Inorganic Matter in Victorian Brown Coals

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International Journal of Coal Geology 154–155 (2016) 257–264

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Inorganic matter in Victorian brown coals

Mihaela Grigore ⁎, Richard Sakurovs
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) — Energy, Riverside Life Science Centre, 11 Julius Ave, North Ryde, NSW, 2113, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A common method to quantify the mineral matter in coals is to remove the carbonaceous matter by low-
Received 21 November 2015 temperature oxygen plasma ashing (LTA) followed by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis. However, some low-
Received in revised form 12 January 2016 rank coals, such as Victorian brown coals (lignites), have low levels of mineral matter and contain significant
Accepted 13 January 2016
amounts of non-mineral inorganics (organically associated elements and salts dissolved in the coal pore's water),
Available online 14 January 2016
which form artifact phases during low-temperature ashing. The presence of these phases also lowers the concen-
tration of the low abundant mineral species in the ash below the detection limit of the XRD. Some of the non-
Brown coal mineral-matter components can be removed by leaching of the coal prior to ashing, but the leaching conditions
Mineral matter have to be chosen so that the mineral matter is not removed. In this study, sequential leaching was performed
Selective leaching on three Victorian brown coals (Hazelwood, Yallourn and Loy Yang) in order to increase the concentration of the
NH4-EDTA mineral species in the low-temperature ashes by removing the non-mineral inorganics. We introduced
SIROQUANT diammonium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (NH4-EDTA) solution into the leaching process, because of its potential
to extract ion-exchangeable cations without dissolving acid-sensitive mineral matter or contaminating the extract
solution with introduced metal cations. The leaching protocol was stepwise extraction by water, ammonium ace-
tate, NH4-EDTA, hydrochloric acid and nitric acid. Sequential leaching enabled quantification of the minerals that
occur in very small amounts in the coals. K-feldspar, pyrite, augite and kaolinite were the additional minerals quan-
tified in the leached coals beside quartz, plagioclase (calcian albite), marcasite and calcite, which were found in the
original coals. Most non-mineral inorganics, which produce large amounts of artifact phases in the low-temperature
ashes, were removed by water, ammonium acetate and NH4-EDTA. NH4-EDTA effectively removed significant
amounts of inorganic elements, which most likely occur in coordination complexes and would be extracted in con-
ventional leaching studies only by strong acids. This procedure makes it possible to discriminate between inorganic
elements that occur organically associated and mineral matter that is dissolved by strong acids.
Crown Copyright © 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction For instance, inorganic elements associated with the organic matter
react with organic sulfur to form sulfates (Dai et al., 2015; Ward,
The mineral matter in a coal determines its utility in nearly all of its 2002; Ward et al., 2001). The formation of these artifact phases diminish
commercial uses, so its quantification is important. X-Ray Diffraction the concentration of the true minerals in the ash to a level where the
(XRD) has been used in many studies for identification and quantifica- low abundant minerals cannot be detected by XRD. In Victorian
tion of mineral matter in coals (Hower et al., 2015; Huggins, 2002; brown coals, which commonly have less than 2% inherent mineral
Koukouzas et al., 2009; Liu et al., 2015; Martinez-Alonso et al., 1992; matter (Gloe and Holdgate, 1991), this problem is particularly severe.
Miller and Given, 1987; Morgan et al., 1981; Ward, 2002). The analysis The inorganic matter in the low rank coals, brown coals in particular,
of the mineral matter in coals is performed on the coal ashes prepared consists of inorganic elements associated with the organic matter,
at low temperatures (100–120 °C) in a radio-frequency oxygen plasma dissolved salts and other inorganic substances in the pore water
asher (Gluskoter, 1965). This way the organic matter is removed from (Brockway et al., 1991; Dai et al., 2015; Li et al., 2010; Ward, 2002),
the mineral matter with minimal alteration of the mineral species. minerals that occur as crystalline discrete particles (true mineral
However, low-rank coals contain significant amounts of non-mineral components) and mineraloids. The inorganic elements associated with
inorganics, which form artifact phases during low-temperature ashing the organic matter occur as exchangeable cations attached to carboxylic
and these interfere in the quantification of the inherent mineral matter. acids (carboxylate salts), phenols, chelates and other organometallic
complexes such as metalloporphyrins (Bonnett et al., 1987;
Branthaver, 1987; Filby and Vanberkel, 1987; Given and Miller, 1987;
⁎ Corresponding author.
Schafer, 1991; Ward, 2002).
E-mail addresses: (M. Grigore), Most of the sodium, calcium and magnesium in these coals are pres-
(R. Sakurovs). ent as carboxylates (Brockway et al., 1991; Schafer, 1991). Some sodium
0166-5162/Crown Copyright © 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
258 M. Grigore, R. Sakurovs / International Journal of Coal Geology 154–155 (2016) 257–264

