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Controlled by the MartisDXX™ Manager is an intelligent 4.1
network of MartisDXX™ elements; nodes, network ter- NODE TYPES
minating units and interfaces.
A MartisDXX™ node can be described as a digital All nodes and network terminating units are managed
multiplexer equipped with several trunk interfaces and a and configured using the MartisDXX™ Manager. New
digital cross-connect equipped with several channel in- software versions for the units are centrally downloadable.
terfaces. This type of equipment is often referred to as a Downtime of the services is minimized through rapid fault
flexible multiplexer or “flexmux”, reflecting the flexible identification and network recovery.
implementation of different interface connections. One MartisDXX™ offers a range of Network Terminating
MartisDXX™ node can provide all the functionality found Units (NTUs) which provide one or two-pair copper sub-
in multiple DXC and MUX nodes. scriber loops for transmission rates of 1.2 kbit/s to 2,240
A network terminating unit (NTU) is usually not clas- kbit/s using the most advanced technologies.
sified as a node because of its special role in the network The Mini Node acts as a feeder multiplexer to inter-
architecture. The xDSL product range of NTUs is a key connect equipment located at customer sites. It can be
strength of the MartisDXX‘ system and constitutes a sig- equipped with two line interfaces and up to two voice or
nificant part of a typical MartisDXX™ network. In addi- data interface modules for transmission rates up to 8
tion to desktop units, NTUs can be integrated with Mi- Mbit/s.
cro, Mini, Midi, Basic, A111 and Cluster Nodes. The Midi Node is designed specifically to be located
Cross-connections can be made freely between any of at customer premises. It supports ATM, LAN-IC, ISDN,
the interface types; trunk-to-trunk, trunk-to-channel, and POTS, IP access and many other services.
channel-to-channel. Channel connections are semi-perma- The Basic Node is a flexible multiplexer (flexmux)
nent and can be flexibly reconfigured with the MartisDXX™ with a cross-connect capacity of 64 Mbit/s. This capacity
Manager. Point-to-point, unidirectional-broadcast, and point- can be freely allocated to 2 Mbit/s, 8 Mbit/s or SDH ports.
to-multipoint network connections are all supported. This combines the capabilities of a multiplexer and a cross-
One of the clear advantages of the MartisDXX™ sys- connect device to multiplex low- to high-speed data and
tem is its flexibility. This is achieved by equipping a node voice frequency interfaces and trunks to outgoing 2 Mbit/
with plug-in units, which serve a variety of purposes. All s, 8 Mbit/s or SDH trunks. Digital signal processing may
MartisDXX™ nodes larger than the Micro Node are be used in the flexmux to provide voice compression, sub-
equipped with a combination of common units, applica- rate multiplexing and other ancillary functions.
tion units and interface modules. The Cluster Node is basically a bigger variant of the
Application units are used for the external trunk and Basic Node, providing eight times the capacity. It’s a 1/0
channel connections. These are application-specific de- digital cross-connect (DXC) with a non-blocking cross-
pending on trunk and channel requirements. Common connect capacity of 512 Mbit/s, corresponding to 256 ports
units are used for internal node processing, logic and con- of 2 Mbit/s or 64 ports of 8 Mbit/s. The Cluster Node
trol. These may include a power/fuse unit, a control unit, provides a large-scale interconnection point in the net-
and a cross-connect unit. work. It grooms and fills 64 kbit/s and nx64 kbit/s traf-
fic to make the most efficient use of the available trans-
MartisDXX™ Nodes Common units, application units port capacity (e.g. E1s or 8 Mbit/s lines). The DXC also
and interface modules
provides network protection, through fast reconfiguration
xDSL NTUs Common Units under software control, and network testing and perform-
Mini Node ance monitoring. The Cluster Node can be equipped with
Micro Node Line and xDSL Units STM-1 and synchronous 34M interfaces to implement a
MIDI Node Access Application Units
cost-effective SDH transport network connectivity.
Basic Node Server Application Units
The A111 Node is optimized for carrying services
Cluster Node
A111 Node ranging from narrowband to broadband over SDH, and
Interface Modules has 155 Mbit/s STM-1 transport interfaces. It provides a

