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Passengers’ Satisfaction in Choosing the Best Airline as Viewed by Grade

10 Students of Our Lady of Caysasay Academy, 2019- 2020

A Research Paper

Presented to:

The Faculty of Senior High School Department

Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

Taal, Batangas

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the requirements for Practical Research


De Roxas, Joevin Jeizen A.

Medina, Jerome Martin D.

Aclan, Czerinah Andrea M.

Lucero, Jyrene Kendrei L.

Ribaya, Katherine Dianne B.

March 2020



Over the next 30 years, every assumption and norm underpinning the need

for airports and the way that these facilities function will be open to disruption,

writes the very concept of airports and how we interact with them will change.

Despite this era of uncertainty, we need our airports to continue to develop at an

ever-increasing pace. Failure to do so risks future economic growth and

international competitiveness. How can airports continue to develop with any

measure of confidence in the face of the very real risk that some investments

could be obsolete in as little as 10 years? The context Airports are the interface

between ground and air mobility systems that allow business and private

relationships to extend over great distances. They are vital to maintaining

international relationships and allowing the rapid transit of high-value good the

airline industry has literally been reinvented with the ability to book reservations

online, self-service kiosks and travel sites such as Expedia, Travelocity and

Priceline. As a result, flying stand-by has changed significantly, but is still

available for impromptu travel, rescheduling and upgrades if you work with the

system, keep your patience, and leverage your personal spending power. Flying

standby is opportunistic, not a guarantee. In the minds of the overworked ticket

agents you are not the top priority. Understand the rules of the airlines and how

they assign standby seats. Typically, they go to frequent travelers that are in their

awards program first. If there are two or more people in your party, realize you
may not end up sitting together. Above all, be accessible to the ticket agent,

listen for your name, and try not to be a pest. Remember, an attitude of gratitude

goes a long way when traveling.

As the years passed, different problems regarding the feasibility of Airports

and satisfaction of passengers were noticed and given attention by the public.

Given the statements above, many researchers aimed to discover and study

the comfort and welfare airlines are giving the passengers every time they ride

their aircraft. With this, the researchers aimed to get the preference of grade 10

students from Our Lady Of Caysaysay academy, who have experienced riding an

airplane, and the things they commonly should improve.

This study, which is entitled “Passengers’ Satisfaction in Choosing the

Best Airline as viewed by Grade 10 Students of Our Lady of Caysasay Academy,

2019- 2020,” will be conducted to know the concerns of passengers regarding

their experience with the airline.


To be able to come up with a conclusion regarding the satisfaction of grade

10 students from Our Lady of Caysasay Academy who already rode an airplane,

there are a certain number of factors that the researchers should take into

account. These factors were the ones that were highly expected by the

researchers since they thought that these are significant to be asked.

The researchers set different factors to be considered while answering the

given questionnaire. At some point, the researchers should know the following.
Safety. Passengers' survival rates are improved when they are informed

about the correct use of equipment and the actions, they should take in the event

of an emergency situation. Cabin crew’s standard address the need for

passengers to receive safety information on board aircraft. Well-informed,

knowledgeable passengers have a better chance of surviving a life-threatening

situation that may occur on board an aircraft. Operators should communicate

specific, accurate information and instructions to passengers in a variety of

methods, to facilitate understanding. These methods include verbal briefings and

visual safety information, such as passenger safety briefing cards.

Comfort. Airbus cabins are designed to offer superior comfort, services and

ambience, ensuring the best possible passenger experience across all its

aircraft families – along with a highly attractive commercial offer for airlines.

Not only are Airbus cabins innovative and attractive, they are continuously

being improved to offer travelers the quietest, most comfortable and enjoyable

journeys today…and tomorrow. Pre-defined lighting scenarios use colors,

brightness levels and dynamic transitions to provide a pleasant and refined

cabin atmosphere in all phases of flight. For example, this feature can be

utilized to reduce the effects of jet lag by simulating sunrise or sunset –

ensuring passengers arrive at their destination refreshed and ready to go.

