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------ $

How much is it?

It is $1.000 ------ It’s $1.000
How much is it?
It is $ 500.000 ----- It’s $500.000

How much are they?

They are $2.000 ----- They’re $2.000

1) Which cellphone do you prefer?

I prefer Iphone 11 - I prefer Samsung Fold
Which city do you like more?
I like Bucaramanga City more

English Teacher Bible


Which teacher do you like better?

I like my bible teacher better

Object #1 + is/are + Adjective + than + Object #2

Samsung is beautiful than Iphone 12

1- Short Adjectives
● 1 Syllable … Ex: Big, Cheap, Tall, Fat, Sad
● 2 Syllables ending in “y” Ex: Pretty, Happy, Bussy,
Chubby, Curly

Tall ---- Taller Alto ----- Más alto
Cheap ---- Cheaper Barato ------ Más barato

a) e ------ r Ex: Nice ---- Nicer
b) Consonant + y -------- Remove “y” and add “ier”
Ex: Happy ------ Happier
c) Voc + Consonant: Fát ----- Fatter
Big ------ Bigger

2- Long adjectives

more + adjective
Intelligent ----- more intelligent
beautiful ----- more beautiful
Interesting ----- more interesting

3- Irregular adjectives

good better
bad worse
far farther
1) Iphone is faster than Samsung
2) Cartagena is better than Bucaramanga
3) English Teacher is funnier than Bible Teacher
Shopping experience…..

1) Greetings
2) Ask for price ( How much? )
3) Ask for advice (preference: Prefer, Like more, Like
4) Bargain
“What is the last price?”
5) Accept or refuse the offer.
Accept: I’ll take it
Refuse: I’ll be back - No, thanks - That’s expensive

1) Greeting
2) Give prices
3) Give advices or recommendations. (comparatives)
4) Bargain
5) Handle the product
Here you go

(Actions in progress)
Play Playing
Spend Spending
Spread Spreading
Steal Stealing
Pay Paying

Spelling rules for adding +ing

1) Verbs ending in the letter “e”

Take Taking
Become Becoming
Hesitate Hesitating

● Except verbs ending in “ee”

see seeing

● Except verbs ending in “ie”

die dying
tie tying

● Except the verb “be”

be being

2) Verbs ending in stressed vowel + consonant

Refér Referring
Stop Stopping
Get Getting


BetI betting
Ride riding
Write writing
Speak speaking
Ban Banning
Fix fixing
Offer offering
Lie lying
+ Travel traveling - travelling
Suffer suffering
Shop shopping
Enjoy enjoying
Study studying
Plan planning
Make making
Deal dealing
Do doing
Go going
Hear hearing
Shine shining
+ Marvel Marveling - Marvelling

Fix ------- X, W no suponen vocal acentuada

Present Continuous Structures

SUB + TO BE + VERB(ing) + C (optional)

Ex: I am studying english

I am listening to music
We are learning english


1) Actions happening in the moment you speak

We are studying english.

Nelson is sleeping
David is playing video games (online)

2) Actions happening in a bigger present.

SUB + TO BE + NOT + VERB(ing) + C (optional)

EX: I am not understanding this class

My mother is not helping with her silence

TO BE + SUB + VERB(ing) + C ?

Ex: Are you understanding this class?

Yes, I am -------- No, I am not.

What are you doing during this

TOP 10 things that you are doing during this quarantine

Would: It does not exist in spanish language.

shine: brillar would shine: brillaría

cook: cocinar would cook: cocinaría
have: tener would have: tendría
want: querer would want: querría


I would sleep all day

1) Hypothetical situations

What would you do?


I would not sleep all day ----- I wouldn’t sleep all day

What wouldn’t you do even for all the money of the


Hypothetical situation:

Would you eat dog meat? Yes, I would / No, I wouldn’t


Would you like to go to the movies?

Yes, I would / No, I wouldn’t
Yes, I would BUT I have english class

Movies invitation:

60.000 + 30.000 + 40.000 + 30.000 + 20.000 + 10.000

Bucket list:

10 things that I would like to do before I die

1) I would like to visit Rome

2) I would like to spend a vacation in Barcelona
1 corte (50%) 2 corte (50%)
Parcial Trabajo en Parcial final
google (25%)


1) Alphabet and numbers

304.789.389 ----

2) Verb to be

I am
You are
He is
She is
It is
We are
They are
Singular is
Plural are

My name __Is__ Diego. I _am___ from Bucaramanga.

My parents ____are___ from Bogotá. My father
__is____ David. He ____is__ 70 years old. My mother
_is____ Maria. She ___is__ a housewife. I am married.
My wife _is____ Mayra. Mayra ___is___ an accountant.
My kids ___are___ Juana Francisca and
Marcelino.They ___are____ beautiful. Our favorite
movies ___are____ the lion king and Wall-e. My
daughter __is__ 4 years old. Her best friends __are___
Sara and Ivana. My family _is____ wonderful.
+ SUB + TO BE + C
- SUB + TO BE + NOT + C
? TO BE + SUB + C?

He is Juan Maria Vianey

He is not a Doctor
He is a priest
He is from France.
He is not from Italy

● Possessives
● Plural nouns
My parents are doctors

3) Simple Present

I, You, We, s+v+c I eat hot dog at night
He, She, It s + v s + c She eats hot dog at

I, You, We, s + don’t I don’t eat hot dog at
They +v+c night
He, She, It s+ She doesn’t eat hot
doesn’t + dog at night

I, You, We, Do + s + v Do I eat hot dog at
They + c? night?
He, She, It Does + s + Does she eat hot dog
v + c? at night?

My name is Diego. I __work____ (work) as a teacher in

SMAB. My wife __doesn´t work______ (not work). She
___stays___ (stay) at home with my kids. ___does_no
es (do)__ my father work? No!. He __lives___ (live) with
my mother. My son ___enjoys____ (enjoy) playing
soccer but he ____ doesn’t like___ (not like) basketball.
My daughter ___dances___ (dance) ballet. She
__practices___ (practice) every day in the evening.

Que estudiar para el parcial?

1. Numbers and alphabet

2. Verb to be (Possessives and plural nouns)
3. Simple present (verbs)
4. Demonstratives (this, that, these, those)
5. How much?
6. Comparatives
7. Present continuous
8. Would.

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