The time schedule and
various procedures followed during this three months of internship period is
presented through the following Gantt Chart.

20-Sep-16 12-Oct-16 3-Nov-16 25-Nov-16 17-Dec-16

Gathering Requirements
UI Designing
Bug fixes
Final Testing
Release version

Figure 2: Gantt Chart

Chapter 3: System Design
3.1 Project Management Plan
3.1.1 System Analysis
System analysis is the problem solving method that involves looking at the wider
system, breaking apart the parts and figuring out how it works in order to achieve a
particular goal. Before we get into detail about how that works, we should probably
first answer the question: What is system?
A system is in general a set of parts, steps or components that are connected to form
a more complex whole. For example; a computer system contains processors,
memory, electrical pathway, a power supply etc.
The first step is solving the problems that involves a system is analyzing that system.
This involves breaking down into the parts that make it up, and seeing how those
parts work together. Sometimes figuring out how a system works can involve turning
off parts of the system and seeing what happens, or changing parts of the system and
seeing what the result is. If you can change what goes into a system, how does it
change what comes out? Basically, system analysis involves techniques that allow
you to understand how a system works. It decomposes the system into its components
pieces for the purpose of studying how well those component parts works and
interact. It is all about examining working mechanism of system, identifying the
problems, fixing those problems, and testing and evaluating the new system for the
desired output. Feasibility
A feasibility study aims to objectively and rationally uncover the strengths and
weakness of an existing system or purposed venture, opportunities and threats present
in the environment, the resources required to carry through, and ultimately the
prospects for success. In its simplest terms, the two criteria to judge feasibility are
cost required and value to be attained. (Wikipedia)

The feasibility study evaluates the project‟s potential for success; therefore, perceived
objectivity is an important factor in the credibility of the study for potential investors
and lending institutions. It must therefore conduct with the objective, unbiased
approach to provide information upon which decision can be based. Though the
system that is feasible at present, may not be considered feasible in future. Thus, the
feasibility of the system must be done throughout the life cycle of the system. The
areas of feasibility that are done in this project are as below: Technical Feasibility

This assessment is based on an outline design of the system requirements, to
determine whether the company has the technical expertise to handle completion of
the project. The technical feasibility assessment is focused on gaining an
understanding of the present technical resources of the organization and their
applicability to the expected needs of the purposed system. It is an evaluation of the
hardware and software and how it meets its need of the purposed system.
The following issues need to be taken into considerations:
 Required technology available or not?
 Required resources available or not?
 Manpower, Programmers, Tester and Debuggers
Since, the required hardware and software are available or already available as free
open sources for the development and implementation of the purposed system, the
purposed system is technically feasible. Economic Feasibility

For any system, if the expected benefits equal or exceed the expected cost, the system
can be judged economically feasible. The cost effectiveness of the purposed project is
measured in Economic feasibility i.e. expected cost and benefits; often known as cost-
benefit analysis. As the name suggest, it is the analysis of the costs to be incurred in
the system and the benefits derivable out of the system. Here the benefit is compared

to the cost of application. The system need to be designed in such a way that the
benefits outweigh the cost of application. Otherwise, that system design won‟t be
appropriate to implement.
The purposed system is economically feasible as the system is developed using
existing resources and technologies available as open source has nominal expense. Operational Feasibility

Operational feasibility is the ability to utilize, support and perform the necessary tasks
of a system or program. It includes everyone who creates, operates or uses the
system. To be operationally feasible, the system must fulfill a need required by the
project. It is the measure of how well a purposed system solves the problems, and
takes advantage of the opportunities identified during scope definitions and how it
satisfies the requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of the system
developed. The operational feasibility assessment focuses on the degree to which the
proposed developed projects fits in which the existing environment and objective
with regard to development schedule, delivery date, corporate culture and existing
process. To ensure success, desired operational outcomes must be imparted during
design and development. These include such design-dependent parameters as
reliability, producibility, supportability, usability, maintainability, disposability,
sustainability, affordability etc. These parameters are required to be considered.
As the application developed is for Android Platform, it can be installed in Android
tablets and use easily. And the website can be accessed in any pc when internet
connection is available. Schedule Feasibility

A project will fail if it takes too long to be completed before it is useful. Typically
this means estimating how long the system will take to develop and if it can be
completed in a given time period using some methods like payback period. Schedule
feasibility is a measure of how reasonable the project timetable is Given our technical

expertise, are the projects deadlines reasonable? Some projects are initiated with
specified deadlines, it is necessary to determine whether the deadlines are mandatory
or desirable.
And the feasible schedule has been designed for the project through the proper
scheduling as presented in the Gantt chart.

