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Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials & Regulatory Affairs, 2018, 5, 132-144
ISSN: 2213-476X
eISSN: 2213-4778

Recent Updates on Nanomedicine Based Products: Current Sce-

nario and Future Opportunities

Ajmer Singh Grewal1, Viney Lather2,*, Neelam Sharma1, Sukhbir Singh1, R.S.
Narang3, Jasjeet Kaur Narang4 and Deepti Pandita2

Chitkara College of Pharmacy, Chitkara University, Rajpura, Patiala, Punjab, India; 2Jan Nayak Ch. Devi
Lal Memorial College of Pharmacy, Sirsa, 125055, Haryana, India; 3Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Dental
Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials and Regulatory Affairs

Sciences and Research, Amritsar, Punjab, India; 4 Khalsa College of Pharmacy, Amritsar, Punjab, India

Abstract: Background: Nanomedicine, defined as the application of nanotechnology for the pre-
vention, cure and diagnosis of diseases, has emerged as one of the most exciting tools in the medi-
cal field for direct benefit to human health. Nanomedicine aims to engineer the materials at nano-
scale to develop new drugs, delivery systems in a way to mimic or understand the cellular proc-
esses at molecular level for therapeutics of diseases. Based on their applications, nanomedicines
include nano drug delivery systems, nano-diagnostics, nano-theranostics, and nano-medical im-

Received: March 09, 2018

Objectives: The current manuscript will provide a global scenario about different nanomedicines
Revised: March 29, 2018 and their applications, the overall market, and the ongoing developments in their regulation by dif-
Accepted: May 19, 2018
ferent regulatory bodies.
10.2174/2213476X05666180611115135 Discussion: The different properties displayed by materials at nano-scale in terms of size, chemi-
cal reactivity, solubility, mobility, magnetic and optical properties open the ways for their utiliza-
tion in the field of medicine. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved products us-
ing nanotechnology under different product categories. The last two decades have seen a tremen-
dous growth in the development of nanomedicine-based products in global regulatory markets
particularly in the area of drug delivery systems and diagnosis.

Keywords: Nano-drug delivery systems, nanomedicine, nanotechnology, nanotheranostics, quality and

safety, regulatory aspects.

1. INTRODUCTION diagnosis, drug targeting, cancer therapy, and re-

generative medicine [1-5]. Nanomedicines inte-
Nanotechnology works at the atomic, molecu- grate nanoparticles to attain improved targeting,
lar, and supra-molecular levels of approximately reduced toxicity, and enhanced efficacy of thera-
1-100 nm scale and is a promising field of science peutic, biological or diagnostic agents in vivo [6].
implicated for a range of consumer goods to health Incorporation of existing drugs in nanoparticles
products. It has the potential to open up new pos- facilitates superior pharmacodynamic and/or
sibilities for improvement of drug properties i.e. pharmacokinetic parameters. Global regulatory
solubility and stability, development of additional trends for nanomedicines are undefined so far and
proficient methodology in drug delivery systems therefore, there is a need of closer collaboration
and offers great prospective in medical imaging, amongst regulatory agencies. Alternatively, con-
ventional strategies have been adopted for the
development of nanomedicines as well as for their
*Address correspondence to this author at the Jan Nayak Ch. safety and toxicity evaluation [7]. Nevertheless,
Devi Lal Memorial College of Pharmacy, Sirsa, 125055, Haryana, numerous nanomedicines have received regulatory
India; Tel: +91-1666-238114; Fax: +91-1666-238100;
E-mail: approval, however, approval of ‘nanosimilars’

2213-4778/18 $58.00+.00 © 2018 Bentham Science Publishers

Recent Updates on Nanomedicines Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials & Regulatory Affairs, 2018, Vol. 5, No. 2 133

