The Truth Behind The Brain-Based Learning

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Facultad de la Educación el Arte y la Comunicación

Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros

Name: Andy Arley Avila Abad

Date: August 1st, 2020
Subject: Ecología del desarrollo humano y aprendizaje
Cycle: II
The truth behind the brain-based learning
Answer the following quiz and watch the video The truth behind brain-based learning  to
check your answers. Give reasons for the correct answer: true or false
Students can learn something without actively paying attention to it
It is false, because attention drives learning, also because attention is the way the brain
allocates its resources, therefore if we want to learn or do something of the best way we need
to focus on our attention and how we are implementing it in our learning using the selective
We use only 10 % of our brain
This is false since with recent studies and thanks to scanners tomographs or neuro imaging
have been performed that show brain activity and thanks to this it was shown that we always
use our whole brain and not just 10%.
Understanding a student’s learning style can help us teach them better
According to Janet Zadina It is false because before neuroimaging, the teachers thought that
they had to search the best learning style for their students, but now there is no scientific
evidence that support learning styles theory. What is known is that students have learning
preferences and that they vary from one student to another, so we would do wrong to suggest
that a student use a certain learning style, since we could be imposing a learning style that
perhaps it is not the most suitable for a certain person, so in the end it is the student who must
make an effort and discover what their learning style is
Physical activities that cross the midline, such as Brain gym, help students learn better
through integration of left and right brain.
This is false since there is no scientific research to support it, but on the other hand there are
several studies that indicate that exercise helps in learning, especially intensity or aerobic
Some people are more left-brained and some are more right-brained
This is false since the hemispheres of the brain are linked to each other, therefore they share
functions and work together
Drinking fewer than 6-8 glasses of water a day can cause the brain to shrink
This is false since people drink water depending on the person and the conditions in which
they are, so it is not possible to give a specific amount of water that we must drink
Male and female brains are different and we should adjust our teaching accordingly
It's false because according to Dr. Cardile affine they are more sim they're far more similar
than different there's probably more difference between me and you than there are between
male and female because we all have some male and some female characteristics.
It’s helpful to examine which of the multiple intelligences students have.
It's false because there is no neuroscience to support that, those intelligence don't exist,
preferences exist, skills exist, interest exist but we don´t want to be calling them intelligence
The more dendrites the better
It's not true because actually the brain goes through periods of growth and the pruning to
make itself more efficient that I usually reserved for early childhood
Education cannot address learning difficulties caused by developmental brain
It is false, because the brain is plastic and it changes all through life, therefore the teacher can
do activities that help students to overcome their learning difficulties.

Write your personal perspective or comments about the topic in your eportfolio. Be
short and clear. Upload the PDF file with your answer
After having seen the video The Truth Behind "Brain-Based" Learning, I am surprised that
the results obtained from scientific studies have not shown that learning styles influence or
help students to learn in a better way, according to The studies carried out on these "learning
styles" are only study preferences that students can adopt if they identify with any of them.
From my point of view I also do not agree to use the concept "learning styles" since each
person is different and therefore we could not group all people in certain learning styles, the
most correct thing would be for each person to discover the learning preference that works
best for you.

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