3.1.2 System Design

System design is the process of defining the elements of a system such as the
architecture, components, modules, interfaces of those components, and data that
goes through that system and developing it to satisfy specified requirements. It is
meant to satisfy specific needs and requirements of a business or organization through
the engineering of a coherent and well running system. (Draw Input Output) Context Diagram

The diagram that defines the boundary between the system, or part of a system, and
its environment, showing the entities that interact with it. The diagram is a high level
view of a system. It is similar to block diagram.

Book Ticket Bus Info

User Cancel Ticket Reservation Info Admin
Ticket Info Passenger Info

Figure 3: Context Diagram Data Flow Diagram

Data Flow diagram shows graphical flow of data within the system. Data flow
diagram play an important role in understanding the system and its function. The
overall data flow in the system can be designed and represented by the context
diagram and DFD. The data flow diagram also show the way the user communicate

with the system. DFD usually begins with a context diagram as a level 0 of DFD as
depicted in above figure. For further elaboration, we drill down to level 1 diagram
with lower level functions decomposed from the major functions of the system which
may extend to more levels of more analysis is required.

Above context diagram show the basic flow within the system. It also sketches the
overall operations of system. It also illustrates the way how user communicates with
the system.
Data flow diagram level 1elaborates the context diagram in detail. It shows the
overall function of each component. It illustrates the overall operations of the system
in flow sequences. ER Diagram
ER diagram is also known as entity relationship model, a graphical representation of
entities and their relationship to each other stored in a database. An entity in this
context is a component of data. In other words, ER diagrams illustrate the logical
structure of databases.

Figure 4: ER Diagram Use Case Diagram

UML use case diagrams are usually referred to as behavior diagram used to describe a
set of actions (use cases) that some system or system (subject) should or can perform
in collaboration with one or more external users of the system (actors).

Figure 5: Use Case Diagram

3.2 Technical Requirements

The hardware and software requirements for building app vary depending on your
operating system and the mobile platforms for which you are developing.

3.2.1 Hardware Requirements

Computers running Microsoft Windows must meet the following minimal hardware
 Dual-core 64 bit processor ( A computer of CPU of 1.6 GHz or higher)
 4 GB minimum, 8 GB of RAM (recommended)
 Up to 24 GB of internal storage
 1280*800 minimum Screen Resolution
 Network Interface Card

3.2.2 Software Requirements
The minimum software requirements needed to deploy the developed system are:

Windows Mac Linux

Operating System Windows 7 or Windows 7 or GNOME or KDE
Higher (32 or 64 higher (32 or 64 desktop
bit) bit)
IDE Android Studio 2.2.1 or above
Platform Android SDK Framework
Emulator SDK version 2.2 or above
Database Server XAMPP Apache Server
Java Version Java Development Java Development Java Development
Kit (JDK) 8 Kit (JDK) 6 Kit (JDK) 8
Table 3: Software Requirements

Chapter 4: Implementation Strategies
Implementation (or project execution) is the phase where visions and plans become
reality. This is the logical conclusion, after evaluating, deciding, visioning, planning,
applying for funds and finding the financial resources of a project. The
implementation of the developed system is done at the end of the all the development
phases and is the important part of system development life cycle. If the
implementation is not successful then whole project need to be started over again.
The android project “Siddhartha Yatayat” is developed with skills in Android
environment and Android Studio IDE.
4.1 Testing Strategies
The process of evaluation of the software to detect the difference between given input
and expected output. Also to assess the feature of a software. To ensure the
functionality of the software without any bugs and errors, the testing is done. It is
implemented during the development of the process. In other words software testing
is a verification and validation process.
Verification is the process to make sure the product satisfies the conditions imposed
at the start of the development phase.
Validation is the process to make sure the product satisfies the specified requirements
at the end of the development phase. (TutorialsPoint)
Every new activity developed would first undergo unit testing and on success
integrating testing would be done. While developing this application, incremental
prototyping model was used for each activity. The mostly used testing strategy used
in the project is as follows:
4.1.1 Unit Testing
Unit testing is the testing of an individual unit or group of related units. Each module
was divided into smaller modules known as units. Then are tested individually to
ensure it meets its intended requirements. It is often done by the programmer to test
that the unit which has been implemented is producing expected output against given
input. Hence, for unit testing, Black box testing has been implemented in order to

examine and test the system. Black box testing is testing technique that ignores the
internal mechanism of system and focuses on the output generated against any input
and execution of the system. It is also called Functional testing.
The unit is categorized as :
 Journey date and destination Module
 Bus Info Module
 Booking Module
 Payment Module
 Cancellation Module

