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*1st scene: ARRIVAL P1: Its not right, left, right, right, small store, hotel

*Enter boy and girl. Kiko: Hindi pala right eh, edi left, left, left, small store
tapat nga ng hotel
Narrator: Maya and Kiko are the chosen students to go
the United States Of America to explore their culture. P2: Still not right.
On the fateful day of their arrival…
Maya: So ano? Left? Kaliwa nga
Kiko: Sa wakas! Nandito na!
*riiiing riiing
Maya: Paanong nandito na? Eh nawawala nga tayo. San
ba ang hotel na yun? *tahimik silang lahat

Kiko: Magtanong na kasi tayo Kiko: sa akin pala…Hello? Ma’am opo pasundo po
Maya: Madaling araw pa lang kaya.
Maya: Anyways thanks you two you!
Kiko: eh malay mo diba…
*P1 &P2 walk away
*2 passers by
Narrator: The assigned teacher who will serve as their
Kiko: Hey you! guardian fetched them and led them to their hotel
room where they will be staying.
*tinapik ni Maya si Kiko
Kiko: Sa wakas!
Maya: Loko! Disrespectful yan… Uhm Hi, we Filipinos.
Can you like, help.. san hotel where? Maya: Oo nga eh.

*tinapik ni Kiko si Maya Kiko: Order ka na breakfast! *menu tinuturo eto I want!

Kiko: Wrong grammar ka. As I saying.. Hotel… Where? Maya: Kk

P1: Which hotel are you searching for? *hold telephone

P2: Because there are a lot around here. Maya: Hello? Yes breakfast. Food. Set A. pero Kanin. …
Kanin you know rice. Pwede fried.. uhm like that… garlic
Kiko kamot ulo. yes. Rice fried. …. Ah nvm. Whatever just dala breakfast
Kiko: A lot? Just one. *down telephone
Maya: Yes! Dis! *turo sa name ng hotel sa papel/map Narrator: A few minutes later, their food arrive..
P1: Oh Excalibur hotel! Just take a left, right, right then Server: Good morning madam, sir. Here is the food your
when you see a small store, right across from it, is the ordered
Excalibur hotel.
Kiko: Yung kanin ngay?
Kiko: Yes Ekshkawibur so like right, left, kaliwa small
store sa harap? Server: Come again?

P2: What do you mean? Kiko: The rice, palay like that

Maya: He meant like kaliwa, kanan kanan, store small Server: Ah no rice is available here.
tapat Ekshkawibur
Maya: Why? Bacon and eggs should be with rice, ulam
P1: No wrong, its left, right, right, small store, in front of diba
it is the hotel
Server: Sorry madam, but it’s different here
Maya: Yes left is right, so tama nga kasi. Dami pa
sinasabi Kiko: Okay thanks is you
Narrator: The following day is their first day in school. Maya: I saying why talk like that?
Maya and Kiko cannot hold in the excitement they’re
Student 2: Like what?
Maya: Walang modo
Kiko: Diz iz it iz it
Student 2: oh thank you. I heard from Kikow it means you look good.
Teacher: We have here with us, two exchange students You look good too Maya.
from the Philippines. Please introduce yourselves
Teacher: I would like you to group yourselves, 4 members each for
the activity.
Kiko: I’m kiko, 17 yers old
Kiko: We grp.!
Maya: Maya. 16
S1, S2, Maya: okay!
Teacher: Okay, you may take your seats. I hope all of
you will treat them well. Teacher: You will be making a collage all about culture. The pictures
should be taken by you
All: Yes ma’am S1: Great so what pics should we include

Teacher: Moving on.. Let’s continue our lesson…. The United Maya: dances! Songs!
States is sometimes described as a "melting pot" in which different
cultures have contributed their own distinct "favors" to American Kiko: Fooooodd!
S2: Paintings, sculptures!
Student 1: Flavors sir!
Teacher: Come again? S1: Right! Let’s go around town and take pictures.

Student 1: own distinct flavors Narrator: When they left school, and passed by a known garden and
park. They noticed something that shocked Kiko and Maya
Kiko: Ahy walang modo
Kiko:…totoo pla
Student 1: What’s that supposed to mean?
Maya: OMG
Kiko: You look good
S1: What? Nothing’s wrong with same sex marriage. You’re free to
love who you want to love
Teacher: Nearly every region of the world has influenced American Kiko: Pero in bible, boy to gurl, gurl to boy
culture, most notably the English who colonized the country
beginning in the early 1600s. U.S. S2: But we were thought to love and that’s what they’re doing…
loving each other
*student raises hand
Maya: But still.. hindi normal. Normal not
Student1: Surely, because of this, there are a lot of different
languages under American culture? S1: I cant understand

Teacher: Exactly, In fact, the United States does not have an official Kiko: Mali nga kasi ung ganyan. Hindi niyo sinusunod ang sabi ng
language since almost every language is spoken here. Diyos

Other student raises hand. S2: You better not be insulting me

Student2: But besides English, Which language is commonly used in Maya: Insult insult, kayo nga diyan eh
our country?
S1: oh stop talking in a different language
Teacher: Well, there’s Spanish….Chinese…..French…. oh, and
Japanese Kiko: Malaya kami, ewan sa inyo

Student1: Wrong mam, I think it’s German, not Japanese.. based on Narrator: They weren’t successful in accomplishing their task
my research because of misunderstandings and lack of proper communication.
Because of these differences, they were not able to come up with a
Teacher: Oh I’m sorry. You’re right final output.

Maya: Waw, ganun ganun lang silang sumasagot

Student 2: Huh?

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