TK16 - FINAL REPORT - Manufacture

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5.1. Market Analysis
5.1.1. Market Segmentation
Market segmentation is dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers
who have distinct needs, characteristics, or behavior and who might require
separate products or marketing mixes. Market segmentation is done to define
target, capacity of the production, and the plant location. Market segmentation are
defined by four classification, which are geographic, demographic,
psychographic, and behavioral segmentation.
Geographic segmentation is the segmentation which divides customers
based on geographical areas and for this product, segmentation is divided by
provinces of Indonesia. Indonesia is known as one of many countries that produce
large amount of fruits with good quality, but not every region produces same
amount of fruits. Because of that reason, the market segmentation is based on
some provinces with highest amount of fruit production per year.
Table 5.1 Amount of Fruit Production in Indonesia

Amount in Percentage compared to

Indonesia total amount of fruits

Mango 1,814,540 9.89

Banana 7,007,117 38.20
Siam Orange 2,014,206 10.98
Durian 735,419 4.01
Total of Fruits
11,571,282 63.09
Total amount of
18,341,289 100
Fruits in Indonesia
(Source: Badan Pusat Statistik)

Before comparing region of Indonesia that is potentially become the target,

type of fruit production should be compared first due to know type of fruits that is
dominating in Indonesia. From the table above, the amount of Mango, Banana,
Siam Orange, and Durian can be representative as dominant fruit production in

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Indonesia on 2016. So, to determine geographic segmentation, those types of fruit

production will be the parameter.
Table 5.2 Amount of certain kind of fruit production in certain region

  Mango Banana Durian Total
East Java 655,692 1,865,772 837,369 201,687 3,560,520
Lampung 21,359 1,517,004 8,373 28,481 1,575,217
West Java 260,106 1,204,083 27,161 56,662 1,548,012
Central Java 334,596 591,649 21,144 74,969 1,022,358
North Sumatera 21,499 137,886 459,149 74,811 693,345
4,399 72,848 124,202 1,690 203,139
(Source: Badan Pusat Statistik)
From table above, East Java is dominating fruit production in Indonesia
with 3,560,520 tons/year in 2016. The next provinces after east java are Lampung,
West Java, and Central Java with similar number of amounts. Therefore, to
distribute biocharcoal fertilizer product, Java Island region is chosen. Java Island
is chosen because it is a metropolitan area with big population and has high
amount of fruit production in almost all of the provinces. So, it will be promising
to be target market besides of the easiness to obtaining raw material from farmers
or distributor.
Demographic segmentation is the segmentation that divides customers
based on demographic values such as age, gender, family size, family life cycle,
income, occupation, education, religion, race, generation, social class and
nationality. Based on survey in previous assignment, the target market customer is
farmer and people who are interested in fruit production from age 20 to above and
unlimited gender.
For psychographic segmentation, the target will be farmer or people who
are interested in fruit production who are healthy psychologically and the
segmentation does not conclude behavioral classification. So, the conclusion of
market segmentation is on the table below.

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Table 5.3 Market Segmentation

Market Segmentation Target Market

Geographic Java Island
Farmer and people who are interested in
fruit production
Psychographic Healthy psychologically people
Behavioral -
5.1.2. Demand-Supply Estimation
After knowing the market target for production distribution, then the next
step is to approach the amount of demand-supply estimation of the product.
Because the product is a replacement of NPK fertilizer, the demand-supply data
can be based on NPK fertilizer data. According to Indonesia Fertilizers Producers
Association, demand-supply data is stated in table below:
Table 5.4 Supply-Demand of NPK Fertilizer

Supply Demand
2014 2,716,098 2,672,052
2015 3,001,087 2,705,807
2016 2,764,687 2,933,716
2017 3,282,957 2,597,586
2018 3,159,966 2,802,246
(Source: Indonesia Fertilizers Producers Association)
From the table above, in last five years, almost every year supply of NPK
fertilizer is exceeded the demand (except 2016 and 2017) and in 2018, which is
the latest and the most accurate data that can be used, the supply is exceeded
demand in amount of around 300,000 tons. Although the data of last year tells that
the supply is already enough, according to Achmad Sigit, Acting Director General
of Agro Ministry of Industry, says that the escalation of demand of NPK fertilizer
could rise by 7-8% per year for the next 3-5 years and some fertilizer producers
are considering to expand the distribution globally by exporting. So, from that
fact, the biocharcoal fertilizer product still has chance to compete in fertilizer

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5.2. Production Capacity

5.2.1. Benchmarking of the Product Capacity
Based on benchmarks with Petrokimia Gresik companies, the production
capacity of Phonska fertilizer (fertilizer with Nitrogen, Potassium, and
Phosphorus) is 600,000 tons/year and the product capacity of K2SO4 fertilizer is
20,000 tons/year. the capacity is in large amount because Petrokimia Gresik is a
large company and one of the most trusted and famous fertilizer company in
5.2.2. Deciding the Product Capacity
Based on Indonesia Fertilizers Producers Association data that shows the
supply already exceeded the demand, the only chance to produce new brand is to
take place of other supplier.
Due to time needed to build and prepare for the plant, it is predicted that
manufacturing operation will start in 2021. Therefore, the future of economical
and technological condition in the market at that time should be forecasted. By
inferring from previous data provided by Asian Development Outlook 2019, the
market condition during operation can be analysed. From the perspective of
economy, Indonesia will grow fairly stagnant in two years. The inflation rate will
increase insignificantly too.

