Bardic Music: Inspire Competence (Su)

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Lvl Ability

1 Bardic Music (Perform 3 ranks - fascinate, inspire courage, instill fear), Bardic Knowledge
3. Bardic Music (Perform 6 ranks - Inspire Competence, Encourage Failure)
4. Bardic Talent
6 Bardic Music (Perform 9 ranks -Suggestion
9 Bardic Music (Perform 12 ranks -Inspire Greatness), Dishearten
12 Bardic Music (Perform 15 ranks -Dirge of Binding)
15 Bardic Music (Perform 18 ranks -Dirge of Binding)
18 Bardic Music (Perform 21 ranks -Drain Prowess)

Bardic Music
Bards are able to use a special type of magic thru their music. Starting at 1st level, a bard learns a number of songs equal to their Cha
modifier +1, chosen from the list below. Every level thereafter, the bard learns an additional song. The bard doesn't need a 'songbook'
to write his songs in; he knows them by heart. A bard can use his bardic music a number of times per day equal to his bardic level,
plus his Cha modifier.

The descriptions below refer to the bard's "perform" skill. Bardic music may be performed either by singing, playing an instrument, or
both. Singing allows the bard to keep his hands free to hold weapons or other objects. Use the bard's perform (sing) skill in this case.
Using an instrument allows the bard to use a masterwork instrument to gain a +2 to his performance skill (enhancing some song
effects, and increasing the DC for saving throws to resist them). Use the bard's perform (instrument) skill in this case. Singing and
playing an instrument can gain the bard a +2 bonus to his perform (see the Versatile Performer ability above). Use the higher of the
two skills in this case.

Prerequisites: Each song has a certain level that the bard must reach before he can learn it (this refers to bardic class levels, not
character level). There is also a certain amount of perform skill required to play the song. The bard must meet this skill requirement,
after modifiers, in order to start and maintain the song (but not to learn it). Additionally, some songs require that the bard know
another song before they can be learned.

Starting and maintaining: Starting and maintaining a song takes a standard action, and provokes an attack of opportunity. If a bard is
distracted while playing a song (from taking damage, for example), he must make a Concentration skill check, or else the song ends
(see PHB pg 69). Generally the effects of a song last as long as the bard maintains it. Some effects continue for a short time after the
bard stops singing, or after the affected creature is no longer in range; unless otherwise stated, the effects continue for the same
number of rounds the creature had been in range of the song, up to a maximum number of rounds equal to the bard's level. Also,
unless otherwise stated, the bard can maintain a song for a number of rounds equal to the perform skill used. At the end of this time,
the bard can immediately expend another of his daily song uses to maintain the song for additional rounds, so that the effect is not

Ranges: Unless otherwise stated, all bardic songs have a maximum effective range of 10' + 5' per level of the bard. The bard can
choose the effective range he desires, but he cannot surpass this maximum range. Changing the range of a song after it has been
started takes a move action.

Saving throws: Unless otherwise stated, the bard chooses who is affected by the ability. Also, unless otherwise stated, for songs that
require saving throws, a Will save with DC (10 + 1/2 bard's modified perform skill) is used. Also, unless otherwise stated, all bardic
songs are a mind affecting ability, and can only affect creatures with intelligence scores of 3 or higher.

Song List
Below is the list of songs that the bard can choose from, in order of required level. More songs could and should be added, especially
at the higher end, and especially following the route of Instill Fear.

Inspire Competence (Su)

Prerequisites: 1st level, 5 perform
Same as per PHB, except uses new standard rules for range (see above). The bonus only applies to skill checks made towards a
specific task; it does not simply provide a bonus to ALL skills. The chosen task can be changed after the song starts via a move
action, however.

