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Colleen Jones

Dr. Hellmers
ENG 1201
Literature Review
This online article gives factual evidence supporting my claim from the American Psychological
Association. It gives examples of many different ways Social Economic Status affects things,
including education. It gives specific example of things that have happened to people in real life
from a surplus of years. This article shoes how Social Economic Status links issues together.
For example, it tells about how it can cause stress in parental lives and cause them to not enrich
their children’s education at home.


This book was written by a multitude of certified doctors. Almost all the writers obtain a PhD.

This book is a very credible source over my topic. They talk about how economic status creates

an inequality among students. They say that students fail to exceed their academic potential due

to income. In a world based on money, low class is not the area you want to be in as a student.

This source really focuses on how socioeconomic status affects parents. This is a trickle down

effect to their children who are students. Parents are typically the closest relationship that K-12

students have. If the parents are too stressed to help the child with schoolwork due to income and

push it off, the child is also going to view schoolwork as something to push off.
This is a sociology based youtube channel that talks about many sociological topics in their

videos. In this one, they mention conflict theory and how it affects socioeconomic status. It

thoroughly explains socioeconomic status nd how it affects things in everyday life.


This snippet from All Africa’s newspaper talks about how socioeconomic status morphs society

completely. It talks about their education system as well, but mainly about the ways that

society’s been completely reorganized due to social economic status. This article piece was

written by a Harvard student, so this is also a credible source.

I combined many of the required sources together, for example, the newspaper article and

outside of the USA piece were the same source.

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