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Upakarma – Veda Arambham

Utsarjana – Sastra Arambham

Complied by Prof. K. Ramesh


Sequence of Activities on Upakarma Day ........................................................................................................................... 3
Kamokarishit Japam ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
1. Achamanam.............................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Pavitra Dharanam ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Vighneśvara dhyanam .............................................................................................................................................. 4
4. Pranayamam ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
5. Kamokarishit Japa Sankalpam ................................................................................................................................. 4
6. Kamokarishit Japam 108 times ................................................................................................................................ 4
Madhyanhikam ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Brahmayajnam ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Maha Sankalpam ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
1. Achamanam.............................................................................................................................................................. 5
2. Pavitra Dharanam ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Vighneśvara dhyanam .............................................................................................................................................. 5
4. Pranayamam ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
5. Mahasankalpam ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
6. Prokshanam in place of taking bath ......................................................................................................................... 8
Yajnopaveeta Dharanam ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
1. Achamanam.............................................................................................................................................................. 8
2. Vighneśvara dhyanam .............................................................................................................................................. 8
3. Pranayamam ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
4. Wearing of New Punul .............................................................................................................................................. 8
5. Achamanam.............................................................................................................................................................. 9
6. Removing the old Punul ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Kandarishi Tarpanam ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
1. Achamanam (Wear pavitram) ............................................................................................................................... 9
2. Vighneśvara dhyanam .............................................................................................................................................. 9
3. Pranayamam ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
4. Kandarishi Tarpana Sankalpam ............................................................................................................................... 9
5. Kandarishi Tarpanam ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Śravana Homam .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Veda Arambham ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
End of the Veda Parayanam .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Gayatri Japa/Homa ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
1. Achamanam............................................................................................................................................................ 13

2. Pavitra Dharanam ................................................................................................................................................... 13

3. Vighneśvara dhyanam ............................................................................................................................................ 13
4. Pranayamam .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
5. Gayatri Japa/ Homa Sankalpam ............................................................................................................................ 13
6. Pranayamam .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
7. Gayatri Avahanam .................................................................................................................................................. 14
8. Gayatri Japam ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
Karanyasam ................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Anganyasam ............................................................................................................................................................... 15

Òyanm¯............................................................................................................................................................................ 15

Pancha Puja................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Japam or Homa 1008 times (Always chant Gayatri mantra with five pauses as indicated below) .......................... 15
Anganyasam ............................................................................................................................................................... 16

Òyanm¯............................................................................................................................................................................ 16

Pancha Puja................................................................................................................................................................ 16
9. Pranayamam .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
10. Gayatri Upasthanam ........................................................................................................................................... 16
11. Namaskaram....................................................................................................................................................... 17
12. Abivadanam ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
13. Samarpanam ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
14. Achamanam Wear pavitram ............................................................................................................................. 17
15. Abivadanam ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
16. Raksha ................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Establishing Agni for Gayatri Homa for Brahmacharins .................................................................................................... 18

Important References

1. A. Subbaraman, Upakarma Śravana Avani Avittam, 18A/9, 5th Cross, C.I.T. Colony, Mylapore, Chennai, 2010
2. Brahmaśri Anna, Sandhyavandanam, Ramakrishna Mutt Publications.1982.
3. Manjakudi Brahmaśri Venkatrama Sastrigal, Samkshepa Dharma Sastram, Heritage India Educational Trust,
Mylpore, Chennai, 2003.


This compilation has been verified by Brahmaśri Lakshmana Ghanaptigal and Brahmaśri Sivaramakrishna

Sequence of Activities on Upakarma Day

Upakarma means beginning or "Arambham", i.e., to begin the study of the Veda. Utsarjanam is giving up of the learning
of Vedas from Tai but learn the sastras and the cycle is repeated every year.

The mantras lose their veerya with their usage in the kamya karmas and also due to non adherence of niyama in chanting
them. Hence they become old (yatayamam – lost its power) and in order to regain their full glory, Upakarma and
Uthsarjana are to be done. Wearing a new punul is part of Upakarma but it is not only that.

1. After routine Sandhyavandanam and samidadhanam/aupasanam do "kAmo'karshIt..." japam preferably after 8:30 A.M
as it is a prayaschitta karma 2. Madhyanhikam 3. Brahmayajnam 4. Mahasankalpam in a congregation. 5. Bath after
Mahasankalpam 6. Wear the new punul by chanting appropriate mantras 7. Do Kandarishi tarpanam – you need some
akshata and tila for this 8. Participate in Śravana homa 9. Veda arambham.

Brahmacharis need to have vapanam done mandatorily on this day but Grihasthas should not do this on this day. The
sastric recommendation is to do take bath then do sandhyavandanam, smidadhanam and then do vapanam and take
another bath to do rest of the activities! Taking bath many times a day seems to have been a very simple activity in those
days! Wearing of new clothes, wearing of new mekalai, palasa dandam and krishnajinam (now not possible due to
Government regulations) etc. are recommended for Brahmacharis.

Thus wearing the new punul is just a miniscule activity on this day. The sankalpa you do on this day is quite elaborate
and it is more of a step towards self-purification to be fit enough to learn the Veda. It is recommended to do this in a
congregation as you openly ask for atonement for several types of papa – and one way of prayaschitta is to openly admit
the mistakes – although specific procedures exist for various kinds of papa. Bath after mahasankalpa is a must but rarely
done these days – you just do prokshanam by chanting “Apo Hishtha … “. Then you please the Rishis by doing a
tarpanam followed by a homa and then start learning the Veda. Normally on the day of pournami you are not supposed
to learn Veda – however Śravana pournami is an exception where you have to start the Vedic learning!

The karmas "kAmo'karshIt..." japam and Gayatri japam the next day are prayaschitta karmas and Sastra ordains to reap
full benefit it should be done in sangava kala – approximately after 8:30 A.M. Hence the sankalpa given here is
appropriate from 8:30 A.M onwards – only for this time scale the nakshatras, yoga and karana are mentioned.

Kamokarishit Japam
As we do not do Utsarjana karma these days, as an atonement for that lapse, chanting of this japam is ordained.

1. Achamanam 2. Pavitra Dharanam

The acharya needs to recite this
§)¼Ya Þm( h)ÛyWnIm(saEp)sï(. ¢m)æOÓdE)v| ¢m(æO)DEy(ÓnaE AÞt¤. while giving the pavitram along with
akshata to the karta.