Figure 5.1 Indonesian Growth forecast

(Source: Asian Development Bank. Asian Development Outlook 2019)

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Figure 5.2 Indonesian Inflation forecast

(Source: Asian Development Bank. Asian Development Outlook 2019)

Determining capacity of Biocharming manufacture needs projected data of
supply and demand at time of plant operation. From the data, it is predicted that
that there will be oversupplied in 2021. In that case, the product must be
competitive enough to win the market.

Figure 5.3 Indonesian Supply Demand forecast

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The biocharcoal fertilizer is quite new to some people in Indonesia, so

many of them is lack of knowledge of it. Therefore, because of lack knowledge of
biocharcoal fertilizer, the chance to produce new brand is taking place of other
supplier in fertilizer market, and the product is aimed only at fruit producer which
is not the majority kind of plant production in Indonesia, it is safer to produce in
such a low capacity. The production capacity if shown in table below
Table 5.5 Product Capacity

-420,000 tons
Margin of Demand-Supply
(Supply exceeded Demand)
335 days/year
Working Time 15 hours/day
7.5 hours/shift
Dosage per Package 10 kg
122.6 tons/year
Product Capacity 1.366 tons/day

5.3. Manufacturing Process

5.3.1. General Description of The Process Product Description
Biocharming is brand product that provides fortified biocharcoal and
foliar product to boost plant and fruit development that concern with nature. The
main product, fortified biocharcoal doesn’t only provide nutrition for plant growth
but also retains water, prevent nutrient loss, and prevent pollution from excessive
application of chemical.

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Main Product:
Fortified Biocharcoal

Side Product:
Biocharming Foliar

Figure 5.4 Product Description Block Flow Diagram Description

Generally, there are four steps to manufacture Biocharming. The first one
is mixing of raw active agents that work to increase fruit production and induce
growth in plant. The raw material mixed in this process are Potassium Nitrate,
Copper ion, and Zinc ion. After that, the solution is used as immersion liquid in
impregnation step. Biocharcoal is immersed in this solution to allow active agents
penetrate biocharcoal pore. This process is carried on as batch. Then the product
is withdrawn and separated. The impregnated biocharcoal is the main product of
Biocharming, while the remaining liquid become side product, Biocharming
Foliar. The main product is then dried to reduce its mass by releasing surface
water. After that, it is packed and ready to be distributed.
From this whole process, two products are obtained. The first one is
impregnated biocharcoal from impregnation process. This product has capability
to retain water and release nutrients for plant in designated period of time, due to
the physical property of biocharcoal. As a result, using impregnated biocharcoal
will minimize nutrients loss in plant. The side product is remaining liquid from
separation of impregnation product. It will become a foliar that can be applied to
plant by spraying it onto leaves and other part of plant. It will boost fruit
fertilization. The process described above is summarized in block flow diagram.

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Figure 5.5 General Description of The Process

5.3.2. Detail Description of The Process Mixing process
Mixing process is a process in which solid raw material is diluted to
desirable concentration. The product of mixing will be used as immersion liquid
in impregnation step. When the operation starts at the first time, the amount of
water is calculated to fulfill capacity of impregnation tank. After that, the recycle
solution that is separated from impregnated biochar is used again to make
immersion liquid.


Potassium Nitrate Mixing Immersion

powder Time = 0,5 hour liquid

Micronutrients: Cu(II),
Zn(II) Recycle

Figure 5.6 Mixing Process Diagram

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9 Impregnation Process

Impregnation process is a process in which biocharcoal soaked in plant
nutrients liquid. This process aims to create biocharcoal product that carry
nutrients for plant and perform controlled release fertilizing via desorption
mechanism. The principle used in this step is adsorption.
 Modelling Used in Process
In order to evaluate time and amount of sorbate in biocharcoal, the model of
this process is based on kinetic and thermodynamic study done by Chen, et al.
(2011) and Zhao, et al.(2018). They both find that Nitrate ion, Zinc ion, and
Copper ion adsorption fits the model of chemisorption mechanism. The kinetic
model that fits this process is pseudo second order that based on assumption that
chemical reaction is the limiting rate[ CITATION Mck97 \l 1057 ]. This is further
confirmed with its isoterm adsorption model that fits Langmuir model. Langmuir
model assumes that monolayer adsorption onto a homogeneous surface with no
interactions between the adsorbed molecules.
To obtain time for batch process, these two governing equations are used,
each computes both thermodynamic and kinetic aspect. For the adsorption
isoterm, the equation used is Langmuir model:
k S max Ce
q e=
1+ k C e
While, kinetic model used pseudo second order reaction as such:
k 2 q e2 t
q t=
1+k 2 q e t
Where qe and qt are the amount of sorbate removed at time t and at
equilibrium (mg/g), k is Langmuir constant(L/mg), Smax is Langmuir maximum
capacity(mg/g), Ce is equilibrium concentration of solution (mg/L), k2 is pseudo
second order kinetic constant(g/mg.h) and t is time(h).
 Consideration for Raw Material
The raw material used in this process is biochar made from corn residue
which is processed by pyrolysis at 600°C. The reason of this selection is based on
various study which support its superior adsorption capability. Chen, et al.(2011)
show corn residue has higher Cu(II) and Zn(II) adsorption capacity in compare to
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hardwood. While, Zhao, et al.(2018) show that nitrate adsorption of corn residue
is highest compared to cotton stalk and peanut shell. It also has surface area of
527 m2/g, which is one of the highest amongst agricultural residue and waste
water[ CITATION Hon17 \l 1057 ].
 Consideration for Operating Condition
Impregnation step is carried on per batch. Adsorption is the principle of this
step, which requires several amount of time to occur. The operating condition
which is considered here includes pH, time of batch reaction, and temperature.
 pH consideration
The consideration of pH used is based on previous study mentioned. The
investigation that is conducted of pH effect on adsorption of the main active
ingredients of our product is presented in chart below.