Dispel Fatigue (Su)
Prerequisites: 1st level, 5 perform
The soothing melodies of the bard's song can make one forget about the physical hardships they are enduring. Prevents allies within
range of the bard from incurring fatigue (from forced marching, lack of sleep, etc), and allows them to ignore the effects of any
existing fatigue (although such fatigue will come back after the end of the song). The bard can keep these effects up for one hour per
daily song used, though he doesn't have to be performing 100% of that time. This duration increases by one hour for every three bard
levels the character has.

Fascinate (Sp)
Prerequisites: 1st level, 7 perform
Same as per PHB, except saving throw uses new standard DC (see above). Range remains at 90'. Can affect creatures with animal

Inspire Courage (Su)

Prerequisites: 1st level, 7 perform
Same as per PHB, except uses new standard rules for effect duration after song can no longer be heard (see above). The bonus
provided is +1 for every six bard levels the character has.

Instill Fear (Su)

Prerequisites: 1st level, 7 perform
Using thundering and intimidating chords, the bard is able to dishearten his enemies, making them prone to fear, and reducing their
combat abilities. This song is the exact opposite of Inspire Courage: it inflicts a -1 morale penalty to all enemies within range who
fail their saving throws. This penalty applies to attack and damage rolls, and to saving throws against fear effects. This penalty
increases by one for every six bard levels. The bard can target one creature at 1st level, and one additional creature for every two bard
levels thereafter.

White Noise (Su)

Prerequisites: 2nd level, 6 perform
This song raises the ambient noise level around the bard. For example, in a forest, it would sound like birds chirping, wind blowing
thru the trees, and so on; while in a cavern, it might sound like dripping water. Playing this song makes it distracting and difficult to
hear other noises in the area. All creatures (except the bard) within range take a penalty of (-1 x bard level) on Listen checks, or other
skills requiring hearing, and a (-1 x 1/2 bard level) penalty on Spot checks and any skill requiring concentration. White Noise is not a
mind-affecting ability, and there is no saving throw to resist the effects.

Countersong (Su)
Prerequisites: 2nd level, 8 perform
Same as per PHB, except uses new standard range (see above), and new standard length of time it can be maintained (see above).

Lullaby (Su)
Prerequisites: 3rd level, 10 perform
With soothing melodies, the bard can lull creatures into a deep slumber. The bard chooses which creatures within range to affect, and
he can put to sleep a number of hit dice worth of creatures equal to his perform skill. On the first round the song is played, creatures
with fewer than 1 HD can be affected. On the second round, creatures with 1 HD can be affected; on the third, creatures with 2 HD;
and so on. The song can be played for a number of rounds equal to the bard's level. Affected creatures that fail their saving throws are
immediately put to sleep.

Charm Animal (Sp)

Prerequisites: 3rd level, 9 perform, Fascinate
Using this song on an already Fascinated animal, the bard can befriend the creature. This only affects normal animals (of intelligence
1 or 2), and the animal gets a saving throw to resist the effects. Afterwards, the bard ends his fascinate song, and is playing this song
instead. Charmed animals consider the bard to be their friend. The bard can then make handle animal checks on these animals to
'push' or 'handle' them (see PHB pg 74), using his perform skill with a +5 circumstance bonus. The bard can handle an animal using a
free action (instead of a move action), and can push an animal using a move action (instead of a full action). The effect can be
maintained for 5 minutes per bard level. The bard can pause this song (to play another song, or take another action) and return to it
without expending additional songs, but during this time the animals cannot be handled or pushed. If the bard attempts to make the
animal do something it would normally never do (such as attacking something much more powerful then themselves), the animal
recieves a second saving throw to break the enchantment.

Distant Song (Su)

Prerequisites: 3rd level, 8 perform, White Noise
This song allows the bard to project his music so that it actually eminates from somewhere else within range, instead of from the bard.
There is no saving throw to 'disbelieve' the effects (since the sound actually is coming from there), but the bard can still be seen to be
playing the music. Aside from being useful as a distraction, the bard can also play another bardic song in combination with the distant
song, so that the other song's effects are centered about that location (doing so uses up two of his daily songs). If the bard is moving,
he cannot change the location where the song is coming from (he must stay within range of that location or the song ends, however).
If he does not move, the bard can instead move the target location anywhere withing range using a move action.