may require different guidelines. Biologics based owing to their bioavailability problems. Nanotech-
nanoparticles encountered complexity in replica- nology offers amazing prospects to improve mate-
tion of products because little alteration in rials and medical devices and also to construct
nanoparticle properties might transform the bio- novel “smart” technologies and devices where cur-
logical impact [8, 9]. According to a research re- rent and more conventional tools may be reaching
port from the Business Communications Company their limits [15]. Nanomedicine is used for early
Research, despite the catastrophic consequences of detection, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of
the 2008-2009 crisis on capital markets, the global diseases like diabetes, infections, cancer, infec-
nanomedicine sector had grown tremendously tious diseases, eye diseases, Alzheimer’s disease,
[10]. The BCC Research firm has estimated the arthritis, cardiovascular diseases like atherosclero-
global nanopharmaceutical market at $209 billion sis, musculoskeletal dysfunctions, and many more
in 2014 and anticipated to expand to $412 billion [16-22]. Nanomedicine based products can result
by 2019. In this context, the term “global market” in noninvasive nano-devices that can enter the
is defined as the sum of the markets in the USA, body to detect blood glucose levels, differentiate
Europe (France, Germany, United Kingdom, Bel- among normal and cancerous cells, and offer ge-
gium, Netherland, Italy, and Spain) and Japan. netic screening for numerous disorders. Applica-
Further, the market share of nanopharmaceuticals tions of nanomedicine in cardiovascular disorders
was 15% of the total pharmaceutical market in include early detection and treatment of athero-
2014 and is estimated to grow to 22% in 2019. In sclerosis and decreasing re-stenosis rates after
addition, the average compound annual growth stenting. The term “nano-theranostics” may be de-
fined as a methodology that combines simultane-
rate (CAGR) for this class of products is estimated
ously the modalities of the therapeutic and diagno-
to be 14.5% as opposed to 5.5% for non-nano
sis in a nano-carrier. The nano-theranostics based
pharmaceuticals. The oncology sector is the most
nanomedicines can reach systemic circulation,
dominant one amongst the nanopharmaceuticals, evade host defense system and deliver the medi-
representing approximately 35% of the global cine as well as diagnostic agents at the targeted
market [11, 12]. Various key points like applica- location to detect and treat the disorder at the
tions of nanomedicines, global authorities for their cellular and molecular level. The various applica-
regulation and the recent updates on the nano- tions of nanotechnology in medicine (including
medicine based products in the global market will both therapy and diagnosis of diseases) are pre-
be highlighted in this review. sented in Fig. (1) [13-22].



Nanomedicine simply means the medical appli- Despite the tremendous advancements in the
cation of nanotechnology. The size of nanoparti- field of nanotechnology, it poses several potential
cles is comparable to that of nearly all bio- risks which can be broadly classified as: the risk to
molecules and cellular structures; thus, nanoparti- health and environment from nanoparticles and
cles can be useful for both in vivo and in vitro re- nanomaterials; the risk posed by molecular manu-
search and applications in biomedical research. facturing; and the risk to society. Nanotechnology
Applications of medical nanotechnology span relates to distinctive properties of materials on a
across a variety of areas such as in drug develop- nano-scale leading to greater risk for major insta-
ment, drug delivery technologies, medical devices, bility at atomic and molecular levels resulting in
medicines, therapeutics (in disease’s diagnostics, increased risk of damage at cellular level [23]. De-
abnormal conditions), surgery, medical robotics, spite the many proposed advantages of nanoparti-
enhanced gene therapy, tissue engineering proce- cles, growing concerns have been expressed on
dures and in the general sake of increasing knowl- their potential adverse effects on human health. As
edge of the human body [13, 14]. Nanotechnology nanoparticles have different physicochemical
is providing innovative therapeutic opportunities characteristics than their fine-sized analogues due
for various therapeutic agents which cannot be to their extremely small particle size and more sur-
used efficiently as conventional oral formulations, face area, they need to be evaluated separately for
134 Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials & Regulatory Affairs, 2018, Vol. 5, No. 2 Grewal et al.


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Fig. (1). State of the art applications of nanotechnology based products in medicine.