pH vs Adsorption Capacity
12 Nitrate adsorption(mg/g) copper adsorption(mg/g)
zinc adsorption(mg/g)
adsorption capacity(mg/g)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 5.7 pH vs Adsorption Capacity Graphic of each nutrients

The adsorption of nitrate is more favorable at low pH because there is no

competition with high affinity ion such as OH -, meanwhile the metal ion like
copper and zinc is more favored at high pH due to its positive charge. In order to
optimize both conflicting process, pH 5 is selected as optimum condition to run
 Sorbent dosage considerability
The amount of biochar in the solution should be determined beforehand to
design ratio of input in this process. The consideration is based on the amount of
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biochar dose which satisfy both capacity of production and the effect of adding
biochar to its adsorption capacity. From the simulation in excel that acquire data
from Chen, et al.(2011) and Zhao, et al.(2018) study, the amount of sorbent that
should be used is decided to be 4g biochar/L solution.

Adsorption vs Biochar dose

Nitrate adsorption Linear (Nitrate adsorption)
copper adsorption Linear (copper adsorption )
zinc adsorption Linear (zinc adsorption)

10 f(x) = − 0.5 x + 12.5

5 f(x) = 0.53 x + 5.2

f(x) = − 0.25 x + 4.27
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
Biochar concentration[g/L]

Figure 5.8 Adsorption vs Biochar Dose Graphic of each nutrients

Increasing biocharcoal is negative to metal adsorption as the aggregation of

biocharcoal hinder metal adsorption to its surface.
 Time of batch reaction
Time for batch reaction considers two aspects: the production capacity and
the desired ingredients of biochar product. It is desirable that nitrate concentration
in biochar ratio toward micronutrients is 3:1:1. Simulation show that at 6 hour,
nitrate has achieved this desirable ratio with completion to equilibrium >80%.
While, the production capacity demands as quick as possible reaction time. In that
case, 6 hour is decided as ideal for this process.

Time Simulation of Biochar Adsorption

Nitrate copper zinc
adsorption qt[mg/g]

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

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Figure 5.9 Time Simulation of Biochar Adsorption of each nutrients

 Temperature consideration
Both studies used in this consideration has shown that adsorption is
endothermic reaction. However, the increase of temperature is insignificant so that
the process will be carried on in room temperature, around 20°C-25°C.
 Mass balance of Impregnation

To Dryer
REACTOR Impregnated
Biocharcoal T=20°C-25°C Biocharcoal
Time=6 hour To Separator And

Solution Of Nitrate, Remaining

Cu(II), And Zn(II) Solution

Figure 5.10 Mass Balance of Impregnation Process Drying
During impregnation process, it is assumed that not only active agent
(ions) which adhere the pore surface of biocharcoal. Some of the water also sticks
onto the surface of the biocharcoal. As a result, to reduce its mass, drying process
needs to be done. To removed the water, fan conveyor dryer is used.

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Impregnated Room temperature
Water Vapor

Dried Impregnated

Figure 5.11 Drying Block Diagram Packaging
Packaging process is a process in which impregnated biocharcoal is
packed to be further distributed. Dried impregnated biocharcoal is wrapped in
plastic which has been branded with Biocharming brand. In this process it is
assumed that there is no mass loss. The plastic mass is negligible(<1% mass of
biocharcoal product).

Dried Impregnated

Main Product

Plastic Branded

Figure 5.12 Packaging Block Diagram

5.3.3. Equipment Selection
Based on the processes has been described, the equipment needed for this
production of the fertilizer

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14 Main Equipment

 Mixer

Figure 5.13 Mixing Tank

(Source: Makwell Machinery Co., LTD)

First Process of this production process is mixing. This machine is

needed to dissolve and mix all raw material such as KNO 3, Cu, Zn in the liquid
phase. This machine uses the principle of stirring of multi component until the
mixture is homogeneous.