4.1.2 Integration Testing

The testing in which a group of components are combined to produce output is
Integration testing. Also, the interactions between software and hardware are tested in
integration testing if software and hardware components have any relation. Each of
the elements was developed as a module and then later integrated with each other.

4.1.3 System Testing

Putting all the „activities‟ together comprise a system. The testing to ensure the
functionality of the activities when they are put together is system testing. It checks
the software in different environment if it still works. System testing is done with full
system implementation and environment. Once all the required „activities‟ were
developed and integrated, the system was tested to ensure that the goal has been
attained and rectification was done as per the requirements.

4.1.4 Performance Testing
Performance Testing is the testing to assess the speed and effectiveness of the system
and to make sure it is generating results within a specified time as in performance
4.1.5 Usability Testing
Usability testing is performed to the perspective of the client, to evaluate how the
GUI is user friendly? How easily can the client learn? After learning how to use, how
proficiency can the client performs?

4.1.6 Acceptance Testing

Acceptance Testing is often done by the customer to ensure that the delivered product
meets the requirements and works as the customer expected.

4.1.7 Android Compatibility Test

After the system was tested, the system was run on android mobile phone to ensure
that the system runs well and correctly. The size of the images, buttons and texts were
also corrected during the compatibility test. Also need to focus on the API level.

4.2 Hardware Implementation

When building an Android app, it is important to test application on a real device
before releasing it to users. You can use any android-powered device as an
environment for running, debugging, and testing your applications. The tools
included in the SDK make it easy to install and run the device directly from Android
Studio or form the command line with ADB.

4.3 Software Implementation

Android Studio: Android Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for

developing on the Android platform. It was announced on May 16, 2013 at the

Google I/O conference by Google‟s Product Manager, Katherine Chou. Android
Studio is freely available under the Apache License 2.0.
Android Studio is designed specifically for Android Development. It is available for
download on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, and replaced Eclipse Android
Development Tools (ADT) as Google‟s primary IDE for native Android Application

Genymotion Emulator: An emulator is hardware or software that enables one

computer system (called the host) to behave like another computer system (called the
guest). An emulator typically enables the host system to run software or use
peripheral devices designed for the guest system.

Chapter 5: Result Analysis
5.1 Result
Bus Ticketing meet the requirements of transport companies and Bus carriers, which
were vital for uniting systems of Electronic Fare Collection. It is possible to allow
transport companies to provide greater safety and comfort for its passengers and
transported goods. Siddhartha Yatayat is mobile based application that works within
centralized network. This application provides bus transportation system, a facility to
reserve seats, cancellation of seats and different types of enquiry which need an
instant and quick reservation. It is built for mange and computerizes the traditional
database, ticket booking and travel made easy. It maintains all data‟s of bus details,
reservation details, booking details etc.
Some years before customer had to go to the counter to buy ticket or ask for bus
schedule, also need to queue up long time to get the bus ticket. Besides that, customer
was not allowed to buy ticket through telephone or other medium. Hence, the bus
booking system was burdensome.
The method to solve this problem is to create an online booking bus ticket system.
Customer can buy bus ticket over the internet or through other medium like call or
messaging, 24/7. By developing the bus booking system, it comprises of the
following features:
 It is user friendly.
 This system is 24 hours available and efficient in reservation.
 Book ticket through medium like call, messaging or over the internet.
 View the bus info and check availability of bus so that they can choose the
right bus for them.
 Cancel the ticket.
 Saves the booking records.
 Admin can add and delete the bus info and route.
 Any method of payment is acceptable.

 Bus ticket can‟t be lost, stolen or left behind. Since the records are saved in
the database.
 It has no hidden costs in fares.
 Show the counter located in map.

