Sample Question Paper Annual V

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General Instructions
1. This Question paper consists of 2 pages (4 printed sides).
2. There are six sections: Reading, Creative Writing, Textual, Grammar, Spelling, & Handwriting.
3. Answer all questions in neat and legible handwriting.
4. Avoid the use of the correction fluid/whitener.
5. Please note that Handwriting is based on the overall legibility, appropriateness and neatness.
Reading (10 Marks)
Q1.Read the following passage carefully:
A crow saw that an eagle dropped down from the sky on to a lamb, caught it with its claws and flew straight
back to its nest with it. The crow thought he would do the same. But the lamb was much too heavy for the
crow and what was worse, the crow’s little claws got caught in the lamb’s thick fur. So, the bird was trapped
there. The shepherd saw the crow, caught it and put it in a cage. So, the one who thought to imitate an eagle
ended up being laughed at by everyone. The moral of the story is, “Think before you act.”
Now, on the basis of your reading of the story, answer the following questions: 1x5=5
a) What did the crow see?

b) What did the crow think looking at the incident?

c) Why could the crow not catch the lamb?

d) What did the shepherd do with the crow?

e) Give a word from the passage that means, ‘to follow someone’.

Q2. Read the following poem carefully and choose the most appropriate option as your answer from the
given options: 1x5=5

Barefoot, I walked into the woods one day, Then, all at once, I heard a voice;
But found myself lost my way. I wondered if it was a tree or a river,
With horror, I looked here and there, The thought made me panic and shiver.
Found no one, but a rabbit and a mare. Then I saw a light, so bright,
Fear gripped me, my fingers turned numb, To dispel my fear apart…
I wished I hadn’t been so dumb.
i) The poet, one day, walked into the:
a) field b) road c) meadow d) wood
ii) There the poet found:
a) a mare b) a rabbit c) a rabbit and a mare d) a horse
iii) The poet’s fingers turned numb because he/she was:
a) happy b) afraid c) sad d) proud
iv) What did the poet hear?
a) A voice b) A cry c) A sound d) A sigh
v) The word, ‘shiver’ here most appropriately means shaking in:
a) sudden fear b) sudden worry c) sudden problem d) sudden puzzle
Writing (10 Marks)
Q3.Write a paragraph on the topic, ‘Deforestation’, in not more than 50 words with the help of the clues
given below: 5
a. What is Deforestation? b. What are the causes of it?
c. What are its effects? d. What do you suggest as a solution for the problem?



Q4. Process is the procedure of preparing a thing or doing a particular work. Now, write the process of
‘washing clothes’ (hand-wash), based on your day-to-day observations in not more than 50 words: 5


Q5. Read the questions from the Question Bank and answer them in neat and clean handwriting. Write your
answers against the correct question numbers. 1x5=5
i) Why did the barber want a lot of food as described in the lesson, ‘The Talkative Barber’?
ii) What did the giants carry with them as described in the lesson, ‘Gulliver’s Travels’?
iii) What lesson did Hari learn when the sea creatures pinched and pricked him, as described in the
lesson, ‘The Little Bully’?
iv) What do the people carry with them while moving around in the cities, as described in the poem,
‘Sing a Song of People’?
v) Name the place in Manipur ruled by the Ningthou and Leima, as described in the lesson, “Who Will
be the Ningthou”?

Q6. Write the appropriate meaning of the following words/phrases in the space provided. 1x3=3
Word Meaning
a) dessert
b) barren
c) grumpy
Q7. What kind of a girl Sanatombi was? What is she compared to in the conclusion of the story, ‘Who Will
be the Ningthou’? 2

Grammar (10 Marks)
Q8. Change the voice of the following sentences: 1x5=5
a) The rat was chased by the cat last night.
b) Mihir answered all the questions.

c) You are advised not to tease the animals.

d) The terrorist was arrested by the police.

e) The dog was chasing the thief.

Q9. Change the following sentences from direct to indirect speech: 1x3=3
a) Sushant said, “I play basketball.”


b) Preety said, “Will you come tomorrow?”

c) Arun said, “Varun will not play.”

Q10. Change the following sentences from indirect to direct speech: 1x2=2
a) The teacher told that the Earth moves round the Sun.

b) Ritesh requested me to give him my textbook.