Table 5.6 Specification of Mixing Tank

Application: Chemicals Processing

Brand Name: MAKWELL
Max. Loading Capacity: 25000L
Voltage: 220V/380V
Power (kW): 26
Dimension (L*W*H): 2500*2500*1250
Motor Power(kW): 26
Weight(kg): No information

(Source: Makwell Machinery Co., LTD)

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 Rotary Drum

Figure 5.24 Rotary Drum Mixer

(Source: Jhon R. Boone Co., LTD)

Second, next process is impregnation. This step is used rotary to increase

adsorption and avoid damage to the shape of bio charcoal for using impeller.
Rotary drum is an excellent choice of this process.
Table 5.7 Specification Rotary Drum Mixer

Application: Particles/Fertilizer agitator

Brand Name: Ailence
Max. Loading Capacity: 25000L
Voltage: 220V/380V
Power (kW): 26
Dimension (L*W*H): 5000*2000*1500
Motor Power(kW): 40
Weight(kg): 1200

(Source: Jhon R. Boone Co., LTD)

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 Vibrating Screening

Figure 5.15 Vibrating Screening Machine

(Source: Tianci Co., LTD)

A screening tool is used to separate solids with the liquid phase resulting
from the impregnation process. the selection of this tool is also so that the
separation process is fastest and the separation is done maximally.
Table 5.8 Specification Vibrating Screening Machine

Application: Screening
Brand Name: Tianci
Max. Loading Capacity: 3 ton/h
Voltage: 220V/380V
Power (kW): 26
Dimension (L*W*H): 3400*1500*2700
Motor Power(kW): 1.5
Weight(kg): 1850
(Source: Tianci Co., LTD)

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 Packaging Machine (Foliar)

Figure 5.16 Automatic Filling Machine

(Source:Rifu Machinery Co., LTD)

This tool is used to package our side product in liquid form. This
machine is excellent choice because this machine can work automatically fill,
sealing, and labeling so the process can be more efficient.

Table 5.9 Specification Automatic Filling Machine

Application: Filling, Wrapping, Coating, Sealing

Brand Name: Rifu
Max. Loading Capacity: -
Voltage: 220V
Power (kW): 1.6
Dimension (L*W*H): Under 2000 x 2000 x 2000
Motor Power(kW): 1.6
Weight(kg): No information
(Source:Rifu Machinery Co., LTD)

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 Belt Dryer

Figure 5.17 Belt Dryer Conveyor

(Source: Beltomatic Co., LTD)

This machine is used to decrease mouisture content with direct hot air
from steam. This machine is combined with the conveyor so that the process
can run more efficiently and dried evenly. The table below describe
specification of the belt dryer conveyor be used.

Table 5.10 Specification Belt Dryer Conveyor

Application: Heat/cool
Brand Name: Rifu
Max. Loading Capacity: 5 kg/s
Voltage: 220V
Power (Btu/hr): 120
Dimension (L*W*H): 750 x 4000 x 1500
Motor Power(kW): 1.6
Weight(kg): No information
(Source: Beltomatic Co., LTD)

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 Packaging Machine (sack)

Figure 5.18 Granule Packaging Machine

(Source: Zhengzhou Tianci Heavy Industry Machinery Co., LTD)
The final process is packaging the product results. The resulting product
is in the form of solid that you want to pack in a 10kg bag. This tool was
chosen because it was practical even though the process was not fully

Table 5.11 Specification Granule Packaging Machine

Application: Packaging
Brand Name: Zhengzhou
Max. Loading Capacity: 200 bag/h
Voltage: 220V
Power (kW): 2.2
Dimension (L*W*H): 2332×1225×1058
Motor Power(kW): 2.2
Weight(kg): 450
(Source: Zhengzhou Tianci Heavy Industry Machinery Co., LTD)

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20 Supporting Equipment

 Storage Tank

Figure 5.19 Storage Tank

(Source: Guangzhou Hundom Machinery Science and Technology Co., LTD)

This tank is used to store raw materials and recycled materials so that all
raw materials are protected from oxidation reactions caused by the surrounding
air, and keep substances to be used for a long time.
Table 5.12 Specification Storage Tank

Application: Storage
Brand Name: Hundom
Max. Loading Capacity: 300 L
Voltage: -
Power (kW): 2.2
Dimension (L*W*H): 750 x 750 x 750
Motor Power(kW): -
Weight(kg): No information
(Source: Guangzhou Hundom Machinery Science and Technology Co., LTD)

 Pump

Figure 5.203 Centrifugal Pump

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(Source: CTMP Co., LTD)

Pump is used to transfer water or chemical product from storage tank to

the main process like mixing process. This tool is used because position of the
machine in the different height and the process flow speed is quite weak
leading to a longer process.

Table 5.13 Specification Centrifugal Pump

Application: Centrifugal pump

Brand Name: Zhengzhou
Max. Loading Capacity: 300 L
Voltage: 380V
Power (kW): 110
Dimension (L*W*H): 200 x 150
Motor Power(kW): 110
Weight(kg): 1000
(Source: CTMP Co., LTD)

 Pipe

Figure 5.214 Pipe

(Source: Yaolong Metal Products Co., LTD)

The pipe is used for flow media in a liquid phase process such as the
process from the storage tank to the mixing process to the adsorption process.
pipes are also cheap and can be formed to be used to divide the flow.
Table 5.14 Specification Pipe

Application: Boiler pipe

Brand Name: Bao Steel
Material Stainles steel
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Power (kW): 2.2

Thickness: 1 until 4
Weight(kg): 450
(Source: Yaolong Metal Products Co., LTD)

 Conveyor

Figure 5.22 Belt Conveyor

(Source: YingDa Co., LTD)

