Scenario Lessons

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Scenario Lessons

Teacher : Assalamu’alaikum, good afternoon student’s!
Student : Wa’alaikumussalam, good afternoon miss!

Asking Condition
Teacher : How’re you today?
Student : I am fine, thank you. And you?
Teacher : I am fine too, thank you.

Saying a prayer
Teacher : Before we start the lesson, say prayer together. Ikhsan, can you lead the
prayer, please?
Ikhsan : Before starting the lesson, let’s start praying. Finish!

Checking students’ attendance

Teacher : Who is absent today?
Mega : Marisha have not come yet, Miss.

Inquiring students’ absence

Teacher : Why is she absent?
Mega : I don’t know Miss.

Inquiring students’ readiness

Teacher : Well, lets start our lesson today. Are you ready, student?
Student : Of course Miss.
Teacher : Ikhsan, clean the whiteboard, please!
Ikhsan : Yes Miss.

Teacher : Thanks for cleaning the whiteboard, Ikhsan.

Inquiring the previous lesson

Teacher : Do you still remember our last discussion?
Nurul : Our last discussion Chemical Bond Miss.

Recalling/ reviewing the previous lesson

Teacher : Yes, right Nurul. Our last discussion was about Chemical bond. Did
you remember what is the Chemical Bond?
Imah : I’m Miss. Chemical bond is the interaction of tensile forces between
two atoms or mulecules that cause a diatomic or polyatomic compound
to be stable.

Giving remarks
Teacher : Very good Nurul and Imah give applause for them (applause)

Getting the book out

Teacher : Gets your book out, please.
Student : Yes Miss.

Stating the day’s topic

Teacher : Our today’s discussion about The Bonding and Physical Properties, the
Physical properties influenced by intermolecular forces. Who know
what The Bonding and Physical Prperties?
Student : (no sound)
Desma : I’m Miss.
Teacher : Yes Desma. Please!
Desma : The Predict the bonding and physical properties are characteristics that
do not involve a change in a sample’s chemical makeup.

Giving remaks
Teacher : Yes. Right. Anyone else?
Student : (no sound)
Teacher : Nobody? Well, that’s right. To Predict the bonding and physical
properties by using physical properties influenced by intermolecular

Inquiring student’s being late

Marisha : Excuse me, sorry Miss. I am late
Teacher : Why are you late marisha?
Student : Because the missed the bus
Teacher : All right, sit down please

Teacher : Next time, please be on time marisha

Teacher : Ari, please help me to connect them
(view the vidio)

Asking opinion
Teacher : Do you have any opinion? Why we was lesson about? Student, what do
you think?
Student : Nothing Miss.
Teacher : Nobody?
Explaining the significance of the lesson
Teacher : The benefit to learning about the by studying predict the effect of
different types of bonding (ionic bonding, covalent bonding, hydrogen
bonding, other intermolecular interactions, metallic bonding) on the
physical properties of substances. The physical properties include
biling point, surface tension, surface wetting, and viscosity.

Setting goals and objective

Teacher : At the end of this session, you’ll be able to These physical properties
include biling point, surface tension, surface wetting, and viscosity.

Limiting the scope of the topic

Teacher : We will focus our discussion on several topic. These are (showing
concept map). To star our lesson I want all of you look this concept

Checking understanding
Teacher : Do you get the point?
Student : Nothing Miss.

Teacher : Okay, let’s discuss topic two. Make 4 groups

Finding the page

Teacher : Open your worksheet please. Page 4. There are some question that you
must answer after discussion later.

Showing the position on a page

Teacher : To answer the question you can look at the worksheet. Well you have
15 minutes to discussion.
(student are discussing)

Requiring attention
Teacher : Your attentions, please.

Teacher : I want to inform you that I was disappointed with the result of your test
last week. Only one person who passed the test last week. The highest
value obtained Desma.

Teacher : Congratulation on your achievement, Desma
Desma : Thanks Miss.

Motivating student
Teacher : If you have more practice, you’ll improve. I’m sure
(student are continue discussing)

Asking possibility
Teacher : Okay, time for discussing is over. You have discussed the factors the
Physical Bonding, so I have a question for you guys, How to the
characteristic of the physical nature of the bond?
Risma : The predict states that, for the boiling point of a substance indicates the
amount of energy needed to overcome intermolecular forces, In liquid
sunstance, the molecules than the surfaces are surrounded by fewer
molecules than the ones below the surface, Surface wetting is the
spreading of a liquid across a surface to from a thin layer and
Intermolecular forces affect the viscosity of a liquid substance.

Asking causes
Teacher : What are the causes of that?
Risma : According to the Physical bonding, the explore the rolesof
intermolecular forces in determining several physical properties of
molecular substance (elements and compounds).

Expressing dissatisfaction
Teacher : Not bad. But I think there is a better answer. Any else?
Mega : According to the factors Physical bonding, These physical properties
include biling point, surface tension, surface wetting, and viscosity.

Teacher : Agreed, give applause for Risma and Mega (student applause)

Teacher : Do you think that the Bonding and Physical Properties to understand?
Risma & Mega: Yes, I think so Miss.

Teacher : Who wants to come forward to do the result of group discussion?
Nurul : I,m Miss
Teacher : Come in front of the class, Nurul.

Using the whiteboard

Teacher : Write your answer on the whiteboard

Teacher : How about using the hydrogen bond form?

Asking for opinions

Teacher : So what do you think of Nurul answer?
Student : Yes, Miss I’m agree with her.

Preparing the test

Teacher : Okey now I will test your comprehension about our lesson today. So
close all your books, please. And spread your sheet. Hurry up!

Distributing the book

Teacher : Please pass the paper to the back (student distributing the paper)
(student are exam)
Hasma & mega: (cheat)

Teacher : Hasma and Mega, work on your own please!
Hasma : yes Miss, I’m sorry.

Ending the exams

Teacher : Well, time is up. Stop working and collect your work, please.

Checking the student’s learning

Teacher : What was the topic we discussed today?
Student : Physical properties include boiling point, surface tension, surface
wetting, and viscosity.
Teacher : What does the bonding Physical Properties?
Student : bonding and Physical Properties influenced by intermolecular forces.
Teacher : Right

Asking relationship
Teacher : What about the relationship of Physical properties? We will learn next
week abaout it. So don’t forget to study at home .
Summarizing the lesson
Teacher : In short, the lesson today was about how to intermolecular forces and
factors physical properties include.

Asking the student to stop working

Teacher : The time is up, I think that’s all or today.

Home assignment
Teacher : Could you please do task 6 as homework?

Teacher : I’m sorry student Iwill not be able to attend our class in next work.

Teacher : I hope you enjoyed the lesson today. Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

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