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Key Stage 5 Media Studies Lizzie 2011

MS2: Production Research (AO4) Assessment Criteria

What the exam board says… What is this likely to be/look like… What should you do? Next steps…
Grade A

You demonstrate an Extensive and detailed research centred precisely on the target audience for your
excellent ability to research. production.
- Detailed textual analysis of multiple texts with conventions identified and
You make sophisticated use ideologies considered.
of research to inform the - Highly focused qualitative data (which may support quantitative data) is
Grade B

You demonstrate a good Pertinent and useful research which shows investigation into the conventions and
ability to research audience of your product.
independently. - Textual analysis identifies audience needs, a full range of conventions and
informs content.
You make good use of - Focused qualitative data supports quantitative data, including
Grade C

You demonstrate a sound Research is carried out which explores the conventions and audience of your
ability to research. product.
- Textual analysis identifies audience, the text’s conventions and helps you to
You make sound use of plan content.
research to inform the pre- - Quantitative and qualitative data is carried out, including some extended
Grade D

You demonstrate some Research is carried out into the genre and audience.
ability to research. - Similar texts are consulted and their features identified.
- Quantitative and qualitative research is carried out.
There is some attempt to - The research draws upon previous knowledge or possibly secondary research
use research to inform the The research informs the production process at a basic level (e.g. matching of
Grade E

You have a basic ability to Some research is attempted before starting.

research independently – - You look at the text type: copying the basic features of the genre at an
your focus is not clear or unspecific level (i.e. ‘Magazines’ not ‘women’s fashion weeklies’
specific. - Your research uses quantitative data or does not make use of effective
Only basic elements are qualitative data (poor questioning)

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