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Fuel 181 (2016) 859–869

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Mineralogical compositions of Late Permian coals from the Yueliangtian

mine, western Guizhou, China: Comparison to coals from eastern
Yunnan, with an emphasis on the origin of the minerals
Peipei Wang ⇑, Dongping Ji, Yongchang Yang, Lixin Zhao
State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China
College of Geoscience and Survey Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China

h i g h l i g h t s

 A mineralogical comparison has been made of the Late Permian coals in west Guizhou and east Yunnan.
 Quartz and kaolinite in the No. 19 coal are related to weathering of the Emeishan basalt.
 An altered tonstein layer derived from felsic volcanic ash has been identified in the No. 19 coal.
 The studied coals have less chamosite than the Late Permian coal in east Yunnan.
 No hydrothermal mixed-layer I/S or detrital calcite was found in the coals of this study.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper reports the mineralogical characteristics of a complete coal seam in the Late Permian Longtan
Received 14 March 2016 Formation from the Yueliangtian mine, western Guizhou, southwestern China. The minerals in the coal
Received in revised form 7 May 2016 were identified using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive X-
Accepted 7 May 2016
ray spectrometer (SEM–EDS), and low temperature ashing plus X-ray diffraction (LTA + XRD). The results
Available online 13 May 2016
show that quartz and kaolinite are the major components of the coal mineral matter; followed by pyrite,
marcasite, anatase, and calcite; and in some cases, mixed-layer illite/smectite, chamosite, illite, ankerite,
apatite, and anorthite. The highly-elevated concentration of quartz in the coal is mostly derived from
Late Permian coal
Minerals in coal
siliceous solutions produced by weathering of the Emeishan basalt. However, quartz discrete particles
Emeishan basalt with large size (>100 lm) and rounded shape probably resulted from the input of felsic rock materials.
Guizhou Province The distribution and modes of occurrence of kaolinite, mixed-layer illite/smectite, illite, and anatase
reflect a terrigenous origin. In comparison with the coals from eastern Yunnan, the Yueliangtian coals
have lower proportion of authigenic chamosite, the formation of which was probably related to the injec-
tion of seawater. Pyrite occurring as individual particles or clustered framboids was most likely influ-
enced by seawater during the stages of peat accumulation or early diagenesis, while fracture-filling
pyrite probably had an epigenetic origin. Additionally, an intra-seam volcanic ash-derived tonstein layer,
which contains sharp-edged quartz, vermicular kaolinite, and well-developed zircon crystals, has been
identified in the coal of the present study.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Minerals in the Late Permian coals of southwestern China have

attracted much attention, not only because they in some cases
The formation of minerals in coal may be associated with a ser- are carriers of valuable elements (e.g., Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, REE, and Ga)
ies of geological processes, including peat accumulation, injection that have potential for industrial utilization [1,4–6], but also
of seawater, influx of hydrothermal fluids, deposits of synsedimen- because they may reflect the depositional conditions of the original
tary volcanic-ash, diagenetic process, and coal rank advance [1–3]. peat swamp, the geological history of the coal-bearing sequences,
and the regional tectonics [2]. It has been suggested that the
⇑ Corresponding author at: State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe mineralogy of the Late Permian coal and coal-bearing strata in
Mining, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China. southwestern China might not only be used as indicators for depo-
E-mail address: (P. Wang). sitional environment before, during, and after peat accumulation
0016-2361/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
860 P. Wang et al. / Fuel 181 (2016) 859–869