Figure 4-A MartisDXX™ Network Elements

gateway to the backbone network by multiplexing a wide MartisDXX™ xDSL Modems

range of circuit and packet-based services to various SDH The MartisDXX™ xDSL modems, the NTUs, are used to
virtual containers. The unique feature of VC-2 and VC-12 connect the customer premises and the operator’s local
concatenation in creating trunk connections makes The point of presence. MartisDXX™ NTUs are fully managed
A111 Node an ideal solution for flexible bandwidth man- customer premises equipment using the latest xDSL tech-
agement. All basic access network topologies - ring, chain nologies. Moreover, the NTUs have the capability of
and point-to-point - can be used to make the most cost- downloading new NTU software.
efficient and resilient network structure for each applica- There are different types of xDSL modems available
tion. With the MartisDXX™ Manager maximum speed for every access need. Tellabs is supporting IDSL, SDSL
and ease of operation is achieved. and HDSL modems. IDSL stands for ISDN Digital Sub-
scriber Line, and has a terminal speed up to 128 kbit/s.
SDSL (Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line) provides sym-
metric high-speed, variable rate communications, with a
Figure 4-B MartisDXX™ STU-type NTUs
terminal speed up to 2240 kbit/s. Tellabs is using a pro-
prietary version of SDSL, namely T-SDSL (Tellabs SDSL),
which supports both 2- and 4-wire operation. Tellabs
HDSL (High-Bit-Rate Digital Subscriber Line) modems are
ETSI compliant, supporting terminal speeds up to 2240
kbit/s. The main differences between the T-SDSL and
HDSL NTUs are in the framing and line transmission tech-
nology. HDSL modems are typically used over two pairs,
providing optimal line distance performance. The ADSL
(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) technology is not
supported by Tellabs, because it is an asymmetric tech-
nology more suited for consumer applications. It’s good
for web surfing, whereas corporate and mobile applica-
tions normally require symmetric transmission. All exist-
ing NTUs and their characteristics are listed in the table
below. The STU-160 has two independent interfaces,
which are freely configurable up to 128 kbit/s of com-
bined bandwidth.

NTU Properties STU-56 STU-160 STU-320/STU-576 STU-1088-2W STU-2304 HTU-2M OTU-2M
Installation Indoor Indoor Indoor Indoor Indoor Indoor Outdoor
Number of interfaces 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
Min. line rate 160 kbit/s 160 kbit/s 320 kbit/s 320 kbit/s 1024 kbit/s 592 kbit/s 592 kbit/s
Max. line rate 160 kbit/s 160 kbit/s 320/576 kbit/s 1088 kbit/s 2304 kbit/s 2320 kbit/s 2 x 1168 kbit/s
Line coding 2B1Q 2B1Q 2B1Q 2B1Q 2B1Q 2B1Q 2B1Q
Line Framing Modified G704 Modified G704 Modified G704 Modified G704 Modified G704 ETSI or ETSI
mod. G704
Optimal line distances 8.5 km 8.5 km 8.5 km 7 km 4.8 km 6.5 km 6.5 km
2W operation √ √ √ √ √ √ √
4W operation √ √ √ √
Min. terminal speed 1.2 kbit/s 1.2 kbit/s 64 kbit/s 64 kbit/s 64 kbit/s 64 kbit/s 64 kbit/s
Max. terminal speed 56 kbit/s 128 kbit/s 256/512 kbit/s 1024 kbit/s 2240 kbit/s 2240 kbit/s 2048 kbit/s
Unit software √ √ √ √ √ √
Full line monitoring √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Full diagnostics and √ √ √ √ √ √ (√)
loop support
Local push buttons √ √ √ √ √ √
Remote NMS √ √ √ √ √ √ √
End-to-end √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Interface modules:
V.35 √ √ √ √ √ √
V.35-IEC √ √ √ √ √ √
V.36/X.21 √ √ √ √ √ √
X.21 √ √ √ √ √ √
V.24/V.28 √ √ √ √ √ √
G.703.64 √
(75 or 120 ohm) √ √ √ √ √
Ethernet BRIDGE √ √ √ √ √

