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A: I heard there's going to be a holiday next christmas

B: That's right.
A: What kind of holiday is it?
B: it's a day of the wizard’s holiday that takes the place in january and people give
gifts and it's the end of
A: Well, I hope you have a good time
B: You too

1. In my town it is tradition to celebrate the day of San Miguel where

fireworks are lit
2. In my town, the fire bull is a tradition, which consists of the accumulation of
people in a certain place and the fireworks are lit in the

3. In town it is a tradition to go mowing in the month of November until

January of the next year, where time is shared on the farms, with talks and

4. The coffee fair is very normal where people from other countries are
invited to taste our coffee

5. In my town it is normal the tradition that wherever you go they receive you
with a coffee tax

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