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Deviance always at the top of her class.

Looking proper and

respectable like all of us do. Except you. The Serge is a
Narrator: Good morning everyone! Today we have a very well-known family, fix yourself or you won’t be part of it.
heart-warming story sent to us by Swayne to share her Always remember. Perfect is what we aim for.
S:… (yuyuko)
Without further ado, let us start!
Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.
Whenever we hear the word family, there’s this warm K: Excuse me. I’ll just take this call.
feeling inside you like, woah, I just love them so much.
Another quote is, Family, forever, for always. No matter *K exit
CA: You shouldn’t talk like that
Every family has a story to tell… welcome to ours…
S: I know but how else?
My name is Swayne, youngest daughter of Kian and
CA: you can’t change everything Swayne
Kristine Serge, well-known for being the greatest lawyers
without failing any case given to them. Cohen, eldest S: I’m just not like you ok? I’m different
brother is already in the U.S., a well-known laywer.
Cherry-ann, the perfect middle child is taking up law. And CA: I’m different too
me… taking up ABM then going to get Law after.
S: No. You’re perfect
*enter Swayne, fixing her hanging blouse, hair na magulo.
Basta mukhang ewan. Nakatingin sa mirror CA: I try to be. You should too

S: That parlor scks. They didn’t even give me what I really S: that would be in my wish list... I’m done. Bye
wanted. (while fixing hair) (fixing outfit. Admiring self)
CA: Fix your plate, Swayne. (*exit S) Swayne!
CA enter
Narrator: They never understood me. No matter what I
CA: Swayne, It’s time for dinner. (up down si Swayne) tss… do… I’m wrong. They’re right. I’m different. They’re all
how many times do I have to tell you that you need to smart. They’re all perfect. Maybe, just maybe.. I’m
dress appropriately? Not like.. adopted… I went back to my room and I thought that was
the end of it.
S: Not like what?..... Low class? You sound like mom
S on phone
CA: Enough, just fix yourself, let’s go.
S: Hey Joleen, what’s up? Oh? A new bar? What’s the
*Swayne, nagpahid ng sandamakmak na lipstick tas nagroll name? … Seriously? It’s called Deviance.. I can’t go. Mom
eyes si CA might really disown me..

Narrator: When we entered the dining area, little did I *enter K

know that I’ll be having another long speech from mom.
I’m sarcastic. K: You really thought you could hide this?

S and CA: Hi mom *beso S: Call you back (to phone)

K nods *grade card

CA: How was your trip to Japan? K: 80? You got an average of just 88? When I was your age,
my lowest average was 95, I was grounded for that. What
K: ok. *eyeing Swayne have you been doing in your life?

K: what are you wearing? S:…

S: Clothes K: That’s it.. after school, you’ll be tutored immediately.

No breaks for whatever you’ve been doing.
K: those. Are not clothes. That’s trash. Dress appropriately.
*exit K
S: It’s branded
*calls Joleen
K: then is your hair branded too?
S: Hey Joleen…. Let’s meet in Deviance
S: tss. Sorry mom, I’m not as perfect as your favourite
daughter. Narrator: Being hurt is an understatement, I was
devastated, … … I was numb. I couldn’t feel anything…
K: Favourite? There’s no such thing. I’m just Maybe, because I’m used to it. When I arrived in
acknowledging cherry ann for her efforts to raise this Deviance, it was the usual loud music..But it’s weird
family’s reputation. Unlike you who’s doing the opposite. because there were quotes displayed on the wall. One of
Cohen is already one of the most famous lawyers in the US those was “A Dysfunction still has a function”
and just last week he finished a case. Cherry ann here, is
S: Is this really a bar? R: Joleen

Joleen: Yep K: Swayne..

S: What’s up with the quotes? K: Excuse me

Joleen: It’s connected to its name. Deviance, being *hinila si J paleft. Magfreeze sila. K and S muna
different from what others are used to.
K: Deviance really? Don’t ask how I knew. So this is what
S: wow you’re up to?

Joleen: Why? S: Mom.. please listen to me… I want to be a writer.. not a

S: How convenient. It’s like a bar for blacksheeps.
K: enough.. this is over me Swayne. I just scolded you a
J: yeah. In some way.. few hours ago then you go partying like some animal?
S: How bout you? What’s up? S: I’m sorry.. but if you could just listen…
J: Not so good. Mom… K: You are not my daughter (exit K and S)
S: Yeah.. tell me about it. Unfreeze J and R
Narrator: Joleen started her story. And we never really R: How could you do this Joleen?
talked about our problems till now. She started by saying
that she grew up with a very religious family. Her dad is a J: I’m sorry but we’re just different mom..
pastor, her mom is a housewife who spends time
worshipping in their church, and her older sister’s past R: ….. (*iling ) You’re just like your father before *smiles
time is singing with the choir. She said that she was
J: Huh?
R: I’m tired of fighting Joleen. You’re my daughter.. The
She didn’t want to keep her hair long nor keep wearing
Lord must have had a plan about you.
Narrator: Joleen called me the next day, she was so
Joleen: Sorry mom. But this really isn’t my style. (getting
happy about how they easily solved the problem. I
rid of hair and skirt)
wondered.. would that ever happen to the black sheep of
*enter Ren our family? Nah, my mom is different. Right now. She just
has two children, Cohen and Cherry Ann.
R: Joleen… that’s wrong. You are disrespectful. *pilit
pinapasuot ung skirt School ended and I proceeded to my room.. Only to find
a surprise..
J: No mom, I don’t want this
(Swayne acting)
R: You have no choice
There was a note with the book…
J: That’s not true.
“Swayne, I’m sorry. I got too focused on how things are
R: Joleen… why can’t you be like your sister and cousins, that I forgot to make sure that my Daughter is happy.. If
Conservative, proper and obedient. This is essential to our you’re happy, then everything’s perfect. As soon as I come
religion. back from work, I’ll give you the warmest hug a mother
could give. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you this in person, Love
J: You can never understand mom”
Narrator: Her freedom in her style wasn’t the only thing I knew my mom wasn’t the usual emotional mother. I
that she was hindered from. smiled as I read the title of the book she left for me. “A
guide to become the best Writer”
R: Who was that boy, Joleen? I have never seen him in the
church. You see.. no family is perfect. But the love that the family
has. That is what’s perfect. That’s what lasts forever. This
J: My boyfriend mom, Jake. He doesn’t go to church much.
is Swayne Serge, now a resident in New York.
R: no. Don’t ever see that boy again. Occupation: best-selling author.

Narrator: Joleen got conflicted with her feelings. But she

was numb, like me. We’re the same… Because we’re both

S: I’m sorry that had to happen…

J: Yeah

*K and R enter

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