may occur as sodium chloride (Perry et al., 1982). Iron and aluminum than 212 μm. The leaching solutions used in this work were ultra pure
could be present as complex ions bound by a single valency to carboxyl- water (Milli-Q), 1 M ammonium acetate, 0.1 M NH4-EDTA buffered by
ate groups (Brockway et al., 1991). The exchangeable iron is usually NH4OH to pH 9, 1 M hydrochloric acid and 2 M nitric acid. The NH4-
present in the ferrous form but it tends to be readily oxidized to the fer- EDTA step was included between the ammonium acetate and HCl
ric state on exposure to air. Cook and Cashion (1987) identified three steps to extract iron and other elements held in chelate complexes or as-
non-pyritic iron species in the Victorian brown coals using Mössbauer sociated with functional groups other than carboxylic groups. Also, the
spectroscopy. A poorly-ordered ferric oxyhydroxide as a dominant high pH of the NH4-EDTA solution is expected to minimize the effect
phase, a ferrous humate that can precipitate as ferric oxyhydroxide of NH4-EDTA on the crystalline mineral matter. Using NH4-EDTA instead
and a third species whose nature could not be confirmed, but believed of Na-EDTA eliminates the contamination of the supernatant liquor
to be a Fe+2 compound. Aluminum hydroxide is also found in the with Na from the reagent. Although HCl and HNO3 dissolve some of
brown coals. The minerals identified in the Latrobe Valley coals are the mineral matter, they may also extract some of the inorganic ele-
quartz, clays (mainly kaolinite associated with illite, montmorillonite, ments organically associated if they were not removed by NH4-EDTA
muscovite), silica, pyrite and/or marcasite (Perry et al., 1982). leaching.
Some of these species can be removed by selective leaching of the The ultimate and proximate analyses of the coals are shown in
brown coal. Selective leaching is commonly used to determine the rela- Table 1. The moisture levels in the coals were determined according to
tive abundance and modes of occurrence of the non-mineral inorganic the Australian Standard AS 2434.1-1999 (Australia, 1999) in order to
components and mineral matter (Dai et al., 2004; Davidson, 2000; calculate the coal mass on a dry basis. Inductively Couple Plasma-
Finkelman et al., 1990; Grasset et al., 2010; Li et al., 2010; Liu et al., Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES) was used for chemical analy-
2015; Riley et al., 2012; Spears, 2013; Ward, 1992; Wijaya et al., 2011; ses of the coals and the supernatant liquids derived from each leaching
Zhang et al., 2008a,b). The most common reagents used in the leaching steps. The preparation method of coals for ICP-AES analysis consists of
protocols are water, ammonium acetate, HCl, HNO3 and HF. The soluble two steps. The coals were oxidized at 815 °C then the resulting ashes
species and the inorganic elements associated with carboxylic acids are were dissolved with a mixture of hydrochloric, nitric and hydrofluoric
removed by water and ammonium acetate, respectively. However, acids in 60 mL polypropylene bottles (Riley et al., 2012). The excess
Matsuoka et al. (2002) found that ammonium acetate also dissolved fluoride was complexed with boric acid. The ash yields and ash analyses
calcite. HCl extracts cations from chelates and clays, but also dissolves are shown in Table 2.
carbonates, and Fe and Al hydroxides (Davidson, 2000; Miller and The coals and the leaching solutions were loaded into 2 L Nalgene
Given, 1987). Sulfides, such as pyrite and marcasite, and silicates are polyethylene bottles and shaken at room temperature for 24 h. The
dissolved by HNO3 and HF, respectively. ratio of leaching solution to coal (dry basis) was 3.7. The leached coal
Chelates such as EDTA and citric acid are used for extraction of metal was washed three times with Milli-Q water after each filtration to re-
cations (transitional/heavy elements) from contaminated soils (Peters, move the remaining supernatant solution from the coal. After every
1999; Ritchie and Sposito, 1995). The pH of the solution and the leaching step aliquots of filtrate were taken for both pH determination
concentration of the chelant are two of the factors controlling the and chemical analysis, and a coal sub-sample was taken for mineralog-
metal cation uptake (Peters, 1999; Ritchie and Sposito, 1995). ical and chemical analyses. The pH values of the filtrates and blank
Borggaard (1981, 1982) observed that amorphous iron oxide was solutions are shown in Table 3.
extracted by 0.01–0.2 M EDTA at pH 8–10 with negligible effect on the The mineralogical compositions of the coals were determined by
crystalline iron-bearing minerals. He dissolved EDTA and ammonium XRD analyses of the low-temperature ashes of the coals. The coals
acetate in ammonia solution to obtain the selected pH. Disodium were oxidized at approximately 120 °C using a radio-frequency oxygen
ethylenediaminetetraacetate (Na-EDTA) 0.1 M was used by Wijaya plasma asher (Gluskoter, 1965). Samples were oxidized until a constant
et al. (2011, 2012) for advanced removal of organically associated weight was reached. The time taken ranged from two months (original
inorganic elements in Victorian brown coals. However, the addition of brown coal) to less than one week for strong acid (HCl and HNO3)
sodium can affect the mineral matter; Wijaya et al. (2011) reported leached brown coals. We believe that coal oxidation by oxygen plasma
the formation of a Na-silicate believed to occur due to interaction of was hindered by the presence of ion-exchangeable cations. The XRD
Na from EDTA with aluminosilicates. patterns were used for identification and quantification of the mineral
The aims of this study are to identify and quantify the mineral matter phases using Bruker Eva search/match software and SIROQUANT™
and the nature of the inorganic elements that are organically associated (Taylor, 1991). The proportion of the amorphous matter was
in three Victorian brown coals. Sequential leaching was carried out on determined by spiking the ashes with known amounts of corundum.
the coals to make possible quantification of the low abundance mineral The method has been described elsewhere (Ward and French, 2006).
species and to improve discrimination between inorganic elements as- Scanning Electron Microscopy in conjunction with Electron
sociated with different functional groups in coal. The leaching protocol Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM–EDS) was used for analysis of mineral
was water, ammonium acetate, diammonium ethylenediaminetetraac- matter and elements associated with organic matter in coals, and
etate, hydrochloric acid and nitric acid. We introduced diammonium mineral phases in the low-temperature ashes.
ethylenediaminetetraacetate solution into the leaching process,
because of its potential to extract ion-exchangeable cations without
dissolving acid-sensitive mineral matter or contaminating the extract
solution and sample with introduced metal cations. The strong acid Table 1
Proximate and ultimate analyses of the original coals.
leaching steps were included to enable quantification of the very low
abundance minerals that are not dissolved by HCl and HNO3. Hazelwood Yallourn Loy Yang