5.2 Limitation of the System

This project is just the beginning step. Not a single project is ever considered as
complete forever because of our changing demand and growing necessities day by
day. There is still a lot of work to do in order to make it more effective and easy
method. It took three months long to complete this project but still not enough to
cover the whole features it need. Some limitations of this project are point out below:
 No online payment system.
 Not refundable when the cancellation is too late i.e. before 24 hrs.
 Users may not find the appropriate bus.
 The bus only run in limited area.
 There is no any other facility available except that such as hotel, taxi, lodges
 There is no any offering by booking through this app, it only makes ease of

5.3 Recommendation to the Organization

EastLink Technology Pvt.Ltd is a great learning organization for interns. It has
provided all the infrastructures and facilities needed for the internee helping them to
improve and develop the skills in real scenario side by side. With the constant support
and guidance under the supervision of experienced mentor, this project is able to
complete this far.

The internees also known as fresher are those who do have theoretical knowledge but
lacking practical experience. They need to learn to implement their theoretical

knowledge into practical in real time environment. So the organization need to be
responsible for providing them regular guidance, motivation, evaluation and
supervision in order to make them capable of doing the real time project. As the
organization seem less responsible in making the internee do the practical project, this
kind of trend need to be abolished. There also should be rule that the internee can also
be a part of the project team in an organization. They also should be treated as other
staff in an organization.

5.4 Recommendation to the Internship Program

For the final year of Bsc.CSIT, Tribhuvan University has declared that a student must
have at least 3 months of internship in any software company. They has done great
effort to include managerial and technical courses that would help the students to deal
with the real world working environment. However, still lots of efforts to be made as
knowledge gained in the college is not enough to work in real environment.

The University should do some research and update the courses as per the global
environment that fulfill the current market requirements and would also help the
students to qualify themselves in practical implications. It would be great if university
would help the students to secure internship
position according to their respective programs undertaken at the University through
giving students recommendation in order to ease their training periods and also avoid
the ache gotten by students in search of internship placements. And should also
provide constant supervision and monitoring of students during the internship training
so as to encourage them to perform the duties fully and also accurately.

Chapter 6: Conclusion
6.1 Conclusion
The Bsc.CSIT internship program of Tribhuvan University provided us a great
opportunity to explore the professional work environment. With this internship
opportunity, the authors have gained much more insight into the professional
environment in IT industry and helped to develop vital skills that go beyond what
regular classes and courses cover. During these three months of program, the authors
got chance to work in an Android Development environment. It helps the author to
develop their skills and implement in real environment. Within this short span of
time, various software development activities has been observed and learnt, which
taught the significance of relation, leadership traits and other managerial and software
development skills. The greatest things that learned doing internship were how to
accomplish the task by doing it in team, how to make best use of internet, how to use
different tools to gain efficiency, how to do code so that are standard according to
coming new technologies. Although we didn‟t master all of the technologies, we
learned enough to get started in Android Applications development. Some of learnt
tools and technologies are: Android Java, Design Pattern, Libraries.

During Internship period, the project that has been carried out was an Android
application and PHP for providing the user interactive bus ticket booking system. The
main objective of the project is to make customer easy to book bus whenever
travelling from one place to another on palm of their hands, making and providing
interactive user interface to customers.

Skills and Knowledge acquired during the internship:

 Professionalism – Experienced the professional working environment of an IT
 Programming Skills – Worked on Java and XML, which raised my
programming skill level.

 Interpersonal Skills – Communicating with the company‟s employees
certainly has improved my interpersonal skills
 Understanding of Android as a whole – Our understanding of Android, the
inner working of a mobile application has certainly improved and we believe
this will be beneficial for us in future.

6.2 Future Enhancement

The future enhancements that may be done in our project are listed below:
 To embed GPS tracker to locate the route the bus takes
 Make payment online
 Make news feed in home activity about the transportation system
 Add notification facility when some offers or discount are made
 Also make links with hotels and lodges, restaurants.

1). EastLink Technology Pvt.Ltd. (2010). Retrieved from EastLink Technology Pvt.Ltd:

2). Draw Input Output. (n.d.). Retrieved from

3). Google. (2012, March). Computer Science - A curriculum of School.

4). Graduate Advantage. (n.d.). Retrieved from http//

5). TutorialsPoint. (n.d.). Tutorialspoint. Retrieved from

6). Wikipedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Figure 6: Cover Page

Figure 7: Uploaded on Play Store (old version)

Figure 8: Home Screen

Figure 9: Message Body

Figure 10: Calling Table

Figure 11: Package Booking


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