Acet 2014 Set B4 Abstract Reasoning

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4 ACET 2014 - Set B 4 SECTION 4: ABSTRACT REASONING NAME: Time —- 10 minutes SCHOOL: 30 Questions (186 - 215) . SIMULATED EXAM - SET B Directions: For each question, decide which is the best answer choice, and darken the corresponding oval on the answer sheet. Figure Series In the Following items, discover the principle involved in the series. Select from the choices the number or letter that should come next to the series “ oOlb iGlaiG/G “\e|/D]/S|s]/e;/a\sl/e ") AN) V | As INMACSES "ly ya i fi = “|B LIME UN LIL = ACTS ACHI G AWIA, INC, = 744-6250 / 701-7018 195, “mR a Figure Grouping Each item in this section consists of four figures. The task is to find the principle involved which makes three of the four figures similar to each other. Choose the one that is different from the other three. 196. 197. 198, A Oo xjO © ACTS ACHI & AHIA D @ 744-6250 / 701-7018 2 4 ACET 2014 - Set B 199, Te B Cc D 200. a a c 5 201. Qa O}| ss a a o a fio a g oO 7m z c 5 202. _ x v : 5 203. ACTS ACHI & AHIA, INC @ 744-6250 | 701-7018 a3 4 - Set B 4 204, — R ® c D 205. io a o q a lo a a 3 € o Figure Series - Analogy Each question consists of two sets of symbols. Each set has its own characteristics. Choose the letter of the figure that shows the characteristics of the first set but does not show the characteristics of the second set 206. | | as won AOLA!|[e]]@ |Z OIA a ™ kKeAR/AI ZILIZ 20%. oF] | [70] |[=Jo)} |[O7G} | [=]a)| (era x x x] | xo) x ACTS ACHI & ANIA, INC, @ 744-6250 / 701-7018 4 ACET 2014 - Set B 4 FERRERS) SAREE: AREER “ Gal\ | ]/AAIC| erenjer Ete YH fe | [AA [on] [ia [i J! 213. a S 215, oH er ie eo sloffelo ol | ACTS ACHI & AHIA, INC @ 744-6250 / 701-7018 5

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