[7,8], but could also provide essential information for evolution of origin of the minerals in these coals and the associated host rocks
the Emeishan mantle plume [9,10]. (intra-seam tonstein, roof and floor strata). Such a comparison of
The Late Permian was an important coal-forming period in mineral compositions in coals from western Guizhou and its sur-
southwestern China, especially in Chongqing, southern Sichuan, rounding areas (particularly eastern Yunnan province, which is clo-
eastern Yunnan, and western Guizhou. Guizhou Province, known sely located to the Kangdian Upland; Fig. 1) could provide more
as ‘‘Southern Sea of Coal”, possesses the largest preserved coal information for depositional conditions of the original peat
resources in southwestern China. The mineralogical and geochem- swamps and help reveal the relationship between the ELIP and coal
ical characteristics of the Late Permian coals in southwestern China formation in the region.
have been subjected to a number of investigations [1,4,9,11–21]
which have shown that the mineral matter in these coals has a sig- 2. Geological setting
nificant relation with the Emeishan Large Igneous Province (ELIP),
the major part of which (the Kangdian Upland) is mainly located to The Yueliangtian coal mine is located in Panjiang Town, Panx-
the west of the coal basin that is the focus of the present study [10]. ian, Guizhou Province (Fig. 1). The major coal-bearing strata in
Previous studies have shown that authigenic quartz [2] and the mine are the Upper Permian Longtan Formation, with an aver-
chamosite [22,23] are the dominant components of the mineral- age thickness of 234.66 m. The Longtan Formation in the Yueliang-
assemblages in the Late Permian coals from southwestern China. tian mine mainly comprises fine sandstone, siltstone, pelitic
The authigenic quartz is considered to be the product of kaolinite siltstone, silty mudstone, mudstone, and coal seams, while the
desilication or precipitation from siliceous solutions derived from lowermost portion of the Longtan Formation is characterized by
weathering of Emeishan basalts in the Kangdian Upland a bauxite layer with an average thickness of 5 m (Fig. 2A). The
[2,18,22–24]. It is believed that the formation of chamosite was Longtan Formation contains 12 minable coal seams, with an aver-
related to the reaction of kaolinite with Fe–Mg-rich fluids, or to age total thickness of 16.27 m. The studied No. 19 coal seam, with
precipitation of Fe–Mg-rich siliceous solutions derived from an average thickness of 1.32 m, is located in the middle portion of
weathering of Emeishan basalts [22,23]. In most cases, kaolinite the Longtan Formation and is one of the most important minable
is the dominant clay minerals in the Late Permian coals seams in this area (Fig. 2B). Two partings occurring in the No. 19
[18,22,23]; however, abundant mixed-layer illite/smectite induced coal have a thickness of 4 (YLT19-5p) and 5 cm (YLT19-8p), respec-
by mafic magmatic activity has been found in some coals (e.g., tively. The roof and the floor strata of the No. 19 coal are mainly
Changxing mine) from eastern Yunnan [25]. gray fine siltstone and fine sandstone, respectively.
Previous studies have mostly focused on the Late Permian coals In contrast to the Xuanwei Formation in eastern Yunnan, which
in southern Sichuan, Chongqing, and eastern Yunnan, and only a was mainly formed in a non-marine environment, the Longtan For-
few investigations have been carried out on the mineralogy of coals mation in western Guizhou was deposited in a continental-marine
from western Guizhou [12,14,26–29]. In this paper, we describe transitional environment during the Late Permian, after the
the lateral variation of minerals in the Late Permian coals from emplacement of Emeishan Large Igneous Province (260 Ma)
the Yueliangtian mine, Panxian Coalfield, western Guizhou and [30,31]. The Xuanwei and Longtan Formations are contemporane-
from eastern Yunnan Province (Fig. 1), with an emphasis on the ous deposits but have different sedimentary environments [32].

Fig. 1. Location of the Yueliangtian mine, Panxian coalfield, western Guizhou Province, China, as well as locations of the Mahe, Xinde, Xuanwei, Taoshuping, and Changxing
mines, eastern Yunnan Province, China, and the corresponding geography during the Late Permian.
P. Wang et al. / Fuel 181 (2016) 859–869 861

Fig. 2. (A) Sedimentary sequences in the Yueliangtian mine; (B) section of the No. 19 coal seam.

The Kangdian Upland, comprising a sequence of Emeishan basalts D3174-11, D3175-11 [36–38], D3177-02 [39], D2492-02 [40],
in the lower section and a few felsic-intermediate rocks in the and Chinese Standards GB/T 213-2008 [41], respectively. Ultimate
upper section, is the primary sediment-source area for the Xuan- analysis for carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen was conducted using a
wei and Longtan Formations in the study areas [33–35]. Vario Macro elemental analyzer. A Leica DM-4500P microscope
equipped with a Craic QDI 302TM spectrophotometer was used to
determine the mean random vitrinite reflectance. All the samples
3. Samples and analytical procedures were high-temperature ashed at 815 °C, as preparation for deter-
mining the percentage of major-element oxides (SiO2, TiO2,
Samples from eight coal benches (nos. YLT19-2c, YLT19-3c, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, and P2O5) by X-ray fluo-
YLT19-4c, YLT19-6c, YLT19-7c, YLT19-9c, YLT19-10c, and YLT19- rescence spectrometry.
11c), two partings (YLT19-5p and YLT19-8p), and two host rocks Eight coal bench samples were ashed at low temperature using
(roof YLT19-1r and floor YLT19-12f) (Fig. 2B) were collected from an EMITECH K1050X plasma asher. After low temperature ashing,
the No. 19 coal at the Yueliangtian coal mine. In order to avoid con- X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was conducted on the low temper-
tamination and oxidation, all samples were stored in plastic bags ature ashes (LTAs), as well as the un-ashed roof, floor, and parting
immediately after collection. All samples were crushed and milled samples, using a D/max-2500/PC powder diffractometer with Ni-
to pass 200 mesh for proximate and geochemical analyses. filtered Cu-Ka radiation and a scintillation detector. Each XRD pat-
The proximate and related analyses, including moisture, ash tern was recorded over a 2h interval of 2.6–70°, with a step size of
yield, volatile matter, total sulfur, forms of sulfur, and gross calori- 0.02°. In order to obtain the quantitative mineralogical composi-
fic values of the coals were based on ASTM Standards D3173-11, tion, X-ray diffractograms of the coal LTAs and host rock samples
862 P. Wang et al. / Fuel 181 (2016) 859–869

