Egg Test Key

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Egg Test Unit # _____ Period _____ Name _______Key_________

Corrected by: _______________________ Score ___________________

110 points possible
I. Matching (12)
__H__ 1. Largest size of eggs. A. AA
__J__ 2. Eggs serve this purpose in any B. Albumen
recipe that calls for beaten C. Binding
egg whites. D. Candling
__D__ 3. Process of grading eggs. E. Chalaza
__A__ 4. Highest grade of eggs F. Coating
__F__ 5. Eggs are often used in this way G. Emulsifying
to prepare foods. H. Jumbo
__N__ 6. Most of the nutrients are contained I. Large
in this part of the egg. J. Leavening
__L__ 7. This is another name for baked K. Poached
eggs. L. Shirred
__C__ 8. Eggs serve this purpose in holding M. Thickening
foods together as in meat loaf. N. Yolk
__E__ 9. White cord-like substance that holds
the yolk in the center of the egg.
__M__10. Eggs cause this to happen in pudding
and custards.
__B__11. The thick and thin egg white.
__G__12. An egg has this ability, which causes a
liquid to mix with a fat, as in mayonnaise. 14

II. Identification (10) 2 points each 16

13. ___ white/albumen__________

14. ___ air cell ________________ 17
15. ___ shell _________________
16. ___ yolk __________________
17. ___ chalaza _______________ 13

III. Fill-in-the-blanks (10) 15

18. For best quality, refrigerate, store use eggs as soon as possible for
freshness after purchasing. (1)
19. Dark green rings on yolk may be due to a combination of the ___iron___
and ____sulfur__________ of the egg. (2)
20. A ____meringue_________ is made from egg white foam and sugar. (1)
21. Five ways to cook eggs are ____hard-cooked____, ___soft-cooked____,
____poached______, ___baked or shirred___, and __scrambled____. (5)
22. Eggs are usually ____beaten____ before being added to quick bread
batter. (1)
IV. True or False (20) (Answers are in bold)
23. T or F The color of the egg shell has no influence on nutrient value or
eating quality.
24. T or F Most recipes are developed to use jumbo eggs.
25. T or F Eggs are a good source of protein.
26. T or F Nutritionally, eggs belong to the dairy group.
27. T or F The size of an egg has no relationship to its quality or grade.
28. T or F Eggs should be washed before storing them.
29. T or F Since eggs are high-protein foods, they should be cooked at low
temperatures only until done.
30. T or F Eggs should be stored with large end facing up.
31. T or F Discoloration of the yolk in hard-cooked eggs is caused by
32. T or F Cooling hard-cooked eggs in cold water makes them easier to
33. T or F Egg whites are high in cholesterol.
34. T or F To cook the top of a fried egg more quickly, the pan may be
35. T or F To hard-cook an egg, put it in a pan of water and let it boil for
15 minutes.
36. T or F If you get even a small amount of egg yolk or other fat in the egg
whites, they will not beat up to correct volume.
37. T or F Eggs separate more easily when they are at room temperature.
38. T or F Eggs should never be cooked in their shell in the microwave oven.
39. T or F A good place to store eggs is in the open door shelves of your
40. T or F Eggs absorb odors and must be kept covered.
41. T or F Adding liquid to eggs that are to be scrambled makes them
lighter and fluffier.
42. T or F Eggs separate more easily when they are cold.

V. Short Answer (58)

43. Eggs are classified according to size and weight. Give the various sizes with
their weights per dozen. (12)
a. ____jumbo______________ __30___ oz./dozen
b. ____extra large___________ __27___oz./dozen
c. ____large_______________ __24___ oz./dozen
d. ____medium_____________ __21___ oz./dozen
e. ____small_______________ __18___ oz./dozen
f. ____peewee_____________ __15___ oz./dozen

44. What are three nutritional contributions of eggs? (3)

a. fat vitamin A phosphorus
b. protein iron riboflavin
c. vitamin D cholesterol
45. Which term is used correctly: hard-cooked or hard-boiled (2) and
why? (3)
Hard-cooked, Boiling an egg makes them tough and rubbery.
Simmer eggs.

46. What are five functions of eggs in the preparation of foods? (5)
a. binder flavor
b. emulsifier thickener
c. leavening agent coat
d. color add nutrients
e. texture

47. According to the food pyramid, if a person ate 2 eggs and 1 piece of bacon
for breakfast; justify how many more servings they need that day to meet the
daily number of servings from the meat group. (3)
Zero. All you need from the meat group is 2 – 3 servings a day which
you have eaten for breakfast.

48. State the difference between the shell, yolk, and albumen between the
different grades of eggs. (12)

Shell Yolk Albumen

Grade AA Perfect Yellow/high A lot of thick

Grade A Perfect Yellow/high A lot of thick
Grade B Lines or marks Faded color, Thinner albumen
Grade C Cracked Faded color, Real thin
Real flat

49. What did you like the most about the egg unit? (5)

(Answers will vary)

50. Yes or No I brought my own writing utensil to class. (3 if yes, 0 if no)

51. Yes or No I was present the day of the test. (5 if yes, 0 if no)
52. Yes or No I was on time and not tardy the day of the test. (5 if yes, 0 if no)

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