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Cleanliness [klénli:nis] or [klɛnlinɪs[

- (n) the habit or state of keeping yourself or your environment free from dirt
- (n) the state of being clean, or the act of keeping things clean

2. Array [əréi] or [əréɪ]

- (v) to place (a group of things) in a particular position so that they are in order
or so that they look attractive
- (v) to dress (someone, especially yourself) in fine clothing
- (n) a large group or number of things

3. Stigmata [stígmətə] or [stɪgmɑtǝ]

4. Whole [houl] or [hoʊl]
- (adj) complete or full
- (n) a complete amount or sum

5. Scion [sáiǝn] or [sáɪǝn]

- a young shoot or twig of a plant, especially one cut for grafting or rooting
- a descendant of a notable family

6. News [nu:z] or [nuz]

- a broadcast or published report of news
- information not previously known to someone

7. Utensil [ju:ténsǝl] or [jutɛnsǝl]

- an implement, container, or other article, especially for household use

8. Characteristic [kæriktǝrístik] or [kærɪktǝrɪstɪk] or [kɛrǝktǝrístik]

- (adj) typical of a particular person, place, or thing
- (n) a feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing and
serving to identify it

9. Culture [kʌltʃǝr]
- (n) the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded
- (v) maintain (tissue cells, bacteria, etc.) in conditions suitable for growth

10. Caffeine [kæfí:n] or [kǽfi:n] or [kæfín]

- a crystalline compound that is found especially in tea and coffee plants and is
a stimulant of the central nervous system
- a chemical substance found in coffee, tea, and cocoa,
which affects your brain and body and makes you more active

11. Pomade [pəméid] or [pəmɑd] or [pəméɪd]

- (n) a scented ointment applied to the hair or scalp
- (v) apply pomade to
12. Audacious [ɔdéiʃǝs] or [ɔdéɪʃǝs]
- showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks
- showing an impudent lack of respect

13. Bodacious [boudéiʒəs] or [boʊdéɪʒəs]

- excellent, admirable, or attractive
- audacious in a way considered admirable

14. Viscount [váikaunt] or [váɪkaʊnt]

- a British nobleman ranking above a baron and below an earl
- a nobleman next below an earl or count and next above a baron

15. Beau [bou] or [boʊ]

- a boyfriend or male admirer
- a rich, fashionable young man; a dandy

16. Bucolic [bju:kɒlik] or [bjukɒlɪk] or [bjukɑlɪk]

- (adj) relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life
- (n) a pastoral poem

17. Apropos [ǽprǝpou] or [æprǝpóu] or [æprǝpóʊ]

- (prep) with reference to; concerning
- (adj) very appropriate to a particular situation

18. Degage [deigɑʒéi] or [deɪgɑʒéɪ]

- (adj) unconcerned or unconstrained; relaxed
- (n) [ballet] pointing of the foot to an open position with an arched instep slightly
off the floor

19. Potassium [pǝtǽsi:ǝm] or [pǝtǽsiǝm]

- the chemical element of atomic number 19
- a soft silvery-white reactive metal of the alkali metal group

20. Centennial [senténi:ǝl] or [sɛntɛniǝl]

- (adj) relating to a hundredth anniversary
- (n) a hundredth anniversary

21. Calcium [kǽlsi:ǝm] or [kǽlsiǝm]

- the chemical element of atomic number 20
- a soft gray metal

22. Mortgage [mɔrgiʤ] or [mɔrgɪʤ]

- (n) a legal agreement by which a bank or other creditor lends money at interest
in exchange for taking title of the debtor's property, with the condition that the
conveyance of title becomes void upon the payment of the debt
- (v) convey (a property) to a creditor as security on a loan
23. Sauce [sɔs]
- (n) thick liquid served with food, usually savory dishes, to add moistness and
- (v) provide a sauce for (something); season with a sauce
- (v) [informal] be rude or impudent to (someone)

24. Thailand [táilænd] or [táɪlænd]

- a country in Southeast Asia

25. Gross [grous] or [groʊs]

- (adj) (especially of wrongdoing) very obvious and unacceptable; blatant
- (n) an amount equal to twelve dozen; 144

26. Pizza [pí:tsǝ] or [pítsǝ]

- a dish of Italian origin consisting of a flat, round base of dough baked with a
topping of tomato sauce and cheese, typically with added meat or vegetables

27. Category [kǽtǝgɔri:] or [kǽtǝgɔri] or [kǽtǝgouri:] or [kǽtǝgoʊri]

- a class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared
- [philosophy] one of a possibly exhaustive set of classes among which all
things might be distributed

28. Mature [mǝtúǝr] or [mǝtjúǝr] or [mǝtʃúǝr]

- (adj) fully developed physically; full-grown
- (v) (of a person) reach an advanced stage of mental or emotional development