were analyzed using SiroquantTM software developed by Taylor coal benches mostly occurs as lenses and thin beds (Fig. 4A), indi-
[42]. Details of this technique have been described in Ward et al. cating a terrigenous origin. Kaolinite in some cases occurs as a
[43,44] and Ruan and Ward [45]. matrix for pyrite, anatase, and small quartz grains
Polished coal pellets were prepared for mineralogical study (Figs. 4A, F and 6A). A small proportion of kaolinite occurs in
(mineral morphology and distributions) using optical microscope structured-maceral cells (Fig. 5F), indicating an authigenic origin
and Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscope equipped with [9]. Illite and chamosite are only detectable in samples YLT19-6c
an EDAX energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SEM–EDS). and YLT19-11c, respectively. Based on investigations by Rimmer
and Davis [51], Ward [3], and Dai et al. [52], the illite most likely
resulted from detrital materials of terrigenous origin. Chamosite
4. Results is present as cell-fillings (Fig. 5F) when studied under the SEM,
suggesting an authigenic origin.
4.1. Coal chemistry Quartz (ranging from 7.7% to 82.5%; Table 2) is generally the
dominant mineral in the coal LTAs. The proportion of quartz is
The data on coal chemistry for the No. 19 coal samples are higher in the upper benches (YLT19-2c, YLT19-3c, and YLT19-4c)
shown in Table 1. The weighted average of vitrinite reflectance near the roof than in the middle and lower benches (Fig. 3). The
(1.02%) and volatile matter yield (28.90%) suggest that the coals
optical microscopy and SEM–EDS analyses show that the quartz
are of medium volatile bituminous rank according to the ASTM in the coals occurs mostly either as scattered irregular particles
classification (ASTM D388-12, 2012) [46]. Moreover, according to
distributed in collodetrinite (Fig. 4E), or as cell-fillings of the struc-
Chinese Standards GB/T 15224.1-2010 [47], the No. 19 coal has a tured macerals (Fig. 4H). In most cases the quartz particles are fine
medium ash yield.
(<10 lm); however, large grains of quartz (>100 lm) are also
Total sulfur content in the No. 19 coal ranges from 0.28% to observed under both the optical microscopy and the SEM.
4.76%, with a weighted average of 1.67%, indicating a medium-
As indicated in Table 2, pyrite and marcasite are only observed
sulfur coal (coal with 1–3% total sulfur is medium-sulfur coal in the LTAs of the middle and lower coal benches. Pyrite is excep-
[48]). The percentage of total sulfur is low (<1%) in the upper tionally abundant in coal bench sample YLT19-9c, consistent with
benches (YLT19-2c, YLT19-3c, and YLT19-4c) and is mainly derived the relatively high concentration of total sulfur (4.76%; Table 1).
from coal-forming plants [48,49]. However, sulfur are relatively The pyrite has various modes of occurrence, including discrete par-
abundant in the middle and lower benches, suggesting that the ticles, framboidal assemblages (Fig. 5A), subhedral to euhedral
sulfur was mainly derived from seawater [48,50]. As indicated in crystals (Fig. 5B), massive forms in the organic matrix (Fig. 5C),
Table 1, high total sulfur contents of 4.14%, 2.02%, and 4.76% were fracture-fillings (Fig. 5D), and cell-fillings (Fig. 5E). The marcasite
measured in samples YLT19-6c, YLT19-7c, and YLT19-9c, respec- typically coats massive pyrite as radiating crystals (Fig. 5C). Chal-
tively. The forms of sulfur analyses show that pyritic sulfur is the copyrite was observed to occur as cell-fillings (Fig. 5F) under the
dominant in these three samples, with percentages of 3.51%, SEM, but is below the detection limit of the XRD and Siroquant
1.71%, and 3.93%, respectively. techniques.
Calcite occurs as a minor component in all of the coal bench
4.2. Mineralogical characteristics samples. The proportion of calcite is higher in the LTA of coal sam-
ples YLT19-3c and YLT19-4c than in that of other coal benches,
4.2.1. Minerals in coal consistent with the high proportions of CaO in those coal samples
Table 2 lists the LTA yield of the coals, together with the miner- (Table 3). Calcite shows two modes of occurrence under optical and
alogical results of each coal LTA and non-coal sample (roof, floor, electron microscopy. Most of the calcite occurs as fracture- or
and partings) determined by XRD and Siroquant. The minerals in cleat-fillings in collodetrinite (Fig. 5G), indicating an epigenetic ori-
the coal LTAs are dominated by quartz (7.7–82.5%) and kaolinite gin [9,20,22,23]. Some calcite coexists with quartz or chamosite as
(17–70.6%), followed by pyrite (1.5–23.4%), marcasite (4.1–8.4%), cell-fillings (Fig. 5F), but this is a minor mode of occurrence. A
calcite (0.1–17.4%), and anatase (0.1–1.7%), while the abundance minor proportion of ankerite was observed in the upper coal
of illite, mixed-layer illite/smectite, chamosite, and ankerite is benches of No. 19 coal, directly below the roof strata.
more variable in these samples. The proportion of anatase in the coal LTAs is generally low, and
Kaolinite makes up a large percentage of minerals in the coal may be below the detection limit of the XRD and Siroquant
benches, ranging from 17% to 70.6%. Observations under the opti- techniques. However, the LTA of sample YLT19-6c has the highest
cal and scanning electron microscope show that kaolinite in the proportion of anatase (1.7%) among the LTAs of the coal samples.