Effortless Song (Ex)
Prerequisites: 4th level, 11 perform
Skilled bards can perform their music with practically no effort at all. This song is used in combination with another of the bard's
songs (the bard has to use his daily songs on both the effortless song, and the original song). When used in this fashion, the bard can
start and maintain the song using only free actions, and without provoking attacks of opportunity. Concentration checks must still be
made as normal (when taking damage, during storms, etc), but the bard gains a +10 circumstance bonus to these checks. The song
remains effortless for 5 rounds; afterwards the bard can either use another daily song to keep it effortless, or he can switch back to
using simple actions to maintain the song.

Inspire Quickness (Su)

Prerequisites: 4th level, 11 perform
Using a quick-tempoed performance, the bard can make his companions move as fast as the beat. Grants +10' to base land speed and
+4 to initiative rolls to all allies within range. Lasts for as long as the target can hear the bard sing, the standard time thereafter.

Song Weaving (Ex)

Prerequisites: 5th level, 13 perform
Using this technique, a bard can 'weave' two or more songs together, allowing him to combine their effects together into one song. A
bard can 'weave' together two songs at 5th level, three at 10th, four at 15th, and five songs at 20th level. Each song woven into the
first costs the bard two daily songs (one for the second song, and one for the song weaving). Song weaving does not change the
effects of any song; it just allows the bard to use multiple songs at the same time. Whenever the bard has to spend another daily song
to maintain a song, he must also spend one on song weaving to keep the song woven. The bard can NOT weave together two of the
exact same songs, and have their effects stack.

Suggestion (Sp)
Prerequisites: 6th level, 13 perform, Fascinate
Same as per PHB, except uses new standard saving throw DC (see above), and it does use up one of the bard's daily songs.

Subsonics (Ex)
Prerequisites: 7th level, 13 perform
Using this technique, the bard can play his music so subtly that it is almost impossible to hear, yet still has the same effects on those
within range. This song is used in combination with another song at the time that song is started (using a total of two daily songs). The
chosen song remains subsonic for its normal duration. Subsonic songs can only be heard by making a listen check opposed by the
bard's perform check. The bard can still be seen singing or playing an instrument, however.

Inspire Greatness (Su)

Prerequisites: 9th level, 15 perform, Inspire Courage
Same as per PHB, except uses new standard rules for range (see above).

Dischord (Su)
Prerequisites: 10th level, 17 perform, Instill Fear
This disconcerting melody causes all creatures within range (besides the bard) who fail their saving throws to become confused. This
affects friend or foe alike, although the bard can add a +10 circumstance bonus to his allies saving throws. The effect lasts as long as
the bard sings, and as long as the creatures stay within range. If a new creature comes into the spells range, that creature must also
save or be confused. The song can be kept up for a number of rounds equal to the bard's perform skill, and can affect creatures of
animal intelligence.

Song of Freedom (Sp)

Prerequisites: 12th level, 18 perform, Inspire Quickness
Same as per PHB.

Mass Charm Animal (Sp)

Prerequisites: 13th level, 20 perform, Charm Animal
This song is the same as Charm Animal, except the bard can affect any number of animals with a combined HD total equal to his bard
level. Each animal gets a separate saving throw to resist the effects. Charmed animals can be pushed or handled as a free action,
allowing the character to control a large number of animals at one time; however, all animals pushed or handled in a round must be
given the same order.

Inspire Heroics (Su)

Prerequisites: 15th level, 22 perform, Inspire Greatness
Same as per PHB, except range and effect duration use new standard rules (see above).

Mass Suggestion (Sp)

Prerequisites: 18th level, 24 perform, Suggestion
Same as per PHB, except uses new standard saving throw DC (see above), and it does use up one of the bard's daily songs.

