Scholarly Paper Nursing

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Jean Watson: A Nursing Theorist

Emily Hinds

Xavier University


This paper paper focusing on Jean Watson and how her accomplishments to nursing have

made such an impact on professional nursing today. Jean Watson was born in 1940 and started

her education in 1958 working towards her RN. The paper finishes exploring her education and

moves into her biggest contribution, the “Theory of Caring”. After this the paper then moves

onto Watson’s impact at Redlands Community Hospital. This hospital is located in Los Angeles,

California and is dedicated to putting Watson’s theory into action. The paper then moves to the

importance of self care for nurses. The paper then wraps up and explains the importance of

Watson’s theories and the influence they had on nursing as a profession today.

Jean Watson: A Nursing Theorist

Jean Watson was a very influential learning leader. She has effect many people including

nurses, patients, and other hospital staff. Through her books, presentations, and teachings, she

has become one of the most influential nurses today.

Jean Watson was born in Welch, West Virginia in 1940. She grew up in a small town and

after the sudden death of her father from a heart attack she decided she wanted to study nursing.

She attended Lewis Gale School of Nursing in 1958 to get her RN. She then went on to get her

BSN and then her Ph.D in Educational Psychology and Counseling from the University of

Colorado. (Watson, n.d.) She later became a professor her and began working on her “Theory of


The Theory of Caring emphasizes the importance of attentiveness to the patient’s

emotional needs based on morals, values, and love. The theory is based on a holistic nursing

approach, and the theory is broken down into the ten carative factors, caring moments, and

transpersonal relationships with patients. (Smith, 2018.) Watson focused on caring for the whole

patient rather than focusing on just the medicine they needed. This theory framed the way

nursing as a profession is today.

Watson has influenced a whole hospital to change their values and morals to go with her

theory and holistic nursing. Redlands Community Hospital is located in Los Angeles, California.

The hospital staff ​believed that the hospital could be more successful by creating a nursing

theory and a code of ethics. This theory would help guide, explain, support, and describe the
professional nursing practice. (Malinski, 2004) They began implementing the theory into

practice in 2003. This is a quote from a nurse that worked through the whole transition process.

“Caring Science helps us to embrace the positive energy that flows from an integrated mind,

body and spirit and is mutually rewarding to both the patient and the nurse.” (Spilsbury, 2011)

This quote helps explain their views on caring for the patient and the holistic view. Redlands

Community logo is now, “Caring for Generations.” This phrase goes hand and hand with

Watson’s theory.

In Watson’s theory she focuses on holistic nursing and patient centered care. She wants

to treat the whole person not just the illness. This theory has influenced many nurses by changing

the way they care for patients. Nurses can help patients by making them more comfortable, and

not just providing medicine the patient was prescribed. Nurses today are also changed by being

introduced to self care. Nurses need to care for themselves so they do not burn out. Watson has

written or helped write twenty five books. These books help guide nursing practice today.

Currently, Watson is influencing today’s society by conducting conferences nationally and

internationally. These conferences are based on her, “Theory of Caring” and help guide nursing

as a profession today.

In conclusion, Jean Watson has influenced the profession of nursing today.

With new advances in technology it is very important to stick with Watson’s theory and holistic

nursing so there is still face to face communication and direct patient and nurse care. Through

Watson’s books, theories, and presentations she has guided the way nursing is taught today.

Watson is still alive and is considered a living legend.



Malinski, V. M. (2004). Nursing-Science Based Research: Research Related to Watson’s Theory

of Transpersonal Caring. ​Nursing Science Quarterly,​ ​17(​ 1), 12. Retrieved from


Riegel, F., Crossetti, M. da G. O., & Siqueira, D. S. (2018). Contributions of Jean Watson’s

theory to holistic critical thinking of nurses. ​Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem,​ ​71(​ 4),

2072–2076. ​

Watson, J. (2002). ​Assessing and measuring caring in nursing and health science. Jean Watson.​

New York : Springer Pub., c2002. Retrieved from


Watson, J. (n.d.). Personal Profile. Retrieved November 19, 2018, from

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