Table 1
Bench thickness (m), proximate and ultimate analyses (%), total sulfur (%), forms of sulfur (%), gross calorific values (MJ/kg), and vitrinite random reflectance (%) of the No. 19 coal

Sample Thickness Mad Ad Vdaf Cdaf Hdaf Ndaf St,d Sp,d Ss,d So,d Qgr,d Ro,ran
YLT19-2c 0.20 1.79 36.02 26.31 88.16 5.42 1.25 0.28 23.03 nd
YLT19-3c 0.24 0.53 19.44 16.68 89.21 4.65 1.38 0.35 28.94 nd
YLT19-4c 0.26 0.96 15.32 31.50 87.03 5.27 1.43 0.53 30.57 1.05
YLT19-6c 0.20 2.48 40.37 35.67 83.84 5.54 1.31 4.14 3.51 0.13 0.50 19.90 1.03
YLT19-7c 0.20 1.92 22.74 30.43 87.09 5.20 1.36 2.02 1.71 0.04 0.27 28.16 1.03
YLT19-9c 0.20 0.63 19.58 32.34 84.68 5.23 1.41 4.76 3.93 0.09 0.74 28.96 1.01
YLT19-10c 0.20 2.05 12.87 29.38 90.56 5.01 1.52 0.85 32.52 1.04
YLT19-11c 0.20 2.42 19.38 30.55 89.14 5.74 1.76 1.00 29.56 0.96
WA 1.7a 1.55 22.85 28.90 87.49 5.24 1.43 1.67 1.08 0.03 0.18 27.84 1.02

M, moisture; A, ash yield; V, volatile matter yield; C, carbon; H, hydrogen; N, nitrogen; St, total sulfur; Sp, pyritic sulfur; Ss, sulfate sulfur; So, organic sulfur; ad, air-dry basis; d,
dry basis; daf, dry and ash-free basis; Qgr,d, gross calorific value, on a dry basis; Ro,ran, average vitrinite random reflectance; WA, weighted average for bench samples (based on
the interval thickness of each bench sample); nd, not detected.
Total thickness of coal benches.
P. Wang et al. / Fuel 181 (2016) 859–869 863

Table 2
LTA yields of coal samples and mineral compositions of coal LTAs, partings, roof, and floor as determined by XRD and Siroquant (%).

Sample LTA Qu Kao Illite I/S Cha Py Mar Ana Cal Ank Ano Apa
YLT19-1r 9.1 34.9 37.3 6.2 11.4 1.0
YLT19-2c 35.91 82.5 17.0 0.3 0.3
YLT19-3c 20.25 62.5 19.2 17.4 1.0
YLT19-4c 16.69 52.4 34.9 1.5 0.5 9.8 0.9
YLT19-5p 5.3 72.1 10.3 7.2 1.9 3.2
YLT19-6c 52.76 7.7 67.1 12.9 5.8 4.7 1.7 0.1
YLT19-7c 27.40 28.3 57.0 5.4 8.4 0.5 0.4
YLT19-8p 9.2 90.8
YLT19-9c 24.14 25.5 44.4 23.4 5.5 0.2 1.1
YLT19-10c 13.67 39.2 52.0 2.5 4.4 0.1 1.9
YLT19-11c 22.13 17.7 70.6 4.2 2.0 4.1 1.4
YLT19-12f 6.3 27.9 48.9 5.8 10.3 0.8

Qu, quartz; Kao, Kaolinite; I/S, mixed-layer illite/smectite; Cha, Chamosite; Py, Pyrite; Mar, Marcasite; Ana, Anatase; Cal, Calcite; Ank, Ankerite; Ano, Anorthite; Apa, Apatite.

Fig. 3. Vertical variations of low temperature ash yield and minerals in LTA and rock samples through the No. 19 coal section in the Yueliangtian mine.