Convenience.  passengers want to be able to do more of the traditional

airport processes ‘off airport’ by taking advantage of the latest digital self-service

options. Passengers want airlines and airports to offer them a more customized

travel experience with 85% willing to provide more personal data to make this
happen. Airlines and airports that make the most use of technology innovations

will ultimately edge forward. Airports, airlines, governments and technology

providers have been juggling these conflicting demands for some time and

looking to the latest technologies for answers

INPUT Process Output

Factors affecting Analysis of data Satisfaction and
the passenger’s gathered using airplane experience
safety comfort questionnaire as preferred by
and convenience. grade 10 students at

Figure 1.0 (Conceptual Paradigm)


This study aimed to gather opinions and views of Grade 10 students about

their experience on riding the airplane. Specifically, the study sought to

answer the following questions:

1. How well will you rate the performance of the airlines in terms of:

1.1. Safety

1.2. Comfort

1.3. Convenience
2.Having observed the security of the airlines with the cabin crews, officers and

the pilot, are they trustworthy and credible?

3.Based on the findings, what are the common problems passengers are facing

every time they ride an airplane?


The researchers believe that this study about preference of grade 10

students about their satisfaction and their airplane experience. The following will

benefit from this study and this study will be a great help to the following:

Future passengers. The researchers sought to guide the passengers on

what airlines give the most comforting flights.

Cabin Crews. This study is significant to cabin crews so that they will

know, what to improve o their performance in giving the cozy experience

passengers need.

Parents. This study will help them choose the best airlines, at most

affordable price, it will help them to save money for future purposes.

Future Researchers. the result of this study can be a good reference for

those future researchers who are interested in the study and who want to expand

and give more details about aviation topic.


This study focuses on the Passengers’ Satisfaction in Choosing the Best

Airline as viewed by Grade 10. The data gathered by the researchers is based on
the answers of selected Grade 10 students through the form of a survey

questionnaire. The gathered data will then be summed up to let the researchers

come up to a conclusion.

Moreover, it is also shown in this study what factors affect their preference

on riding an airplane. May it be for the better or for worse depending on the level

of their experience.


Mobility systems – those resources that are required to complement an

airlift and sealift. forces.

Flying Stand-by - refers to making an unconfirmed (i.e. without a

reserved seat), same-day flight change, which requires a paid ticket that's been

purchased in advance. There's also the option of a confirmed same-day change,

which essentially guarantees you a seat for another flight on the same day of

your original ticket.

Our Lady of Caysasay Academy - an educational institution established

in the year 1945 where the researchers will get their respondents.

Service Quality - in its contemporary conceptualisation, is a comparison

of perceived expectations of a service with perceived performance in its

contemporary conceptualization, is a comparison of perceived expectations of

a service with perceived performance 



This chapter presents a review of related literature and related studies

which provide the researchers a clear understanding about the concept and little

background information about the preference of passengers in choosing the best

airline in terms of service viewed by grade 10 students.


Service Quality

The service sector is naturally very heterogeneous and incorporates very

different operations (Silvestro et al. 1992). Service quality and services marketing

are increasingly important topics for marketers thanks to the globe transition to a

service economy, heightened global competition and a growing awareness that

services are different. Service quality is additionally more frequently recognized

as a viable marketing strategy for firms to attain service differentiation and

consumer satisfaction (Levitt 1981, Parasuraman et al. 1985).

Excellent Passenger Satisfaction

According to Archana and Subha, “Excellent passenger satisfaction is one

in all the best assets for air business in today’s competitive environment.” There

are many factors which will help an airport to make its customer base, and

passenger service and satisfaction will be a determining think about the success

of a whole operation. The research related to service quality and customer

satisfaction within the aviation industry has risen in importance because

providing high service quality is essential to the sustainability and profitability of

airlines. variety of studies have conducted in commission quality ZENITH Inter-

national Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol.2 Issue 2, February 2012,

ISSN 2231 5780 52 related theories and

methods within the airline industry. Conversely, most previous airline service

studies have relied mainly on passenger satisfaction and repair quality to

explain passenger evaluations of services and have focused on the effect of

airline service quality at the combination construct level. Although examining the

effect of individual dimensions of service attributes has potentially great utility for

airline managers, the consequences of individual dimensions of airline service

quality has not been fully investigated in previous airline service

studies. additionally, the findings would enhance the airliners to enhance their

customer relations management still as their brand loyalty. (2012)

Service Quality

Archana and Subha, stated in their study entitled “A Study on Service

Quality and Passenger Satisfaction on Indian Airlines” that service quality

conditions influences a firm’s competitive advantage by retaining customer

patronage, and with this comes market share. Delivering high-quality service to

passengers is important for airline survival, so airlines must understand what

passengers expect from their services. Service quality will be defined as a

consumer’s overall impression of the relative efficiency of the organization and its

services. Understanding exactly what customers expect is that the most vital step

in defining and delivering high-quality service. Service quality is one in every

of the most effective models for evaluating customers‟ expectations and

perceptions. The performance of a corporation ends up in passenger satisfaction

with a product or service. Passenger satisfaction is key to the practice of

consumer sovereignty. (2012)