All cable lengths were measured in a laboratory environ- MartisDXX™ Mini Nodes can be furnished with one, two
ment with no noise and a 0.5 mm 40 nF/km cable, and or three framed GMH-type interface modules. In addi-
are further dependent on the transmission speed. The tion, up to two unframed VCM-type interface modules
OTU-2M line rates are per pair, so with two pairs (4W) or one voice frequency EAE/CAE-type interface module
the line rate is 2*592 or 2*1168 kbit/s. can be used, depending on the type of Mini Node (see
End-to-end CRC checking is supported by all of the table below). A Mini Node can make cross-connections
above mentioned NTUs. Typically the NTUs are connected between interfaces of any type.
to an interface module in an A111, Basic, Midi, Micro or a
Mini Node. Each NTU has a distinct corresponding xDSL Mini Node Framed Unframed Voice Alarm I/O
interface module in a MartisDXX™ node where it can be Interface Interface Frequency Module
connected. For more technical information about Modules Modules Modules
MartisDXX™ NTUs please refer to the following docu- SBM 2048C 0…2 – –
ments or contact your Solution Center.
SBM 2048M 0…2 0…2 –
0…4 IF
NTU Type Document Name & No
SBM 2048VG 0…3 – 0...1 0...1
STU-56 MartisDXX™ STU-56 Operating Manual 0…10 IF 20 in/ 5 out
(doc. no. 23005_XX)
STU-160 MartisDXX™ STU-160 XDSL Modem Operating Mini Node Interfaces
Manual (doc. no. 23001_XX)
The naming of the Mini Nodes is in correspondence with
STU-320/ Network Terminating Units STU-320/576/1088-2W/ their main usage: C means conversion, M multiplexer, V
576/1088-2W/ 2304 SDSL Operating Manual (#23010_01)
voice frequency and G framed interface (G.703).
The configuration and control of the Mini Node can
HTU-2M MartisDXX™ HTU-2M Operation Manual be applied in two different ways. As a part of the
(doc. no. 25003_XX)
MartisDXX™ network, control can be realized through
OTU-2M MartisDXX™ OTU-2M Operation Manual the MartisDXX™ Network Management in which the con-
(doc. no. 25002_XX) trol channel is connected to the device through a framed
interface. On the front panel there is also a connector for
the Service Computer, through which the node can be
MartisDXX™ Mini Node
MartisDXX™ Mini Node is a small cross-connect device,
which can operate as part of the MartisDXX™ network MartisDXX™ Micro Node
connected to the network management system. Mini Node MartisDXX™ Micro Node is a compact, cost-effective node
has the same cross-connect capacity as a Basic Node, 64 that is especially targeted for mobile networks. It is ide-
Mbit/s, but offers less interfaces. The cross-connect ca- ally suited to be located at base station sites where space
pacity at 8 kbit/s is comparable to that of SXU-A. is usually limited.

Figure 4-C MartisDXX™ Mini Node Figure 4-D MartisDXX™ Micro Node

Figure 4-E MartisDXX™ Micro
Node in a mobile network

Micro Node offers four fixed 2 Mbit/s G.703 interfaces,

either 75 ohm or 120 ohm. This allows the use of the Mi-
cro Node in reliable ring structures often used to connect
Base Stations to the backbone network. Three of the over-
all four standard 2Mbit/s interfaces can be r eplaced by
other GMH-based framed interfaces.
The Micro Node offers a V.24 interface for speeds up
to 19.2 kbit/s asynchronous. This allows the operator to
feed low speed traffic (e.g. control traffic from other equip-
ment at the site) into the MartisDXX™ network. Option-
ally, an alarm interface module is available which offers
six inputs and two outputs. This allows the operator to
monitor on-site alarms as well as to control simple relay
Figure 4-F presents the different ways to interconnect
two MartisDXX™ Micro Node devices. The same alter-
natives are available when connecting the MartisDXX™
Micro Node to a MartisDXX™ node.

MartisDXX™ Midi Node

MartisDXX™ Midi Node is a cost-effective flexible access
node for customer premises. It offers the same cross-con-
nect functionality as a Basic Node (with SXU-A) i.e. 64
Mbit/s. The heart of the Midi Node is a one slot wide
multifunctional interface unit, XCG, which combines the
functions of a cross-connect unit and control unit. In ad-
dition it provides four 2 Mbit/s G.703 interfaces, either
75 or 120 ohm. The Midi Node subrack (RXS-S8) consists Figure 4-F MartisDXX™ Micro Node trunk lines
of 8 slots (40T). A tabletop version (RXS-S8-TT) is also

A MartisDXX™ Single Basic Node contains one shelf that
mounts into a standard 19" relay rack.
Basic Node has some common parts, which are found
in every Basic Node. These are power supply, control unit
and cross-connect unit. Any free slot can be filled with
different kinds of base units and interface modules.