toxicity and adverse effects on health. In addition, Drug Administration (USFDA), Center for Drug
in the field of nanomedicine, subcutaneous and Evaluation and Research (CDER) nanotechnology
intravenous injections of nanomedicine based car- programs, American Society for Testing and Mate-
rier systems deliver exogenous nanoparticles di- rials (ASTM) committee E56 on nanotechnology
rectly into the human body exclusive of passing in the United States [1]; European Medicines
through the usual absorption route. These nano- Evaluation Agency (EMEA) in European Union;
medicine based carrier systems themselves could Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Aus-
be liable for the toxicity and interaction with the tralia; Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
biological macromolecules. Next, insoluble Agency (PMDA) in Japan; Health Canada [Public
nanomedicine based carrier systems may perhaps Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and Canadian
accumulate in cells, tissues or organs. Therefore, it Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)] in Canada;
is mandatory to deal with the potential health and Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration (Taiwan
safety implications of nanomaterials used in FDA) in Taiwan; the Agência Nacional de
nanomedicine [24]. Subsequently, the manufactur- Vigilância Sanitária or National Sanitary Surveil-
ing and application of nano-materials are growing lance Agency (ANVISA); Central Drug Standard
extensively resulting in increased production and Control Organization (CDSCO) in India; China
consumption of nanomaterials. Human beings can Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) in China
be exposed through various ways including breath- Medicines; the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
ing, ingestion, and penetration across the skin. An (MFDS) in South Korea; and Healthcare Products
important challenge for scientists, industries, and Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in United Kingdom
regulatory agencies is how to categorize the novel [26]
materials and what further analysis regarding tox- maceutical-regulatory-agencies-and-organizations-
icity and safety is mandatory before these products around-world-scope-challenges-in-drug-develop-
become available in the market [25]. ment. Nanotechnology standardization for electri-
Applications of nanotechnologies and incorpo- cal and electronic products and systems has initi-
ration of nanomaterials in medicines are growing ated a line of activities through working groups
and several novel products, currently in develop- towards harmonizing standards that focus on the
ment are expected to enter the market in the near WG1 Terminology and nomenclature led by Can-
future. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly im- ada; WG 2 Measurement and characterization led
portant to have regulatory frameworks that prop- by Japan; WG 3 HSE led by the USA; and WG 4
erly address and specifically manage the potential Material Specifications led by China [27]. The
risks of nanotechnology. Pharmaceutical regula- most important aspects regarding safety, quality
tory agencies and organizations around the world and regulation of nanotechnology-based products
for technical and regulatory perspectives/guidance used in medicine for different parts of the world
for nanomedicines are United States Food and are represented in Table 1.
Recent Updates on Nanomedicines Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials & Regulatory Affairs, 2018, Vol. 5, No. 2 135

Table 1. Safety, quality and regulatory aspects of nanomedicine-based products in different parts of the world.

S. Regulatory
Country Description Ref.
No. Authority

 USFDA guidelines have made it crucial for technical assessments to designate

product-specific characteristics, taking into account the effects of nanomaterials
in the specific biological and mechanical context of all products and their pro-
posed application.
 CDER research on nanomaterials development includes identification of the limi-
United tations of current test methods to assess the quality and safety of nanomedicines;
1 CDER and [28-34]
States and evaluation of the application of nanotechnology on product characteristics,
including stability and content uniformity.
 ASTM Committee E56 on nanotechnology was formed in 2005 which addresses
issues related to standards and guidance materials for nanotechnology and
nanomaterials, as well as the coordination of existing ASTM standardization re-
lated to nanotechnology needs.
 Nanomedicine products marketed in the European Union are covered by compre-
hensive EU legislation: Regulation No 726/2004, Directive 2001/83/EC, Direc-
tive 2003/94/EC, Directive 2003/63/EC.
 EMEA in 2006 published the first regulatory reflection paper on nanotechnology-
based medicinal products for human use and launched a webpage dedicated to
European  EMEA’s task, according to its mission statement is “to contribute to the protec-
2 EMEA tion and promotion of public and animal health by mobilizing scientific re- [35-37]
sources from throughout the European Union to provide high-quality evaluation
of medicinal products, to advise on research and development programmes and
to provide useful and clear information to users and health care professionals de-
veloping efficient and transparent procedures, to allow timely access by users to
innovative medicines through a single European marketing authorization, and in
particular through a pharmacovigilance network and the establishment of safe
limits for residues in food producing animals”. 
 TGA regulates therapeutic goods (including supplements and sunscreen) and
medical devices. Decisions on household chemicals are made by the Secretary to
the Department of Health who is advised by a committee formed under the
Therapeutic Goods Regulations.
 According to the TGA, if nanomaterials are added to existing therapeutic goods,
3 Australia TGA [38-41]
they will require reassessment, and manufacturers must submit or hold safety
data on new products. However that requirement does not appear to be reflected
in the TGA Regulations, nor do any sunscreens or other therapeutic goods
known to contain nanomaterials appear to be listed in the register of Therapeutic
 PMDA is an independent administrative legal authority which is the entry portal
for the approval of drugs and medical devices and collaborates with the Ministry
of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW).
 Various laws and regulations provide the basis for pharmaceutical administration
in Japan; among them are the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law (PAL), the Law Con-
4 Japan PMDA cerning the Establishment for Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Organiza- [42]
tion, and the Law Concerning Securing Stable Supply of Blood Products.
 The Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act has been launched in Nov 2014
which is entitled as “Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Pharma-
ceuticals, Medical Devices, Regenerative and Cellular Therapy Products, Gene
Therapy Products and Cosmetics”. 