Belt Conveyor is an excellent choice for an inexpensive and simple

method of moving product from one point to another. Because of the simplicity
of the flat moving belt, they can be used to move variety of product sizes,
shapes and weights effectively for long lengths with a single drive.
Table 5.15 Specification Belt Conveyor

Application: Belt conveyor

Brand Name: YingDa
Max. Loading Capacity: 1000t/h
Voltage: 220V
Power (kW): 24.3
Dimension (L*W*H): No information
Motor Power(kW): 24.3
Weight(kg): No information
(Source: YingDa Co., LTD)

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23 Overall Equipment

Table 5.16 Overall Equipment Details

Mixer Rotary Vibrating Drying Packaging Packaging Pump Conveyor Pipa Storage Tank
Drum Screening Foliar Biocharcoal
Power (KW) 26 4 1.5 3.5 1.6 3.2 110 1 - -
Capacity 25000 25000 L 3 ton 5 kg/s 20-60/min 200 bags/h 400 m^3/h 78 t/h - 30-100000 L
L (300 L)
Dimensi 2.5*2. 5x 2x 1.5 3.4x1.5x2.7 0.75x4x1 0.8x0.68x1.7 2.332x1.225x1. 0.2x0.15 0.4x5 0.4x1.6x 0.75x0.75x1.5
(LxWxH) 5*1.25 .5 5 058 1.6
Time (hour) 1 6 2.3 2.87 1 1 2 13.5 24 24
Price ($) 80000 30000 1600 25000 8000 10000 2000 3000 2800 1800
Quantity 1 3 1 1 1 1 6 3 5

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5.3.4. Process Scheduling

After knowing equipment and process for manufacturing,
scheduling is needed to count how much time used for manufacturing.
Times that being counted are the time for start up the machines,
preparation of the material, worker shift changing, and each of processes.
The detail per processes including preparation are:
 Preparation
Preparation includes worker presences and worker preparation takes 10
minutes and being done twice, material preparation that takes 10 minutes and
being done for three times, and machine starting up that takes 20 minutes.
 Machine Cleaning Up
Machine cleaning up is only being done when a process is done, so this
agenda will be done for eight times a day for eight different machines. This
agenda uses 10 minutes per machine.
 Mixing
In mixing, the timing is counted for the loading, unloading, and the process
itself. Mixing will be done for three times with interval 10 minutes per process.
One mixing process uses 40 minutes.
 Impregnation
Impregnation uses three machines and all of them uses 400 minutes but will
be done parallelly with interval 40 minutes because the mixing process of liquid
 Screening
Screening and the next processes will be done by the second shift. Screening
will take 60 minutes per process but will be 140 minutes in total due to three batch
of mixtures.
 Drying
Drying will take 72 minutes per process but will be 17 m2inutes in total due
to three batch of mixtures. Drying process will be done parallelly with the rest of
the processes.

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 Biocharcoal Fertilizer Packaging

Biocharcoal Fertilizer Packaging will take 100 minutes per process but will
be 200 minutes in total due to three batch of mixtures. Drying process will be
done parallelly with the rest of the processes.
 Foliar Fertilizer Packaging
Foliar Fertilizer Packaging will take 800 minutes per process but will be 180
minutes in total due to three batch of mixtures. Drying process will be done
parallelly with the rest of the processes.

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Figure 5.53 Gantt Chart of Scheduling

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Figure 5.64 Gantt Chart of Scheduling

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Figure 5.75 Gantt Chart of Scheduling

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5.3.5. Mass and Energy Balance of Manufacturing Process

The process of manufacturing incorporate many mass and energy
balance. In this section, mass balance of each process is evaluated then the
summary of process is presented at the end. While energy balance will be
calculated after the summary of mass balance. Mass Balance
Mass balance is calculated based on daily production capacity of our
manufacturing process. The mass balance equation is conducted in order to
discover production capability when it associated to raw material supply and
product distribution. So the supply chain flow can be evaluated carefully and
accurately. The input mass is referred as raw materials and output mass consist of
final product which is the fortified biocharcoal.
In this section, to determine the mass balance calculation, the important
information need to be summarized. The calculaton is based on previous
determination on production capacity:

Table 5.17 Manufacturing Capacity

Work days (1 year) 335 Days

Production Capacity (1 year) 122.6 Ton/year
Production Capacity (1 day) 0.366 Ton/day
Work Time 15 Hour
1 Batch Time Cycle 15  Hour
Total Batch Per Day 3  

Each process mass balance will be explained further in each subsection.

After that, the whole mass balance per batch will be summarized in a table.
 Impregnation
Impregnation is critical step in manufacture of Biocharming. In this step,
adsorption of active agent onto biocharcoal pore is done. The process of
impregnation in principle is done by shaking biocharcoal in immersion liquid. The
equipment which is selected to shake biocharcoal is rotary drum. The
consideration of the equipment is explained in equipment selection section.