Spelling (5 Marks)
Q11. In the following sentences one word is wrong in each sentence. Underline the wrong word and write it
correctly in the space provided. 1x3=3

a) Either giving or taking bribe is ilegal. -------------------------------

b) The criminal was procecuted by the law. -------------------------------

c) Insulting others reveals our own mental proverty. -------------------------------

Q12. In the following questions, one of the four words is wrongly spelt. Find out the word from the options
given and underline it: 1/2x4=2
a) actually celebration often ocasion
b) dentist dramatist sientist artist
c) femine feminene feminist female
d) treajure pleasure measure scissor
Handwriting (5 Marks)
Q13. Write the first five lines of the poem, “Sing a Song of People” in neat and clean (cursive)
handwriting: 5

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|É1.xÉÒSÉä ÊnùB MÉB MÉtÉÆ¶É EòÉä vªÉÉxÉ{ÉÚ´ÉÇEò {ÉÊgøB +Éè®ú {ÉÚUôä MÉB |ɶxÉÉå Eäò =kÉ®ú nùÒÊVÉB–१X५=५
संसार में सााँपों की हजारों जातियााँ पाई जािी है । इनमें से कु छ जातियााँ ऐसी हैं तजनके काटने पर
जहर चढ़िा है और आदमी की मृत्यु हो सकिी है । जहरीली जातियों के सााँप ज़्यादािर जंगलों में
बततियों से दूर रहिे हैं । इनके काटने पर व्यति को जबरदति नशा चढ़िा है और नींद सी आिी है ।
इसतलए सााँप काटे व्यति को जगाए रखने की कोतशश की जािी है । कु छ लोगों की मृत्यु तसर्फ़ इस
भय से ही होिी है कक उन्हें सााँप ने काट तलया है । सााँप यूही नहीं काटिे । उन्हें जब अपने जीवन पर
खिरा कदखिा है या उनके ककसी अंग पर पैर पड़ जािा है, िभी वे डसिे हैं, वह भी भय से और
आत्मा-सुरक्षा के तलए । सााँप का जहर जान लेिा है िो जान बचाने के भी काम आिा है । वैज्ञातनक
सााँप के जहर का प्रयोग दवा के रूप में करिे हैं ।

क)ज़्यादािर जहरीले सााँप कहााँ रहिे हैं?

ख)सााँप के काटने पर क्या होिा है?

ग)सााँप ककन ततितियों में डसिा है?

घ)सााँप का जहर ककस काम आिा है?

ङ) ‘संसार’ और ‘जहर’ शब्द के समानािी तलतखए?

|É2.xÉÒSÉä ÊnùB MÉB EòÉ´ªÉÉÆ¶É EòÉä vªÉÉxÉ{ÉÚ´ÉÇEò {ÉÊgøB +Éè®ú {ÉÚUôä MÉB |ɶxÉÉå Eäò =kÉ®ú nùÒÊVÉB –
मािा-तपिा गुरू सब
आज्ञा को मानें
अच्छी और बुरी बािों को,
पल-पल पहचानें।
खुद ही कदम ढू ाँढ़ ले मंतजल,तवश्वास जगाएाँगे।
चाहें तजिनी चलें आाँतियााँ,
ककिनी ही व्यविान हों।
सबको चीर बढ़े आगे ही,
ऐसे हम इनसान हों।
अाँतियारे में सूरज की हम ककरणें लाएाँगे।
ज्ञान की ज्योति जलाएाँगे।।
Eò) कतव ने ककसकी बाि मानने के तलए कहा है? १

JÉ) हर क्षण ककन बािों को पहचानना चातहए ? १

MÉ) प्रत्येक मानव को कै सा तवश्वास जगाना चातहए? १

घ) ‘सूरज’ और ‘गुरू’ शब्दों के अि़ तलतखए। २

{ÉÉ`ö¬ {ÉÖºiÉEò 10
|É3. xÉÒSÉä ÊnùB MÉB EòÉ´ªÉÉÆ¶É EòÉä vªÉÉxÉ{ÉÚ´ÉÇEò {ÉÊgøB +Éè®ú {ÉÚUôä MÉB |ɶxÉÉå Eäò =kÉ®ú nùÒÊVÉB –
कहा राजा ने बाि सच गर यही चढ़ा फााँसी राजा बजा खूब बाजा
गरू का किन, झूठ होिा नहीं है प्रजा खुश हुई जब मरा मूख़ राजा
कहा राजा ने फााँसी पर मैं चढू ाँगा बजा खूब घर-घर बिाई का बाजा,
इसी दम फााँसी पर मैं ही टाँगूाँगा। िी अंिरे नगरी, िा अनबुझ राजा।
Eò) राजा फााँसी पर क्यों चढ़ना चाहिा िा ? १