29. Flammable [flǽmǝb’l]

- easily set on fire
- liable to catch fire

30. Compromise [kɒmprǝmɑiz] or [kɒmprǝmɑɪz]

- (n) an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making
- (v) settle a dispute by mutual concession

31. Percentage [pǝrséntiʤ] or [pǝrsɛntɪʤ]

- a rate, number, or amount in each hundred
- any proportion or share in relation to a whole

32. Mango [mǽŋgou] or [mǽŋgoʊ]

- a fleshy yellowish-red tropical fruit that is eaten ripe or used green for pickles
or chutneys
- a tropical American hummingbird that typically has green plumage with
purple feathers on the wings, tail, or head
33. New Hampshire [nuhǽmpʃǝr[
- State in the northeastern United States
- One of the New England states

34. Arkansas [ɑrkǝnsɔ]

- a state in the southeastern region of the United States

35. Connecticut [kǝnétikǝt] or [kǝnɛtɪkǝt]

36. Guitarist [gɪtɑrɪst]

- a person who plays the guitar

37. Evaluate [ivǽlju:eit] or [ɪvǽljueɪt]

- form an idea of the amount, number, or value of
- assess

38. Example [igzǽmp’l] or [ɪgzǽmp’l] or [igzɑmp’l] or [ɪgzɑmp’l]

- (n) a thing characteristic of its kind or illustrating a general rule
- (v) be illustrated or exemplified

39. Cocoa [koukou] or [koʊkoʊ]

- a chocolate powder made from roasted and ground cacao seeds
- a hot drink made from cocoa powder mixed with sugar and milk or water

40. Exhaust [igzɔst] or [ɪgzɔst]

- drain (someone) of their physical or mental resources
- tire out

41. Excellent [eksǝlǝnt] or [ɛksǝlǝnt]

- extremely good
- outstanding

42. Graduate [grǽʤu:it] or [grǽʤuɪt]

- (n) a person who has successfully completed a course of study or training,
especially a person who has been awarded an undergraduate academic degree
- (v) change (something, typically color or shade) gradually or step by step

43. Produce [prǝdú:s] or [prǝdús] or [prǝdjú:s] or [prǝdjús]

- (v) make or manufacture from components or raw materials
- (n) things that have been produced or grown, especially by farming

44. You tube [jutub]

- upload a video of (someone or something) to the video-sharing website
- search for or watch on YouTube
45. Secretary [sékriteri:] or [sɛkrɪtɛri]
- a person employed by an individual or in an office to assist with
correspondence, keep records, make appointments, and carry out similar tasks
- an official in charge of a government department

46. Radius [réidi:ǝs] or [réɪdiǝs]

- a straight line from the center to the circumference of a circle or sphere
- [anatomy] the thicker and shorter of the two bones in the human forearm

47. Jeopardy [ʤépǝrdi:] or [ʤɛpǝrdi]

- danger of loss, harm, or failure
- [law] danger arising from being on trial for a criminal offense

48. Length [leŋθ] or [lɛŋθ] or [leŋkθ] or [lɛŋkθ]

- the measurement or extent of something from end to end; the greater of two or
the greatest of three dimensions of a body
- a degree or extreme to which a course of action is taken

49. Inventory [ínvǝntɔri:] or [ɪnvǝntɔri] or [ínvǝntouri:] or [ɪnvǝntoʊri]

- (n) a complete list of items such as property, goods in stock, or the contents of a
- (v) make a complete list of

50. Organization [ɔrgǝnizéiʃǝn] or [ɔrgǝnɪzéɪʃǝn]

- an organized body of people with a particular purpose, especially a business,
society, association, etc
- the action of organizing something

51. Tuesday [tú:zdi:] or tju:zdi:] or [tu:zdei] or [tju:zdei]

[túzdi] or tjuzdi] or [tuzdeɪ] or [tjuzdeɪ]
- the day of the week before Wednesday and following Monday

52. Processes [prɑsesǝz]

- (n) series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end
- (v) perform a series of mechanical or chemical operations on (something) in
order to change or preserve it

53. Expectant [ikspéktǝnt] or [ɪkspɛktǝnt]

- having or showing an excited feeling that something is about to happen,
especially something pleasant and interesting
- (of a woman) pregnant

54. Mandala [mǝndǝlǝ]

- a geometric figure representing the universe in Hindu and Buddhist
- [psychoanalysis] a symbol in a dream, representing the dreamer's search for
completeness and self-unity

55. Arduous [ɑrʤuǝs]

- involving or requiring strenuous effort
- difficult and tiring

56. Plaid [plæd]

- checkered or tartan twilled cloth, typically made of wool

57. Erogenous [irɒʤǝnǝs] or [ɪrɒʤǝnǝs]

- (of a part of the body) sensitive to sexual stimulation

58. Bury [béri:] or [bɛri]

- put or hide under ground
- completely cover; cause to disappear or become inconspicuous