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 Immersion Liquid Composition

During impregnation, it is important to know which initial concentration of
immersion liquid which gives optimum adsorption capacity. To obtain initial
concentration of each active agent in immersion solution, initial composition is
varied and plotted with y-axis is adsorption capacity. The model to plot the
equilibrium adsorption capacity is Langmuir model.
k S max Ce
q e=
1+ k C e
The constant parameter for each active agents is obtained from journal
mentioned above.
Table 5.18 Table of Smax of each component

Componen K (L/mg) Smax(mg/g)

Nitrate 0.0014 144.6
Cu(II) 0.682 125.2
Zn(II) 0.232 110.0
For nitrate, the variation of initial concentration is 1000 mg/L-10000
mg/L, while for Cu(II) and Zn(II) is 50 mg/L – 1000 mg/L. Here are the

Nitrate Concentration in Solution vs Adsorption Capacity

adsorption capacity[mg/g]

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Ce Nitrate [mg/L]

Figure 5.86 Nitrate Concentration in Solution vs Adsorption Capacity

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Copper Concentration in Solution vs Adsorption Capacity


adsorption capacity[mg/g]
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Cu concentration[mg/L]

Figure 5.97 Copper Concentration in Solution vs Adsorption Capacity

Zinc Concentration in Solution vs Adsorption Capacity

adsorption capacity[mg/g]

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Zn concentration[mg/L]

Figure 5.108 Zinc Concentration in Solution vs Adsorption Capacity

From the profile, the composition selected is based on criteria of 80%

toward maximum capacity. In this case, Initial concentration for immersion liquid
is presented in table below

Table 5.19 Concentration of each nutrients in biocharcoal

Component Concentration(mg/g)
Potassium Nitrate 4000
Copper (II) Ion 400
Zinc (II) Ion 400

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o Immersion Liquid Quantity

The quantity of immersion liquid relies on the maximum capacity of
equipment, the amount of biocharcoal, its dosage, and its density. The
parameter that has been determined before are presented below.
Table 5.20 Parameter of Immersion Liquid Quantity

Density of biocharcoal[kg/L] 1.5

Dose of biocharcoal[kg/L] 0.004
Maximum capacity [L] 25000

The amount of biocharcoal is determined by evaluating this mass balance

immersion liquid +biochar volume< maximum capacity
mass of biochar mass of biochar
+ <250000 Litre
biochar dose biochar density
The mass of biochar fulfilling the criteria is 95 kg. There is empty
volume to ensure uniform mixing. Immersion liquid per batch obtained is
23750 Liter. Total volume of input is 23813.3 Liter.

o Output Composition
The composition of output is dictated by kinetic equations. After the
amount of time needed per batch is determined, the amount of sorbates adheres
biocharcoal can be obtained.
The amount of concentration in equilibrium is decreasing in the amount
Ce=C0− q
v t
Where Ce is equilibrium concentration and m/v is biocharcoal dose. Qt is
calculated using pseudo second order kinetic equation:
k 2 q e2 t
q t=
1+k 2 q e t

Universitas Indonesia

The parameter is presented briefly below.

Table 5.21 K2 of each nutrients

Component K2(g/mg.h)
Nitrate 0.079
Cu(II) 0.003
Zn(II) 0.006

By carrying out the calculation. The output composition can be

determined as such.
Table 5.22 Biochar Sorbate Output Composition
Biochar Sorbate Output Composition
Nitrate 118.1847 mg/g
Cu(II) 84.6650 mg/g
Zn(II) 82.4577 mg/g

Table 5.23 Solution composition output

Solution composition output
Nitrate 3528.8322 mg/L
Cu(II) 79.3381 mg/L
Zn(II) 80.3233 mg/L

o Mass balance of Process

The mass balance of process finally obtained as such. It is assumed that
1% of biochar mass is water bound by biochar.

Table 5.24 Impregnation Drum

Impregnation Drum
Biochar 95.0000 Kg
Solution 23750.0000 Kg
Mass Product 123.0542 Kg
Remaining Water Mass 23721.9458 Kg
o Mixing and Splitting
The amount of raw material in mixing process depends on the
composition of immersion liquid. After judging thermodynamic aspects,
composition of immersion liquid is obtained. In a fresh mixer for the first
batch, recycle liquid from impregnation process is not yet included. So the
mass balance and composition balance is provided as below.

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Table 5.25 Mixing Batch 1

Mixing batch 1
Potassium nitrate 95 Kg
Cu(II) 0.9500 Kg
Zn(II) 0.9500 Kg
Water 23653.1 Kg
Solution 23750 Kg
Meanwhile, if impregnation had been carried out and the remaining
solution has been withdrawned, it is splitted into two streams. 10% volume of
the remaining solution become Biocharming Foliar product, while the rest is
recycled to next mixing process
Table 5.26 Spitter
Remaining solution 23721.9458 Kg
Foliar Solution 2372.1946 Kg
Recycle Solution 21349.7512 Kg

If the recycle solution is being fed back to mixing tank, then the mass
balance is adjusted. The composition of output is kept the same. In order to do
that, the fresh input will be decreased.
Table 5.27 Mixing Batch-N
Mixing Batch-N
Fresh Input
Potassium Nitrate 19.6603 Kg
Cu(II) 7.8062 Kg
Zn(II) 7.7851 Kg
Water 2400.2488 Kg
Recycle Input
Potassium Nitrate 75.3397 Kg
Cu(II) 1.6938 Kg
Zn(II) 1.7149 Kg
Water Remain 21349.7512 Kg