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a result of a pre-purchase comparison between

expected performance with perceived actual performance and the consumer’s

incurred cost. Satisfaction of a customer may be a purpose of observed quality-

observed intent and notions of degree to which remarked quality unsuccessful to

counterpart customer expectations noted quality unsuccessful. Customers will

constantly evaluate the remarked performance of products or service with little

performance mark. This assumed consumer would be satisfied only when the

expected performance meets the target; vice versa, disappointment arises when

the performance is below expectation. As per Rachel and Andy (2010), those

customers are merely satisfied and that they find it simple to shift when other firm

is providing a far better cost or package while the importance of customer

satisfaction is highlighted in business where competition is severe by the Kotler

(2000).The primary objective of airline sectors to produce excellent service and

competency. (Churchill & Surprenant, 1982)

According to Punitha, Tamilchelvi, satisfaction may be a measure of how

products and services supplied by a corporation meet or surpass customer

expectation. Customer satisfaction is what guarantees the long run of airlines

and it's achievable by an adoption between their service and passenger needs.


Performance of Airline Service-Passenger Satisfaction 

The performance of service and consumer satisfaction have been related

together as shown by many previous studies.

These studies showed that overall consumer satisfaction with a service could be

positive and substantial

when the consumer services are "high quality of service," that is, service delivery 

is perceived to be equal to or better than the service expected.

(Smith & Houston 1983, Kotler 1988, Kaspar & Lemmink 1988, Lewis & Klein 19

86, Bolton & Drew 1991).

Understanding the Costumers

The authors, Arnould and Price, and Westbrook and Oliver pointed out

that customer satisfaction was encountered through

an understanding of the emotional content of services. Customers could experien

ce positive, negative or both feelings during the provision of services. (1991,


Quality of Service
Nguyen recorded a strong correlation between satisfaction and

perceived quality of service, thus drawing the inference that both terms

evaluate the same underlying construct. Low quality satisfaction can exist

whenever the expectations of a person in each situation are low and the

performance is adequate for the task.

On the other hand, literature indicates that service efficiency is

seen as a better indicator of overall service quality (Parasuraman et al 1991, Bab

akus & Boller 1992), and performance alone explains the majority of the variance

in satisfaction. (Churchill and Surprenant 1982, Bolfing & Woodrulf 1988,

Tse and Wilton 1988, Swan 1989).


Performance is defined as the extent to which products have certain

desired features or provide certain benefits. Causality path between service

quality and

costumer satisfaction is a significant unresolved issue that is discussed empiricall

y by Cronin and Taylor's (1992) report, and conceptually by Teas ' article (1993).

In the literature and among scholars, however, there is a lack of consensus about 

the causal link between the two constructs.

In comparison to the transaction emphasis in most consumer satisfaction researc

h, these contrasting viewpoints may be due, as Teas (1994) indicates, to the

regional or overall concentration of attitude in most services’ quality research.

(Teas 1993)
Desired Airline- Image

Image emerges from a customer’s net consumption experiences; hence,

perceptions of service quality affect corporate image. Doyle and Wong (1998)

found that successful companies have a differential advantage in overall

company reputation and communicate it as quality to their customers (Solomon,

1985). Often, they can command premium prices (Tepeci, 1999). It is found that

the most important criterion for customers selecting a company is because of

their reputation (Boyd et al., 1994; Darby,1999) while Rogerson (1983) stated

that good reputation could increase an organization's sales, attract more

customers, and reduce customer departures.


The following studies were found by the researchers as relevant and closely with

this study:

One of the important advances in the field of performance enhancement,

according to Dr. Ebrahim Albonaeimi, was the assessment of customer

satisfaction as a major necessity of management systems in businesses and

firms. Numerous attempts by business managers and experts to enhance

performance management strategies and build customer responses demonstrate

that customer satisfaction is one of the key factors in business matters for any

company. Because customer satisfaction is one of the key factors for any

company, in Zagross Airlines he studied the impact of quality of service on

customer satisfaction. He used questionnaires for gathering data to check this

study's 6 hypothesis. The questionnaires were distributed by 380 Zagross

Airlines customers. To evaluate the relationship between our variables we used

SPSS software to link the variables to each other. The findings show a strong

and meaningful relationship between customer satisfaction and quality of service.

