Measurement: - Simple Machines

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1. Measurement

I. Need For Standard Units

II. Measurement Of Length
III. Measurement Of Area
IV. Measurement Of Volume
V. Measurement Of Mass
VI. Measurement Of Time
VII. Measurement Of Temperature
VIII. Approximation And Estimation
. Force, Energy, And Work

I. Effects Of Force
II. Types Of Force
III. Friction
IV. Measuring Forces
V. Pressure
VI. Work
VII. Energy
VIII. Energy Chains
. Simple Machines

I. Simple Machines
. Magnetism

I. Magnetic And Non-Magnetic

II. Properties Of A Magnet
III. Making A Magnet
IV. Storing Magnets
V. Uses Of Magnets
. Nature Of Matter

I. States Of Matter
II. Particulate Nature Of Matter
III. Elements And Compounds
IV. Symbols And Formulae
. Pure And Mixed Substances

I. Need For Separating The

Components Of A Mixture
II. Methods Of Separating Mixtures
. Water

I. Three States Of Water

II. Water Cycle
III. Importance Of Water
IV. Need For Potable Water
V. Water As A Solvent
VI. Water Pollution
. Air

I. Importance Of Air
II. Burning
III. Photosynthesis
IV. Rusting
. Changes Around Us
I. Reversible And Irreversible
II. Periodic And Non-Periodic
III. Desirable And Undesirable
IV. Physical And Chemical Changes
. Rocks And Minerals

I. Types Of Rocks
II. Minerals And Ores
. Soil

I. Soil Formation
II. Types Of Soil
III. Importance Of Soil For Plants
IV. Fossils
. Life On Earth

I. Characteristics Of Living Things

II. Differences Between Plants And
III. Classification And The Need For
IV. Scientific Names
. Structure And Function Of Plant Parts

I. Root
II. Stem
III. Leaves
IV. Flowers
V. Fruits And Seeds
VI. Dispersal Of Seeds
. Health And Hygiene

I. Balanced Diet
II. Exercise And Rest
III. Personal Cleanliness
IV. Cleanliness Of The Surroundings
V. Basic First Aid
VI. Diseases
VII. Pollution
. Our Environment

I. Earth: A Unique Planet

II. Components Of The Environment
III. Conservation Of Resources

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