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• What Human Communication Isn’t and Is

 “Communications” (what it isn’t) – views communication narrowly
o Simplistic one-way flow of broadcast information
o Focuses on the many technology channels of the media industry – television, film,
radio, Internet, telephone, and print (history of communication)
o Focus of the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Telecommunications
 “Communication” (what it is) – views communication broadly
o Any facet of the complex process of human interaction
o Focuses on the many facets of human messaging – contexts, channels, influences,
interpretations, and responses (human interaction)
o Focus of the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
 Essentially, human communication is symbolic activity – how people engage in the use of
language symbols
o Human beings are fundamentally characterized by an extensive capability to express
thoughts, feelings, and experiences through symbols
o Symbolic activity enables people to understand and influence each other
 The benefits of human communication studies of symbolic activity:
o Reveal how symbolic activity enables people to connect with each other, creating
relationships, groups, organizations, and cultures
o Reveal how symbolic activity enables people to learn from each other, producing
growth in intelligence and maturity
o Reveal how symbolic activity enables people to impact each other, influencing
changes in perceptions, attitudes, and actions

• Where Human Communication Occurs – Significant Communication Contexts

 Interpersonal contexts – relational interaction between two people
 Small group contexts – interaction within teams of people working together
 Organizational contexts – interaction within companies, agencies, and institutions
 Cultural contexts – interaction within and between societies
 Public discourse contexts – interaction through live and mediated public address

• How Human Communication Occurs – Sampling of Communication Functions

 Development of relational closeness and intimacy
 Constructive conflict management
 Team development and productivity
 Organizational leadership and change
 Cross-cultural communication and adaptation
 Social influence, power, and persuasion
 Political campaigning and policy-making
 Courtroom advocacy and jury deliberations
 Business marketing, advertising, and sales
 Media industry information and entertainment

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