MartisDXX™ A111 Node

The MartisDXX™ A111 access node combines PDH and
SDH technologies taking the benefit of SDH in access net-
works. MartisDXX™ A111 network element forms an ef-
ficient solution for interfacing customer access to back-
bone transport. The A111 is a new node in the
MartisDXX™ system, and can be equipped with many of
the current plug-in units.
Figure 4-G MartisDXX™ Midi Node subrack and a
tabletop casing By integrating SDH add-drop functionality with serv-
ice interfaces connected by 64 kbit/s cross-connection ma-
trix (generally known as a Flexible Multiplexer),
The MartisDXX™ Midi Node supports basically the
MartisDXX™ A111 makes a cost-efficient solution for de-
same interface cards as the Basic Node. It can be used e.g.
livering services including leased line, LAN-IC, Frame
as a low cost and compact STM-1 add-drop multiplexer
relay, IP and ATM. In comparison with separate inter-
or as a terminal multiplexer in customer premises with
connected systems, significant savings can be achieved
STM-1 aggregate interface.
in system costs, required space, operation work and spare
MartisDXX™ Basic Node
MartisDXX™ Basic Node is a 64 Mbit/s flexible cross-
connection device. There are two sizes of Basic Nodes
available: Figure 4-I MartisDXX™ A111 access node

• 6U high 19-inch single subrack node (RXS-S) or

• 13U high 19-inch double subrack node (RXS-D)

A MartisDXX™ double subrack Basic Node contains two

shelves connected via a bus extension from the upper
Figure 4-H
Basic Node,

MartisDXX™ A111 offers following key features: The master subrack is always a double subrack. In this
• ADM and TM functionality with STM-1 interfaces subrack are located the control and cross-connect units
which control the whole Cluster Node. One cross-connect
• add-drop and termination capacity up to 1 * STM-1,
unit (CXU-A) is needed in the master subrack for each
with or without protection
slave subrack. All CXU-As have redundancy.
• MS 1+1 and GNC protections
All other characteristics of the Cluster Node are the
• wide range of service interfaces common with same as for the Basic Node.
MartisDXX™ Basic family
• 64 kbit/s grooming
• integrated access for narrowband and broadband 4.2
services PLUG-IN UNITS
• integrated access for circuit-switched and packet- One of the main advantages of the MartisDXX™ system
data services is its flexibility. This is achieved by equipping a node with
• integrated xDSL & optical interfaces plug-in units that serve different purposes. All
MartisDXX™ nodes, except Mini and Micro Node, are
• centralized end-to-end network management
populated with a combination of common units, applica-
tion units and interface modules.
MartisDXX™ Cluster Node In Basic Nodes and A111 Nodes, there are 16 unit slots
MartisDXX™ Cluster Node represents the largest node available per double subrack. A Midi Node provides 8
of the MartisDXX™ system. It is built in a master-slave unit slots. The common units have fixed unit slots within
architecture. Up to eight slaves can be connected to one a subrack. Some application and common units are “dou-
master. ble-width” or “triple-width” units; these use two or three
One Cluster Node slave can be a midi, single or dou- available unit slots. Depending on the use of the common
ble subrack node. Therefore, the maximum cross-connect units and the redundancy requirements of the applica-
capacity of a Cluster Node is 512 Mbit/s (8 x 64 Mbit/s or tion, there are 9 to 13 interface unit slots available in a
256 x 2 Mbit/s). Normally a Cluster Node is not equipped single subrack RXS-S, 23 to 28 in a double subrack RXS-
with channel interfaces. It is typically equipped with only 2 D, 4 to 6 in a Midi subrack RXS-S8 and 23 to 25 in A111
Mbit/s, 8 Mbit/s, STM-1 and ATM STM-1 trunk interfaces. subrack RXS-H.
Cross-connect granularity of the Cluster Node is 64 kbit/s. Node capacity is not determined solely on physical