A)n¥)ra)Dan¯÷h)¢vxa( v)¼Iy(Ót:. S)t¸£(vEm S)rd)Þsv£(ra:¡ Use pavitram made of two strands of

kuśa grass.

nvaE( nvaE Bv¢t) jay(ma)naE{þa+ÄðE )t¤â)xsa(mE)Ïyg#E+. The karta needs to recite this while
wearing the pavitram and put
Ba)gÓdE)vE×yaE) ¢v d(DaÏya)yÓp# c)Ód#ma+¢Þtr¢t d£)GImay¤(:¡ akshata on the head.

Put at least two strands of kuśa grass below the legs and wash the right palm. Keep at least two strands (even numbers)
of kuśa grass along with pavitram.

3. Vighneśvara dhyanam 4. Pranayamam 5. Kamokarishit Japa Sankalpam

(After sankalpa discard the loose darbha of yours in the North and wash both the hands)

mmaEpaäO - smÞt - d¤¢rt - Xy - ¹ara - ½£ prmEár - p#£ÏyTI|

S¤BE SaEBnE m¤h¥t©I Aaïb#'N: ¢¹t£ypraD©I áEtvrahkÚpE vWvÞvt mÓvÓtrE A¾a¢v|S¢ttmE k¢ly¤gE
p#TmE padE j|b¥¹£pE Bartvx©I BrtKÎfE mEraE: d¢XNE paá©I, Sa¢lvahn SkaÖdE A¢Þmn¯­ vtImanE

Ûyavha¢rkEp#Bva¢d-x¢¾s|vÏsraNa| mÒyE SavI¢rnams|vÐsrE, d¢XNaynE g#£Ým §t¬ kzkmasE

S¤²pXE p¬NImaÞya| S¤B¢tT¬ iÓѤ vasry¤³aya|, ½vN nXæOy¤³aya| Aay¤Ýman¯ yaEgy¤³aya|

Bd#a(till 9:25) / BvkrNy¤³aya| evÄñ^N ¢vSExN ¢v¢S¾aya| AÞya| vtImanaya| p¬NImaÞya|
S¤B¢tT¬ tWÝya| p¬NImaÞya| AÒyay uÏsjIn AkrN p#ay¢àäOaTI| A¾aEäOrSts|Áyya “kamaEkax£It¯­
mÓy¤rkax£It¯” i¢tmhamÓæO jp| k¢rÝyE.
6. Kamokarishit Japam 108 times

kamaE{kar¯÷x£+°maE) nm:. kamaE{kar¯÷x£Ïkam: kraE¢t nahÄðraE¢m kam: ktaI nahÄðtaI

kam(: kar)¢yta nah(Äðar)¢yta ex tE kam kama(y Þva)ha¡

mÓy¤rkar¯÷x£+°maE) nm:. mÓy¤rkar¯÷x£ÓmÓy¤: kraE¢t nahÄðraE¢m mÓy¤: ktaI nahÄðtaI

mÓy¤(: kar)¢yta nah(Äðar)¢yta ex tE mÓyaE mÓy(vE Þva)ha¡

If you have not learnt the above mantra then chant the following 108 times

kamaE{kar¯÷x£n¯ mÓy¤rkar¯÷x£n¯ nmaE nm:.

Pavitra visarjana (remove from the finger, remove the knot and discard it in the North) and do achamanam.

Madhyanhikam Brahmayajnam
Typically one does these at home and then join the congregation to do Mahasankalpam. Though Brahmayajnam is a
nityakarma – many don’t know how to do this. They have to do this at the congregation necessarily before
Mahasankalpam. One has to wear new pavitram for Mahasankalpam.

Maha Sankalpam
1. Achamanam 2. Pavitra Dharanam
The acharya needs to recite this
while giving the pavitram along with
§)¼Ya Þm( h)ÛyWnIm(saEp)sï(. ¢m)æOÓdE)v| ¢m(æO)DEy(ÓnaE AÞt¤. akshata to the karta.

Use pavitram made of two strands of

A)n¥)ra)Dan¯÷h)¢vxa( v)¼Iy(Ót:. S)t¸£(vEm S)rd)Þsv£(ra:¡ kuśa grass.

nvaE( nvaE Bv¢t) jay(ma)naE{þa+ÄðE )t¤â)xsa(mE)Ïyg#E+. The karta needs to recite this while
wearing the pavitram and put
akshata on the head.
Ba)gÓdE)vE×yaE) ¢v d(DaÏya)yÓp# c)Ód#ma+¢Þtr¢t d£)GImay¤(:¡
Put at least two strands of kuśa grass below the legs and wash the right palm. Keep at least two strands (even numbers)
of kuśa grass along with pavitram.

3. Vighneśvara dhyanam 4. Pranayamam 5. Mahasankalpam

mmaEpaäO smÞt d¤¢rtXy¹ara ½£ prmEár p#£ÏyTI|,

tdEv lg"| s¤¢dn| tdEv tarabl| cÓd#bl| tdEv.
¢vïabl| dWvbl| tdEv lXm£ptE: AHq¢G#y¤g| Þmra¢m¡

Ap¢væO: p¢væOaE va svaIvÞTa| gtaE{¢p va. y: ÞmrEt¯ p¤Îfr£kaX| s ba/a×yÓtrÜS¤¢c:¡

mans| va¢ck| pap| kmINa sm¤pa¢jItm¯. ½£ram-ÞmrNEnWv ÛypaEh¢t n s|Sy:¡
½£ ram ram ram¡
¢t¢T¢vIÝN¤: tTa var: nXæO| ¢vÝN¤rEv c. yaEgà krN| cWv svI| ¢vÝN¤my| jgt¯¡
½£ gaE¢vÓd gaE¢vÓd gaE¢vÓd¡
Aï ½£ Bgvt: Aa¢d¢vÝNaE: Aa¢dnarayNÞy A¢cÓÏyya Ap¢r¢mtya S³Ya ¢B#ymaNÞy
mhajl¬GÞy mÒyE, p¢rb#mmaNana| AnEkkaE¢z b#'aÎfana| ektmE AÛy³ mhdh|kar
p¦¢TÛyçOEjaE vay¤: AakaSa: AavrNW: Aav¦tE. A¢Þmn¯ mh¢t b#'aÎfkrÎfmÎfl© AaDarS¢³
Aa¢dk\maI¢d AnÓta¢d A¾¢dÂgjaEp¢r p#¢t¢¿tana| Atl ¢vtl s¤tl tlatl rsatl

mhatl patalaÁyana| sçOlaEkana| up¢rtlE; p¤Îyk]t¯ ¢nvasB¥t sÏytpaEjn mhÞs¤vB¤Iv:

laEkxz¯kÞy ADaEBagE mhanalayman P¢Nraj SExÞy shÞa# PNam¢NmÎflm¢ÎftE,
laEkalaEkaclEn vl¢ytE, ¢dÂd¢Ót S¤ÅfadÎfaEäO¢ØBtE, lvN, iX¤, s¤ra, s¢pI, d¢D, X£r,
S¤¼«dkaNIvWà p¢rv¦tE, j|b¥, ÔlX, SaÚm¢l, k[S, @¬|c, Sak, p¤ÝkraÁy, sÔt¹£pana|
mÒyp#dESE iÓd#, kSEâ tam#, gB¢Þt, p¤°ag, s¬Øy, gÓDvI, vâN, BrtaÁy nvKÎfm¢ÎftE,
mhamEâ ¢g¢rk¢NIkaEpEt, mhasraEâhaymaN, p·aSÏkaE¢z yaEjn¢vÞt£NI B¥mÎflE, s¤mEâ,
¢nxaD, hEmk\z, ¢hmacl, maÚyvt¯, pa¢ryaæOk, gÓDmadn, kWlas, ¢vÓÒyacla¢d
mhaSWla¢D¢¿tE, lvNsm¤d#m¤¢d#tE, Bart, ¢k|p¤âx, h¢r, ilav¦t, rØyk, ¢hrÎmy, k[â,
Bd#aá|, kEt¤malaÁy nvvxa©IpSaE¢BtE, lXyaEjn ¢vÞt£NI j|b¥¹£pE, Bartvx©I BrtKÎfE,
p#jap¢tXEæOE dÎfkarÎy, c|pkarÎy, ¢vÓÒyarÎy, v£XarÎy, vEdarÎy, nW¢mxarÎya¢d AnEk
p¤ÎyarÎyana| mÒyp#dESE, kmIB¥m¬ ÞvaØyv¢Ót k[âXEæOa¢d AnEk p¤ÎyXEæOE p¢rv¦tE B¥mÒy
rEKaya: uäOr¢dÂBagE, ramsEt¤ kEdaryaE: mÒyp#dESE, Bag£rT£, g¬tm£, k]ÝNvEN£, ym¤na,
nmIda, t¤|gBd#a, ¢æOvEN£, mlapha¢rN£, kavEyaI¢d AnEk p¤Îynd£ ¢vra¢jtE, iÓd#p#ÞT, ymp#ÞT,
Av¢Ótkap¤r£, h¢Þtnap¤r£, AyaEÒyap¤r£, mT¤rap¤r£, mayap¤r£, kaS£p¤r£, ka|c£p¤r£, ¹arka¢d
AnEk p¤Îyp¤r£ ¢vra¢jtE,( vEd½E¢N p¤ÎyXEæOE ) ¢vÓÒyaclÞy, d¢XN¢dÂBagE
(Specify the place)

(uäOr¢dÂBagE North of Vindhyas) skljgÏs¦¾¤: praDI¹yj£¢vnaE b#'N: p#TmE praD©I At£tE

¢¹t£ypraD©I p|caSdÖdad¬ p#TmE vx©I, p#TmEmasE, p#TmEpXE, p#TmE ¢dvsE, A¢þ ¢¹t£yE yamE
t¦t£yE m¤h¥t©I, Þvay|B¤v ÞvaraE¢cx uäOm tams, rWvt caX¤xaÁyEx¤ xzqs¤ mn¤x¤ Ûyt£tEx¤
sçOmE vWvÞvt mÓvÓtrE A¾a¢v|S¢ttmE vtIman© k¢ly¤gE p#TmE padE mEraE: d¢XNE paá©I
dÎfkarÎy© Sa¢lvahnSkaÖdE A¢Þmn¯ vtImanE Ûyavha¢rkE p#Bva¢d-x¢¾s|vÏsraNa| mÒyE

SavI¢rnams|vÐsrE, d¢XNaynE g#£Ým §t¬ kzkmasE S¤²pXE p¬NImaÞya| S¤B¢tT¬ iÓѤ

vasry¤³aya|, ½vN nXæOy¤³aya| Aay¤Ýman¯ yaEgy¤³aya| Bd#a(till 9:25) / BvkrNy¤³aya| evÄñ^N

¢vSExN ¢v¢S¾aya| AÞya| vtImanaya| p¬NImaÞya| S¤B¢tT¬¡
svIpap AphrN ¢np¤N ½£ prmEár p#£ÏyTI|, Ana¢d A¢vïa vasnya p#vtImanE{¢Þmn¯
mh¢t s|sarc@E ¢v¢cæOa¢B: kmIg¢t¢B: ¢v¢cæOas¤ yaE¢nx¤ p¤n: p¤n: AnEkDa j¢nÏva kEna¢p
p¤ÎykmI¢vSExEN, idan£|tn man¤ÝyE ¢¹jÓm¢vSEx| p#açOvt: mm jÓma×yasat¯ jÓmp#B¦¢t
etÏXNpyIÓt|, baÚyE vy¢s, k¬marE, y¬vnE, vaDIkE c, jag#t¯ Þvp" s¤x¤çyvÞTas¤, mnaE
va±ay åOanE¢Ód#y, km©I¢Ód#y ÛyaparW: s|Ba¢vtanam¯, ih jÓm¢n jÓmaÓtrE c rhÞyk]tana|,
p#kaSk]tana|, kam@«D laEBmaEh mdmaÏsyaI¢d¢B:, s|Ba¢vtana|, b#' hnn, s¤rapan,
ÞvNIÞtEy, g¤âtÚpgmna| tÏs|sgaIÁy mhapatkana| mhapatk An¤mÓt¦Ïvad£na|,
A¢tpatkana|, saEmyagÞT, X¢æOy, vWÜy vDad£na| uppatkana|, gaEvDad£na| smpatkana|,
majaIrvDad£na|, s|kl£krNana|, ¢@¢mk£z vDad£na| m¢ln£ krNana|, ¢n¢Ódt Dn Aadan
upj£vnad£na|, ApaæO£krNana|, mïgÓD AaG#aNad£na| ja¢tB#|SkraNa|, A¢v¢htkmaIcrN
¢v¢htkmIÏyagad£na|, p#k£NIkana|, åOant: sk]t¯ k]tana| AåOant: Ask]t¯ k]tana|, åOant:
AåOantà AÏyÓta×yÞtana| ¢nrÓtra×yÞtana|, ev| nvana| nv¢vDana|, bh¥na| bh¤¢vDana|
sv©Ixa| papana| ApnaEdnaTI| (AyaÇy, yajn, AsÏp#¢tg#h, ABXyBXy, ABaEÇyBaEjn,
ApEypana¢d) smÞt papXyaTI|BaÞkrXEæOE
(Mention the names of deities of temples as many as you know of)

