Nternational Onetary Ystem (IMS) : Uantum Inancial Ystem (QFS)

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International Monetary System (IMS)

Quantum Financial System (QFS)

▪ Quantum Financial System (QFS) ends corrupt

Central Banking
▪ The QFS will cover the new global network for the
transfer of asset backed funds. Replaces the US –
Centrally Controlled SWIFT system.
▪ Purpose of QFS / International Monetary System is
to put an end to corruption, usury and
manipulation within the banking system. “Banks”
no longer able to gain significant profits.

▪ QFS completely independent from the existing “centralized” system; makes

all other transfer systems obsolete.
▪ NOT crypto currency
▪ QFS reigns supreme in the technology it applies 100% financial security and
transparency of all currency holders.
▪ Assigns a “digital” number to every fiat Dollar / Euro / Yen in every bank
account all over the world. “Digital” numbers are monitored in real time;
where it went, when it was ledgered, who sent it and what account
received it.
▪ Sovereign Currency of United States is USN

*Additional details found in the Appendix (attached)

Asset Collection Chain (ACC)
▪ Platform of asset digitization created for the purpose of global digital assets

Asset Token Sovereign Currency

“Electronic” Methodology to “move” funds all banking “data

has been “decentralized.” The only reference to a “Bank” is source of origin for
the “account.”

▪ Blockchain technology is building as asset-sharing “distributed ledger”

between different nodes, institutions, industries, etc.
▪ After digitization, tokenization and symbolization of material assets, all
assets can be mapped and segmented.
▪ ACC is a “Distributed General Ledger”. It is a tool of asset digitization for
global applications. “Exchange” between mainstream tokens in the market
with asset standard token – Asset Collection Chain that jointly forms the
digital asset interchange object – SDR digital currency. Each global “node”
establishes a “regional” General Ledger Token (GLT) for regional circulation
and thus the digital currency SDR will be the main exchange coin along
with tokens of each international node’s general ledger token in the
international exchange.
▪ In this “ecosystem”, each node’s token can use GLT to realize regional
circulation and each GLT can use ACC to realize international circulation.
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)
A databased that is “decentralized” across several computers or nodes. Every
node will maintain the ledger and if data changes happen the ledger is updated.
“Updates” are independent at each “node”. All nodes have equal status
authority. There is no central authority or server managing the data base. Each
node can update the ledger and
other nodes verify its existence.
(Nodes verify the transaction with
the “consensus algorithm.
Sometimes all nodes can
participate and sometime only
selected nodes. Once all nodes
get a “go” all nodes receive
updated status.

“Blockchain” is just a type of distributed ledger. DLT is the parent of Blockchain. In

Blockchain every node gets its very own copy of the ledger. All transactions are
encrypted before being added to the ledger. Blockchain does not require a
central authority; it is decentralized completely as DLT. Blockchain organizes data
in terms of “blocks” that are “linked” and “encrypted” for security. All data
(transactions) exist in history and cannot be altered or deleted.

Blockchain Distributed Ledger Technology

Structure is blocks of data Database spread across different
Specific “sequence” of blocks No specific sequence

Sequence is the distinguishing difference in BLOCKCHAIN.

Blockchain is merely a “subset” of distributed ledgers. Blockchain takes DLT to the
next level (instantiation of digital values and interoperability).
Distributed Ledger Technology is the parent to Blockchain Technology. DLT is the
means to “eliminate” the Bank oversight. DLT / Transparency and speed of
transaction. NO data can be compromised. Blockchain is different from DLT in
terms of architecture, but similar in terms of concept. DLT solves the issues in the
financial world – Blockchain is part of the crypto currency world.
How to manage “New Funds”
(Asset Backed) in the QSF?
How do I use funds?
All bank screens are now dark
In the new system, “you” will receive an E-
Notification” that your expected asset
backed funds are prepared to “Ledger”
to the specific account you have
annotated previously. You will follow the “prompts” asking for your “old” access
code (password).
Once entered, you will be prompted to create a “New Security ID.” Once that
occurs, your “old bank account” will be debited of “Fiat” funds and then credited
with asset backed funds (One-to-One).
You will be prompted to the next window, at which point your existing funds show
as asset backed as well as the “ledger” balance of asset backed funds you
There is no “co-mingling”
The system is totally secure, and your accounts are “totally” under your control; a
return to sovereignty. “You” must initiate the ledger – an “electronic” transaction
occurs from “sender” account to “recipient” account. NO other “person” can
access the accounts.
Banks are now obsolete!