Figure 4-J MartisDXX™ Cluster Node in full configuration

space, but memory and processor capacity must also be MARTIS SUBRACKS COMMON UNITS MODULES
considered. The maximum cross-connect capacity of one DXX
Control Units
RXS-S8, RXS-S or RXS-D is 64 Mbit/s. In an A111 node NODES
the maximum add-drop capacity is 2 x STM-1 payload,
from which half is dropped via a PDH bus and the other 1 B C D
half via an SDH bus.
The MartisDXX™ units can be divided into different C 5 E SCU-H SCC-IF
families. Common Units are used for internal node
3 D 3 D
processing, logic and control. These include a power/fuse MIDI RXS-S8 2 C XCG
unit (PFU), a control unit (SCU), and a cross-connect unit
4 Cross-connection Units
(SXU or GMX in A111). Application Units are used for the MINI
external trunk and channel connections. These are appli-
cation-specific depending on the trunk and channel re- 5 E
A111 RXS-H 1 A CXU-A
quirements. The Application Units are Line and xDSL
Units, Access Units and Server Units. The Line and xDSL CXU-S
Units provide trunk and channel connections, whereas the
Access Units provide some signal processing in addition 1 B C D SXU-C
to interfaces. The Server Units have no interfaces, but pro-
2 B C D
vide significant signal processing capabilities. 3 D SXU-A


CROSS-CONNECT Power Supply Units SH-13

1 A B C D
2 B C D LH13
MartisDXX Unit

1 A B C
2 B C PAU-10T
3 D
2 C D

Figure 4-L MartisDXX™ Common Units

Figure 4-K MartisDXX™ Interface Unit Families

Common Units Control Units:

MartisDXX™ common units provide generic functional- SCU Control unit for Basic Nodes and Cluster
ity for the node, e.g. control, alarm handling, unit setting Node’s slave subracks
backup, cross-connection, and power feeding services. SCU-H Control unit for A111 Node
Common units are required for internal processing, logic, CCU Control unit for Cluster Node master subrack
and control in a Cluster Node, a single or double subrack
Cross-Connection Units:
Basic Node or A111Node and in a Midi Node. They are
SXU-A Cross-connection unit for Basic Node (small)
placed in predefined slots in the node’s subrack.
SXU-B Cross-connection unit for Basic Node (large)
In the above overview of the common units, the num-
SXU-C Cross-connection unit for Cluster Node slave
bers in the gray squares in the dark column indicate in
subracks, transfers slave signals to master
which node a certain unit can be placed. The letters indicate
subrack for cross-connection
the possible subracks belonging to these nodes. The nodes
CXU-A Cross-connection unit for Cluster Node slaves,
and subracks corresponding to the numbers and letters can
located in master subrack. It is connected to
be found in the two leftmost columns of the figure.
the SXU-C units in the slaves
CXU-M Master cross-connection unit for Cluster Node