A¢ØbkasmEt …Þva¢m s¢°D¬, dWvb#a'N s¢°D¬, AáÏTnarayN Þva¢m s¢°D¬,

æOy¢ÞæO|SÏkaE¢zdEvta s¢°D¬, ¢vnayka¢d smÞt h¢rhrdEvta s¢°D¬, Cayas|åOasmEt
s¥yInarayN Þva¢m s¢°D¬, mm smÞt papXyaTI| ½avÎya| p¬NImaÞya| AÒyayaEp@m kmI

k¢rÝyE¡ tdÄñ| upakmaIÄñ Þa"anmh| k¢rÝyE. Discard the loose dharbas in North-West. Keep the pavitram
over right ear if not going for actual bath – otherwise keep it in a clean place and wear it when required.

A¢t@\r mhakay kÚpaÓt dhnaEpm. BWrvay nmÞt¤×y| An¤åya| dat¤mhI¢s¡

ѤBa©Ijn Ѥralap ѤÝp#¢tg#h sØBvm¯. pap| hr mm ¢Xp#| jþ[kÓyE nmaEÞt¤tE¡
¢æOraæO| jaþv£t£rE p·raæO| t¤ yam¤nE. sï: p¤nat¤ kavE¢r pap| AamrNa¢Ótkm¯¡
gÄña gÄñE¢t yaE b#¥yat¯ yaEjnana| StWr¢p. m¤ÅytE svIpapE×y: ¢vÝN¤laEk| s gÅC¢t¡
Bath after mahasankalpa is a must but rarely done these days – you just do prokshanam by chanting “Apo Hishtha … “.
6. Prokshanam in place of taking bath

`. AapaE) ¢h ¿a m(yaE)B¤v(:. ta n( U)j©I d(Datn. m)hE rNa(y) cX(sE.

yaE v(¢ÜS))vt(maE) rs(:. tÞy( BajytE)h n(:. u)S)t£¢r(v ma)tr(:. tÞma) Ar(Äñmam v:.

yÞy) Xya(y) ¢jÓv(T. AapaE( j)ny(Ta c n:. ` B¥B¤Iv): s¤v(:¡

After bath wear madi vastram, apply vibuti and then do achamanam twice.

Yajnopaveeta Dharanam
1. Achamanam 2. Vighneśvara dhyanam 3. Pranayamam

mmaEpaäO - smÞt - d¤¢rt - Xy - ¹ara - ½£ prmEár - p#£ÏyTI|, ½¬t ÞmatI ¢v¢ht ¢nÏykmaIn¤¿an
yaEÂyta ¢s¼YTI| b#'tEjaE{¢Bv¦¼YTI| yåOaEpv£tDarN| k¢rÝyE
Wash your right palm and fingers with water.

4. Wearing of New Punul First one has to wear the new punul and then only remove the old ones. A Brahmachari
wears one punul and a grihastha two or three.

AÞy ½£ yåOaEpv£tDarN mhamÓæOÞy. prb#' §¢x:.(Touch the head - TH)¢æO¾¤p¯ CÓd:.(Touch the
nose - TN) prmaÏma dEvta. (Touch the chest with both hands - TCBH) yåOaEpv£tDarNE ¢v¢nyaEg:.
Take one punul on both your hands with the knot of Brahma mudichu on the right hand facing up and the left hand closing
the panchapatra, chant the following and wear the punul.

y)åOaE)p)v£)t| p(r)m| p)¢væO(| p#)jap(tE)yIÐs(h)j| p¤)rÞta+t¯.

Aa)y¤)Ýym(g)#Y| p#¢t(m¤· S¤)B#| y(åOaEpv£)t| bl(mÞt¤) tEj(:¡


5. Achamanam Repeat steps 4 and 5 until one wears two or three punuls as the case may be.
6. Removing the old Punul
After chanting the following mantra remove the old punul and smell it – so that the mantras that you have chanted with
that does not go away with it! – wash it with little water and discard it in the Northerly direction.

upv£t| ¢B°tÓt¤ j£NI| kÜmlÑ¥¢xt|. ¢vs¦ja¢m p¤nb#I'vca©I d£GaIy¤rÞt¤ mE¡

Kandarishi Tarpanam
1. Achamanam (Wear pavitram) 2. Vighneśvara dhyanam 3. Pranayamam

4. Kandarishi Tarpana Sankalpam

mmaEpaäO - smÞt - d¤¢rt - Xy - ¹ara - ½£ prmEár - p#£ÏyTI|, Aïp¥va©I³ evÄñ^N ¢vSExN

¢v¢S¾aya| AÞya| p¬NImaÞya| S¤B¢tT¬ AÒyayaEp@m kmaIÄñ kaÎf§¢x tpIN|k¢rÝyE¡

Wash your right palm and fingers with water.

5. Kandarishi Tarpanam Pour water along with akshata and tila as Rishi teertha three times. Punul as Niveeti

p#jap¢t| kaÎf§¢x| tpIya¢m. saEm| kaÎf§¢x| tpIya¢m.

A¢g"| kaÎf§¢x| tpIya¢m. ¢váan¯ dEvan¯ kaÎf§x£wÞtpIya¢m.

saw¢ht£d©Ivta: up¢nxdÞtpIya¢m. ya¢åOk£d©Ivta: up¢nxdÞtpIya¢m.

vaâN£d©Ivta: up¢nxdÞtpIya¢m.
Brahma Teertha: Water poured down
b#'aNwÞvy|B¤v| tpIya¢m. (Brahma Teertha) through the bottom of the palms.

sdsÞp¢t|tpIya¢m.Punul as Upaveeti
Keep pavitram over the right ear. Do Achamanam Wear pavitram.

Śravana Homam
It is very common to see in congregations that about 60% of the people leave after wearing the punul! The main purpose
of Avani Avittam comes only now! One starts with Vigneswara puja, followed by establishing Agni and then a Kalasa.
The Lords Varuna and Sage Vyasa are invoked in the kalasa. So it is a Vyasa puja by all Brahmins! One does basic
upacharas for them and then the homa proceeds. The rishis responsible for various chapters (khandas) have been
propitiated by tarpanam earlier and now they would be pleased by offering Aajya homa. It is a brief homa with 9 aahutis.