* Fascinate: A bard with 3 or more ranks in Perform can cause a single creature to become fascinated with him. The creature to be
fascinated must be able to see and hear the bard and must be within 90 feet. The bard must also see the creature. The creature must be
able to pay attention to the bard. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working. The bard
makes a Perform check, and the target can negate the effect with a Will saving throw equal to or greater than the bard's check result. If
the saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If the saving throw fails, the creature
sits quietly and listens to the song for up to 1 round per level of the bard. While fascinated, the target's Spot and Listen checks suffer a
–4 penalty. Any potential threat (such as an ally of the bard moving behind the fascinated creature) allows the fascinated creature a
second saving throw against a new Perform check result. Any obvious threat, such as casting a spell, drawing a sword, or aiming,
automatically breaks the effect.

* Inspire Courage: A bard with 3 or more ranks in Perform can to inspire courage in his or her allies. To be affected, an ally must hear
the bard sing for a full round. The effect lasts as long as the bard sings and for 5 rounds after the bard stops singing (or 5 rounds after
the ally can no longer hear the bard). While singing, the bard can fight but cannot cast spells, activate magic items by spell completion
(such as scrolls), or activate magic items by magic word (such as wands). Affected allies receive a +2 morale bonus to saving throws
against charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls. Inspire courage is a supernatural, mind-
affecting ability.
While fascinating (or attempting to fascinate) a creature, the bard must concentrate, as if casting or maintaining a spell. Fascinate is a
spell-like, mind- affecting charm ability.

Instill Fear (Su): A harbinger with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use song or poetics to instill fear into his enemies,
weakening them against fear and wor sening their combat abilities. The harbinger must be able to see his targets and be seen or heard
by them. The effect lasts for as long as the enemy hears the harbinger sing and for 5 rounds thereafter. An affected enemy takes a -1
penalty on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a -1 penalty on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 8th level, and every
six harbinger levels thereafter, this penalty increases by 1 (-2 at 8th, -3 at 14th, and -4 at 20th). Instill fear is a mind-affecting fear

* Inspire Competence: A bard with 6 or more ranks in Perform can help an ally succeed at a task. The ally must be able to see and
hear the bard and must be within 30 feet. The bard must also see the creature. The ally gets a +2 competence bonus on his skill checks
with a particular skill as long as he or she continues to hear the bard's music. The DM may rule that certain uses of this ability are
infeasible. The bard can maintain the effect for 2 minutes (long enough for the ally to take 20). Inspire competence is a supernatural,
mind-affecting ability.
Encourage Failure (Su): A harbinger of 3rd level or higher with 6 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to
cause one enemy to fail at a task. The enemy must be within 30 feet and able to see and hear the harbinger. The harbinger must also
be able to see the enemy. The affected target takes a -2 penalty on all rolls for 1 round. Encourage failure is a mind-affecting ability.

* Suggestion: A bard with 9 or more ranks in Perform can make a suggestion (as the spell) to a creature that he has already fascinated
(see above). The suggestion doesn't count against the bard's daily limit on bardic music performances (one per day per level), but the
fascination does. A Will saving throw (DC 13 + the bard's Charisma modifier) negates the effect. Suggestion is a spell-like, mind-
affecting charm ability.

Dishearten (Su): A harbinger of 9th level or higher with 12 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use music or poetics to dishearten a
single enemy within 30 feet, causing the enemy to cower even against the weakest foe. For every three harbinger levels the character
attains beyond 15th, he can dishearten one additional creature. To dishearten, a harbinger must sing and the enemy must hear the
harbinger sing for a full round. A creature so affected takes a -4 penalty on saving throws and AC. The effect lasts for as long as the
enemy hears the harbinger sing and for up to 5 rounds thereafter. Dishearten is a mind-affecting ability.