59. Circumstances [sǝ:rkǝmstænsi:z] or [sǝ:rkǝmstænsiz]

- facts or conditions connected with or relevant to an event or action
- one's state of financial or material welfare

60. Menu [ménju:] or [mɛnju]

- a list of dishes available in a restaurant
- [computing] a list of commands or options, especially one displayed on screen

61. Rose [rouz] or [roʊz]

- prickly bush or shrub that typically bears red, pink, yellow, or white fragrant
flowers, native to north temperate regions. Numerous hybrids and cultivars
have been developed and are widely grown as ornamentals
- a perforated cap attached to a shower, the spout of a watering can, or the end
of a hose to produce a spray

62. Busy [bízi:] or [bɪzi]

63. Of [ʌv] or [ɒv]
64. Rise [raiz] or [raɪz]
65. Comforte
66. Diabetes [daiǝbí:ti:z] or [daɪǝbítiz]
67. Affidavit [æfidéivit] or [æfɪdéɪvɪt]
68. Jeopardy [ʤépǝrdi:] or [ʤɛpǝrdi]
69. Capability [keipǝbíliti:] or [keɪpǝbɪlɪti]
70. Flammable [flǽmǝb’l]
71. Chocolate [ʧɔkǝlit] or [ʧɒkǝlit] or [ʧɔklit] or [ʧɒklit]
[ʧɔkǝlɪt] or [ʧɒkǝlɪt] or [ʧɔklɪt] or [ʧɒklɪt]
72. Radiant [réidi:ǝnt] or [réɪdiǝnt]
73. Vulgar [vʌlgǝr]
74. Oven [ʌvǝn]
75. Shove [ʃʌv]
76. Any [eni:] or [ɛni]
77. Purchase [pǝ:rʧǝs]
78. Southern [sʌđǝrn]
79. Gigantic [ʤaigǽntik] or [ʤaɪgǽntɪk]
80. Cupboard [kʌbǝrd]
81. Says [sez] or [sɛz]
82. Hamburger [hǽmbǝ:rgǝr]
83. Curriculum vitae [kǝríkjulǝmváiti:] or [kǝrɪkjulǝmváɪti]
84. Alga [ǽlgǝ] vs. algae [ǽlʤi:] or [ǽlʤi]
85. Antenna [ænténǝ] or [æntɛnǝ] vs antennae [ænténi:] or [æntɛni]
86. Vegetable ( in two acceptable ways) [véʤitǝb’l] or [vɛʤɪtǝb’l] or [véʤtǝb’l[
87. Wound (v) vs. Wound (n) [wu:nd] or [wund]
88. Cupboard [kʌbǝrd]
89. Sigmund Freud [sɪgmǝnd frɔɪd]
90. Supervisor [sú:pǝrvaizǝr] or [súpǝrvaɪzǝr]
91. Salmon [sǽmǝn]
92. Bourgeoisie [buǝrʒwɑzí:] or [buǝrʒwɑzí]
93. Rendezvous [rɑndivu:] or [rɑndɪvu] or [rɑndeivu:] or [rɑndeɪvu]
94. Forehead [fɔrid] [fɔrɪd] or [fɒrid] [fɒrɪd] or [fɔrhed[ or fɒrhed[
95. Pellagra [pǝléigrǝ]
96. Liaison [liéɪzɑn]
97. Entrepreneur [ɑntrǝprǝnǝ:r] or [ɑntrǝprǝnúǝr]
98. Ensemble [ɑnsɑmb’l]
99. Alternate (v) [ɔltǝrneit] or [ɔltǝrneɪt] vs. Alternate (adj) [ɔltǝrnit] or [ɔltǝrnɪt]
100. Corsage [kɔrsɑʒ]
101. Façade [fǝsɑd] or [fæsɑd]
102. Magna cum laude [mǽgnǝkumlaʊdǝ]
103. Fluorescent [flʊrɛsǝnt]
104. Adolescent [æd’lésǝnt] or [æd’lɛsǝnt]
105. Precedent [présidǝnt] or [prɛsɪdǝnt]
106. Antecedent [æntisi:d’nt] or [æntɪsid’nt]
107. Glacier [gléiʃǝr] or [gléɪʃǝr]
108. Epitome [ipítǝmi:] or [ɪpɪtǝmi]
109. Ennui [ɑnwi:]
110. Meringue [mǝrǽŋ]
111. Esprit d’ corps [esprí:dǝkɔr] or [ɛsprídǝkɔr]
112. Entourage [ɑnturɑʒ]
113. Precis [préisi:] or [préɪsi]
114. Govern [gʌvǝrn]
115. Depot [dí:pou] [dípoʊ] or [dépou] [dɛpoʊ]
116. Queue [kju:] or [kju]
117. Tomb [tu:m] or [tum]
118. Palm [pɑm]
119. Engineer [enʤiníǝr] or [ɛnʤɪníǝr]

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