While the Agni is still on in the homa, Veda Arambham is initiated. One literally chants the first mantra of major chapters
and the idea is that one should take it up for further study then on. After the completion of Veda Arambham, Jayadi homa
is to be performed (about 55 Aahutis) for various devata and then the purnahuti is done. After purnahuti, punar puja of
the Kalasa is done and the water is sprinkled and also taken internally. All attendees should be with the pavitram for the
whole procedure as the Sastrigal does this physically as our representative.

A close observance of these will train all Brahmins on kalasa sthapana, AgniMukham and Jayadi (homa that gives victory
to one who does) – all these form the basics of smarta karma that one has to do in one’s life. It is unfortunate that the
importance of this has not been emphasized and the notion that Avani Avittam is a ritual to change the worn out punul
has caught on. This has to change for the benefit of the society and all attendees in such congregation should request
the Sastrigal to go slow on these so that others can observe the nitty gritty details and learn it over time rather than it is
being done at supersonic speed giving an impression that it is the job of the Sastrigal to do this in the fastest speed to
keep the attendees in good humor!

Veda Arambham

¡½£) g¤)â)×yaE) n)m): h¢r:AaE(4)m¯¡

1. h¢r:AaE(4)m¯¡ i)xE ÏvaE)j©I Ïva( va)yv(ÞÞTaE-pa)yv(ÞÞT, dE)vaE v(Þs¢v)ta p#a{pI(yt¤) ½E¿(tmay) kmI(N)

AaÔya(yd¯­ Òvm¢G"ya dEvBa)gm¥jI(Þvt£): py(Þvt£: p#)jav(t£rnm£)va A(y)ßma ma v(ÞtE)n iI(St)

ma{GSw(saE â)d#Þy( hE)¢t: p¢r( vaE v¦N³[ d¯­ D#¤)va A)¢ÞmÓgaEp(t¬ Þyat b)º£yIj(manÞy

p)S¥Ópa(¢h¡ (First mantra of Krishna Yajur Veda Samhita – in fact first four anuvakas are to be chanted. Abridged
version is given as per the book by Brahmasri Anna, Ramakrishna Mutt publications.)

2. D¥r(¢s) D¥vI) D¥vI(Ót)ÓD¥vI) t|yaE+{Þman¯ D¥vI(¢t) tÓD¥+vI) y| v)yÓD¥vaI(m)ÞÏvÓdE)vana(m¢s)

s¢Þa"(tm|)p¢p#(tm)¸¤ ¾(tm|) v¢þ(tmÓdEv)h¥t(m)-m»¤(tm¢s h¢v)¼aIn)Óèwh(Þv) maºa+¢mI)æOÞy( Ïva)

cX¤(xa)p#EXE) ma BEmaI s|¢v(ÀTa) ma Ïva( ¢hw¢sxm¯¡ h¢r(:AaE(3)m¯¡(Mantra from first kanda)

The number in the bracket indicates the matra kalam of chanting the letter ‘O’ – it has to be 4 matra kalas initially and at
the end 3 matra kalas – these are niceties. If followed will regulate once breath well.

3. h¢r:AaE(4)m¯¡ b#') sÓD(äO)ÓtÓmE( ¢jÓvtm¯. X)æOw sÓD(äO)ÓtÓmE( ¢jÓvtm¯. ix)w) sÓD(äO)ÓtaØmE(

¢jÓvtm¯. UjI)w) sÓD(äO)ÓtaØmE( ¢jÓvtm¯. r)¢yw sÓD(äO)ÓtaØmE( ¢jÓvtm¯. p¤¢¾)w)


sÓD(äO)ÓtaØmE( ¢jÓvtm¯.p#)jaw sÓD(äO)ÓtaØmE( ¢jÓvtm¯. p)S¥ÓÐsÓD(äO)ÓtaÓmE( ¢jÓvtm¯¡ h¢r(:

AaE(3)m¯¡ (First mantra of Ashtakam – Krishna Yajur Veda, Taittiriya Brahmanam)

4. h¢r:AaE(4)m¯¡ B)d#| kN©I(¢B: S¦N¤)yam( dEva:. B)d#| p(ÜyEma)X¢B)yIj(æOa:. ¢ÞT)rWrÄñW+Þt¤¾¤)vaw

s(Þt)n¥¢B(:. ÛySE(m dE)v¢h(t)| yday¤(:. Þv)¢Þt n) iÓd#aE( v¦)¼½(va:. Þv)¢Þt n(: p¥)xa

¢v)ávE(da:. Þv)¢Þt n)Þtaßya©I) A¢r(¾nE¢m:. Þv)¢Þt naE) b¦h)Þp¢t(dIDat¤¡ h¢r(:AaE(3)m¯¡

(First mantra of Arunam – Krishna Yajur Veda, Taittiriya Aaranyakam)

5. h¢r:AaE(4)m¯¡ s|)åOan|( ¢v)åOan(Øp#)åOan(¸a)nd(¢Bja)nt¯. s)ÄðÚp(manØp#)kÚp(manm¤p)kÚp(man)

m¤pkql¦^çOÄðql¦)çOm¯. ½EyaE) vs£(y Aa)yÐsØB¥(tØB¥)tm¯. ¢c)æO: kE)t¤: p#)Bana)BaÓÐs)ØBan¯.

ÇyaE¢t(Ýma)w)ÞtEjÞvana)tp)w)Þtp(°¢B)tp°¯(. raE)c)naE raEc(manÜSaEB)nÜSaEB(man:k)ÚyaN(:¡

dr¯÷Sa( è)¾a d(r¯÷S)ta ¢v)áã(pa s¤dr¯÷S)na. Aa)Ôyay(mana) Ôyay(mana) Ôyaya( s¥)n¦tEra+.

Aa)p¥yI(maNa) p¥yI(maNa p)¥ry(Ót£ p¥)NaI p¬+NIma)s£. da)ta p#(da)ta{{n)ÓdaE maEd(: p#maE)d:¡h¢r(:

AaE(3)m¯¡First mantra of Kathakam – Krishna Yajur Veda Taittiriya Brahmanam)

6. h¢r:AaE(4)m¯¡ p#)s¤)ÂmÓta( ¢D)ysa)nÞy( s)X¢N( v)rE¢B(vI)raw A)¢B x¤) p#s£(dt.