You have the sovereignty of your funds, since all are

electronic and digital. All funds are “trackable” forever.
Banks are no longer in control – there are no more
Deposits, they are now “Posits” as deposit means
separation from the person and their funds.

In the new world, the “person” has NO footprint in the QFS. Security in the truest
Quantum Financial System
1. QFS ends corrupt Central Banking
2. The QFS will cover the new global network for the transfer of asset backed
funds. Replaces the US – Centrally Controlled SWIFT system.
3. Runs on Quantum Computer / based on “orbiting” satellites, [protected by
“Secret Space Programs”.
4. Purpose of QFS / International Monetary System is to put an end to corruption,
usury and manipulation within the banking system. “Banks” no longer able to
gain significant profits.
5. QFS completely independent from the existing “centralized” system; makes all
other transfer systems obsolete.
6. NOT crypto currency. After REVAL, all sovereign currencies will be asset
backed ensuring stable value which makes the need for unbacked cryptos
outdated (simply digests on computer memory banks).
7. QFS activation ends the “Central Banking System” that perpetuates “Debt
8. QFS reigns supreme in the technology it applies / 100% financial security and
transparency of all currency holders.
9. Assigns a “digital” number to every fiat dollar / euro / yen in every bank
account all over the world. “Digital” numbers are monitored in real time; where
it went, when it was ledgered, who sent it and what account received it.
10. QFS is “alive” wit Quantum Benevolent Intelligence that “interacts” with
every financial transaction anywhere in the world of finance to ensure that it is
legal, owner intended and transparent.
11. ONLY gold or asset backed currencies that have a digital gold or asset
certificate is transferred through the QFS. All gold / asset backed currency
references back to the piece of gold or asset backing it!
12. “Asset backed” currency is based on assets within the county of origin.
Assets are the justification to establish amount of currency available in each
13. NO FIAT CURRENCY IS LEGAL IN QFS as the cannot be designated as “clean,
clear, non-terroristic or originating from legal activities”.
14. FIAT currencies in “possession” at time of implementation of QFS and
deemed “legal” will be exchanged for “gold backed currency on a one-to-one
basis. “Reconciliation” process.
15. Without the ability to reconcile old FIAT money into the new QFS, ALL
16. Any country not GESARA compliant will be left out of the QFS thus eventually
being left out of “International Trade”. The level playing field of global trace.
17. Global Currency Reset (GCR) will use a specific quantitative formula to
establish the amount of currency available “in a country” that is gold-backed in
QFS. The formula will establish a fair value of each country’s assets as compared
to another. Price of gold becomes irrelevant once this is complete. Included in
the “formula” are in-ground assets, economy of the country, its population (as
asset) and several other parameters. This formula is applied to each country so
they can be on par with “one another”.
18. The application of the formula and the common value of all gold means
that on country’s currency must have the same value as another country’s
Frequently Asked Questions
Quantum Financial System

Q - Can I still cash a check at my bank?

A – Because funds are digitized, you must electronically enter the funds into your
account and then access via ATM, debit card or mobile account
management apps.

Q – How does the QFS effect credit or debit cards?

A – There is no change in usage or function of the card.

Q – How do I execute a wire transfer?

A – Understanding the SWIFT system is no longer operable, you will use the ledger
to ledger transfer system within the QFS.

Q – Are other banking services effected by QFS?

A – There are no banks, you are accountable for your funds and financial
transactions. In the words of Capitol One – Banking Re-imagined.

Q- Are we moving to a cashless society?


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