Proximate analysis (wt%, db)

2. Experimental Ash 2.9 2.0 0.80
Volatile matter 49.0 52.1 49.6
Fixed carbon 48.1 45.9 49.6
Three run-of-mine brown coals from the open-cut mines
Ultimate analysis (wt%, db)
Hazelwood, Yallourn and Loy Yang in the Latrobe valley, Victoria, Carbon 67.8 64.4 69.4
Australia, were selected for sequential leaching. These coals are Hydrogen 4.52 4.27 4.8
low-rank Tertiary coals (Gloe and Holdgate, 1991; Holdgate, 2005). Nitrogen 0.74 0.74 0.71
Gloe and Holdgate (1991) and Holdgate (2005) published detailed Sulfur (total) 0.28 0.30 0.31
Oxygen (by difference) 24.1 27.8 24.2
geology of the Victorian brown coals. The coals were ground to less
M. Grigore, R. Sakurovs / International Journal of Coal Geology 154–155 (2016) 257–264 259

Table 2
Ash analyses of the original coals (wt%).

Coal SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2O TiO2 BaO SrO SO3 P2O5 Other oxides

Hazelwood 1.6 11.5 20.8 26.2 11.9 2.0 0.30 0.17 0.05 0.18 24.8 0.04 0.46
Yallourn 7.0 1.6 41.0 7.2 22.9 4.1 0.58 0.08 0.04 0.13 14.8 0.01 0.56
Loy Yang 18.3 28.8 8.5 4.2 13.4 8.5 0.57 0.54 0.10 0.07 17.1 0.05 0.1

3. Results and discussion precipitates in swamps, which is characteristic to the formation of the
Latrobe Valley coals (Gloe and Holdgate, 1991). SEM–EDS data indicate
The low-temperature ashes of the original coals are dominated by the presence of different forms of iron oxyhydrate; the Fe:O ratios
sulfates, such as bassanite and hexahydrate, and amorphous matter; varied in the EDS spectra of different particles (Fig. 2).
the concentration of the inherent mineral matter such as quartz, calcian Silicon was not only present in minerals, but it was also observed in
albite (plagioclase), marcasite and calcite is very low — less than 1% in the plant tissue derived material in the coals used in this study. Silicon
the ash in the Hazelwood and Yallourn coals, and less than 8% in the can form stable complexes with lignin in the cell walls and it can also
ash of Loy Yang coal (Table 4). The sulfates are mainly artifacts formed occur in nano-size particles of amorphous silica (Currie and Perry,
during low-temperature ashing (Dai et al., 2012; Martinez-Alonso 2007; Kolb and Liesch, 2008). Silicic acid in the plants under specific
et al., 1992; Ward, 2002): they are produced by reaction of organic sul- conditions forms silica (Currie and Perry, 2007). Fig. 3 shows clusters
fur with organically associated calcium and magnesium. The amor- of silicon-rich material within the plant tissue. Although high-
phous matter may consist of phases formed during ashing from the magnification images suggest silicon is present in the plant tissue
non-mineral components and/or mineraloids. The presence of large derived material and not in discrete silica grains, its nature could not
amounts of amorphous and crystalline artifact phases in the ash lowers be assessed by SEM.
the relative concentration of the minor mineral species to below the Since additional mineral species were found in the coals by SEM
detection limit of the XRD. analysis but not confirmed by XRD in the low-temperature ashes of
Other mineral species in the original coals that were not detected by the original coals, the removal of organically associated elements
XRD in the ashes of the coals were found by SEM–EDS analyses. The would enable quantification of the less abundant mineral species by
additional mineral species were potassium feldspar, magnetite XRD. Because some of these minerals were in very low abundance,
(Fe3O4), ilmenite (FeTiO3), Fe-titanium oxide, titanium oxide, augite, their quantitative analysis using SEM would require examination of a
kaolinite, illite ((K,H3O)(Al,Mg,Fe)2(Si,Al)4O10[(OH)2,(H2O)]), dolomite large number of resin blocks (coal is mounted in resin blocks for SEM
(Ca,Mg(CO3)2), pyrite, iron sulfate, barite (BaSO4), sphalerite (ZnS), analysis) in order to obtain a representative sample. Also, XRD can
galena (PbS) and iron oxyhydrate. Their abundance in the coals varied distinguish between polymorph minerals such as rutile, anatase and
significantly. Barite, sphalerite and galena were found in trace amounts brookite which are polymorphs of TiO2.