Table 1. contd…
136 Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials & Regulatory Affairs, 2018, Vol. 5, No. 2 Grewal et al.

S. Regulatory
Country Description Ref.
No. Authority

 PHAC and CIHR are two health Canada agencies for regulations of nanomedici-
nes prospective. Health Canada encourages sponsors and other stakeholders to
communicate with the responsible regulatory authority early in the development
process, especially for combination products that are, contain or make use of
 The Department encourages manufacturers to request a pre-submission meeting
PHAC and
5 Canada with the responsible regulatory authority to discuss the type of information that [43]
may be required for their product's safety assessment.
 As part of its international collaborative work on nanotechnology and nanomate-
rials, health Canada is engaged with Environment Canada. Its goal is to share in-
formation and develop joint approaches on regulatory aspects of nanomaterials
including terminology and nomenclature as well as risk assessment and man-

 Taiwan FDA does not have yet established specific nanotechnology-based drug-
related regulations. The abbreviated review process for new drug registration
was established in 2010 and drafting of the guidance for technical review of
Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls (CMC) of the nanomedicines was done
in 2013.
6 Taiwan Taiwan FDA [1]
 Draft include the CMC review checklist for nano-pharmaceuticals and guidance
for technical review of CMC of the liposomal drug products with an attachment
of the current regulations for liposomal drug products including new chemical
entities, new administration routes, new indications, new combinations, new
dosage forms, new doses, new dose units and generic formulations.

 ANVISA generated in 1999 is an independently administered and financially

autonomous regulatory body of the Brazilian government managed by a colle-
giate board of directors and linked to the Ministry of Health and is the entry por-
7 Brazil ANVISA tal for the regulation and approval of drugs and medical devices. [44]
 In view of this situation, Brazil has started to reform and improve its system such
as by means of allowing manufacturers to commence their application process
before the Goods Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certificate has been obtained. 

 CDSCO is the national regulatory body and entry portal for regulation and ap-
proval of pharmaceuticals and medical devices in India and is linked to the Min-
istry of Health and Family Welfare and holds six zonal offices, four sub-zonal
offices, several port offices and laboratories.
8 India CDSCO [45]
 Within the CDSCO, the Drug Controller General of India is the main licensing
authority which directly issues permission for new drugs and specific medical
devices and for the manufacturing of certain drugs (vaccines, blood-products, r-
DNA derived). 

 CFDA, earlier called as State Food Drug Administration is responsible for phar-
maceutical legislation and the regulation, approval and inspection of drugs and
medical devices in China.
 Relevant approval procedures are conducted by the CFDA Department of Drug
and Cosmetics Registration and accordingly by the CFDA Department of Medi-
9 China CFDA cal Device Registration. [46]

 In this field, China is in a backlog in comparison with international compliance

guidelines and in slow processing of numerous approval applications.
 A new classification of pharmaceuticals is being envisaged and Innovative drugs
covering an urgent medical need shall be approved by means of “Fast Track”.

Table 1. contd…
Recent Updates on Nanomedicines Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials & Regulatory Affairs, 2018, Vol. 5, No. 2 137

S. Regulatory
Country Description Ref.
No. Authority

 MFDS previously known as Korea Food and Drug Administration is the entry
South portal for the approval of drugs and medical devices.
10 MFDS [47]
Korea  It cooperates with the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MoHW) which takes the
final decision of covering, coding and pricing of medical devices. 

 According to MHRA judgments on safety, quality and performance will be in-

formed by all available, relevant and reliable evidence, with the burden of proof
often resting on companies.
MHRA  Important regulatory checkpoints for any novel medicine include the moment at [48]
which permission is given to enter into first-in-man studies, the time of market
authorization and not least review of information captured by post-market sur-

Table 2. List of nanomedicine based products approved by different authorities for their medicinal applications [49-