A)Þmak)¢mÓd#(u)By(¸¤jaEx¢t) yÐs¬)ØyÞyaÓD(saE) b¤baE(D¢t. A)n¦)X)ra §)jv(ÞsÓt¤) pÓTa)

yE¢B)ÞsKa(yaE)y¢Ót(naE vrE)ym¯¡ sm(yI)ma sØBgaE(naE ¢nn£ya)Ðs¸a+Þp)Ïyw s¤)ym(mÞt¤ dEva:¡

h¢r(:AaE(3)m¯¡ (First mantra of Ekagni Kanda – Krishna Yajur Veda Taittiriya Brahmanam)

7. h¢r: AaE(4)m¯¡ A)¢g"m£+LE p¤)raE¢h(t|, y)åOÞy( dE)vm¦)¢Ïvjm¯+. haEta+r| rÏn)-Dat(mm¯¡ h¢r(:

AaE(3)m¯¡(First mantra of Rig Veda)


8. h¢r: AaE(4)m¯¡ Ag") Aaya(¢h v£)tyE( g¦Na)naE h)Ûyda(tyE. ¢n haEta( s¢Ðs b)¢hI¢x(¡

h¢r(:AaE(3)m¯¡(First mantra of Sama Veda)

9. h¢r: AaE(4)m¯¡ S°aE( dE)v£r)¢B¾(y) AapaE( BvÓt¤ p£)tyE+. S| yaEr)¢BÞa#(vÓt¤ n:¡ h¢r(:

AaE(3)m¯¡(First mantra of Atharva Veda)

10.h¢r:AaE(4)m¯¡ ATataE dSIp¥NImas¬ ÛyaÁyaÞyam:. p#atr¢g"haEæO| h¤Ïva.

AÓymahvn£y| p#N£y. Ag"£nÓvadDa¢t. ngt¢½yaE{Óym¢g"| p#Ny¢t¡ h¢r(: AaE(3)m¯¡

(First sutra of ApastambaŚrauta sutram – this explains the agni karyas as mentioned in Vedas)

11.h¢r:AaE(4)m¯¡ AT kmaI¢N Aacaraïa¢n g¦/ÓtE. udgynp¥vIpXah: p¤ÎyahEx¤ kayaI¢N.

yåOaEpv£¢tna p#d¢XNm¯¡ h¢r(:AaE(3)m¯¡(First sutra of Apastamba Grihya sutram – this

explains the agni karyas to be done in one’s household)

12. h¢r:AaE(4)m¯¡ ATat: samyaca¢rkan¯ DmaIn¯ ÛyaÁyaÞyam:. DmIåOsmy: p#maN|

vEdaà. cÏvaraE vNaI:¡ h¢r(: AaE(3)m¯¡(First sutra of Dharma sutram – this explains the
Dharma Śastra)

13. h¢r:AaE(4)m¯¡ AiuN¯­ . §l¦kq. eAaEHq. eEA¬c¯. hyvrz¯. lN¯. MmHNnm¯.

JBM¯. GFDx¯. jbgfdS¯. KPCZT-cztv¯. kpy¯. Sxsr¯. hl¯.

i¢t mahEára¢N s¥æOa¢N¡ h¢r(:AaE(3)m¯¡ (First sutra of Vyakaranam)

14.h¢r:AaE(4)m¯¡ATataE b#'¢jåOasa¡ h¢r(:AaE(3)m¯¡ (First Sutra of Brahmasutra)

End of the Veda Parayanam (Keep the hands in anjali mudra and chant the following mantra thrice)

`. nmaE) b#'(NE), nmaE( AÞÏv)g"yE), nm(: p¦¢T)ÛyW, nm) AaEx(D£×y:.

(First mantra of second Praśna
of Krishna Yajur Veda Taittiriya
nmaE( va)cE, nmaE( va)cÞpt(yE), nmaE) ¢vÝN(vE b¦h)tE k(raE¢m¡ Aaranyakam)

Go back home with pavitram and youngsters need to be welcomed with aarati. Do namaskaram to the family puja altar
and then do Pavitra visarjana followed by Achamanam.

Gayatri Japa/Homa
1. Achamanam 2. Pavitra Dharanam
The acharya needs to recite this
§)¼Ya Þm( h)ÛyWnIm(saEp)sï(. ¢m)æOÓdE)v| ¢m(æO)DEy(ÓnaE AÞt¤. while giving the pavitram along with
akshata to the karta.

A)n¥)ra)Dan¯÷h)¢vxa( v)¼Iy(Ót:. S)t¸£(vEm S)rd)Þsv£(ra:¡ Use pavitram made of two strands

of kuśa grass.

nvaE( nvaE Bv¢t) jay(ma)naE{þa+ÄðE )t¤â)xsa(mE)Ïyg#E+. The karta needs to recite this while
wearing the pavitram and put
akshata on the head.
Ba)gÓdE)vE×yaE) ¢v d(DaÏya)yÓp# c)Ód#ma+¢Þtr¢t d£)GImay¤(:¡
Put at least two strands of kuśa grass below the legs and wash the right palm. Keep at least two strands (even numbers)
of kuśa grass along with pavitram.

3. Vighneśvara dhyanam 4. Pranayamam 5. Gayatri Japa/ Homa Sankalpam

(After sankalpa discard the loose darbha of yours and wash both the hands. Prayaschitta karma – start by 8:30 A.M)

mmaEpaäO - smÞt - d¤¢rt - Xy - ¹ara - ½£ prmEár - p#£ÏyTI|

S¤BE SaEBnE m¤h¥t©I Aaïb#'N: ¢¹t£ypraD©I áEtvrahkÚpE vWvÞvt mÓvÓtrE A¾a¢v|S¢ttmE k¢ly¤gE
p#TmE padE j|b¥¹£pE Bartvx©I BrtKÎfE mEraE: d¢XNE paá©I, Sa¢lvahn SkaÖdE A¢Þmn¯ vtImanE

Ûyavha¢rkE p#Bva¢d-x¢¾s|vÏsraNa| mÒyE SavI¢rnams|vÐsrE, d¢XNaynE g#£Ým §t¬ kzkmasE

k]ÝNpXE p#Tmaya| S¤B¢tT¬ B¬m vasry¤³aya|, ½¢v¿a nXæOy¤³aya| s¬BaÂy yaEgy¤³aya|, balv
(k¬lv After 9.38 A.M) krNy¤³aya| evÄñ^N ¢vSExN ¢v¢S¾aya| p#Tmaya| S¤B¢tT¬s|vÐsr-p#ay¢àäOaTI|
¢mÐyaD£t p#ay¢àäOaTI| daExvÏs¤ Aptn£y daEx¢nhIrNaTI| A¾aEäOrshÞa#s|Áyya gayæO£ mhamÓæO jp|
k¢rÝyE. (To do homa sa¢væya s¢mÐshÞa#| AaDaÞyE. tEn prmEár| p#£Nya¢n¡)
Establish Agni if one wants to do Homa. See appendix. Place the samit in Agni without swahakaram.
6. Pranayamam

p#NvÞy §¢x: b#'. (Touch the head - TH) dEv£ gayæO£ CÓd:. (Touch the nose - TN)

prmaÏma dEvta. (Touch the chest with both hands - TCBH)