in the coals whereas the other minerals were generally more abundant. Large amounts of inorganic elements were extracted from coals
Feldspar, augite, magnetite, ilmenite, Fe-titanium oxide and titanium during leaching. Their removal is indicated by the decrease of the
oxide are common minerals in igneous rocks (Deer et al., 1962a,b, low-temperature ash yields of the leached coals as the leaching steps
1963) and most probably come from the nearby extrusive basaltic progressed (Fig. 4). The decrease of the ash yields of the Loy Yang
lavas and tuffs (Durie, 1961; Gloe and Holdgate, 1991). leached coals is gradual, whereas the ash yields of Hazelwood and
The presence of mineraloids in the coals was indicated by SEM–EDS. Yallourn coals were reduced dramatically after ammonium acetate
Iron sulfide was mainly identified in Hazelwood coal and only trace and EDTA leaching. The differences between the ash yields of the coals
amounts of iron sulfide were found in the other coals. Although pyrite become very small after NH4-EDTA leaching, and only a slight reduction
has similar elemental composition to marcasite, it was distinguished of the ash yields of the coals is observed after the nitric acid leaching
by SEM due to its typical framboidal texture, which consists of spherical step. This confirms that most of the inorganic material occurs as soluble
aggregates of euhedral crystallites. The morphology of iron sulfide salts, carboxylates and organometallic complexes.
varies widely, from euhedral and subhedral crystals (Fig. 1a) to The mode of occurrence of the inorganic elements organically
anhedral texture with no well formed crystal faces (Fig. 1b). Iron sulfide associated is highly variable between the coals (Fig. 5). Generally, over
was largely associated with iron sulfate (hydrated) (Fig. 1), which was 75% of Na, K, Mg and Ca were removed by water, ammonium acetate
possibly caused by oxidation of the iron sulfide (Brockway et al., 1991; and NH4-EDTA (Fig. 5). Iron and Al do not appear to be present as
Gluskoter, 1977) during coal handling and storage. The iron sulfates extractable carboxylates since they were not removed by ammonium
are fairly abundant and they were not detected by XRD even in the acetate. The proportions of Fe and Al removed by NH4-EDTA range
leached coals by NH4-EDTA where their presence was confirmed by from about 30% to 75%. Aluminum and Fe may occur in coordination
SEM–EDS hence they are more likely to be amorphous. Techniques complexes with organic ligands, for instance Fe can form hydrated
such as Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) would be required octahedral complexes with carboxyl and hydroxyl groups, and possibly
to assess their crystallinity. phenol groups (Domazetis et al., 2008; Mathews and Chaffee, 2012).
Iron oxyhydrate is usually a weathering product of iron-bearing Since NH4-EDTA extracted more Ca and Mg than ammonium acetate
minerals (Deer et al., 1962b) such as siderite, pyrite and magnetite did, it is possible that some Ca and Mg occur in coordination complexes
formed under oxidizing conditions. It can be crystalline (i.e. goethite) with mixed functional groups like Fe. Although the Si-bearing species
and/or amorphous (i.e. limonite). However, limonite commonly are typically silicates, quartz and silica, small amounts of silicon was
found as soluble species and apparently associated with carboxylic
acids. The Si released by water and carboxylic acids may come from
Table 3
the plant tissue derived materials. SEM–EDS data also confirm that a
The pH of the leaching solutions (ammonium acetate and NH4-EDTA) and the supernatant
solutions (water, ammonium acetate and NH4-EDTA). number of elements such as Na, K, Ca, Mg, Al and Fe were observed
associated with the organic matter.
pH Blank Hazelwood Yallourn Loy Yang
The first three leaching steps aimed to remove most inorganic com-
Water 4.07 4.00 3.89 pounds with minimal effect on mineral matter. Carbonates, especially
Ammonium acetate 6.80 5.53 5.28 5.48 calcite, were selectively dissolved by ammonium acetate in other stud-
NH4-EDTA 9.04 6.00 6.02 6.23
ies (Matsuoka et al., 2002). In this work, there is no evidence that calcite
260 M. Grigore, R. Sakurovs / International Journal of Coal Geology 154–155 (2016) 257–264

