Midterm Examination: 1.-Conversion of Copper Matte (Cu S-Fes)

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Midterm Examination School of

UNI Metallurgical
FIGMM Fundamentals of Metalurgy I Engineering

1.- Conversion of copper matte (Cu2S-FeS)

With the help of the thermodynamic data determine if at 1300 ° C the metal phase is mainly formed by Cu (l) and the slag phase is mostly conformed by
fayalite. The slag phase can retain up to 15% Cu. Proposes a method of recovering this metal phase.
We ask:
a.- Write the reactions as to be3represented in an Ellingham diagram.
b.- Establish the reductive order4 for the chosen metals at a temperature of 1300 ° C.
c.- Calculate the DHº average and the DSº average of any of the reactions and indicate if it is exothermic
d.- For the studied temperature range, its increase favors the formation of slag and Cu (l).

Reaction G =A + B*T(kj/mol) Temperarature range (°C)

D (1,T)
A B from to
Cu2S(l) //2Cu(l) + SO2(g) -218.62898 0.03127 1080 1300
4Cu(l)// 2Cu2O(l) -252.09560 0.09240 1080 1300
2Cu2O(l) + Cu2S(l) //6Cu(l) 33.46662 -0.06113 1080 1300
0.25Cu2S(l)+0.5FeS(l) +0.25SiO2 //0.5Cu(l) + 0.25Fe2SiO4(F) + 0.75SO2(g) -314.92910 0.06200 1080 1300


Based on the graph (referential diagram) and attachment data:
a) Write the reactions shown in the attached chart to define the stability zone of the Cr2O3.
b) Demonstrate the analytical form of the phase rule for the accompanying equation graph. Apply the phase rule and note the invariant, monovariant and bivariate
equilibria of the represented system.
c) With the aid of the free enthalpy of formation and of the entropy of the present species to 25°C calculate the Keq and define (coordenates) the area of Cr 2O3., Compare
with the area of the presented diagram and for any invariant point of the indicated area find the% error between the reference and the calculation made for any coordenate of the points
of the area.
d) If the roasting oven operates at1200 °C and at % SO2= 10 and % O2= 5; define the product of chrome roasting. Indicate whether it is a sulphating or toasting. This
same product of roasting is in the nature at 25°. Indicate a treatment method to recover the Cr form the product formed.
Diagram Cr-S-O at 1250 ˚C
log pSO2(g) Cr-O -S Phase Stability Diagram at 1250.000 C


10 Cr2(SO4)3 ° S°
Specie m i 25°C i 25°C

4 kjoule/mol joule/mol°K
Cr 0.000 23.543
3 Cr2O3 -1053.111 81.154
-5 Cr2O3 -501.227 63.178
CrS -137.799 65
-10 5 CrO3
2 -365.3 147.628
-15 Cr2(SO4)3 -2578.25 258.78
Cr 1 SO2 (g)
-300.093 248.220
-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 O2 0.000 205.149
File: C:\HSC6\Lpp\CrOS1250.ips log pO2(g)

Ciclo 2016-II OSC 12-X-16

The Au-Sn binary diagram is attached.
a) Demonstrate the phase rule for the binary and apply it by pointing to bivariate, monovariant and invariant equilibria. Point out the components and constituents of
the system.
b) Indicate the solids to melt congruent and incongruent, if any, indicate their respective melting points.
c) Indicate the approximate temperature of occurrence of the chosen invariants and their respective reactions.
d) Is there any invariant solid state reaction?
e) Express in fraction by weight the molar fraction of the intermetallic compound d .at %w Sn. Atm W. Au= 196.97 g/mol, Atm. W. Sn =118.69 g/mol.

Ciclo 2016-II OSC 12-X-16

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