B¥ra¢d sçO Ûya¶t£na| A¢æO B¦g¤ k[Ïs v¢s¿ g¬tm kaÜyp Aa¢ÄñrsO: §xy:. (Head)

gayæO£ u¢ÝNkq An¤¾¤p¯ b¦ht£ pHq¢³ ¢æO¾¤p¯ jgÏy: CÓda|¢s.(Nose)

A¢g" vay¤ AkI vag£S vâN iÓd# ¢váEdEva dEvta:. (Touch Chest with both hands)
p#aNayamE ¢v¢nyaEg:¡ Do Pranayamam 10 times.

7. Gayatri Avahanam – Prayer to Gayatri devi to occupy the lotus of the individual’s heart.

Mantra from
Aayat¤ i¢t An¤vakÞy vamdEv §¢x:. (Touch the head) An¤¾¤p¯ CÓd:. (Nose)
Upanishad; 293B
gayæO£ dEvta. (Touch the chest with both hands) gayæyavahnE ¢v¢nyaEg:¡

Aaya(t¤) vr(da dE)v£) A)Xr(| b#')s|¢m(tm¯. ga)y)æO£+ÉCÓd(sa| ma)tEd| b#(' j¤)xÞv( n:¡
Oh Devi,who can grant any boon, please come here to teach me the Truth established in Vedanta.

AaEjaE({¢s) shaE({¢s) bl(m¢s) B#ajaE(¢s dE)vana)ÓDam) nama(¢s) ¢vá(m¢s ¢v)áay¤)ÞsvI(m¢s

s)vaIy¤r¢BB¥raEÄñayæO£mava(hya)¢m. (Show the avahana mudra) sa¢væO£mava(hya)¢m. (Show the avahana

mudra) srÞvt£mava(hya)¢m. (Show the avahana mudra)

8. Gayatri Japam (Being an elaborate Japa doing of anganyasam, karanyasam are also seen in practice.)

sa¢væya §¢x: ¢váa¢mæO:. (Head) ¢nc¦d-gayæO£ CÓd:. (Nose)

s¢vta dEvta. (Touch chest with both hands)

tÐs(¢v)t¤vIrE+Îym¯ i¢t b£jm¯. Bga©I( dE)vÞy( D£m¢h i¢t S¢³:.

¢DyaE) yaE n(: p#caE)dya+t¯ i¢t k£lkm¯. mm ½£gayæO£ p#sad¢s¼YT©I jpE ¢v¢nyaEg:.


tÐs(¢v)t¤: b#'aÏmnE AÄñ^¿a×ya| nm:. vr+EÎym¯ ¢vÝN¤vaÏmnE tjIn£×ya| nm:.

Bga©I(dE)vÞy( âd#aÏmnE mÒyma×ya| nm:. ¢D)m)¢h) iIáraÏmnE Ana¢mka×ya| nm:.


¢DyaE) yaEn(: sda¢SvaÏmnE k¢n¢¿ka×ya| nm:. p#caE)dya+t¯ svaIÏmnE krtlkrp¦¿a×ya| nm:.


tÐs(¢v)t¤: b#'aÏmnE ¶dyay nm:. vr+EÎym¯ ¢vÝN¤vaÏmnE ¢SrsEÞvaha.

Bga©I(dE)vÞy( âd#aÏmnE ¢SKayW vxzq. ¢D)m)¢h) iIáraÏmnE kvcay h¤|.

¢DyaE) yaEn(: sda¢SvaÏmnE nEæOæOyay v¬xzq. p#caE)dya+t¯ svaIÏmnE AÞæOay Pzq.

B¥B¤IvÞs¤vraEm¯ i¢t ¢dÂbÓD:.

m¤³a¢vd#^m hEmn£lDvlÅCayW: m¤KW: æO£XNW: y¤³a¢mÓѤ¢nb¼rÏnmk[za| tÏvaTIvNaI¢Ïmkam¯.

gayæO£| vrdaByaÄð^SkSa: S¤B#| kpal| gda| SH¯K| c@mTar¢vÓdy¤gl| hÞtWvIhÓt£| BjE¡

Pancha Puja

l| p¦¢TÛyaÏmnE gÓD| smpIya¢m. h| AakaSaÏmnE p¤Ýpa¢N smpIya¢m.

y| vay¤vaÏmnE D¥pmaG#apya¢m. r| A¢g"yaÏmnE d£p| dSIya¢m. v| Am¦taÏmnE Am¦t| ¢nvEdya¢m.
S| svaIÏmnE sva©Ipcar p¥ja| smpIya¢m.
Japam or Homa 1008 times (Always chant Gayatri mantra with five pauses as indicated below)
(For homa after chanting Gayatri dip the samit in ghee or cow’s milk and just place it in Agni without Swahakaram)


B¥B¤Iv): s¤v(:. Arunam,

1stPraśna, 49
and 50th
tÐs(¢v)t¤vIrE+Îym¯. Panchadis;
Bga©I( dE)vÞy( D£m¢h.

¢DyaE) yaE n(: p#caE)dya+t¯.



tÐs(¢v)t¤: b#'aÏmnE ¶dyay nm:. vr+EÎym¯ ¢vÝN¤vaÏmnE ¢SrsEÞvaha.

Bga©I(dE)vÞy( âd#aÏmnE ¢SKayW vxzq. ¢D)m)¢h) iIáraÏmnE kvcay h¤|.

¢DyaE) yaEn(: sda¢SvaÏmnE nEæOæOyay v¬xzq. p#caE)dya+t¯ svaIÏmnE AÞæOay Pzq.