CXU-S Signaling cross-connection unit for Cluster vising and alarms, protected cross-connect redundancy,
Node, located in master subrack unit inventory of the node, and node fault status collec-
GMX Cross-connection unit for A111 Node (includes tion. The SCU collects individual unit fault statuses, cal-
one STM-1 interface for trunk connections) culates the combined node statuses, and controls the
equipment alarm outputs in the PFU with signals PMA
Special Units: (Prompt Maintenance Alarm), DMA (Deferred Mainte-
XCG Combined cross-connection unit, control unit nance Alarm), and MEI (Maintenance Event Information).
and four 2 Mbit/s G.703 interfaces. Supported The SXU cross-connect unit is the switching matrix
in a Midi Node. for the entire node. The SXU is also responsible for all of
the internal and external clocking functions and network
Power supply and Fuse Units: synchronization of the node. There are reserved unit slots
PFU-A Fuse unit for MartisDXX™ Midi, Basic and for different types of SXU. The cross-connects are avail-
Cluster Node (primary) able in 8 kbit/s increments up to maximum 64 Mbit/s
PFU-B Fuse unit for MartisDXX™ Midi, Basic and per node.
Cluster Node (secondary) The SXU-A is used for small access nodes, channel-
PFU-H Fuse unit for MartisDXX™ A111 Node to-trunk connections, and resides in unit slot 15. A sec-
PAU-10T AC power supply unit for Basic and Cluster ond SXU-A is used in slot 14 for redundancy purposes.
Node The SXU-B is used when more bit level cross-connec-
PAU-5T AC power supply unit for Midi Node and tion capacity is needed, and resides in unit slots 14 and 15
Single Subracks because it is a double-width (10T) unit. A second SXU-B
is used in slots 12 and 13 for redundancy purposes.
A single or double subrack Basic Node or a Midi node
requires the following common units: Cluster Nodes
The larger DXC type node is accomplished by connecting
Basic and Midi Nodes up to eight single or double subrack nodes (slaves) to-
The PFU power/fuse unit is the leftmost unit in the gether to form a Cluster Node. The units and configura-
subrack (slot 1), and is designed to feed DC battery volt- tion of the slave subrack nodes are basically the same as
age to the subrack. The input voltage is distributed to in the normal single or double subrack Basic Node appli-
every unit in the subrack via a battery bus. Each unit has cations. The slave subrack nodes are physically connected
its own power supply module. Two separate PFUs will to a cluster master subrack (RXS-CD) requiring the fol-
be configured in slots 1 and 2 if redundancy is required. lowing common units:
Both shelves of a double subrack node require their own The functionality of the PFU fuse unit is the same as
PFU. in the Basic Node. Power redundancy can be achieved
The PAU-10T AC power supply unit can be used in- with PFU-A and PFU-B units on each shelf of the cluster
stead of the PFU unit if AC power is required. The PAU master subrack. The RXS-CD subrack mechanics is simi-
unit is a “double width” (10T) unit that fits into slots 1 lar to the RXS-D subrack, but mother boards and bus ex-
and 2. An isolated AC/DC converter makes an internal tender units are different.
48V from external AC 100...240V. Both shelves of a Basic The hardware and functionality of the CCU cluster
Node double subrack node require their own PAU. The control unit are similar to the SCU, except that the proc-
PAU can be doubled for redundancy. essor program is different. The CCU and SCU communi-
The slim PAU-5T can be used in Midi Nodes and in cate to each other via an external control bus.
Single Subracks of the Midi, Basic and Cluster Nodes. The The CXU-M cluster cross-connect unit is responsible
PAU unit is a “single width” (5T) unit that fits into slot 1. for the control of the cross-connections. Cluster Node
PAU-5T unit can provide only limited amount of current cross-connects are available and maintained in 64 kbit/s
for the other units and therefore it is recommended to be increments up to maximum 512 Mbit/s (8 x 64 Mbit/s)
used in Midi Nodes only. Otherwise it has similar charac- per Cluster Node. The master clock of the Cluster Node
teristics to PAU-10T. It can be doubled for redundancy. is also in the CXU-M unit, and the functions are the same
The SCU control unit is the master unit of every as in the SXU unit.
MartisDXX™ Basic Node. One SCU is required per Basic The CXU-A cluster cross-connect unit is controlled by
Node, and unit slot 16 or 8 in Midi subrack is always re- the CXU-M. The actual cross-connect switch is distributed
served for the control unit. The SCU always resides in the into CXU-A units being responsible for interfacing the
upper shelf of a double subrack node. The control unit is master subrack to the slave subracks. The cross-connect
responsible for node communication access, node super- unit of the slave subrack is SXU-C. The SXU-C is an SXU

that contains a CXU interface module through which the Midi Node is the XCG combining the functionality of an
64 Mbit/s slave bus is connected to the cluster master SCU and SXU-A. Cross-connection capacity for XCG is
subrack. One CXU-A is required for each slave subrack 64 Mbit/s. In addition the XCG provides four 2 Mbit/s
connection; a second CXU-A will be required for redun- G.703 interfaces, either 75 or 120 ohm. The XCG cannot
dancy purposes. A CXU-S cluster cross-connect unit works be protected.
in combination with the CXU-A units. One CXU-S unit is
required per cluster master shelf, and it is responsible for Application Units
the cross-connection of the CAS signalling bits. MartisDXX™ Application Units are used for line and user
interfaces and for various server tasks. There are numer-
MartisDXX™ A111 ous combinations of MartisDXX™ Application Units and
The MartisDXX™ A111 node shall be equipped with the Interface Modules. Modular hardware defines all of the
following common units, which differ from the common interface capabilities. The “base unit” resides in what is
units used in Basic and Cluster Node: known as the MartisDXX™ “unit” slots. Base units are
The PFU-H DC power supply unit is used with the designed as “single”, “double” and “triple” width cards,
MartisDXX™ A111 node. The 9T wide PFU-H unit is capa- depending upon their size. There are numerous types of
ble of feeding more power to the MartisDXX™ A111 node, base units available, each serving as the base for different
which consumes more power than Basic nodes. The primary kind of interface modules. The application base units can
power unit is installed into unit slot 1 and the redundant be divided into three groups: Line and xDSL Units, Ac-
one to unit slot 17. Thus one PFU-H is enough to provide cess Units and Server Units.
power feeding for both shelves in the RXS-H subrack. A separate unit power supply module is required for
The control unit SCU-H is always located in unit slot each base unit. The actual MartisDXX™ trunk and chan-
16. The SCU-H supports a module providing an Ethernet nel interfaces are defined by the “interface module” that
interface for management system and additional HDLC resides as a subassembly on the base unit. Different kinds
channels, which are important for network management of interface modules can be mounted on the same base
purposes in meshed networks. unit. The width of the base units may vary as well as the
The 4/1/0 cross-connection functionality resides in number of interface modules.
the GMX unit, which at the same time provides one STM-
1 aggregate interface. The GMX unit is always furnished Figure 4-M Modular Structure of GMH Type Application
into unit slots 13-15, and into slots 30-32 if redundancy is Units
required or the node is
used in ADM mode or with
1+1 protection. The maxi-
mum add-drop capacity
for PDH and SDH traffic
from MartisDXX™ A111
node is 1 x STM-1, half of
this capacity for each of the
two shelves.