Table 4
Mineral matter in the low temperature ashes of the original coals and their corresponding leached coals (LTA ash yield is expressed as wt% on a dry coal basis).

Mineral phase Chemical formula Original Water NH4OAc EDTA HCl HNO3

LTA ash yield (wt%) 4.68 4.26 2.61 0.96 0.31 0.27
Quartz SiO2 0.3 0.2 0.3 1.1 3.9 4.0
Marcasite FeS2 0.5 0.6 0.8 2.7 5.5 5.2
Pyrite FeS2 0.6 1.3 0.9
Calcian albite (Na0.5 Ca0.5)Al1.5Si2.5O8 0.7 0.9
Augite (Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe,Al,Ti)(Si,Al)2O6 0.5
Bassanite CaSO4·0.5H2O 21.5 29.5 4.9
Anhydrite CaSO4 10.7
Hexahydrite MgSO4·6H2O 16.1 18.7 3.0
Jarosite KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6 0.8
Amorphous 61.6 51.0 80.3 95.5 88.7 87.7

LTA ash yield (wt%) 3.73 3.43 2.79 0.79 0.17 0.15
Quartz SiO2 0.8 1.0 1.3 4.2 21.6 23.8
Calcite CaCO3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.6
Calcian albite (Na0.5 Ca0.5)Al1.5Si2.5O8 1.4 5.5 8.3
Augite (Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe,Al,Ti)(Si,Al)2O6 1.5 2.1
Bassanite CaSO4·0.5H2O 5.1 6.3 6.9
Hexahydrite MgSO4·6H2O 24.0 31.7 22.7 16.2
Jarosite KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6 3.5 0.4
Amorphous 69.9 60.8 69.3 74.0 71.0 65.7

