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ACT science practice test 1

The kinetic molecular theory provides new insights into the movement of
molecules in liquids. It states that molecules are in constant motion and collide
with one another. When the temperature of a liquid increases, there will be an
increase in the movement of molecules and in the average kinetic energy. The
figure below depicts the distribution of the kinetic energy of two volumetrically
identical samples of water at different temperatures (T).
Water has attractive intermolecular forces that keep the molecules
together. When enough heat is added to water, it will weaken these forces and
allow some molecules to evaporate and escape the liquid as a gas. The
activation energy (Ea) is the minimum energy necessary for molecules to
escape the liquid and undergo a phase change.

Figure 1
1. Which of the following statements best describes the changes observed in
the graph?
A. At T1, Sample 1 has a lower kinetic energy than does Sample 2.
B. At T2, Sample 1 has a lower kinetic energy than does Sample 2.
C. An increase in temperature leads to a decrease in kinetic energy.
D. Water never undergoes a phase change.

2. Assume that water undergoes a phase change to a gas. Which of the

following statements would be true?
F. The attractive intermolecular forces of the escaping molecules are weak.
G. The average kinetic energy of the water remains the same.
H. The rate of movement of the gas molecules decreases.
J. The gas will undergo no further phase changes.
3. Suppose a third sample of water is heated to a higher temperature than
Sample 2. It is then found that a greater number of molecules escaped the
liquid in Sample 3 than in Sample 2. Would these results be consistent with the
results depicted in Figure 1 ?
A. Yes, an increase in temperature leads to a decrease in the number of
escaping molecules in the liquid.
B. Yes, as the temperature increases, it leads to more molecules escaping the
C. No, the temperature reading of Sample 2 would be five times as high as that
of the third sample.
D. No, the average kinetic energy of the water will decrease.

4. It can be inferred from the passage that when a substance undergoes a

phase change from a liquid to a gas it will:
F. evaporate.
G. condense.
H. disintegrate.
J. remain the same.

5. Given the samples at T1 and T2, and the kinetic energies measured and
shown in Figure 1, which temperature produces the highest single kinetic
energy measurement?
A. Both T1 and T2
B. T2
C. T1
D. Neither T1 nor T2

Amphibians are unique organisms that undergo drastic physical changes

during the transformation from an immature organism into an adult form. This
process, called metamorphosis, begins with the determination of cells at the
tadpole stage. A study was conducted using tadpoles to determine the
influence of thyroxine (a hormone) on metamorphosis.
As shown in the graph below, tadpoles were placed in solutions containing
various concentrations of thyroxine. Increased levels of thyroxine correlated
with increased rates of tail reabsorption and the appearance of adult
characteristics such as lungs and hind legs.
Figure 1
1. Suppose that a tadpole was immersed in a 0.3 µg/ml solution for 72 hours.
What would be the expected approximate decrease in tail width?
A. 22%
B. 30%
C. 41%
D. 50%

2. Which of the following generalizations about tadpoles is supported by the

results of the study?
F. They will not undergo metamorphosis if they are not given thyroxine.
G. Metamorphosis in a normal tadpole takes at least five days.
H. The most rapid disappearance of the tail is associated with the immersion of
tadpoles in the most dilute thyroxine solution.
J. Temperature plays a major role in metamorphosis.

3. After four days, the tadpoles are checked for development. In all samples
other than the control, which of the following concentrations of thyroxine would
the tadpoles be likely to show the LEAST development?
A. 0.5 µg/ml
B. 0.2 µg/ml
C. 0.1 µg/ml
D. All of the tadpoles would show the same development.

4. Based on the information in the passage, which of the following would be a

correct order of the stages of tadpole development?
F. Tadpole → adult → reabsorption of tail → cell determination
G. Tadpole → cell determination → reabsorption of tail → adult
H. Tadpole → reabsorption of tail → cell determination → adult
J. Cell determination → tadpole → adult → reabsorption of tail

5. According to Figure 1, immersing the tadpoles in solutions containing

various concentrations of thyroxine does not begin to affect the rate of tadpole
metamorphosis until when?
A. No time at all; the thyroxine affects the rate of metamorphosis immediately.
B. 0–12 hours after immersion
C. 12–24 hours after immersion
D. 24–36 hours after immersion

Answers and Explanations

1. Correct Answer: B
As you were reading the question, did you notice that (A) and (B) were the
same except that the words "T1" and "T2" were switched? The answer choices
are opposites, and one of them will probably be correct. Let's try (A) and (B)
first. At T1, Sample 1 has a greater number of molecules in motion. The
introduction clarifies that this corresponds to an increase in kinetic energy. The
graph contradicts (A), so the answer appears to be (B). Now let's check the
other two choices. Does an increase in temperature lead to a decrease in
kinetic energy? No. The passage states that an increase in temperature leads
to an increase in kinetic energy. So we can eliminate (C). Now let's look at (D).
Is it true that water never undergoes a phase change? No; in fact, the text
accompanying the graph says just the opposite. So we can eliminate (D). Also,
remember to be cautious of extreme language such as "never." The correct
answer is (B).