Midi Node
The Midi Node is a cost-ef-
fective access node, which
is located at customer
premises. The RXS-S8
subrack as well as the ta-
ble-top version of the Midi
Node requires the follow-
ing common units:
PAU-5T and PAU-10T
power supply units are used
as in a Basic Node.
The main unit of the

Line and xDSL Units GCH-A Unframed data interface unit
IUM-5T Integrated xDSL interface unit for
NODES 160 NTUs. No extra modules required.
1 A
IUM-10T Integrated xDSL unit for connecting up
Line and xDSL Units to eight STU-56 or STU-160 NTUs. No
2 B 1 B C D extra modules required.
3 D
5 E
RXS-S STM-1-E Note that GMU-M cannot be placed into the MartisDXX™
3 D
2 B C D Cluster Node. Otherwise the functionality and use is simi-
5 E lar to GMU unit.

VMM X21-G704-S Access Units

5 E
A111 RXS-H
IUM-5T 2 B
G703-120 BASIC RXS-D 10BaseT
G703-8M RXS-S V24-DCE
2 B C D GCH-A 3 D
3 D


5 E
A111 RXS-H
BTE-4096 V36-IEC

BTE-2304 LIU-H X21

HCE-2M-1P/2P VCM-5T G703-64

BTE-1088-2W VCM-10T V35


3 D
5 E

Figure 4-N MartisDXX™ Line and xDSL Units
1 A B C
2 B C AIU 1:4 EM-2’10
The following Line and xDSL Units are available: 5 E

GMH G.704 framed interface unit for 2 Mbit/ 3 D AIU 1:1 STM-1-IO-13(S)
s, 8 Mbit/s and n x 64 kbit/s connec-
tions, 75 0r 120 ohm interfaces UTP-5
QMH G.704 framed interface unit for four 2
Mbit/s connections, 75 0r 120 ohm Figure 4-O MartisDXX™ Access Units
VMM Low overhead trunk unit; optimises the End-user access base units are:
trunk bandwidth usability CAE Voice frequency interface unit with E&M
GMM T1 base unit signalling and ADPCM support
GMU/GMU-M STM-1 and S34M interface and 4/1 CCS-UNI POTS unit for subscriber end with PCM
server base unit coding, 30 channels per unit

CCO-UNI POTS unit for office end with PCM coding, The server base units are:
30 channels per unit EAE ADPCM server unit, provides 30 channels.
ISD-LT ISDN-U interface unit, line termination. The VF coding or ADPCM rate can be
Can be connected to commercial ISDN individually set for each channel.
NT1 device and STU-56 and STU-160 EPS-5T Voice/fax compression unit with clear
NTUs. channel feature for fax/data traffic.
ISD-NT ISDN-U interface unit, network termina- Provides 4 compression channels.
tion. Always connected to line termination EPS-10T Voice/fax compression unit with clear
device, like ISDN line card in an ISDN channel feature for fax/data traffic.
exchange. Provides 8 compression channels.
VCM-5T Unframed data interface unit, 1 slot wide. ECS-5T V.110/X.50 conversion unit. Provides four
VCM-10T Unframed data interface unit, 2 slots wide. X.50 aggregates and 30 V.110 channels.
AIU1:1 ATM interface unit ECS-10T V.110/X.50 conversion unit. Provides eight
AIU1:4 ATM multiplexer unit X.50 aggregates and 60 V.110 channels.
LIU-H LAN interconnect unit, provides static and ESO-5T V5.1 signalling conversion unit.
dynamic IP routing FRU Frame Relay Switch Unit