Delivery Year of Approval

Name of Product Active Molecule Indication (Use) Route
System Approval Authority

USFDA and Systemic fungal infec-

AmBisome® Amphotericin B Liposomes 1997 Intravenous
EMEA tions

1996 USFDA and AIDS-related Kaposi's

DaunoXome® Daunorubicin citrate Liposomes Intravenous
EMEA sarcoma

1996 USFDA and Lymphomatous men-

DepoCyt® Cytarabine Liposomes Intrathecal
EMEA ingitis

DepoDur® Morphine sulfate Liposomes 2004 Pain relief Epidural

Doxorubicin hydro- PEGylated USFDA and

Doxil® 1995 Karposi's sarcoma Intravenous
chloride liposomes EMEA

Doxorubicin hydro- PEGylated USFDA and

Caelyx™ 2005 Ovarian cancer Intravenous
chloride liposomes EMEA

Doxorubicin hydro- PEGylated USFDA and

LipoDox® 2008 Multiple myeloma Intravenous
chloride liposomes EMEA

Influenza virus anti-

Inflexal® V gens (hemagglutinin, Liposomes 1997 EMEA Influenza vaccine Intravenous

Respiratory distress
Curosurf® Poractant alpha Liposomes 1999 USFDA Intratracheal

Post-surgical Local/
Exparel® Bupivacaine Liposomes 2011 USFDA
analgesia Depofoam

Acute lymphoid
Marqibo® Vincristine sulfate Liposomes 2012 USFDA Intravenous

Copaxone® Glatiramer Polymeric drugs 1996 EMEA Multiple sclerosis Subcutaneous

Table 2. contd…
138 Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials & Regulatory Affairs, 2018, Vol. 5, No. 2 Grewal et al.

Delivery Year of Approval

Name of Product Active Molecule Indication (Use) Route
System Approval Authority

Mepact™ Mifamurtide Liposomes 2009 EMEA resectable osteosar- Intravenous

Metastatic breast
Myocet® Doxorubicin Liposomes 2000 EMEA Intravenous

Photodynamic therapy
Visudyne® Verteporfin Liposomes 2000 for eye neo- Intravenous

Lipid-based USFDA and Systemic fungal

Abelcet® Amphotericin B 1995 Intravenous
(non-liposomal) EMEA infections

Metastatic adenocar-
MM-398 Iritonecan Liposomes 2015 USFDA cinoma of the Intravenous

Lipid-based USFDA and Systemic fungal

Amphotec® Amphotericin B 1996 Intravenous
(non-liposomal) EMEA infections

® Adenosine adenosine Adenosine deaminase
Adagen 1990 USFDA Intravenous
deaminase deaminase deficiency disease

Fab’ fragment of a 2009 Crohn’s disease,
PEGylated anti- USFDA
Cimzia® humanized anti- rheumatoid arthritis, Subcutaneous
body fragment 2013 and EMEA
TNF-alpha antibody psoriatic arthritis

Febrile neutropenia,
Neulasta® Filgrastim 2002 nonmyeloid malig- Subcutaneous
filgrastim and EMEA

PEGylated L- Acute lymphoblastic

Oncaspar® L-asparaginase 1994 USFDA Intramuscular
asparaginase leukemia

PEGylated in- USFDA and

Pegasys® Interferon alfa-2b 2002 Hepatitis B and C Subcutaneous
terferon alfa-2b EMEA

PEGylated in-
PegIntron® Interferon alfa-2b terferon alfa-2b 2001 Hepatitis C Subcutaneous

PEGylated in-
Plegridy® Interferon beta-1a 2014 USFDA Multiple sclerosis Intravenous
terferon beta-1a

conjugate Improved sta-
Adynovate® bility of protein 2015 USFDA Hemophilia Intravenous
(PEGylated factor via PEGylation

Human growth hor- PEGylated hGH

USFDA and Acromegaly, second-
Somavert® mone (hGH) receptor receptor an- 2003 Subcutaneous
EU line therapy
antagonist tagonist

Table 2. contd…
Recent Updates on Nanomedicines Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials & Regulatory Affairs, 2018, Vol. 5, No. 2 139

Delivery Year of Approval

Name of Product Active Molecule Indication (Use) Route
System Approval Authority

Anti- vascular endo- PEGylated Neovascular age-

Macugen® thelial growth factor anti-VEGF 2004 USFDA related macular de- Intravitreal
(VEGF) aptamer aptamer generation

Anemia associated
PEGylated USFDA and Intravenous
Mircera® Epoetin beta 2007 with chronic renal
epoetin beta EMEA /Subcutaneous
failure in adults