JÉ) प्रजा क्यों खुश हुई ? १

घ) कतविा के कतव का नाम तलतखए । १

प्र4. तनम्नतलतखि प्रश्नों के उत्तर संक्षेप में तलतखए -

क) अब्बा ने क्या सोचकर अररफ की बाि मान ली िी? २

ख) तवामी की दादी ने बुआ को महा मूख़ क्यों माना? १

ग) तबशन को घायल िीिर को बचाने के तलए ककन परे शातनयों का सामना करना पड़ा? 2
घ) जवाहरलाल और उनके सातियों को आमरनाि िक का सर्फर अिूरा क्यों छोड़ना पड़ा ? २

®úSÉxÉÉi¨ÉEò ±ÉäJÉxÉ 10
|É5. प्रिानाचाय़ को दो कदन के अवकाश हेिु प्राि़ना पत्र तलतखए- ५
प्र6.नीचे कदए गए तचत्र का (२०-३०शब्दों में) वण़न कीतजए – ५

´ªÉÉEò®úhÉ 10
|É7.तनम्नतलतखि वाक्यों के ररि तिानों को तनदेशानुसार पूरा कीतजए- १X४=४
क)मोहन....................रहिा है । (तिानवाचक किया तवशेषण से)

ख)चोर घर....................तछपा हुआ है । (संबंिबोिक अव्यय से)

ग)......................िुमने िो िीन तवके ट ले तलए । (तवतमयाकदबोिक अव्यय से)

घ)उसने बहुि पररश्रम ककया िा,..................वह प्रिम आया । (समुच्चयबोिक अव्यय से)

|É8.तनम्नतलतखि वाक्यों में से उद्देश्य और तविेय छााँटकर तलतखए- १X३=३

क)राम एक आद़श पुरूष िे।

ख)मुझे घूमने जाना है।

ग)कछु आ िीरे चलिा है।

|É9. तनम्नतलतखि मुहावरों से वाक्य बनाइए- १X३=३

क)आाँखों में िूल झोंकना

ख)हवा से बािें करना

ग)नाक में दम कर देना

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|É10. xÉÒSÉä ÊnùB MÉB ¶É¤nùÉå EòÒ ´ÉiÉÇxÉÒ ¶ÉÖrù EòÒÊVÉB - 1x५=५
क) पररक्षक

ख)छीड़काव -

ग) उिसुक-


ङ) वनश्पति -

ºÉÖ±ÉäJÉ 5
|É11.तनम्नतलतखि कतविा तवच्छ अक्षरों में तलतखए । ५
सर-सर-सर-सर उड़ी पिंग, फर-फर-फर-फर उड़ी पिंग ।
इसको काटा,उसको काटा, खूब करे यह सैर सपाटा।
उड़िे-उड़िे लड़ी पिंग

SECTION-A Knowledge Based
1. Fill in the blanks: 1×5=5
a) The smallest odd prime number is _____________________________.
b) Currency of Japan is called_______________________________.
c) A square has all 4 sides __________________________________.
d) 1345.02 ÷ 1000 =________________________________________.
e) What is ¾ as a percent___________________________________.

SECTION-B Understanding Based

2. Find the perimeter of a triangle ABC, if AB=7.6cm, BC=4.5cm and CA=6.3cm. 2
3. Explain and check whether 2839155 are divisible by 11 or not. 2

4. Find the number of bricks to be laid in a square path of side 18 cm, if the side of each brick is 3 cm. 3

5. Shade 2×¼ of the given figure. 2

6. Subtract 75 paisa from Rs 2.15 2


7. Find the average of first 10 prime numbers. 3

8. Find the average of 15 and 60. 1

SECTION-C Arithmetical calculation

9. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio of 2:3:4. Find the measure of each angle of the triangle. 3

10. Simplify: 12÷3 +5÷10 ×2.5 - 2 3

11. Multiply: 42 . 2
12. ¾ of a number is 84. Find the number. 2

13. Reyan score 80% out of total of 500 marks. How many marks did he score? 2

14. Construct a bar graph for the quantities of milk given by four cows of a milkman. 3
Name of the cows: Moti Kamli Laxmi Heera
Amount of milk given in kl: 10 16 12 6

SECTION-D Problem solving ability

15. 3 litres of milk cost Rs 75. Find the cost of 5½ litres of milk. 2
16. Construct a triangle ABC using compass and ruler BC=4cm, AB=3.5cm and AC=4.5cm. 3

17. a) Convert 1.5 into fraction. 1

18. Write in decimal form 9hundreds+4 tens+3 tenth+4 hundredths. 2

19. What % of 22 is 44? 2

20. The following graph represents the number of people of different countries in a world summit. Answer
the following questions. 1+1+1+2=5

a) How many Indians were present?

b) Which country has minimum and which has maximum representatives?

c) Which countries have same number of representative?

d) What is the total number of people in the summit?

