Demographic Profile of The Respondents

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Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter represents presentation, analysis and interpretation of data gathered in the
study. With the data organized, statistically treated and tabulated, the findings and data
analyses are presented.


This study conducted to determine the effects of using facebook to the academic performance
of the respondents specifically, to their written works to the data gathered. The data
presentation, data analysis and interpretation of data will be a great help to formulate an
appropriate recommendation to the study.

In the beginning, the presentation of data is presented in its original raw and arraged in an
meaningful interpretation that takes of the information. The most important and critical
information of the research are the interpretation and analysis. Interpretation used in inserting
statistical data of the result of gathered information. Data interpretation defined as the
implementation of processes through which data is reviewed for the purpose of arriving at an
informed conclusion (Lebied,2018). It can also defined as the device through which the factors,
which seem to explain what has been observed by the researcher in the course study. Also,
with the help of data analysis that combined the presentation and interpretation.

In this study, there are 113 respondents from Tandoc National High School in San Carlos City,
Pangasinan that is involved in this study and divided in every strand in graduating level. Namely,
General Academic Strand (GAS), Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM),
Home Economics (TVL HE), Information and Communication Technology Strand (TVL ICT).

Demographic Profile of the Respondents

The demographic profile of the respondents includes, gender, strands, respondents who have
facebook account, hours spend in using facebook and purpose why the respondents used

Table 1.1 Distribution of the Respondents According to their Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage (%)

Male 46 40.71%

Female 67 59.29%

Total 113 100%

Table 1.2 Distribution of the Respondents According to their Strand

Strands Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

GAS 28 24.78%

STEM 19 16.81%

TVL HE 38 33.63%

TVL ICT 28 24.78%

Total 113 100%

Table 1.3 Respondents who have facebook account

Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Yes 113 100%

No 0 0%

Total 113 100%

Table 1.4 Number of hours spent by the Respondents

Number of hours Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

1-3 hrs 59 52.21%

4-6 hrs 40 35.40%

7-10 hrs 14 12.39%

Total 113 100%

Table 1.5 Purpose of the Respondents on Using Facebook

Statements Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

to have a new friends 32 28.32

to release my stress 27 23.89%

to communicate with my 14 12.39%

boyfriend / girlfriend

to be updated in new trends 40 35.40%

and news

Total 113 100%

Positive effect of using facebook on the respondents academic performance

Table 2.1 Responses of the Respondents Positively

Statement Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

1. I get information 28 19 55 9 2
through Facebook about
24.78% 16.81% 48.67% 07.96% 01.77%
my written works

2. I communicate with my
friend to make me
understand the topic I'm 33 32 42 5 1
confused at
29.20% 28.32% 37.17% 04.42% 00.88%

3. Facebook can motivate 20 9 56 21 7

me to do my written works
17.70% 07.96% 49.56% 18.56% 06.20%

4. I use Facebook to
connect with my
50 22 36 4 1
classmares in doing our
assignments 44.25% 19.47% 31.86% 03.54% 00.88%

5. I use Facebook to find

ideas from different
20 24 44 23 2
people about my
homework 17.70% 21.24% 38.94% 20.35% 01.77%

6. Facebook helps me send

important reviewers to my
45 29 32 7 0
39.82% 25.66 28.32%% 06.19% 0%

7. Facebook helps me 37 19 46 10 1
retrieve important
32.74% 16.81 40.71% 08.85% 00.88%
reviewers from my

8. I watch educational 19 20 52 18 4
videos about the topic of
16.81% 17.70 46.02% 15.93% 03.54%
my exams

9. I read comments about 27 14 43 22 7

the topic of my exam
23.89% 12.39% 38.05% 19.47% 06.20%
Negative effect of using facebook on the respondents academic performance

Table 3.1 Responses of the Respondents Negatively

Statement Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

1. I forget to do my 28 19 55 9 2
homework because I spend
24.78 16.81 48.67 07.96 01.77
a lot of time on Facebook

2. I wake up late in the

morning and forget to do
33 32 42 5 1
my assignment because of
Facebook 29.20% 28.32% 37.17% 04.42% 00.88%

3. I spend more time on 20 9 56 21 7

Facebook than reviewing
17.70% 07.96% 49.56% 18.58% 06.20%

4. I think a lot of things

about Facebook and not
50 22 36 4 1
able to review for
upcoming quizzes 44.25% 19.47% 31.86% 03.54% 00.88%

5. I lost my concentration
doing my homework when
20 24 44 23 2
I'm interrupted by
Facebook 17.70% 21.24% 38.94%% 20.35% 01.77%

6. When I'm using

Facebook to get
information about the
topic on my upcoming 45 29 32 7 0
exams. Once, I
39.82% 25.66% 28.32% 06.19% 0%
unintentionally open my
account my focus will
already on my newsfeed

7. I spend more time on

Facebook to share a post
37 19 46 10 1
than doing my assignments
32.74% 16.81% 40.71% 08.85% 00.88%

8. I'm busy reading

comments on Facebook
19 20 52 18 4
that I can't concentrate to
review for my upcoming 16.81% 17.70% 46.02% 15.93% 03.54%

9. I spend more time

reacting on what trends on
27 14 43 22 7
Facebook than doing my
activities 23.89% 12.39% 38.05% 19.47% 06.20%

Positive effect of using facebook on the respondents academic performance

Table 2.1 Responses of the Respondents Positively

Average Weighted Descriptive

Statement Mean Equivalent

1. I get information through Facebook about 3.55 Often

my written works

2. I communicate with my friend to make 3.81 Often

me understand the topic I'm confused at

3. Facebook can motivate me to do my 3.12 Sometimes

written works more
4. I use Facebook to connect with my 4.03 Often
classmares in doing our assignments

5. I use Facebook to find ideas from 3.33 Sometimes

different people about my homework

6. Facebook helps me send important 4.00 Often

reviewers to my classmates

7. Facebook helps me retrieve important 3.72 Sometimes

reviewers from my classmates

8. I watch educational videos about the 3.28 Sometimes

topic of my exams

9. I read comments about the topic of my 3.28 Sometimes


Overall Average Weighted Mean 3.57 Often

Legend: 4.21 - 5.00 Always

3.41 - 4.20 Often

2.61 - 3.40 Sometimes

1.81 - 2.60 Rarely

1.00 - 1.80 Never

Negative effect of using facebook on the respondents academic performance

Table 2.1 Responses of the Respondents Negatively

Average Weighted Descriptive
Mean Equivalent

1. I forget to do my homework because I 3.25 Sometimes

spend a lot of time on Facebook

2. I wake up late in the morning and forget

to do my assignment because of Facebook
3.14 Sometimes

3. I spend more time on Facebook than 2.99 Sometimes

reviewing exams

4. I think a lot of things about Facebook and

not able to review for upcoming quizzes
3.10 Sometimes

5. I lost my concentration doing my

homework when I'm interrupted by
3.38 Sometimes

6. When I'm using Facebook to get

information about the topic on my
upcoming exams. Once, I unintentionally
open my account my focus will already on 3.35 Sometimes
my newsfeed

7. I spend more time on Facebook to share a 2.93 Sometimes

post than doing my assignments

8. I'm busy reading comments on Facebook

that I can't concentrate to review for my
2.96 Sometimes
upcoming exams

9. I spend more time reacting on what

trends on Facebook than doing my activities
3.02 Sometimes

Overall Average Weighted Mean 3.12 Sometimes

Legend: 4.21 - 5.00 Always

3.41 - 4.20 Often

2.61 - 3.40 Sometimes

1.81 - 2.60 Rarely

1.00 - 1.80 Never

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