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Ref: 1/1 Admin – 2011 CM

Date: 18 January 2011

Dear Leaders, Colleagues, and friends,

Subject: : Requesting for help to catch run away dishonest NHEC staff, Finance Manager Saw
David Mya Maung.

First of all, we would like to show our respect to all of you. We recognize and deeply appreciate your efforts
and novel sacrifice to restore democracy in our country and to build genuine federal states. We know all of you
are surviving hardly and struggling in long, delay, and difficult up-hill battle against the military government.
We have no intension to add our burden on your shoulders, but we would like to humbly request you to help us
for the affair we alone could not accomplish.

As one of you, we are also trying for peaceful transaction in Burma to gain peaceful and developed
democracy country applying real federalism. Tactically, we are contributing in the movement in terms of health
and education means. Unfortunately, we had been engaging misfortune during our course. One of our staff,
Finance Manager Saw David Mya Maung @ David Vinyurat abused our trust on his six year performing for
the NHEC. He embezzled approximately THB 3 millions that the NBC and DBC granted the NHEC to help the
most vulnerable people in Burma. Because of his unethical wrongdoing, the grant for the people in needs
including IDPs were stopped to prevent similar frauds by international communities and the NHEC also fell in
vicious circle since the day he stole the grant. He turns the NHEC down and the NHEC is very ashamed to
show its face to the Norwegian and Danish people who are tax payers to become such donation or grant.

The NHEC offered many opportunities to Saw David Mya Maung and convinced him to reappear and defend
himself, but he stayed in silence. Finally and unavoidably, the NHEC made legal complaints against Saw
David Mya Maung at the Chiang Mai civil court and criminal court. The NHEC filed two civil cases and one
criminal case against Saw David Mya Maung. With the court authorization, the NHEC froze Saw David Mya
Maung’s personal bank account, because Saw David Mya Maung cheated the NHEC accountant and
transferred THB 1 million to his personal account on 23 Dec 2009. He took away remaining money as cash in
hand at the same day.

In practice, the 11 NHEC committee members authorized Deputy Executive Director Nyo Min to sue Saw
David Mya Maung on their behalf. The funders, DBC and NBC assisted the NHEC financially to be able to sue.
In addition, NBC sent a letter offering opportunity to Saw David Mya Maung to make explanation or response,
if he believes himself innocent. Saw David Mya Maung wasted this opportunity and committed some attacks
on the NHEC and its staff. He sent black mails about the NHEC and complained to the Chiang Mai Immigration
Office that the NHEC members are holding fake documents and the NHEC office is a place where illegal
migrants are working.

During the court processes, the civil court and criminal court sent summon letters to Saw David Mya Maung to
present to the court, but he did not show up at the court room. Then, the civil court made decree that Saw
David Mya Maung will have to pay back ThB 1,550,000 to the NHEC and criminal court issued warrant letter
to arrest Saw David Mya Maung for final judgement.

On 21 and 22 Dec 2010, the lawyer NHEC appointed went to Mae Hong Son province and coordinated the
police officers who were on duty at Ta Tafang Police Station, Mae Hon Son Province, but police officer could
not find him at his resident, 135/Sor, village no 1, Mae Sam Lab, Mae Hong Son, Thailand. The head of village,
where Saw David Mya Muang used to live told the police, he was out of the province and might come back
soon. According to the court decision, the NHEC has right to claim money from Saw David Mya Maung and
right to occupy Saw David Mya Maung’s assets. The NHEC learned that there is THB 104,124 in Saw David
Mya Maung’s bank account at Krung Thai Bank (Public) Limited, Khuang Singh Branch, Chiang Mai and
obviously the amount could not cover the money the NHEC lost. In accordance with the agreements with the
funders, the NHEC owes the amount Saw David Mya Maung embezzled, to the DBC and NBC.

As result, the NHEC cannot run its functions and faces financial difficulty. At the moment, the NHEC hopes that
the NHEC can overcome this crisis, if it can arrest Saw David Mya Maung. According to border sources, Saw
David Mya Maung is moving around Thai Burma border. So the NHEC decided to request all of border based
organizations to help the NHEC for arresting Saw David Mya Maung or by for information about Saw David
Mya Maung’s location. In the case, you run into Saw David May Maung, you can arrest or inform the nearest
police station and law enforcement offices by showing attached warrant letter. I enclosed Saw David Mya
Maung photo, warrant letter, and court letter.

Saw David Mya Maung’s fraud case affected not only the NHEC but also all of you, so we want to show our
deep sadness for this bad impact. We do appreciate your coordination and potential assistance to the NHEC.

Please contact for more information about the cases. We do not intend to draw media

Thank you for your coordination and cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Nyo Min (On behalf of the NHEC)

Deputy Executive Director
National Health and Education Committee (Burma)

NHEC staff
11 NHEC committee members

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(Copy) For Court Only
○ (47)
Warrant of Arrest Official Emblem
Certified True Copy
Undecided Case No. 2146/2549 .
- Signature - Decided Case No.
(Mrs. Pensri Pratoomrat)
Court of Justice Officer, Professional Level
In the Name of His Majesty, the King
No. 462/ 2553 Chiang Mai Municipality Court
Date: 29 October 2010
Criminal Case
Mr. Win Mong Mong, and companions, total 11 persons Plaintiff
Mr. David Vinyurat Defendant
Warrant To: Commander of Mae Hon Son Provincial Police

Whereas Mr. David Vinyurat , the defendant, fled away and failed to go to the court

as appointed, where he is accused for the offence of criminal misappropriation ,

Therefore, please you capture* Mr. David Vinyurat ,

Race: , Nationality: Karen , Occupation: ,

residing at 135/ Sor Village No. 1 Road: ,

Lane: , Nearby , Sub-District: Mae Sam Lab ,

District: Sob Mei , Province: Mae Hon Son , Tel. ,

to send to this court within 1 December 2010 for further proceeding according to

the law.

Fee of certifying of correctness of 50 baht

Receipt Vol. 26380 No. 006 .
Dated 29 October 2010 . . - Signature - Judge
. –Signature- Court Officer (Mrs. Supranee Pullsaeng Timpitak)
(Seal of Chiang Mai Municipality Court)

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