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Mapa, Lloyd Anthony GED102-B4 July, 31, 2020

Lugo, Vladimir Andre C.

A. Project title: COVID 19: KNOW THE FACTS

B. Specific Output

The study's key goal is to create an chart pertaining to COVID-19. Basic goals are: (1) learning

about COVID-19; (2) learning how COVID-19 is transmitted; (3) knowing the signs of COVID-19;

(4) understanding who is at risk of COVID-19; (5) stopping COVID-19 from transmitting. The

infographics should provide valuable and accurate knowledge to help people become aware of

COVID-19 and get updated. To obtain the desired precise performance, on this initiative, the

mathematical concepts must be considered and an appropriate procedure/execution must be

designed to make an infographic easy to comprehend that will include the mathematical

principles related to or related to COVID-19.

Project description

The earth has undergone a protracted period of instability and turmoil triggered by the

corona-virus or COVID-19 pandemic known for SARS-COV2. It has also (and still counting)

influenced the lives of populations in almost 200 countries worldwide. Large economic losses

are quickly approaching the human expense. There is also some confusion regarding the

COVID-19 fatality levels and it certainly varies based on the quality of local health services and

the availability of check kits to assess the number of patients who are dealing successfully from

the infection. In fact, if one looks at the steadily increasing mortality and transmissibility

statistics, the estimates quickly get frightening.

One of the high-risk countries from the outbreak of Wuhan coronavirus, the Philippines

reported the first death outside of China. The coronavirus is being dealt aN especially
devastating blow to the Philippines, like other developed countries. In crowded urban

environments social isolation is unlikely. The government has declared that Metro Manila has

been shut down, followed by the entire island of Luzon, and is mulling on further regional lock-

downs. The sudden lack of jobs is crippling families for Filipinos surviving paycheck to

paycheck. Outside Manila the Philippines are highly susceptible to coronavirus. Many provinces

have little to no testing capacity, and hospitals remain ill-equipped to fight the pandemic.

The goal of the study is to build infographics on COVID-19 to educate people about

symptoms, methods of avoiding them and how they are spread. Infographics are used as a

powerful tool for making it easier for people to absorb information through social media or

printed media. All are at risk of gettingCOVID-19 particularly for elders and children, and they

should become informed of how the virus spreads and how to avoid COVID-19 from spreading

with the aid of infographics.

C. MMW Considerations

The infographic exhibits geometric shapes such as Squares, Rectangles, and

Circles making it pleasing to the eyes of the people. The virus can spread quickly but it

has a recovery rate of 97% - 99.75% in which it gives good and bad side effects to the

minds of the people. The good side of it is that people would and should be able to be

calm during the pandemic as long as they are not in contact with people who go outside

and/or they follow rules like social distancing, wearing masks, etc. On the other hand,

having this kind of feeling makes people feel over comfortable that they forget a

pandemic is still active in the world especially here in the Philippines. Its death rate

which is calculated by dividing the total deaths to the total cases, [(1,879/76,444)x100],

gives a result of roughly 2.46% and that should make the people calm, but we decided

not to include it in the poster directly as such, some people would become too confident
on handling the situation in the current pandemic. And so, our group decided to indirectly

add it to the poster by only giving the factors and not the final percentage of the death


D. Significance of the Project

The significance of doing this infographic is to give information to other people for them

to see and read this easily. This project are giving an awareness to people about Covid-

19 on how it spreads, how to prevent it and what are the symptoms. Through using a

poster, it can be easily read because there is still people who did not know on how

dangerous the Covid-19 is. The information on the poster will tell them on what they

need to do during this pandemic. The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is

be well informed about the COVID-19





F. Task of Members

The task of each member are:

Vladimir Lugo – he was tasked to do the title of the project, project description, infographics

and procedure (execution).

Lloyd Mapa – he was tasked to do the specific output, MMW Consideration, Significance of the

Project and list the task of each members.

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