SEM analysis shows that anatase in this sample mainly occurs as made up almost entirely of kaolinite (90.8%), along with relatively
discrete particles in the kaolinite matrix (Fig. 4F), indicating a low percentage of quartz (9.2%).
detrital mineral of terrigenous origin. The kaolinite in sample YLT19-8p occurs mainly in vermicular
Silicorhabdophane, identified by SEM–EDS, occurs as fracture- form (Fig. 4B and C), indicating a process of in-situ crystallization
or cell-fillings, coexisting with kaolinite and quartz (Fig. 5H). As [11,57]. Under the SEM, the quartz in sample YLT19-8p shows
discussed by some studies (e.g., Dai et al. [53,54], Seredin and sharp edges (Fig. 4C and D). Although it is below the detection limit
Dai [55], and Dai et al. [56]), silicorhabdophane and rhabdophane of the XRD and Siroquant, a few discrete particles of anatase on the
are the major REE carriers in some coal-hosted REY ore deposits kaolinite matrix are also observed by SEM–EDS in sample YLT19-
(REY, rare earth elements plus yttrium). 8p. Also under the SEM, a zircon particle in sample YLT19-8p
occurs as well-developed crystal with long prism faces and a
4.2.2. Minerals in partings, roof and floor strata high-temperature eroded hole (Fig. 4C).
The two partings in the coal seam are quite different in macro- The kaolinite in sample YLT19-5p generally occurs as lenses and
scopical and microscopical characteristics. The parting represented thin beds (Fig. 6A), and to a lesser extent, as cell-fillings of struc-
by sample YLT19-5p is a dark gray to black in color, while parting tured macerals (Fig. 6B). These modes of occurrence are similar to
YLT19-8p is gray-white. The mineral assemblage of sample YLT19- those in the coal bench samples. Illite is also identified in sample
5p is represented by kaolinite, illite, quartz, pyrite, marcasite, and YLT19-5p. Parting YLT19-5p has a very similar clay mineral associ-
anatase. However, the prominent minerals in sample YLT19-8p are ation to the LTA of coal bench sample YLT19-6c, suggesting the same
864 P. Wang et al. / Fuel 181 (2016) 859–869

Fig. 4. Minerals in the No. 19 coal. (A) Kaolinite and pyrite distributed along the bedding planes (reflected light); (B) vermicular kaolinite (reflected light); (C) vermicular
kaolinite, euhedral zircon, sharp-edged quartz, and separate anatase (SEM, back-scattered); (D) sharp-edged quartz (SEM, back-scattered); (E) quartz and calcite veins in the
collodetrinite (reflected light); (F) quartz and anatase particles (SEM, back-scattered); (G) terrigenous detrital quartz (reflected light); (H) cell-filling quartz in semifusinite
(reflected light).

input from terrigenous material [58]. The quartz in sample YLT19- smectite, with a total percentage up to 70%, are the dominant min-
5p is mostly present as disseminated irregular particles, with a size erals in the roof and floor, together with significant proportions of
usually less than 20 lm (Fig. 6C). Anatase occurs as discrete parti- anorthite, quartz, anatase, and apatite. The roof of the No. 19 coal
cles in the kaolinite matrix (Fig. 6A), probably indicating a terrige- has higher quartz content (9.1%) than the floor strata. Anatase is
nous origin. Pyrite in sample YLT19-5p occurs mainly as clustered more abundant in the host rocks (YLT19-1r and YLT19-12f) than
framboidal (Fig. 6D) and cell-filling (Fig. 6B) forms, suggesting a in the partings, with proportions of 6.2% and 5.8%, respectively
syngenetic origin [3,48]. Compared with sample YLT19-8p, no (Table 2). Anorthite and apatite were also observed in the roof
sharp-edged quartz, vermicular kaolinite, or well-developed euhe- and floor samples, which is consistent with the relatively high con-
dral zircons were identified in sample YLT19-5p. The modes of centrations of CaO and P2O5 listed in Table 3.
occurrence of the minerals in sample YLT19-5p indicate a significant
contribution from normal sediments of terrigenous origin. 4.3. Chemical composition
As indicated in Table 2, the mineral assemblage in the roof sam-
ple is similar to that in the floor material, probably indicating the The percentages of major-element oxides in the No. 19 coal are
same source of detrital input. Kaolinite and mixed-layer illite/ given in Table 3. Compared with the average values for Chinese
P. Wang et al. / Fuel 181 (2016) 859–869 865

Fig. 5. Minerals in the No. 19 coal. (A) Framboidal pyrite (reflected light); (B) subhedral to euhedral pyrite crystals (reflected light); (C) marcasite growing on massive pyrite
as radiating crystals (reflected light); (D) fracture-filling pyrite (reflected light); (E) cell-filling pyrite (reflected light, oil immersion); (F) cell-filling calcite, kaolinite,
chamosite, and chalcopyrite (SEM, back-scattered); (G) calcite veins in the collodetrinite (reflected light); (H) fracture-filling silicorhabdophane (SEM, back-scattered).