Loy Yang
LTA ash yield (wt%) 1.43 1.21 0.98 0.61 0.32 0.17
Quartz SiO2 5.0 6.7 6.5 11.2 20.2 32.8
Calcian albite (Na0.5 Ca0.5)Al1.5Si2.5O8 0.5 0.4 0.7 1.3 1.8 3.4
Orthoclase KAlSi3O8 0.2 0.3 0.6 2.0
Kaolinite Al2Si2O5(OH)4 1.1 2.1 3.9
Calcite CaCO3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2
Augite (Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe,Al,Ti)(Si,Al)2O6 0.5 1.7
Bassanite CaSO4·0.5H2O 1.9 2.6 4.5
Hexahydrite MgSO4·6H2O 17.9 10.7 8.5
Amorphous 74.7 79.6 79.5 85.9 74.8 56.1

was affected by ammonium acetate and was still present in the coals test, some of the amorphous iron oxyhydrate may have been removed
after NH4-EDTA leaching as shown by XRD analyses (Table 4). However, by NH4-EDTA.
trace amounts of calcite may have dissolved during ammonium In this work, including the NH4-EDTA leaching step before the strong
acetate leaching. Also, some iron oxyhydrate may have been dissolved acids steps had two main advantages. It effectively removed elements
by NH4-EDTA. Borggaard (1982) found that amorphous iron oxide organically associated that only strong acids would have otherwise
was selectively extracted from a mixture consisting of iron-bearing released, making possible the detection of some of the less abundant
silicates, natural and synthetic crystallized iron oxides and amorphous minerals by XRD, and it did not obviously affect these minerals. No
iron oxide by EDTA at a pH between 8 and 10. In this study, although ammonium phases were identified in the XRD patterns of the low-
the pH of the NH4-EDTA liquor was not kept above 8 during the leaching temperature ashes of the coals treated with NH4-EDTA. Wijaya et al.

Fig. 1. Backscattered Electron images of (a) euhedral to subhedral crystals of iron sulfide (bright white) rimmed by iron sulfate (light gray); (b) anhedral iron sulfide (bright white)
intergrown with iron sulfate (light gray).
M. Grigore, R. Sakurovs / International Journal of Coal Geology 154–155 (2016) 257–264 261

Fig. 2. Backscattered Electron images of iron oxyhydrate particles and their corresponding EDS analyses (below the image). The Fe:O ratios are 1.7 and 1.6, respectively.

Fig. 3. (a) Backscattered Electron image of plant tissue showing clusters of silicon-rich material. The Si X-ray map of a selected area of the plant tissue is included; (b) High magnification of
silicon-rich material in a pore of the plant tissue (Secondary Electron image). The EDS analysis of the silicon-rich material is included.
262 M. Grigore, R. Sakurovs / International Journal of Coal Geology 154–155 (2016) 257–264

(2011) observed formation of a Na-silicate in the coals treated by Na-

EDTA, which was removed by diluted nitric acid.
The concentrations of the true minerals in the coal ashes
increased as the leaching steps progressed (Table 4). Some of the
minerals in the original coals identified only by SEM–EDS analysis
such as pyrite, augite, orthoclase and kaolinite were detected by
XRD in the ashes of the leached coals. The concentrations of these
minerals in the ashes of the original coals were below the detection
limit of the XRD. After water, ammonium acetate and NH 4 -EDTA
leaching, their concentration in the low-temperature ashes
increased enough to be detected by XRD. However, NH4-EDTA
extraction was insufficient in identifying minerals such as augite,
which were only detected by XRD in the ash after the coals had been
treated by hydrochloric and nitric acids. Nitric acid selectively removed
the iron sulfides. Marcasite was the least dissolved iron sulfide by nitric
Fig. 4. Low temperature ash yields of the original and their corresponding leached coals acid, followed by pyrite. The anhedral iron sulfide was not found in the
(expressed as wt% on a dry coal basis).
coal treated with nitric acid.
The XRD data indicate that the other mineral phases found by SEM–
EDS in the original coals such as ilmenite, titanium oxide, illite, barite,
sphalerite and galena occurred in traces in the coals since they were
not detected by the XRD in the leached coals even by nitric acid. Their
abundance was therefore less than 15 mg per kg of coal, considering
the detection limit of the XRD of 1% and the low-temperature ash
yield of 0.15%.
Calcium and magnesium sulfates formed in the ashes of the coals
leached by water and ammonium acetate. Amorphous matter is the
dominant phase in all samples. Although some iron, aluminum and so-
dium are organically associated (Fig. 5) they did not form crystalline
phases in the low-temperature ashes. SEM–EDS analyses showed they
form amorphous complex sulfates containing various amounts of Mg,
Ca, Al, Fe along with, occasionally, very small amounts of Ti. The sulfates
may have been hydrated phases. The organically associated silicon or
silica from the plant tissues would also form amorphous phases in the
low-temperature ashes.
The concentrations of the mineral phases were recalculated on a coal
basis using the low-temperature ash yields to enable comparison
between coals (Table 5). There is some variation in the abundance of
the true minerals as the leaching steps progress. Heterogeneity of the
samples and errors associated with the ash yield determination
(particularly errors associated with the determination of moisture
content) would affect the recalculated values of the mineral phases.
Although amorphous matter was the most abundant phase in the
low-temperature ashes of leached coals (Table 4), the amount of amor-
phous phase generated by 1 kg of coal actually decreased as the leaching
steps progressed (Table 5). The amorphous matter in the ashes of the
acid treated coals may have consisted of mineraloids such as amorphous
silica and/or strongly bound inorganic elements to organic complexes
and phenols. The removal of the inorganic elements associated with
phenols requires strong basic solutions with pH N 10. Jarosite in the
ash of Hazelwood coal treated with nitric acid suggests the presence
of Fe organically associated in the coal that is not extracted even by HCl.