( Champions of Ruin, p. 20) 
Prerequisite Intimidate 8 ranks, Perform 8 ranks, Bardic music class feature,
Benefit - You can spend one of your bardic music uses to utter a string of crass and appalling epithets and curses at one enemy within
120 feet. The intended target must be able to hear and comprehend your damning remarks. A target that fails a Will save (DC 10 +
your character level + your Cha modifier) is cursed with a -10 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks for 1
round. This is a supernatural, necromantic effect.

* Inspire Greatness: A bard with 12 or more ranks in Perform can inspire greatness in another creature. For every three levels the bard
attains beyond 9th, the bard can inspire greatness in one additional creature. To inspire greatness, the bard must sing and the creature
must hear the bard sing for a full round, as with inspire courage. The creature must also be within 30 feet. A creature inspired with
greatness gains temporary Hit Dice, attack bonuses, and saving throw bonuses as long as he or she hears the bard continue to sing and
for 5 rounds thereafter. (All these bonuses are competence bonuses.)
The target gains the following boosts:
* +2 Hit Dice (d10s that grant temporary hit points).
* +2 competence bonus on attacks.
* +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves.
Apply the target's Constitution modifier, if any, to each bonus Hit Die. These extra Hit Dice count as regular Hit Dice for determining
effects such as the sleep spell. Inspire greatness is a supernatural, mind-affecting enchantment ability.

Bardic Knowledge: A bard may make a special bardic knowledge check with a bonus equal to his level + his Intelligence modifier to
see whether he knows some relevant information about local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. This check will
not reveal the powers of a magic item but may give a hint as to its general function. The bard may not take 10 or take 20 on this
check; this sort of knowledge is essentially random. The DM will determine the Difficulty Class of the check by referring to the table
DC Type of Knowledge
-- -----------------
10 Common, known by at least a substantial minority of the local population.
20 Uncommon but available, known by only a few people in the area.
25 Obscure, known by few, hard to come by.
30 Extremely obscure, known by very few, possibly forgotten by most who once knew it, possibly known only by those who don't
understand the significance of the knowledge.
Ex-Bards: A bard who becomes lawful in alignment cannot progress in levels as a bard, though he retains all his bard abilities.

Influence Reactions
A master of performing, bards can use their performances to help influence the mood of those hearing it. After a short performance
(1-3 minutes), the bard makes a perform (any) check, based on the target(s) attitude towards him:

Attitude DC
Hostile 20
Unfriendly 15
Indifferent 10
Friendly 5
Helpful 0

If the bard succeeds at a perform check, he will then recieve a +2 circumstance bonus to immediately following bluff or diplomacy
checks against those targets.

Bluff – This is a very strong skill. I like taking this, along with the other social skills, and maxing it out as much as possible. Five
ranks grant a +2 synergy bonus to Diplomacy, which is great.
Decipher Script – It’s less expensive to take read magic as a cantrip and learn all of the languages through “Speak Languages” than it
is to get this up to a level where you can get any practical use out of it. Pass.
Diplomacy – Arguably the best skill in the game, I recommend maxing this out. It gives you so many opportunities to resolve
conflicts and get allies. Very dynamic, very strong.
Disguise – This has some cool role-playing opportunities, and can add a lot of flavor to a campaign. The downside is that the
mechanics aren’t super favorable to the player, and the times you’ll be able to apply it in a regular campaign aren’t too often. It’s OK.
Gather Information – This is a fine ability, and fits right in with the other social-skills I recommend. It might overlap a bit, but with a
good DM, I think each social skill has its own realm.
Intimidate (Cross-class) – It’s a shame this skill is cross-class, because it’s a strong skill and fits in well with the bard’s social
package. It overlaps with diplomacy a bit, but it has some unique uses, and is really cool for roleplaying. There aren’t any easy ways
for a bard to get a class skill. For fear-monger bards, this is a key component. For non-fear-mongers, you can take it or leave it.
Knowledge – Knowledges are a good skill in general, and become absolutely insane in conjunction with knowledge devotion and the
skill trick Collector of Stories. If you’re going pure caster, this can be a dump. If you’re going archer or melee, this seems like
something to really consider.
Listen – This is a good skill that will get a lot of use throughout any campaign. Wisdom is our dump stat, which is sad. I usually want
more active things (and leave the listening to the barbarian or rogue) but this is definitely worth considering. If you’re going into the
Sublime Chord prestige class (one of the best for a Bard) you’ll need 13 ranks here, so keep that in mind.
Perform – Essential for a bard. Keep this near max for one type, but there are some levels you can skimp on maxing out if you need,
based on what bardic musics you’re gaining access to. I recommend doing something that doesn’t require an instrument, like singing,
whistling, or oration.
Sense Motive – Five ranks gives a synergy bonus to diplomacy. That’s great. Otherwise, it does help protect the party from being
bluffed. It’s a solid skill, but not amazing.

