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A, Pola Direct vs Indirect ect and Indirect Speech Direct Speec! mengutip kata-katanya sebagaimana yang diucapkan Direct Speech indirect Sp tanpa mengutip kata-katanya sebagaimana adanya. Indirect Speech statement John said, "! will go to Bali tomorrow. \THAT + statement je John said that he would go to Bali the following day. ‘es /No Question } She asked, "Do you know the speaker's name?” } Asep asked, ‘Have you been to Bali?” JWHETHER? IF + Statement Je She asked me whether | knew the speaker's name. le Asep asked me if | had been to Bali. |WH - Question make many mistakes?” }> The teacher asked Jane, "Why did youe The teacher asked Jane why she had |WH -Statement made many mistakes. imperative [She said to the boys, "Sit down!” |TO INFINITIVE [She told the boys to sit down. legative Imperative She told me. "Don't speak!" \» “Don't be lazy!”, he said. INOT to infinitive + She told me not to Speak le He told me not to be lazy . #8. Perubahan-perubahan Perubahan pada Direct Indirect Pronoun I [She/He We They Possesive Pronoun |My Her/His Our Their Keterangan Tempat_|Here There. |Adverd of Place This That These Those Keterangan Waktu = |Now Then Today, That day Tomorrow The next day, The day after, The following da’ Yesterda The day before [Ago Before The day before yesterday __|Two days before Last The. -before Next The. after The following ‘Menguasai Matematika Dasar, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris: Sistem Kebut Semalam | 187 Direct Indirect Simple Present Simple Past Present Continuous Past Continuous Present Perfect Past Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Simple Past Past Perfect Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous ‘Simple Future Past Future Future Continuous Past Future Continuous Future perfect Past Future Perfect Future Perfect Continuous Past future Perfect Past Future Past Perfect Future Past Future Continuous Past Perfect Future Continuous, Catatan: Would, should, had better, might, used to dan could di dalam Indirect Speech tidak mengalami perubahan. Kata penghubung That boleh dihilangkan dalam Indirect Speech. CONTOH SOAL DAN PEMBAHASAN Soal1 | asked Bob ... A. where did he come from? C. from which he came. E. from where is she? B. from where was he coming? _D. where he came from 2S Jawab: Karena yang ditanya adalah asal Bob, maka kata sambungnya adalah “where”. Pola kalimatnya S1 + V2 + O + kata sambung + S2 + V2. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah “I asked Bob where he came from.” Jawab :D Soal 2 The tourist asked me ... A. where the nearest bank is D. which the nearest bank is B. the nearest bank E. that is the nearest bank C. where is the nearest bank? 2S. Jawab: Karena yang ditanya adalah alamat, maka harus disambung dengan conjunction “where”. Karena polanya affirmative (pernyataan), maka fo be “is” tidak diletakkan di depan subject, melainkan setelah subject. Dengan demikian pilihan yang benar adalah “where the nearest bank is” 188 | Menguasai Matematika Dasar, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris: Sistem Kebut Semalam Jawab : A Soal 3 The teacher asked the lazy student ... the English classes. A. why hadn't he attended C. thathe attended _E. how often he had attended B. when had he attended —_D. hadn't he attended 2S. Jawab: Kata sambung yang tepat adalah berbentuk question word (kata tanya). Kata ‘sambung yang tepat untuk mengisi adalah “how often” (seberapa sering). Jawab : E Soal4 The gril begged the robber ... A.don't take my money _C. not to take her money _E. didn’t take my money B. not taking her money _D. he didn’t take her money 2S. Jawab: Bila dikaitkan dengan maksud kalimat soal dengan semua pilihan yang ada, kalimat tersebut berbentuk kalimat perintah tidak langsung (imperative indirect speech). Polanya adalah S + V + O + to invinitive (untuk yang positif) dan S + V + © + not + to invinitive (untuk yang negatif). Jawaban yang tepat adalah “not to take her money” Jawab :C Soal 5 Iwan wanted to know ... A. from whom did Ari hear the news? D. from whom Ari heard the news. B. the news Ari heard from whom? E. Ari heard the news from whom? C. who did Ari hear the news from. 2 Jawal Susunan kalimat pada soal berpola embeded question (kalimat tanya tak langsung) yang polanya harus mengikuti pola affirmative. Karena polanya affirmative, maka kata bantu “did” tidak dipergunakan lagi pada kalimat intinya. Penempatan kata tanya harus tepat di depan kalimat inti. Jawaban yang tepat adalah “Iwan wanted to know from whom Ari heard the news.” Soalé He asked me whether he ... my car to go to the party. A.borrow B.might borrow C.ought to borrow D.may borrow E.would borrow Jawab :D 2 Jaw: Pernyataan “He asked me” mengaharuskan kalimat indirect yang mengikuti dalam bentuk past. Pernyataan kalimat langsungnya adalah “May | borrow your car to go to the party?”. Modal “may” berubah menjadi “might” dalam pola affirmative. Jawab :B ‘Menguasai Matematika Dasar, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris: Sistem Kebut Semalam | 189

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