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Student Name Veline Paul

Student Number 00318838T

Lecturer Indira Ramesh
Subject Understanding People and Organisations
Assignment number BIZ102_Reflective Journal 1_Emotional
and Title Intelligence

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Refer screen shot below showing my result for the Emotional Intelligence Test

Growing up I was taught how read and write and was advised by my parents that
education was the key to all success in life and if I was serious and wanted a good future
I had to study hard. However, due to my negligence and egotism this has resulted in me
not completing university and I was so disappointed and regrated the decisions which I
made. But now having a professional banking career with great opportunities which it
offers, it has given me a better chance to further my studies and obtain more skills and
knowledge. Therefore, I aim to do my best and archive greater results.
After taking the Emotional Intelligence Test I was surprised by the results. My Self –
Awareness, Social-Awareness and Relationship-Awareness rating I agree; however, I
do not agree with the rating for Self-Management because I know myself that when it
comes to time management I procrastinate.
However, undergoing this study has help me to understand my strengths and
weaknesses and how I can improve in my professional career. Furthermore, reading
through Professor Graham Gibbs book on “Learning by Doing” and David Kolb
book called “Experiential learning: experience as the source of learning and
development” it has helped me to understand the Cycle of Reflection.
According to the Emotional Intellegence Test results for my Self – Awareness I was
given a rating 7 which I agree because reflecting back to my professional career I know
my strenghts and weakness, therefore, whenever there is a situation either at work or
back at home I know how to approach this situations in a more professional way. I know
how to control my emotions and behaviours and react to those situations positivley.
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Refering to the philosophy of Daniel Jay Goleman he said, “its about getting to know
your emotions, personal strengths , weaknessess and having a strong sense of your own
values”. (Goleman, D.J.G 1995)
Furthermore, the Self – Management rating I disagree with it because I know myself
and that I am a big procrastinator. I don’t really manage my time well with a lot of
things with regards to my job and I see there is a lot of room for improvement. So I aim
to learn as much as I can during my studies. Also making decisions not based and what
you get from other but upon your own researches or on facts. (Cialdini, R.B 1984)
For Social Awareness reflecting back to myself I am not really good at socializing or
at public speaking I get too nervous and panic but as I learn skills and ways to overcome
this I believe I can resolve this issue. It’s all about our emotions and behavious and how
we can controll them.
Finally Relationship Awareness I agree with the rating because it gives me an
indication that as an individual I really need to build up more effective personal and
professional awareness and this was stated by Elias Hull Poter an American
psychologist. (Porter, E.H. 1973, 1996)

To summarise Emotional Intelligence test has help me discover new things about myself
so that I can improve on what is affecting my individual performance and how I can
develop my own emotional intelligence.

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• Gibbs, G.G (1988) Reflective Cycle “Learning by Doing” published

• Goleman, D.J.G (1995) Emotional Intelligence
The New York Times Publishing
• Goleman, D.J.G (1998) Working with Emotional Intelligence, Bantam
Books. ISBN 978-856135016
• Kolb, David A. (1984). Experiential learning: (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Pearson Education
• Gialdini, R.B. (1984), Influence: How and why people agree to things.
New York: Quill.
• Porter, E.H. (1973, 1996) Relationship Awareness Theory, Manuel of
Administration and Interpretation, Ninth Edition.
1Carlsbad, CA: Personal Strengths Publishing, Inc.
• Livermore, D. (2015). Leading with cultural intelligence: the real
secret to success (2nd ed.). New York, NY: AMACOM. Retrieved
from https://ebookcentral-proquest-

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