B¥B¤IvÞs¤vraEm¯ i¢t ¢d¢ÂvmaEk:.

m¤³a¢vd#^m hEmn£lDvlÅCayW: m¤KW: æO£XNW: y¤³a¢mÓѤ¢nb¼rÏnmk[za| tÏvaTIvNaI¢Ïmkam¯.

gayæO£| vrdaByaÄð^SkSa: S¤B#| kpal| gda| SH¯K| c@mTar¢vÓdy¤gl| hÞtWvIhÓt£| BjE¡

Pancha Puja

l| p¦¢TÛyaÏmnE gÓD| smpIya¢m. h| AakaSaÏmnE p¤Ýpa¢N smpIya¢m.

y| vay¤vaÏmnE D¥pmaG#apya¢m. r| A¢g"yaÏmnE d£p| dSIya¢m. v| Am¦taÏmnE Am¦t| ¢nvEdya¢m.
S| svaIÏmnE sva©Ipcar p¥ja| smpIya¢m.

9. Pranayamam
10. Gayatri Upasthanam – Request Gayatri devi to return to Her abode.

gayæO£ upÞTan| k¢rÝyE.

u)äOmE( ¢SK(rE dE)v£) B¥)Øya| p(vIt)m¥DI(¢n. b#a)'NE+×yaE /(n¤åOa)n)|

g)ÅC dE(¢v y)Ta s¤(Km¯¡(Stand up and chant with folded hands) Also chant the following.

¢m)æOÞy( cr¯÷xN£)D¦t)ܽvaE( dE)vÞy( san)¢sm¯. s)Ïy¢·)æO½(vÞtmm¯¡

¢m)æOaE jnan¯( yaty¢t p#ja)nn¯ ¢m)æOaE da(Dar p¦¢T)v£m¤)tïam¯.

3rd Kanda, 4thPraśna,
¢m)æO: k])¾£r¢n(¢mxa){¢Bc(¾E s)Ïyay( h)ÛyH­ G¦)tv(¢¹DEm ¡ 45th Panchadi; 122S

p# s ¢m(æO) mta©I( AÞt¤) p#y(Þva)n¯) yÞt( Aa¢dÏy) ¢SX(¢t v#)tEn(.

n h(ÓytE) n j£(ytE) ÏvaEtaE) nWn)mwhaE( AÜMaE)Ïy¢Ót(taE) n Ñ¥)rat¯¡

11. Namaskaram 12. Abivadanam
13. Samarpanam (Take little water in the hand and put it on the ground through deva teertha)

kayEn vaca mnsE¢Ód#yWvaI b¤¼YaÏmna va p#k]tE: ÞvBavat¯.

kraE¢m yïÏskl| prÞmW narayNayE¢t smpIya¢m¡

Keep pavitram over the right ear.

14. Achamanam Wear pavitram 15. Abivadanam

16. Raksha

A)ïa naE( dEv s¢vt: p#)jav(Ðsav£)-Þs¬B(gm¯. pra( Ѥ)ÝÝv¢p"(yws¤v.

Mantra from Mahanarayana
Upanishad; 295B
¢váa(¢n dEv s¢vt-ѤI¢r)ta¢n) pra(s¤v. yì)d#ÓtÓm) Aas¤(v¡
Pavitra visarjana followed by achamanam.

This compilation is done by Prof. K. Ramesh, IIT Madras. For any comments and corrections send it to
Sprinkle water – keeping the water in the palm and shake it to allow it to escape between
the fingers gracefully. Palm faces upwards.
Take water in the palm and put it on the floor with a force to cleanse the place. Palm faces
the floor.
Sprinkling water upwards by keeping the fingers joined using pavitram, mavilai etc. with a
view to sanctify/purify. Palm faces upwards.

Size of Samit and the mudra to be used for placing it on Agni

Measure of one
“ottai’ – this should
be the size of the
samit for homa.
Hamsee mudra to hold the samit

Establishing Agni for Gayatri Homa for Brahmacharins

Gayatri homa is usually done on the year of thalai avani avittam. However, acharyals recommend doing Gayatri homa
every year by both Brahmacharins and also Grihastas. Brahmacharins have to do it in lowkikagni and grihastas have to
do it on their respective Aupasanagni only. The new trend of samashti Gayatri homa finds no support in the Sastras. If a
grihasta is not doing Aupasana every day (this is the case mostly) – he has to do Vicchinna Agni Sandhanam, perform
sayamouapsana sahita pratar aupasanam and then do Gayatri Homa. The homa kunda will have paristaranam etc. for
a grihasta.

Brahmacharins have a very simple procedure for doing samidadhanam. On Gayatri Homa day let the Agni be established
in a more traditional way as mentioned below. Let Agni be brought by one’s mother and placed it on asanam (lines drawn
in the homa kunda by a samit) and the associated sastric procedure, place a small brass cup with only water on the
Eastern side of homa called praktoyam. Then do a parishechana as in Samidadhanam chanting “deva Savita prasuva”
and start doing Samidadhanam. On the same Agni, the Gayatri Homa can be continued. Instead one can do
Samidadhanam normally and use that Agni for placing it in the homa kunda and then do Gayatri Homa. Finally do
another parishechana by chanting “deva Savita prasaveehi”.

Please note the procedure has definite steps – clearly mentioned in Aapastambha Dharma Sutra and follow it as
meticulously as mentioned next diagramatically.

Preparation for Homa (Need two uddarinis! – instead one can use the brass cup meant for keeping it as praktoyam
can be used in place of uddarani-1 by having a small quantity of water to start with)
Keep the samit used for
drawing the lines on the
East Homa kunda with a layer of homa kunda. Do
sand or thavidu or rice 6 avokshanam using half of the
husk. Draw six lines on it water from uddarini-1. Take
using a samit in the order out the samit and discard it in
3 1 and along the directions the niruriti (south west)
shown. 4 direction after breaking it into
Wash your right palm and fingers.
Put the balance of water from
Mother can bring the Agni on a
uddharani-1 on the Eastern/
brass plate (not on varatti) to be
Northern side (mostly East) of
put in the homa kunda. Saying
the homa kunda and keep a
B¥B¤IvÞs¤vraE| establish Agni. small brass cup (praktoyam)
with water on the spot. Kindle
Put some akshata and one Agni to its full extent – put
uddarani water from uddarini-2 varattis and wood chips after
on the plate in which Agni was cleansing by a prokshanam
brought. with the vyahrutis.
Red hot thanal to be
directly put over the
Agnimidhva – keep a samit on Agni. Keep viragu varatti etc. Prajvalya
lines - considered as
– blow the Agni with a tube/samit (not directly) to kindle it.
asana for Agni.
Have all the 1008 samits counted and placed in appropriate plates. Do prokshana of all the samits before using it for the
homa. Have Aajya or cow’s milk in a silver cup and dip one end of each samit and place it on Agni after chanting Gayatri.

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