Table 5.28 Mixing Batch-N (Continued)

Mixing Batch-N
Universitas Indonesia

Solution 23750 Kg
Potassium Nitrate 95 Kg
Cu(II) 9.5 Kg
Zn(II) 9.5 Kg

o Drying
During impregnation process, it is assumed that not only active agent
(ions) which adhere the pore surface of biocharcoal. Some of the water also
binds onto the surface of the biocharcoal. In this process, all water evaporates.
Table 5.29 Dryer

Biochar 123.0542 Kg
Main Product: Fortified Biochar 122.1042 Kg
Water vapor 0.9500 Kg

o Packaging
Packaging process is a process in which impregnated biocharcoal is
packed to be further distributed. Dried impregnated biocharcoal is wrapped in
plastic which has been branded with Biocharming brand. In this process it is
assumed that there is no mass loss. The plastic mass is negligible(<1% mass of
biocharcoal product).
o Overall Mass Balance
The whole process mass balance can be summarized as here. The table
below use daily operating condition.
Table 5.30 Overall Mass Balance
Process Material Input (kg) Output (kg)
Mixing of Fresh Potassium Nitrate 19.6603 0
Immersion Fresh Cu(II) 7.8062 0
Fresh Zn(II) 7.7851 0
Fresh Water 2400.2488 0
Recycle Water 21349.7512 0
Recycle Potassium Nitrate 75.3397 0
Recycle Cu(II) 1.6938 0
Recycle Zn(II) 1.7149 0
Universitas Indonesia

Potassium Nitrate in
0 95.0000
Immersion Liquid
Cu (II) in Immersion Liquid 0 9.000
Zn (II) in Immersion Liquid 0 9.5000
Total Solution 0 23750
Potassium Nitrate in
95.0000 0
Immersion Liquid
Cu (II) in Immersion Liquid 9.5000 0
Zn (II) in Immersion Liquid 9.5000 0
Water solvent 23636 0
Biochar input 95 0
Potassium Nitrate in Biochar 0 11.2275
Cu (II) in Biochar 0 8.0432
Impregnation Zn (II) in Biochar 0 7.8335
Bound Water in Biochar 0 0.9500
Biochar output 0 95
Potassium Nitrate in
0 83.7108
Remaining Solution
Cu (II) in Remaining
0 1.8821
Zn (II) in Remaining
0 1.9054
Total Remaining Solvent 0 23634.4475
Total Remaining Solution 23721.9458 0
Splitting Recycle 0 21349.7512
Foliar Solution 0 2372.1946
Wet Biocharcoal 123.0542 0
Drying Water Vapor 0 122.1042
Dry Fortified Biocharcoal 0 0.9500 Energy Balance

In manufacturing process, energy balance should be calculated too in
terms of determining how much energy required in every process and every
day by using those equipment in our manufacturing are. The power usage is
based on equipment’s energy specification and duration of equipment
The calculation of energy balance is shown below.

Universitas Indonesia

Table 5.31 Energy Balance

Equipment Quantity Power per Working time Total
equipment per equipment power
per hour (hour) consumed
(kW) (kWh)
Mixer 1 26 1 26
Rotary Drum 3 4 6 72
Vibrating Screen 1 1.5 2.3 3.45
Drying 1 3.5 2.87 10.045
Packaging Foliar 1 1.6 1 1.6
Packaging 1 3.2 1 3.2
Pump 6 110 2 1320
Conveyor 3 1 13.5 40.5
TOTAL 1476.795

5.3.6. Performance Metrics

Performance metrics is a measure of how well a manufacture
process is operated. Some data is needed for determine performance from
mass and energy balance, and plant scheduling. Performance indicator is
calculated as follow.
 Throughput Time

This indicator explains the average time that product takes time to
move through all the system for each batch production. Throughput time is
total time of process time, inspections time, move time, and queue time.
Process time is the amount of time work actually in the equipment until
the product has been made. Inspection time is the amount of time to check
quality of the product. Move time is the time that required to move
materials every product from one equipment to other equipment. Queue
time is the amount of time a product spends waiting to be worked on, to be
moved, to be inspected, or to be shipped.
Process time = 8.167 hours
Inspection time = 0.33 hours
Move time = 2.7 hours

Universitas Indonesia

Queue time is vary according to when to product being distribution, manufacture

process is held.
 Productivity

Productivity is a measure of how well a company uses its resources.

Output 122 kg products kg product
Productivity= = =0.64
Input 191.9 kg ingredients kg ingredients
 Energy Utilization

Energy utilization is a measure of total energy used to manufacture

a product.
energy consumption 2123.295 kWh kWh
Energy utilization= = =176.95
output product 12 packages packages

5.3.7. Plant Location and Layout Plant Location
An ideal plant location is important because it will help to
minimize the distribution cost and maximize effectiveness. The location
for PT Biocharming Ltd plant will be located in Kebomas, Gresik. The
available space is 1.55 ha. The price per square metric is Rp 1,600,000
(, Accessed April 17th, 2019). The location from Google
Map is shown below.


Figure 5.119 Location for Biocharming Ltd.