Moving on from David Mc. A Baker it is important to examine the level of

service and customer satisfaction of the top 14 U.S. airlines from 2007 to 2011

using data from the Transportation Department Air Travel Reports. His research

aimed to compare customer satisfaction and quality of service with respect to the

dimensions of quality of airlines and then to assess the relationships between the

dimensions of quality of service and the satisfaction of passengers on airline

services. A thorough review of the literature showed that the airline industry has

faced several challenges: cutting costs, handling fluctuating demand, keeping to

strict quality requirements while trying to maintain superior services and meeting

the needs of different customer classes. Statistics is obtained from the Air Travel

Consumer Report of the Department of Transportation for the following

measures: percentage of arrival on schedule, passengers denied boarding,

mishandled luggage and consumer concerns. Results indicate that while

mainstream carriers converge towards a higher level of quality of service using

the four steps, substantial variability continues to exist. In this report, the service

quality of low-cost airlines was generally found to be higher than that of

conventional legacy airlines over a five-year period from 2007 to 2011.

The airline industry is, as we know, one of the major economic drivers for

growth, development and employment in any region, according to Ma Aleiah

Narag. The rapid expansion of the Philippine airline industry has been

demonstrated in increasing the number of air traffic and airline companies

operating in the Philippines, whether local or international flights. To date the

Philippine has 34 foreign and local airlines. In any company the goal or purpose

of any marketer is to please the consumer. Excellent customer satisfaction is one

of the greatest assets in today's competitive environment for air travel

companies. Passenger satisfaction service occurs when an organization can

provide services to travelers that meet the needs of customers, and this is called

value-added. If consumers are happy with the product or service provided by the

company, they can purchase more and more regularly carry out air travel. For

each airline offering passenger services, customer satisfaction is an important

aim. Now, the on-board experience is something unique for the company.

Customers have a wide choice to choose the best airline product to meet their

needs. Airlines Companies are therefore continuously working on the production

and advancement of in-flight products to differentiate themselves from their

rivals. There are several factors that can help an Airlines company develop its

customer base, and the quality and satisfaction of passengers can be a deciding

factor in the performance of a whole business.

It's needed to determine customer satisfaction of local airlines, according

to Angelica C. Caiga, Kamille D. Delgado, Sandra Monica B. Madayag, Justine

Andrea D. Malaluan, Norrienne G. Onda, Lyndsay Gwyneth M. Torres Maria Fe

L. Meñez. Specifically, it sought to present the profile of the respondents in terms

of occupation, educational attainment, frequency of travel, and purpose of travel;

determine the customer satisfaction in terms of airline tangibles, terminal

tangibles, personnel quality, empathy, and airline image; and test the significant

difference on the assessment of customer service when grouped according to

profile. The study utilized descriptive approach and used an adapted

questionnaire distributed among 305 passengers from two Philippine-based

airlines. The respondents are pleased with the services provided by local airlines

which are important to staff efficiency, tangible airline, airline image, tangible

terminal and empathy. There is a significant difference in satisfaction of the

respondents when clustered according to travel duration, and educational

achievement.(2) In addition, a highly significant disparity is observed in airline

tangible and terminal tangible when grouped for travel purposes, and in the

selection of workers when grouped by occupation. The guidelines suggested

including conducting customer satisfaction surveys, offering more flight

schedules and trainings for local airline employees to increase customer

satisfaction with their services.

According to Ivan Bartolata, Lynnel M. Basmayor, Moriah Geneva V. De

Guia, Jee Young H. Hwang, Francise A. Imatong, Jennevieve C. Loyola, they are

concerned with determining the level of satisfaction of tourist travelers with the

quality of service at Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal-3 in

Manila, Philippines, using SERVQUAL's five dimensions, namely, tangibility,

reliabilization.The research used the descriptive form, and the survey

questionnaire was distributed to 200 tourist travelers passing through NAIA

Terminal-3. The results showed that NAIA Terminal-3 received a very

satisfactory feedback from travelers in terms of tangibility, confidence and

empathy but for reliability and sensitivity the travelers were only moderately

satisfied with the services provided by the Terminal.The waiting area also had

the highest ranking among the terminal areas which needed improvement

followed by services, departure area, arrival area, check-in counter, parking and

security. The study concluded that while NAIA Terminal-3 provides good quality

services based on an overall traveler satisfaction assessment.(3) It suggested

that NAIA Terminal-3 management concentrate on the future development of the

terminal by adding an additional collection of rooms and/or chairs in the waiting

area, additional space / rooms for travelers using the terminal, especially during

peak season, to prevent overcrowding inside the terminal, as well as more

modernized facilities and equipment, more security guards and closed-loops.

