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Ref: 202007/APL/000

Date: July 16, 2020

Mr. Mathias

Dear [NAME],

Make a Difference, Sponsor a Child

[Research about the Recipient/Company and write an opening paragraph that congratulates their
specific achievements, in order to establish initial rapport with the recipient. Engage them within
the first few seconds so that the letter will be read and not discarded like the multitude of cookie-
cutter cold letters. Let MW proofread the paragraph before giving the letter to DC to sign.]

BRCR–a multiracial Home–was conceived for abandoned and underprivileged children. It is

sitting on a 2.3-acre land donated by BRDB, with a capacity for 150 children. Currently, we have
63 children under our care, with a maximum capacity of 65 with the 1 st dormitory. The Rotary
network took 15 years to fundraise for the building of the facilities and BRCR finally opened in
2016, licensed under JKM Negeri Selangor (JKM Ref.: B/PJB KK 010/2017).

Children under our care are happy and thriving, and some even achieved awards in school. As
BRCR’s average cost of raising one child is RM9,600 / annum, we would like to appeal to [your
good self / your Company] to Sponsor a Child on a long-term basis, so that they would receive all
the help they need to grow up to be contributing citizens. Attached [with this letter / in the link] is
also the Monthly Giving Appeal for BRCR’s children for your consideration.

I could be reached at +6019 313 9918. Alternatively, BRCR could be contacted at the mobile
number +6019 7755 101 / Thank you for your kind consideration.

With best wishes for good health and more success to you and [your family / your company].

Yours sincerely,

Datuk Chan Kam Fatt


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