There are some considerations why this location is chosen, which

will be listed below:
 Safety and security of the selected location

Universitas Indonesia

The location chosen in a famous industrial area. This indicates that

the location chosen is already visible for a plant to be built since the
security and safety aspects have been accommodated.
 Infrastructure facilities
The location chosen is located near Pelabuhan Gresik (only 5.8
km) and 10 minutes away from a toll road, Tol Romokalisari, which
means the distribution of raw materials from PT Biocharming Ltd
suppliers, which are mainly from overseas, could be done effectively. The
roads are big enough to allow big trucks to pass as well. The road is 40
inch wide so that the container truck to distribute materials needed for the
manufacturing process can pass through.
 Location of plant
The location of the plant is in East Java, which is the targeted
market segmentation that have been decided for the main market of PT
Biocharming Ltd products.
 Demographic of area
The chosen location is flood free, which makes it more suitable for
a plant location. The soil structure is already flat so that no further digging
is needed for the location chosen.
Plant Layout
Plant layout is a spatial arrangement of manufacturing processes
in the production facilities that consider about the sequence of the process
as well as equipment and work space. The basic objective of layout is to
develop a product system that meet requirement of capacity and will
determine the efficiency and the period of the plant. Plant layout is the act
of planning all of the manufacturing aspects. Several important
considerations related to plant layout are:
 Utility of space, equipment, and human movement and effectivity.
 Flow rate of information, material, and human resource.
 Safety.

Universitas Indonesia

 Supplier, distributor, and customer connection with production system such

as truck parking lot.

Product layout involves locating the machines and equipment so

that each product follows a pre-arranged route through a series of
processes. The products flow along a line of processes, which is clear,
predictable and relatively easy to control. To come up with the plant final
design, it’s needed to follow some major steps which need the
understanding of the needs, goals, constraints, and preference of the owner
of the plant or the client. The plant layout was created by using Windows
Visio. The plant layout was designed based on process layout. Process
layout are used to achieve a smooth and rapid flow of large volumes of
goods through a system. By using this type of layout, the authors will be
able to create an operation flow to make sure smooth and efficient
fabrication process. The plant layout of Biocharming, Ltd is shown in
figure 3.27. The scale for this plant is 1:100. While figure 3.28 are the
detailed process in the manufacturing area. The scale is 1:100.

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Figure 5.3012 Plant Layout Design

41 Universitas Indonesia
The layout is designed with ratio scaled down from real equipment size. In the
first process, there are three tanks. Every tank contains raw material for
immersion liquid. Potassium Nitrate is diluted first using fresh water because it is
present in form of powder. Then they are mixed in mixer a. Mixer b is a stand-by
equipment that will be used if mixer a is broken. The immersion liquid is then
transported to be mixed with biocharcoal and adsobed in impregnation drum.
After that, the product will be screened. The fortified biocharcoal will be further
processed in dryer to release bound water, while the liquid will enter splitter. In
splitter, 10% of liquid will be produced as side product and the rest will enter
recycle stream. Dry fortified biocharcoal then will be packaged in Packaging
Biocharming plant chooses the U-shape for shorter lines. These are the
reasons, such as:
 Staffing flexibility and balance.
The U-shape enables one person to tend several workstations – adjacent or
across the U – without much walking. This opens up options for balancing
work among operators: when demand grows, more labour can be added
until each station has an operator.
 Rework. When the line bends around itself, it is easy to return bad work to
an earlier station for rework without disruption or the need to travel far.
 Handling. From a center position in the U, a handler (human or vehicle)
can deliver materials conveniently.

The total area of plant is approximately 2000 m 2 due to sizes of equipment

and rooms. To calculate spacing in plant layout of production room detailing is
needed to be done. The calculation is shown in table below:
Table 5.32 Spacing in Plant Layout

Dimension (m x m)
Name Quantity Area (m2)
Length Width
Main Equipment
Mixing 2.5 2.5 2 12.5
Impregnatio 5 2 3 30

42 Universitas Indonesia
Screening 3.4 1.5 1 5.1
Drying 0.75 4 1 3
0.8 0.68 1 0.544
2.332 1.225 1 2.8567
Supporting Equipment
Pump 0.2 0.15 6 0.18
Conveyor 0.4 5 2 4
Pipe 0.4 1.6 10 6.4
Storage Tank 0.75 0.75 4 2.25
Material 10 5 1 50
12 5 1 60
8 6 2 96
12 5 1 60
Fresh Water
4 5 1 20
4 5 1 20
Control 6 5 1 30
Power Plant 6 5 1 30
Office 10 6 2 120
Security 3 5 2 30
Boarding 7 5 1 35
9 5 1 45
Car parking 60 6 1 360
Truck 35 12 1 420
43 Universitas Indonesia
4 5 1 20

Mosque 6 5 1 30
Canteen 15 5 1 75
Toilet Big 3 5 1 15
Toilet Small 3 3 2 18
Waste 12 5 1 60
Green Fence 42 1 1 42
Green Plants 1 1 21 21
Road Total Area - Used Space 238
Total 1895

Type of Plant Layout

The production process normally determines the type of plant layout to be
applied to the facility. Biocharming will produce relatively small product with
medim size capacity. In that case, pricess oriented plant layour is selected.
Machine for processing raw material to yield products are placed according to
what they do. Then, the product of each step will be transported to machine.

44 Universitas Indonesia

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