Standard Activity 10

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Standard Activity 10.45.

Skylar A Tomblin
West Virginia State University
Educ 650- Dr. Burdette
When collaborating with Superintendent Mr. O’Brien, he immediately shared his plans

for improvement in each school within the KPBSD. The following is a list of members on the

School Improvement Plan Team. As I did not get to know these members personally due to

meetings being held virtually because of the COVID-19 pandemic, I was able to explore the

KPBSD website to find the position held by each member.

Participation Levels, Expertise, and Level of Agreement:

● John O’Brien- Superintendent of Schools

● Dave Jones- Assistant Superintendent

● Nate Crabtree- Director of Human Resources

● John Pothast- Director of Innovation & Strategic Planning

● Liz Hayes- Director of Finance

● Tim Vlasak- Director of Schools & Compliance

● Dr. Christine Ermold- Director of Professional Learning & Federal Programs

● Clayton Holland- Director of Student Support Services

● Pegge Erkeneff- Director of Communications, Community, & Government Relations

● Kevin Lyon- Director of Planning & Operations

● Eric Soderquist- Director of Information Services

● One Administrator from each school in the district

Process Used:
Due to the pandemic, I was unable to learn the process the SIP Team used when presenting

ideas, concerns, etc.

Recommendations Used:

By looking at the makeup of the team, I would recommend adding parent involvement

within the SIP Team. Sometimes parents have ideas, or concerns that faculty and administration

didn’t know existed. I also think it would be a good idea to appoint 1 service and 1 professional

personnel from each school within the district. I feel like the team is a great variety of leaders

within the district, but we need more members who witness the concerns every day, and those

people are the teachers, cooks, custodians, bus drivers, parents, etc.

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