4. Conclusions

Our study on the mineral matter in the Victorian brown coals using
sequential leaching showed the following:

• Quantification of the minerals that occur in very small amounts in the

coals was enabled by sequential leaching. K-feldspar, pyrite, augite
and kaolinite were the additional minerals quantified in the leached
coals beside quartz, calcian albite, marcasite and calcite, which were
found in the original coals.
• Most non-mineral inorganics, which produce large amounts of artifact
phases in the low-temperature ashes, were removed by water, ammo-
Fig. 5. The cumulative percentage of inorganic elements removed during leaching from nium acetate and NH4-EDTA. There was no evidence that mineral
(a) Hazelwood coal, (b) Yallourn coal and (c) Loy Yang coal. matter was affected by these reagents.
M. Grigore, R. Sakurovs / International Journal of Coal Geology 154–155 (2016) 257–264 263

Table 5
Mineral matter in the original coals and their corresponding leached coals expressed as g/kg on a dry coal basis.

Mineral phase Chemical formula Original Water NH4OAc EDTA HCl HNO3

Quartz SiO2 0.14 0.08 0.08 0.11 0.14 0.12
Marcasite FeS2 0.23 0.23 0.21 0.26 0.20 0.16
Pyrite FeS2 0.06 0.05 0.03
Calcian albite (Na0.5 Ca0.5)Al1.5Si2.5O8 0.03 0.03
Augite (Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe,Al,Ti)(Si,Al)2O6 0.02
Bassanite CaSO4·0.5H2O 9.7 11.5 1.3
Anhydrite CaSO4 2.8
Hexahydrite MgSO4·6H2O 7.3 7.3 0.78
Jarosite KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6 0.02
Amorphous 28.8 19.8 21.0 9.2 3.3 2.6

Quartz SiO2 0.30 0.34 0.36 0.33 0.37 0.36
Calcite CaCO3 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.05
Calcian albite (Na0.5 Ca0.5)Al1.5Si2.5O8 0.11 0.09 0.12
Augite (Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe,Al,Ti)(Si,Al)2O6 0.03 0.03
Bassanite CaSO4·0.5H2O 1.9 2.2 1.9
Hexahydrite MgSO4·6H2O 9.0 10.9 6.3 1.3
Jarosite KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6 0.28 0.01
Amorphous 26.1 20.9 19.3 5.9 1.2 1.0

Loy Yang
Quartz SiO2 0.72 0.81 0.64 0.68 0.65 0.56
Calcian albite (Na0.5 Ca0.5)Al1.5Si2.5O8 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.08 0.06 0.06
Orthoclase KAlSi3O8 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03
Kaolinite Al2Si2O5(OH)4 0.07 0.07 0.07
Calcite CaCO3 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Augite (Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe,Al,Ti)(Si,Al)2O6 0.02 0.03
Bassanite CaSO4·0.5H2O 0.27 0.31 0.44
Hexahydrite MgSO4·6H2O 2.6 1.3 0.83
Amorphous 10.7 9.6 7.8 5.2 2.4 0.95

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