2. Correct Answer: F
The question refers to the second paragraph, which mentions phase changes.
What happens during a phase change? Two things happen: (1) Increased
kinetic energy weakens the attractive intermolecular forces in the water, and (2)
Some molecules escape the liquid as a gas. Now that we have reviewed this
information, it's pretty easy to eliminate (G) and (H). Now let's look at (J). Did
we read anything in the passage that told us about other phase changes? No.
This answer is beyond the realm of the passage and can be eliminated. So the
correct answer is (F), and again we've reached it by using POE.
3. Correct Answer: B
The ACT test writers want to see if you can predict what will happen if you
raise the temperature of water higher than that of Sample 2. What answer
choices should you eliminate? Decide whether the correct answer should
begin with a yes or a no. How do we do that? Just check the graph with the
results for Samples 1 and 2. When you increase the temperature, will the
sample have more or less kinetic energy? It will have more. That means we
can rule out (D). We can eliminate (C) because the temperature reading of
Sample 2 is lower than the third sample. Now compare (A) with (B) to see
which one is correct. Does an increase in temperature lead to greater or fewer
numbers of molecules escaping the liquid? Greater. Thus, the correct answer
is (B).

4. Correct Answer: F
The passage states that when a substance goes from the liquid to the gas
phase, it will evaporate. When a substance has reached the temperature at
which it undergoes the phase change, it will evaporate. That's how molecules
will escape. Therefore, the answer is (F).

5. Correct Answer: C
When you look at the figure, which line goes the highest? Which has the
highest kinetic energy at any one point? Well, the curve for T1 goes higher
than the curve for T2. T2 has the highest average kinetic energy, but that's not
what this question asks us to find. Therefore, (A) and (B) can be eliminated.
Choice (D) is a nonsensical answer choice. Choice (C) is the best answer.

1. Correct Answer: B
Do we see a solution of thyroxine that is 0.3 µg/ml? No. The ACT test writers
want you to "guesstimate" where 0.3 µg/ml would fall on the table. This value
would have to lie somewhere between 0.2 µg/ml and 0.5 µg/ml. The question
requires that you make a guess within the values given. What do we call this
skill? Interpolation! Now if we move across the x-axis to the value of 72 hours,
and we move up to the range of values between 0.2 µg/ml and 0.5 µg/ml, we
see that the y-values range from about 23 percent to 37 percent. The only one
that falls in that range is (B)-30 percent.

2. Correct Answer: G
Notice that they want to know what is true for tadpoles in general. Let's start
with (F). This is a ridiculous answer choice. We know that all normal tadpoles
undergo metamorphosis. If you're not sure, take a look at the graph. The
control group in the graph represents normal tadpoles. They do have some
decrease in tail width, although not a lot, in 120 hours or 5 days. (Notice that
you needed to know that 5 days is the same as 120 hours.) Thus, (F) is
incorrect. You can also rule out (H) because the figure clearly shows that high
concentrations of thyroxine solutions lead to the greatest decrease in tail width.
The passage doesn't mention anything about temperature, thus (J) is out. The
correct answer is (G). We see that the control sample shows some reduction in
tail size in 120 hours, so it must take longer for the process to be complete.

3. Correct Answer: C
You must realize that as the tadpole develops, the tail is reabsorbed-or it
shrinks. The graph compares percent decrease in tail width to hours. At 96
hours (4 days), the tadpoles showing the lowest percent decrease in tail width
would be the least developed. Therefore, the answer must be (C), the tadpoles
in 0.1 µg/ml.

4. Correct Answer: G
Thyroxine affects the metamorphosis of the tadpole by influencing the process
of cell determination from tadpole cells into mature adult cells. You don't have
to understand this process-just realize that it occurs between tadpole and adult
stages. Begin with (F), (G), and (H), because you need a tadpole to start the
process. Using POE, the correct answer can be only (G).

5. Correct Answer: C
Take a look at the figure provided. When do the lines start to differentiate from
one another (showing different rates of tail reabsorption)? We can see that by
24 hours, the tadpoles placed in the various thyroxine solutions have each had
a larger percent of their tails reabsorbed than the tadpoles in the control group.
Choice (D) can be eliminated. Now look between 0 and 24 hours. At 0 hours
and at 12 hours, the percent decrease in tail width is the same for all the
tadpoles. Therefore, the change in metamorphosis rate must occur between
12 and 24 hours, so (C) is correct.
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