Q1.(A) Choose the correct option [Tick () the correct answer] : ½x6=3
(i) Which of the following is not made from petroleum
a) Diesel b) Wax c) Paper d) Grease.
(ii) A severe earthquake took place on 26th January 2001 at:
a) Assam b) Gujarat c) Maharashtra d) Non of these.
(iii)The woodcutter cooked for lunch :
a) Cucumber b)Potato c) Rice d) Roti
(iv) The book Sant-Charan-Raj was written by:
a) Mahadevbhai Desai b) Gandhiji
c) Narayandevbhai Desai d)Bhim Rao Baba Saheb Ambedkar
(v)Afsana Mansuri belongs to:
a) Assam b) Delhi c) Maharashtra d) Tamilnadu
(vi) Right to forest act:
a) 2001 b) 2003 c) 2004 d) 2007
B. Give one word for the following: ½x4=2
i. It helps fire to burn.
ii. The paragraph remembering those days
is taken from this book.
iii.This is a smelly, thick, dark coloured liquid
found deep under the earth.
iv. Gregor Mendel found that these plants have
some traits that comes in pairs.
Q2. Answer the following questions briefly. 1x5=5
(i) How did Motabapu help the people of Jasma’s village ?

(ii) Why did the woodcutter blow on the fire?

(iii) Who used to clean the toilets in Sabarmati Ashram?

(iv) Why do the adivasis call the forests as there ‘collective bank’?
(v) Why earthworms are called soli’s best friend?


Q3. Observe the given picture. Identify the picture and write two sentences about it. 3

Q4. Observe the given picture. Write three sentences about it. 3

Q5. Observe the picture shown. Identify the food being cooked and write two sentences
about it in the given space 1+2= 3
Sloth page
Q6. Write short notes on the following: 2x2=4

(i) Changpa tribe

(ii)Bhim Rao Baba Saheb Ambedkar.

Q7. Draw a colourful poster on conservation of fuel in the given space . 2+2=4

Q8. Read the following passage and answer the following question:
It was 26 January, 2001. Everyone from the village- children and old people – had gathered
in the ground of the school to watch the parade on TV. Suddenly the ground was shaking.
People were scared and started running here and there. No one knew what was happening
and what to do. There was total panic! 1x3=3
a. What happened on 26 January, 2001 and where?

b. Why did everyone from the village gather in the ground of the school?

c. Write one safety measure that should be taken during earthquake.



Q9. Identify and encircle the odd one out: ½ x6=3

a. Football Chess Cricket Basketball

b. Suryamani Budhiyamai Vasavi didi Shambhu

c. Hindi Kuduk Gujarati Assam

d. Bajra Jowar Vegetables Cotton.

e. Tractor Electric motor Artificial fertilizers Bullocks

f. Malaria Viral fever Polio Dengue

Q10. Give two example of each of the following : ½ x8=4

(i)Animals whose hair can

be used to make wool

(ii)Things that can be used to

make whistles.

(iii)Name two things due to

the construction of which
people are displaced.

(iv)Two traits that can be

inherited from parents.

Q11. Rewrite the following false statements correctly in the space provided:- 1x4=4

i. Ladakh gets very heavy rainfall.

ii. The woodcutter did not blow on his hands to warm them up.

iii. Team coordination is not required to win a game.


iv. Malaria is a genetic disease.


Q12. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: ½x6=3

a. Jasma lived in the area of Gujarat
b. Wardha is a place in ______________________ .
c. Mustafa Khan was also known as
d. In Sinduri Jatryabhai’s family was treated as _______________ .
e. The plant can be used in finding the dryness of soil.
f. Puranpolis are

Q13.(A) Identify the things shown in the pictures. Write their name in the given space. 1x4=4
i) ii)

B. Match Column A with Column B by drawing neat lines. ½ x4=2

Column A Column B

a. Mahadevbhai Desai i. Forest dwellers .

b. Sardar Sarovar ii. Gandhiji”s friend.

c. Adivasis iii. Jungle

d. Torang iv.dam

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