Passenger satisfaction in airline operations has become critically

important and Dennett, Ineson, Stone, and Colgate (2000) suggest that as

competition created by deregulation has become more intense, service quality

within the airline industry has also received more attention. Airline companies

also attempted to differentiate their services through the employment of

computerized reservation systems which were also designed to make customer

loyalty within the distribution channels (Lee and Cunningham, 1996). However,

despite the airlines‟ efforts to differentiate their services, an intensive survey of

frequent fliers conducted by Ott (1993) revealed that customers didn't perceive

any difference from one carrier to a different.

Wong and Musa (2011) found that airline industry has undergone through

a quick moving ride for the past few years. one among the most developments

within the current aviation industry is that the growing popularity of low-cost

airline with prime quality service. The competition between Malaysia airlines and

Air Pacific has been cutthroat as regards to cost factor. Both the airlines have

different customer base and hence offers different service experience. It's been

noticed that customers are becoming attracted towards the intangible service

where price is a smaller amount than the services being provided.

Archana and Subha (2011) have studied the factors which influences on

passenger satisfaction. they need identified that Cuisines provided, seat comfort,

safety these factors have a vital role in customer satisfaction. They need also

found that customer satisfaction depends on personal entertainment, which is a

vital consider flying decisions of passenger. in line with their study online seat

booking, center facilities and reservation/cancellation are highest influencing

consider flying decisions of the passengers. The study covers a sample of 270

respondents and survey was conduct at the Chennai international terminal of

Tamil Nadu during May-June 2011.Sampling was done by interviewing randomly

selected passengers at different time of daily. A structured questionnaire was

used for collecting the info.

Mahajan, Rau (2010) on the customer satisfaction is a vital tool in

developing the customer satisfaction measures and establishing business

processes that link quality with customer satisfaction. In recent years, there has

been considerable managerial interest in defining, measuring and developing

customer satisfaction to fulfill the competitive challenges among the industries.

Airlines are laid low with such competition. Airlines must understand that

customer satisfaction is what guarantees the long run of those companies and it's

achieved by an adoption of a comparative tool to attenuate discrepancies

between their services and passenger’s needs. Various researches are available

which clearly depict the satisfaction among the purchasers. In India low cost

airline industry goes through a noteworthy phase of competition. Layoffs,

shutdowns and industry consolidation have bettered employee morale which

shows up the negative influence on the satisfaction level of the purchasers. The

methodology is employed was supported data collection, primary and secondary

data. The researcher found that majority of the purchasers are satisfied the

services offered by Indian Airlines.

Bhuvaneswaran, Vijayranagam (2013) started their research by the

sentences that “The World has turned in to global village” and mentioned that

India is additionally that an element of that village and thanked from booming of

civil aviation industry which has helped more people in traveling from one place

to a different place in Tamil Nadu. The international airlines are carrying on the

operation in India mainly due to the very fact that they attract people in India

largely the business and leisure travelers. Domestic airline within the India

remained stagnant over many decades. Deep-rooted bureaucratic policies

constrained, and development and the state monopolized all the domestic

aviation decisions. The survey captured the perceptions of passengers who are

now travelling during this rapidly changing environment of freer and more
competitive markets. India’s first low cost carrier, Air India has changed the

competitive landscape within India. The survey results confirm the hypothesis

that their- exists two distinct markets, one comprising those passengers who

choose a full-service airline and the other people who select a coffee cost carrier.

The study supported primary data, they need collected through administrative

interview schedule to passengers and airline employees and private observation

and discussion with customers and employees.


Looking for Related Literatures and Studies play an important role in

achieving success for the researchers’ study. The literatures and studies given

by the researchers are all pertaining to one common idea which is Passenger

Satisfaction or Service Quality of an Airline. All the details gathered are relevant

to the researchers’ topic, thus such ideas may strengthen their stand and goals

to be able to understand and come up with a conclusion for their questions.

Amongst many related literatures, 10 were chosen which are highly

relevant to understand some terms and statements that may be of use in the

researchers’ study. All these defined service quality, performance and costumers’

satisfaction; however, there may be differences since the researchers

responsible for these literatures may have came up with different results.