The ISD units and all POTS units have the interfaces al- The modules that mount on some of the base units have
ready included, so no extra interface module will be nec- no physical interfaces. Therefore they are not “interface
essary. modules” but compression modules and converter mod-
The EPS units are able to compress voice, fax and data
Server Units from 64 kbit/s to 16 kbit/s or even 8kbit/s. The com-
pression algorithms used are ATC (Adaptive Transform
MARTIS SUBRACKS ACCESS UNITS MODULES Coding) and CELP (Codebook Excited Linear Prediction)
DXX respectively. The traffic comes into the node via e.g.
1 A aMartisDXX™ tr unk line; it is then forwarded through
the back plane to the EPS unit, compressed by the com-
2 B
EPS-5T VFC pression module, and sent out via another line. The EPS
units detect fax and data traffic and dynamically provide
RXS-S 2 B C D EPS-10T a clear 64 kbit/s channel for that.
3 D
The ECS unit enables the operator to connect the
3 D
MIDI RXS-S8 MartisDXX™ to X.50 equipment or X.50 network as well
as to transport X.50 traffic over the MartisDXX™ network.
The V5.1 signalling can be converted from POTS and
ISDN-BRA traffic by using MartisDXX™ ESO-5T unit. One
5 E ESO-5T unit can provide two 2 Mbit/s V5.1 interfaces to-
A111 RXS-H
ESO-5T wards a local V5.1 exchange.

1 A B C

Figure 4-P MartisDXX™ Server Units

MartisDXX™ Micro Node Module MartisDXX™ Mini Node Modules
Options The MartisDXX™ Mini Node base units have the
MartisDXX™ Micro Node offers four standard 2 Mbit/s functionality of an SCU, SXU-A as well as some applica-
G.703 interfaces. They are available as 75 or 120 ohm im- tion base units depending on the type of Mini Node.
pedance versions. Three of these interfaces can be ex- There are three main types of interfaces available that
changed to other GMH-based interfaces. There is also an are grouped upon their functionality. The functionality
optional alarm interface module that provides 6 inputs corresponds to a Midi or Basic Node base unit of the
and 2 outputs. When an additional GMH type interface is following type:
used in Micro Node, the corresponding 2 Mbit/s electri- • GMH type framed interfaces
cal G.703 interface remains in Micro Node but its func-
• VCM type unframed interfaces
tionality is blocked.
• EAE/CAE type voice frequency interfaces

For SBM 2048VG the IO-205-M alarm module is also avail-

able providing 20 inputs and 5 outputs.

Micro Node X21-G704-SM GMH-type VCM-type

V35-G704-SM X21-G704-SM SBM2048M V24-DCE-M

G703-8M-M V35-G704-SM V24-DTE-M

G703-75-M G703-75-M X21-M

G703-120-M G703-120-M G703-64-M

OTE-LED-M G703-8M-M V35/V24-M


BTE-4096-M LTE-M V36-M

BTE-2304-M BTE-4096-M CAE/EAE-type

BTE-1088-M BTE-2048-2WM PCM-10VF-M

BTE-576-M BTE-1088-M ADPCM-10VF-M



Figure 4-Q MartisDXX™ Micro Node module options


Figure 4-R Mini Node Modules

NTU Interfaces
For the MartisDXX™ NTU family there are different in-
terfaces available similar to Mini Nodes. On the right side
it can be seen which interface fits to which NTU. Each
NTU, except for the STU-160, can hold one interface. The
STU-160 can be configured with two interfaces, which do
not have to be of the same kind. Note that NTU-2M and
OTU-2M are equipped with fixed G.703 interfaces.
Although the MartisDXX™ NTUs can be used in
stand-alone point-to-point applications, their real strength
is to serve as a fully managed access device to a
MartisDXX™ network. In that case, the NTUs are con-
nected to a Mini, Micro, Midi or Basic Node.



GMH BTE-320 STU-320 STU Modules

BTE-320-M V24

BTE-576 STU-576 X21

BTE-576-M V35

BTE-1088-2W STU-1088-2W V36

Micro Node BTE-1088-2WM 10Base2/T

BTE-1088-M G 703

Mini Node BTE-2048-2WM STU-2304 G703-64


BTE-2304-M Fixed G703


IUM-5T STU-160


Figure 4-S MartisDXX™ NTU Family.


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