coals [4], the proportions of SiO2 and TiO2 in the No. 19 coal are mineral matter; while sample YLT19-6c contains the lowest SiO2/
higher. However, the contents of the other major-element oxides Al2O3 value (1.51), reflecting the lowest proportion of quartz
are much lower than the averages for Chinese coals. The contents (7.7%) in the LTA material.
of Fe2O3 and MgO2 are distinctly lower than those from coals of Table 4 shows the correlation coefficients between the ash yield
eastern Yunnan (e.g., Xuanwei, Xinde, Taoshuping, and Mahe and the major-element oxides. The ash yield and CaO have a neg-
mines). Silicon usually occurs in quartz and clay minerals. In the ative correlation, probably because Ca was mainly released by
same way, anatase is the dominant carrier of titanium in the coals. macerals during coal rank evolution and precipitated in the cleats
Similarly, the low proportions of K, Na, Fe, and Mg in the coals is of the low-ash coals rather than derived from terrigenous input
consistent with the low proportions of mixed-layer illite/smectite [3,59–62]. The strong positive correlation between the ash yield
and chamosite. The ratio of SiO2/Al2O3 in the No. 19 coal (4.87) is and Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, and Ti suggests that these elements are closely
much higher not only than that in Chinese coals (1.42) but also related to the mineral matter in the No. 19 coal sampled in this
than the theoretical ratio for kaolinite (1.2), which is due to the study. The significant correlation of Ti with Al, Mg, Na, and K sup-
high percentage of quartz in the No. 19 coal. Sample YLT19-2c ports the coexistence of anatase and some clay minerals, which is
has the highest SiO2/Al2O3 value (16.39) among the coal bench also consistent with the optical microscope and SEM–EDS analyses
samples, consistent with the highest quartz content (82.5%) of its [63].
866 P. Wang et al. / Fuel 181 (2016) 859–869

Table 3
Major element oxides and loss on ignition (LOI) of coal benches, host rocks, and partings from No. 19 coal seam (%; on whole coal/rock basis).

Sample SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 LOI SiO2/Al2O3
YLT19-1r 46.47 6.53 23.94 2.99 0.012 1.06 0.95 0.572 1.384 0.499 14.58 1.94
YLT19-2c 32.64 0.17 1.99 0.13 0.001 0.05 0.12 0.036 0.026 0.017 64.62 16.39
YLT19-3c 12.70 0.13 1.94 0.38 0.009 0.08 2.51 0.028 0.021 0.016 80.67 6.56
YLT19-4c 10.38 0.23 2.14 0.43 0.006 0.05 1.05 0.043 0.022 0.010 84.82 4.85
YLT19-5p 29.90 3.39 20.02 5.87 0.019 0.38 0.19 0.230 0.463 0.048 38.23 1.49
YLT19-6c 18.54 1.96 12.27 5.27 0.008 0.21 0.28 0.137 0.155 0.056 60.63 1.51
YLT19-7c 13.45 0.26 5.55 2.44 0.002 0.06 0.19 0.049 0.028 0.012 77.69 2.42
YLT19-8p 41.56 0.53 28.40 0.88 0.001 0.16 0.09 0.230 0.126 0.039 27.84 1.46
YLT19-9c 10.05 0.13 3.99 4.89 0.001 0.06 0.10 0.030 0.010 0.015 80.54 2.52
YLT19-10c 8.33 0.21 2.88 0.62 0.002 0.03 0.23 0.030 0.009 0.011 87.39 2.89
YLT19-11c 10.06 0.76 5.58 1.78 0.003 0.16 0.21 0.051 0.064 0.017 81.08 1.80
YLT19-12f 44.81 5.37 23.54 5.90 0.004 1.40 0.40 0.623 1.434 0.115 15.65 1.90
Averagea 14.52 0.48 4.54 1.99 0.004 0.09 0.59 0.051 0.042 0.019 77.18 4.87
Chinese coalb 8.47 0.33 5.98 4.85 0.015 0.22 1.23 0.160 0.190 0.092 nd 1.42
Xuanwei coalc 18.12 0.49 2.87 6.31 0.136 0.24 4.09 0.036 0.123 0.087 nd 6.31
Xinde coald 28.15 0.58 8.80 3.51 0.019 0.39 0.81 0.023 0.219 0.050 nd 3.20
Taoshuping coale 47.43 3.04 28.29 17.49 0.027 0.53 1.35 0.263 0.770 0.113 nd 1.68
Mahe coalf 17.31 0.50 8.26 3.40 0.030 0.21 1.57 0.140 0.320 0.070 nd 2.10

nd, no data.
Average value for coal bench samples.
Chinese average coals value from Dai et al. [4].
Xuanwei average coals value from Dai et al. [22].
Xinde average coals value from Dai et al. [9].
Taoshuping average coals value from Wang et al. [18].
Mahe average coals value from Wang et al. [20].