Krys- Polymer-protein
Porcine-like uricase 2010 USFDA Chronic gout Intravenous
texxa®/pegloticase conjugate
Nanocrystals in USFDA and
Emend® Aprepitant 2003 Emesis, antiemetic Oral
capsules EMEA

Megace ES® Megestrol acetate Nanocrystals 2001 USFDA Anorexia, cachexia Oral

Nanocrystals in USFDA and

Rapamune® Sirolimus 2000 Immunosuppressant Oral
tablets EMEA
USFDAand Hypercholesterolemia,
Tricor® Fenofibrate Nanocrystals 2004 Oral
EMEA hypertriglyceridemia

Zypadhera® Olanzapine Nanocrystals 2008 EMEA Schizophrenia Intravenous

Xeplion® Paliperidone Nanocrystals 2009 USFDA Schizophrenia Intramuscular

Prophylaxis of organ
Neoral® Cyclosporine 2000 EMEA rejection following Oral
in soft capsules
organ transplant

Norvir® Ritonavir 1999 EMEA HIV infections Oral
in soft capsules
Polymeric drugs Hyper-phosphatemia,
Renagel® Sevelamer 1998 EMEA Oral
in tablets Renal dialysis

Polymeric Advanced prostate

Eligard® Leuprolide acetate 2002 US-FDA Subcutaneous
nanoparticles cancer
Polymeric Metastatic breast can-
Genexol® Paclitaxel 2001 South Korea Intravenous
micelles cer, pancreatic cancer
Opaxio® Paclitaxel 2012 USFDA Glioblastoma Oral

2005 Metastatic breast can-

® Protein-drug USFDA and cer, non-small-cell
Abraxan Paclitaxel 2012 Intravenous
conjugate EMEA lung cancer, pancre-
2013 atic cancer
Monoclonal antibody
(against human epi- Protein-drug Metastatic breast
Kadcyla® 2013 USFDA Intravenous
dermal growth factor conjugate cancer
receptor-2) and DM1
Recombinant fusion
Primary cutaneous T-
protein of fragment
cell lymphoma,
A of diphtheria toxin Protein-drug
Ontak® 1999 USFDA CD25-positive, Intravenous
and subunit binding conjugate
persistent or recurrent
to interleukin-2

Table 2. contd…
140 Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials & Regulatory Affairs, 2018, Vol. 5, No. 2 Grewal et al.

Delivery Year of Approval

Name of Product Active Molecule Indication (Use) Route
System Approval Authority

Systemic fungal infec-
Fungizone® Amphotericin B based nano- 1966 USFDA Intravenous

Sedative-hypnotic for
Diprivan® Propofol Nanoemulsion 1989 induction and mainte- Intravenous
nance of anesthesia

Eye inflammation,
Durezol® Difluprednate Nanoemulsion 2008 USFDA Ocular

Restasis® Cyclosporine A Nanoemulsion 2003 USFDA Dry eye syndrome Ocular

Ikervis® Cyclosporine A Nanoemulsion 2015 EMEA Dry eye syndrome Ocular

Hormone replacement
Estrasorb™ Estradiol Nanoemulsion 2003 USFDA therapy during meno- Transdermal

Liver/spleen lesion
Metal oxide
Feridex® Iron oxide 1996 USFDA Magnetic resonance Intravenous

GastroMARK™/ Silicone coated iron
superparamag- 2001 USFDA Imaging agent Oral
Lumirem® oxide nanoparticles
netic iron oxide

Feraheme™ Iron deficiency ane-

Metal oxide
Iron oxide 2009 USFDA mia in chronic kidney Intravenous
/Ferumoxytol nanoparticles
disease in adults

Iron deficiency in
Venofer® Iron sucrose Nanocomplex 2000 chronic kidney dis- Intravenous

Ferric carboxymal-
Ferinject® Nanocomplex 2007 EMEA Iron deficiency Intravenous

Iron-hydroxide dex-
Cosmofer® Nanocomplex 2014 EMEA Iron deficiency Intravenous
tran complex

Iron-hydroxide dex-
Ferrisat® Nanocomplex 2008 EMEA Iron deficiency Intravenous
tran complex

Iron deficiency in
Sodium ferric gluco- USFDA and
Ferrlecit® Nanocomplex 1999 chronic kidney dis- Intravenous
nate EMEA

Iron deficiency in
INFeD® Iron dextran Nanocomplex 1957 USFDA chronic kidney dis- Intravenous