Literature that came from Archana and Subha (2012), Churchill and Surprenant,

(1982) and Punitha and Tamilchelvi’s (2013) study all talked about costumer

satisfaction wherein according to them, it strongly relies on the quality of the

Airline’s service. On the other hand, Silvestro et al. (1992), Archana and Subha

(2012), Smith & Houston (1983), Kotler (1988), Kaspar & Lemmink (1988), Lewis

& Klein (1986), Bolton & Drew (1991), Nguyen (1991), Teas’s (1993) literature all

pertain to one common idea which is the performance and quality of service

given by the Airlines. All of them agreed that giving the best quality of service is

very important for airline survival since what they give or offer will be the basis of

the passenger’s impression.

Moving on, the given Related Studies are all relevant and does contain

certain information that bear similarity to the study the will researchers’ conduct.

Among these, the study by David Mc. A Baker, and Archana & Subha have the

closest content of study the researchers’ want to pursue. In David Mc. A Baker’s

study, he stated that it is important to examine the level of service and customer

satisfaction. His research aimed to compare customer satisfaction and quality of

service with respect to the dimensions of quality of airlines and then to assess

the relationships between the dimensions of quality of service and the

satisfaction of passengers on airline services. Hence, Archana and Subha have

studied the factors which influences on passenger satisfaction. they need

identified that Cuisines provided, seat comfort, safety these factors have a vital

role in customer satisfaction.

Nevertheless, all this information is vital for the researcher to attain a

successful study. The given informations paved way for further discovery and

understanding. Lastly, by then it would take less effort for the researchers to
understand their topic since these Related Literature and Studsies may serve as

their guide or basis as they go on through their study.










The research design that was used is the phenomenology, where the

researchers made use of the respondents’ personal experience to get the result

on what airlines give the best service, in terms of safety, comfort and

convenience. With it, the researchers are able to determine what is the most

chosen airlines by grade 10 students who already travelled by air, either

domestic or international. Through this research that uses this kind of design, the

researchers will be able to draw conclusions exactly from what the respondent’s

experience. Rest assured that the study conducted is unbiased and produced a

balanced and free observation and interpretation. Using Phenomenology as

research approach, endorsed airlines will matter through the perception and

preference of the grade 10 students, by the end of the study.


In order to gain the necessary information and data on passenger

preference in choosing the best airline, the researchers opt out of considering

passengers who at least once ride on an airplane. We have Our Lady of

Caysasay Academy Grade 10 students as research respondents. In our

research, they were chosen as respondents since our pre-survey culminated in

Grade 10 having the largest number of students that already ride a plane.

Respondents will indicate the importance of different factors influencing their

satisfaction with a trip, the perceived importance of different physical factors in

determining their comfort level, and the ease of time spent doing flight activities.

In addition, the selected respondents may help the researchers collect reliable

and truthful information that will give us accurate data in our analysis. The

information collected from survey questionnaires for the respondents will be used

as the basis for the study's statistical analysis.


The researchers decided to use a survey questionnaire to gather the

needed data to come up with a possible conclusion. This type of data gathering

instrument will be able to provide accurate results containing questions related to

the study. Thus, it will help researchers to have a successful outcome of the

study. The survey questionnaires used was validated by Ms. Maricar Joy

Tipawan to ensure the questions are related and will provide relevant

information. Survey questionnaires are then given to the respondents to gather

needed data.

Directions: Fill in the appropriate details in the following fields. Check (✓) the

field of your answer. Explain if needed.

1. How Many Times have you ride an airplane?

2. Was it a Domestic or an International flight?

3. What is/are the airlines that you flew with?

4. How much does it usually cost when buying a ticket for the airline/s you’ve


5. How do you Book a ticket? Is it via online site or over-the-counter?

6. Of the airlines you have used, which is your most favorite? Why?

7. Which Airline do you think is the most passenger-friendly? Why?

8. What was your primary purpose when you took the flight?

9. How was your experience with all the crew of the airlines?

10. How could they improve their service to satisfy your needs?

11. What do you look forward to when riding a specific airline/s bus/ airline?

12. Do you participate in airline reward Program?

13. Thinking of your most recent flight, how would you rate the on-board travel


14. In general, Air travel for you in the past year has


Since the researchers’ study is all about finding the respondent’s

preference on choosing the best airline for their travel, a survey questionnaire will

be used. The researchers considered survey questionnaires as the best

procedure since it would be the fastest and easiest way to acquire the valid result

the researchers desire. Before distributing the survey questionnaire, a pre-survey

will be made to know how many respondents shall be given of the questionnaire.

It will be conducted in the school premises; to all Grade 10 students who’ve

experienced riding on an airplane. With the collected answers, the researchers

will analyze it thoroughly, and use the data for their statistical treatment.

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