Fig. 6. SEM back-scattered images of minerals in the No. 19 coal. (A) Quartz, kaolinite, and anatase particles; (B) cell-filling pyrite and kaolinite; (C) quartz in the
collodetrinite; (D) framboidal pyrite.

Table 4
Correlation analysis of ash yield and major element composition.

Variable Ash SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5
Ash 1.00
SiO2 0.96 1.00
TiO2 0.84 0.73 1.00
Al2O3 0.94 0.85 0.72 1.00
Fe2O3 0.45 0.26 0.59 0.46 1.00
MnO 0.38 0.25 0.56 0.35 0.42 1.00
MgO 0.82 0.74 0.93 0.69 0.53 0.31 1.00
CaO 0.14 0.14 0.00 0.22 0.33 0.30 0.03 1.00
Na2O 0.92 0.84 0.94 0.82 0.50 0.35 0.97 0.02 1.00
K2O 0.84 0.76 0.97 0.70 0.50 0.39 0.99 0.04 0.98 1.00
P2O5 0.66 0.62 0.82 0.54 0.20 0.41 0.69 0.15 0.75 0.78 1.00
P. Wang et al. / Fuel 181 (2016) 859–869 867

5. Discussion regarded as a typical feature of tonsteins derived from altered vol-

canic ash layers deposited in peat swamps. (3) High-temperature
5.1. Origin of minerals in Late Permian coals from Yueliangtian mine quartz characterized by sharp edges is considered to be derived
from eruption of a felsic magma pocket or volcanic neck [9,60].
Based on the abundance, distribution, and modes of occurrence Such quartz has also been found in some Late Permian partings
of minerals in the No. 19 coal of the present study, we have iden- within coals of the surrounding areas (especially eastern Yunnan)
tified a number of mineral sources including the Emeishan basalt, [9,60]. (4) Although zircons of different origins vary a lot in mor-
felsic clastic-rock, felsic volcanic ash, seawater, and hydrothermal phology and crystal habit [60,75], studies by Zhou et al. [60,75]
fluids. have shown that detrital zircons of terrigenous origin usually have
tetragonal bipyramids with relatively short prisms and length/
5.1.1. Influence of sediment-source region width ratios around 2, while pyroclastic zircon generally has long
The Emeishan basalt of the Kangdian Upland, located to west of tetragonal prisms doubly terminated by pyramids and a length to
the Panxian coalfield, is the primary sediment-source region for width ratio higher than 2.5 [9,76]. The zircon particle noted in this
the mineral matter in the No. 19 coal at the Yueliangtian mine, study occurs as a well-developed crystal with a high length/width
as well as for the coals from most of other areas in southwestern ratio (>10), indicating a pyroclastic origin. (5) Parting YLT19-8p has
China [64–67]. Sediment was supplied in the following two ways: a TiO2/Al2O3 ratio <0.02, corresponding that expected if the parent
input of terrigenous detrital materials and influx of siliceous solu- volcanic ash was felsic in composition [9,11,24].
tions from weathering [18].
The distribution and modes of occurrence of minerals in the 5.1.3. Injection of seawater and hydrothermal fluids
coal bench samples, as well as in parting sample YLT19-5p, provide As described in Section 2, the coal-bearing strata of the Longtan
strong evidence for input from the sediment-source area, such as Formation were deposited in a marine-terrestrial transitional envi-
the discrete illite and anatase particles, together with the sedimen- ronment. Seawater may have influenced the mineralogy of the No.
tary layering of the clay minerals. The clay mineralogy of coal sam- 19 coal during the peat-accumulation process. For example, the
ples YLT19-6c and YLT19-11c is different to that of other coal formation of pyrite (e.g., framboids, euhedral crystals, and massive
bench samples, which may indicate a slight change of sedimentary form) and marcasite (radiating crystals) is generally induced by
environment or input from different clastic-rocks during deposi- seawater during peat accumulation or early diagenesis [3,48],
tion of the No. 19 coal seam. and in this study the presences of pyrite and marcasite may also
The vertical distribution of quartz is opposite to that of kaolinite suggest the influence of seawater. In addition to seawater, syn-
(Fig. 3). This indicates that kaolinite and quartz in the No. 19 coal genetic hydrothermal fluids may invade coal measure sequences,
may result from different geological controls. The presence of abun- causing the formation of cell-filling mineral phases, such as pyrite,
dant authigenic quartz is probably due to precipitation of silica- chalcopyrite, calcite, and silicorhabdophane. Hence the occurrence
bearing solutions derived from weathering of the Emeishan basalt of fracture-filling pyrite, calcite, and silicorhabdophane may also
in the Kangdian Upland [2,18], while the modes of occurrence of provide evidence for hydrothermal fluids influx as part of the epi-
the kaolinite reflect derivation from the weathering residues of the genetic activity [32,77,78].
Emeishan basalt [18,23], similar to those in the Late Permian coals