Anemia, kidney fail-

Rienso® Ferumoxytol Nanocomplex 2012 EMEA Intravenous
ure, chronic

Local ablation in
Metal oxide
NanoTherm® Iron oxide 2013 EMEA glioblastoma, prostate, Intratumoral
and pancreatic cancer

Table 2. contd…
Recent Updates on Nanomedicines Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials & Regulatory Affairs, 2018, Vol. 5, No. 2 141

Delivery Year of Approval

Name of Product Active Molecule Indication (Use) Route
System Approval Authority

Recombinant adeno- Head and neck

Gendicine® virus expressing Virosomes 2003 China squamous cell Intratumoral
wildtype-p53 carcinoma

Gene for dominant-

Rexin-G® negative mutant form Virosomes 2007 Philippines All solid tumors Intrahepatic
of human cycline G1

Inactivated hepatitis Vaccine against

Epaxal® Virosomes 2008 EMEA Intravenous
A virus hepatitis A

Zevalin® Nanoparticles 2002 EMEA Lymphoma, follicular Intravenous

Onivyde® Irinotecan Liposomes 2015 USFDA Pancreatic Cancer Intravenous

Avinza® Morphine sulfate Nanocomplex 2002 USFDA Oral

Focalin XR® Nanocomplex 2005 USFDA Psychostimulant Oral
phenidate HCl

Ritalin LA® Nanocomplex 2002 USFDA Psychostimulant Oral

Zanaflex® Tizanidine HCl Nanocomplex 2002 USFDA Muscle relaxant Oral

Vitoss® Calcium phosphate Nanocrystal 2003 USFDA Bone substitute Bone graft
Ostim Hydroxyapatite Nanocrystal 2004 USFDA Bone substitute Bone graft

NanOss® Hydroxyapatite Nanocrystal 2005 USFDA Bone substitute Bone graft

EquivaBone® Hydroxyapatite Nanocrystal 2009 USFDA Bone substitute Bone graft

Invega Paliperidone Nanocomplex 2009 USFDA Schizophrenia Oral

Sustenna® Palmitate Nanocomplex 2014 USFDA Schizophrenia Intramuscular

Ryanodex® Dantrolene sodium Nanocomplex 2014 USFDA Intravenous


WIDE This review article outlines that nanotechnol-
ogy is considered to be an innovative industrial
Nanomedicine is a relatively new and rapidly reformation and also proved to be helpful in vari-
evolving field combining nanotechnology with the ous diseases by improving efficiency and safety in
biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences. The nanomedicines and nanodevices. In medicine, it
adoption of nanoscience terminology by pharma- bestows therapeutics, diagnosis, early detection as
ceutical scientists resulted in the advent of nano- well as a preventive indication for a wide range of
pharmaceuticals (nanomedicine based products). disorders. The agencies like USFDA and EMEA
An overview of various nanotechnology-based should initiate to prepare currently for the upcom-
products (nanopharmaceuticals or nanomedicine ing revolution in nanomedicine. Nanomedicine is
products) approved recently by various regulatory one of the chief tools of the 21st century with de-
authorities has been presented in Table 2 along sired prospects for both the researchers and phar-
with their active molecules, delivery system, ap- maceutical industry. A strategic approach for
plications and route of administration [49-53]. evaluation of the toxicity and safety of nano-
142 Applied Clinical Research, Clinical Trials & Regulatory Affairs, 2018, Vol. 5, No. 2 Grewal et al.

medicine-based products within the standard set of [7] Fact Sheet: Nanotechnology. FDA guidance docu-
framework will encourage further research on the ments. Available from:
technology and stir up the conventional systems ComplianceRegulatoryInformation/GuidanceDocum-
for drug delivery. Collaboration among countries ents/ucm300914.htm.
[8] Wolfram J, Zhu M, Yang Y, et al. Safety of nanopar-
around the world is required in order to exchange
ticles in medicine. Curr Drug Targets 2015; 16(14):
information and to ensure a high level of protec- 1671-81.
tion for humans and the environment, while not [9] Moghimi SM, Farhangrazi ZF. Defining and charac-
hampering the development of new beneficial terizing nonbiological complex drugs (NBCDs) - Is
products and their global marketing. In the interest size enough? The case for liposomal doxorubicin
of all manufacturers, regulatory authorities and generics (‘liposomal nanosimilars’) for injection.
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