Extra Music (Cadv 109) – Bardic music is a pretty abundant resource, but if you prestige out and are doing metamagic reduction, this
may be worth taking. Also good if you’re taking Lyric Spell.

Requiem – Use bardic music to affect undead creatures as well (although they only last half the duration). Not generally good, but
there may be campaigns where this is valuable
Subsonics (CA 112)- Lets you activate bardic musics without anyone knowing. It’s cool, but not amazing.

100 – Masterwork Pan Pipes (Cadv 124) – +1 to fascinate and +1 to suggestion DC. Not bad, worth carrying.

Pugilists don't waste time learning a large assortment of weapons. Instead they master the simplest of weapons: their own hands. They
are boxers and brawlers; tough people who punch hard and weather savage beatings. While often harsh in their fighting and brutal in
their appearance, they are, by the very nature of their fighting style, more merciful than most. While fights with more traditionally
armed fighters end with dead littering the ground, fights with pugilism end with battered, unconscious opponents.
Class Skills
The pugilist's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot
(Wis), and Swim (Str).

Class Features
All the following are class features of the pugilist.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The pugilist is proficient in the use of all simple weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and
Bonus Feats: The pugilist gains bonus feats as the normal fighter class does, but the pugilist must select bonus feats from the
following list (any of the bonus feats that apply to a specific kind of weapon must be applied to unarmed strike): Alertness, Athletic,
Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Diehard, Dodge, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Greater Two-Weapon
Fighting, Greater Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Specialization, Improved Bull Rush. Improved Critical, Improved Disarm,
Improved Feint, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, Improved Trip, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting,
Mobility, Persuasive, Power Attack, Snatch Arrows, Spring Attack, Stunning Fist, Toughness, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon
Finesse, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Whirlwind Attack.
Special Abilities: The pugilist gains the Improved Unarmed Strike and Endurance feats for free at 1st level. In addition, her unarmed
strikes inflict 1d4 points of damage per strike. Small pugilists inflict 1d3 points of damage. The pugilist may choose any of the
following special abilities in place of a bonus feat:
Combo: The pugilist practices a series of blows designed to flow one after the other, each one setting up the next. When using a
combo, average the pugilist's first two unarmed strike attacks in a full attack and use the resulting bonus for both strikes. For example,
a pugilist with a +10/+5 attack progression has a +7/+7 attack progression when using a combo. The pugilist can take this ability more
than once, each time adding one more attack gained from a high base attack bonus to the combo.
Heavy Hitting: The pugilist's unarmed strikes inflict an extra +2 nonlethal damage, even when the pugilist strikes to deal lethal
damage. The pugilist can take this ability multiple times but cannot take it until 2nd level.
Iron Jaw: Whenever the pugilist suffers nonlethal damage, the damage is reduced by a number equal to the pugilist's Constitution
bonus. The pugilist also gains a +1 bonus to saves to resist any attack that would leave her stunned.
Shake it Off: The pugilist develops non-lethal damage only and reduces the duration of all stunning effects by 1 round, with a
minimum of 1 round. The pugilist can take this ability multiple times; its effects stack.

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