of eastern Yunnan (e.g., Xuanwei, Xinde, and Mahe coals) [9,20,22]. 5.2. Differences in mineralogy for Late Permian coals from the
The ratio of TiO2 to Al2O3 is regarded as an effective indicator to Yueliangtian mine and eastern Yunnan
identify the origin of clastic sediments and intra-seam tonstein lay-
ers based on the similarity between the TiO2/Al2O3 ratios of mud- In contrast to the high concentration of chamosite, regarded as
stones and their parent rocks [11,35,68–71]. Indicative TiO2/Al2O3 the reaction product of kaolinite with Fe–Mg-rich fluids or precip-
values of felsic, intermediate, and mafic tonsteins are <0.02, 0.02– itation of Fe–Mg-rich siliceous solutions derived from weathering
0.08, and >0.08 [9,11,24], respectively. Except for sample YLT19- of Emeishan basalts in the Late Permian coals of eastern Yunnan
8p, the host rocks (roof and floor) as well as parting YLT19-5p have [18,22,23], chamosite is not usually observed in No. 19 coal sam-
a TiO2/Al2O3 value >0.16, supporting a suggestion that the parent ples from Yueliangtian mine. The low chamosite content may indi-
rocks were of mafic basalt composition. cate lack of an Fe–Mg component in the siliceous solutions formed
However, the modes of occurrence of quartz in the coals of this by weathering of the Emeishan basalt in western Guizhou. A pos-
study, e.g., distributed along the bedding planes with defined edges sible explanation is that the parent basalt in western Guizhou
and angles (Fig. 4G) and occurring mainly as discrete particles, sug- was subjected to strong leaching besides weathering. As reported
gest that this form of quartz is of terrigenous origin. Compared by Ma et al. [79], Si, Mg, Ca, K, and Na can be easily leached from
with the authigenic quartz also present in the coals, the terrige- basalts during weathering processes, allowing Ti, Al, and Fe to be
nous detrital quartz is usually large in size (>100 lm) (Fig. 4E, F, enriched in the weathering residues. However, Fe2+ (one essential
and H). Such quartz is similar to the terrigenous quartz observed component of chamosite) can be easily removed under the influ-
in coals from eastern Yunnan (e.g., Mahe mine) [17], and provides ence of aqueous solutions. Therefore we suggest that, different
evidence for input of sediment derived from felsic rock during peat from that in the Late Permian coals from eastern Yunnan, the for-
accumulation [10]. The terrigenous quartz is probably related to mation mechanism of chamosite in this study was probably influ-
the Emeishan felsic clastic-rocks. enced by seawater.
In addition to a relatively high proportion of terrigenous mixed-
5.1.2. Input of volcanic ash layer illite/smectite, hydrothermal mixed-layer illite/smectite
The parting YLT19-8p is identified as an intra-seam tonstein which had been precipitated from fluids associated with mafic
layer, and appears to have been derived from felsic volcanic ashes. magmas have been identified in the Late Permian Changxing coals
This suggestion is supported by the following factors: (1) This part- of eastern Yunnan Province [25]. However, such hydrothermal
ing is a thin layer (5 cm) having a continuous lateral extent and a mixed-layer illite/smectite occurring as fracture-fillings or cell-
clear top and bottom boundary in the coal seam. (2) A vermicular fillings has not been observed in the coal bench samples in this
texture in the kaolinite of such a parting layer is often used as an study, either by optical microscope or SEM–EDS, indicating that
indicator of a volcanic origin [9,57,59,72,73]. As reported by Bohor there was probably no subsurface mafic magma activity associated
and Triplehorn [74], such vermicular kaolinite is generally with the western Guizhou coal deposits.
868 P. Wang et al. / Fuel 181 (2016) 859–869

Volcanic quartz has been widely reported in the Late Permian Science Foundation of China (Nos. 41420104001 and 41272182),
coals from eastern Yunnan (e.g., Taoshuping, Changxing, Xuanwei, and the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Educa-
Xinde, and Mahe coals) [9,18,20,22,25], indicating frequent felsic tion of China (No. 20120023120019). Many thanks are given to
volcanism during the Late Permian period. Zhou et al. [11] and Prof. Shifeng Dai for his constructive comments, which greatly
Dai et al. [24] suggested that such felsic volcanism may be related improved the quality of the paper. The authors are grateful to Prof.
to the waning activity of the Emeishan mantle plume. However, James C. Hower and the other three anonymous reviewers for their
such quartz was not identified in the coal bench samples of the pre- careful comments.
sent study using SEM–EDS techniques. A possible explanation is
that any such felsic volcanic eruptions provided only a small contri-
bution to the mineral matter in the western Guizhou coal seams.
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