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LESSON B – Reading

jellyfish /ˈʤɛliˌfɪʃ/ a sea animal that has a very soft body and that can
laboratory /ˈlæbrəˌtori/ a room or building with special equipment for doing scientific
experiments and tests

grab /ˈgræb/ to quickly take and hold (someone or something) with your hand or arms
claw /ˈklɑː/ a sharp curved part on the toe of an animal (such as a cat or bird)
skeleton /ˈskɛlətən/  the structure of bones that supports the body of a person or animal
archaeological /,ɑ:kiə'lɒdʒikl/ a science that deals with past human life and activities by
studying the bones, tools, etc., of ancient people
excavation /,ekskə'vei∫n/  to uncover (something) by digging away and removing the earth
that covers it

skull /ˈskʌl/ the structure of bones that form the head and face of a person or animal
forth /ˈfoɚɵ/ onward or forward in time or place

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